Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 297 I beg you to stop chatting!

"No! Peter is not dead! He deceived everyone!

He, like me, is also a f*ck Gus. He has been disguised as a mouse, just lurking next to that kid. Even if he turns to ashes, I can recognize him! "

Black cast a fierce look at Ron.

Ron was scared to be retreated by the madness in Black's eyes. But then, his heart was filled with endless anger.

"You put P!"

While angering Black, Ron couldn't help sighing that the other party deserved to be the most wanted criminal of the Ministry of Magic, and his level of viciousness was far beyond his imagination.

Shaban is so pitiful!

When he was alive, he had to be chased by Hermione's stupid cat. When he died, he couldn't even leave a whole body.

And now, Shaban has been dead for so long, so he is still being framed by a wanted man?

This is really outrageous!

"What I said is true! Harry, listen, I know it's hard to believe, but Peter is the traitor, he is Voldemort's running dog, he deceived everyone and killed your parents!"

Black said anxiously.

He is not afraid of death, and even Death can be called a relief for him.

He was not afraid that Harry hated him, because Harry was qualified to hate him. Back then, if he hadn't been smart enough to persuade James and eventually replaced the secretaries, Harry would not have lost his parents.

Therefore, even if he died in Harry's hands, Black had no complaints.


There is only one thing that Black cannot accept anyway.

That is, that traitor, Pettigrew Peter, is still alive!

"Shut up, Black! Everyone knows that you are Voldemort's running dog! It was you who betrayed my parents and caused them to be killed by Voldemort! And Peter, he is a hero! He tried to avenge my parents! , But was brutally killed by you!"

Har used his wand to stab Black hard in the forehead.

His patience is almost exhausted! He can't wait to kill Black and avenge his own parents!

However, when I thought of this, I don't know why, Harry found that his own hand, why would he tremble?

"He is not a hero!"

Black roared.

Its hideous expression, coupled with that skull-like face, gave people the illusion of The Underworld Devil.

"Give me that mouse! I have a way to get rid of his Af*ck Gus transformation! Then, Harry, you will know the truth!"

"Do not make jokes!"

Harry roared back, too.

I don't know if he was angry because of the content of Black's words, or because of his trembling right hand that was getting stronger and harder?

"Banban is dead long ago!"

"Yes! Shaban was killed by the damn Bell from Ravenclaw College a few months ago!"

Ron was also out of anger.

The extreme anger overwhelmed his fear of Black, Ron stepped forward and kicked Black's calf hard.

In fact, Ron wanted to give Black a cruel kick in his stomach, to take a good breath for his passing away.

Unfortunately, it was blocked by Neville.

In other words, Black has been talking about Af*ck Gus and so on since just now, what is that?

"Harry, stop listening to his nonsense! He must have been in Azkaban for so long that his mind is completely crazy. I heard my dad say that Azkaban is not a human being. Where to stay."

Don't say it's Harry anymore, Ron is a little bit trying to kill the Damn it's Black now.

And Blake, who didn't know he was playing the piano to the cow, only then learned that Peter was dead? Or was it dead several months ago?

This sudden good news made Blake a burst of despair.

So, what is his persistence and patience over the past few months?

Now that Peter is dead, what should he do?

Seeing Black who had suddenly lost all energy and lying on the ground like a dead body, Harry and Ron looked at each other suspiciously.

The lie of the other party should be able to be seen through by an individual, right? As for being so lost?

Is it possible that the two of you are actually very smart?

Suddenly the two people, who were a little proud, took a deep breath and calmed down the excitement in their hearts.

Neville is still maintaining Mount Tai on the ground. This is not the time to be happy.

Having said that, why haven't you heard Neville's voice for a long time?

"Neville, are you okay?"

Harry asked worriedly.

It was too dark, and with Neville still facing them, Harry couldn't be sure of Neville's current state.

Could it be that Neville was just injured by Black?

"One, not at all, not good."

There was an unconcealable sense of weakness in Neville's voice.

‘Oops, Neville is hurt! ’

Harry blamed himself.

He had patronized Black for revenge before, but he didn't even notice Neville's abnormality.

‘Navi, you must be fine! ’

"He is too, too stinky."

However, before Harry was worried about going to the ground to check Neville's injury, Neville slapped back the steps Harry was about to take.

No matter how much you reduce your breathing rate, you still have to breathe after all.

Neville was dizzy by the sour smell on Black's body.

"Please, you guys, hurry up."

There are limits to the patience of honest people! Please stop chatting!

"Uh... sorry."

Harry sincerely apologized to Neville and decided to hurry up.

However, in the next second, Harry got into trouble again.

He wanted to kill Black himself at first. Of course, even now, he is extremely eager to kill Black with his own hands.

But why!

Obviously Black's head is already within reach, but why can't he get it?

A hand suddenly fell on his trembling right hand, and Harry turned his head to look at Ron.

"Harry, give him to the Ministry of Magic. This kind of guy is not worth your dirty hands."

Ron saw his friend's hesitation.

Originally, he didn't agree with Harry killing Black himself. After all, killing or something is not a lighthearted thing.

Now seeing Harry hesitating and unable to make a move, Ron also took advantage of the trend to stop Harry.


Harry put down his wand in silence.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. But after Ron handed him a step, Harry had to admit that he was indeed relieved.


In place of Harry, Ron cast a coma spell on Black.

"Well, Neville, you can get up."

Hearing Ron's words, Neville quickly got up with agility he had never had before. He trot and ran farther from Black before taking a few deep breaths of fresh air.

In the forbidden forest at night, the fragrant air of nature is so fascinating.

For the first time in his life, Neville felt that this world is so beautiful.

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