Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 411 Can you understand when you grow up?

For Gabriel's proposal, Fleur certainly refused. But she really can't do anything with the other party.

So in the end, Furong could only reluctantly sit on Bell's left side.

When she sat down, she gave Bell a vicious look and warned Bell to be honest, or don't blame her for being rude.

It's a pity that Bell didn't see Furong's warning at all. Because at this time, a table full of delicacies had already appeared on the dining table, and the alluring aroma wafted out, attracting all his mind.

Hibiscus? what is that? Tasty?

Picking up the knife and fork, Bell's hands traversed the afterimages, and he used his own stunt for many years of cultivation, ninjutsu: the art of disappearing food!

Keke, don’t ask Bell why a wizard uses ninjutsu, it’s ‘Second Disease’.

As the saying goes, men are young until they die, not to mention, Bell is now 15 years old.

"Brother-in-law, are your Hogwarts meals so delicious!?"

A piece of beef was inserted from the closest plate, and the little girl was shocked as soon as Gabriel put the beef in her mouth.

She swears that even the food prepared by her mother is not as delicious as the piece of beef in her mouth. She has never eaten something so delicious!

Looking up at the Big Brother Big Sisters who were gorging themselves, Gabriel suddenly didn't want to leave.

By the way, should she act like a baby with her own Big sis so that Big sis agrees to her coming to Hogwarts school in the future?

"If it tastes delicious, eat more."

Bell took a break from his busy schedule and said proudly.

Don't get me wrong, he is not proud of the fact that Hogwarts' meals can instantly capture the heart of a little girl. He is proud of his Lim.

You know, the Hogwarts food level, the reason why there is such a huge Ascension, but Lim's credit.

After obtaining Bell's permission, Lim unreservedly taught the essence of the cooking techniques of various countries that he had learned over the years to the house elves in Hogwarts.

This move not only made the Menethil family reap the gratitude and admiration of many house elves, but also gave the little wizards of Hogwarts a taste.

"Hmm! Brother-in-law, I want to eat that fried chicken over there!"

Gabriel chewed quickly while still remembering what was in the pot.

‘Swipe~! ’

An afterimage flashed past, and the plate full of fried chicken appeared in Bell's hands.

He first separated some and put them on the dinner plate in front of Gabriel, then put the rest into his mouth and ate it.

"You don't even vomit bones!?"

I have the same preference as my Little Sister's hibiscus. I originally wanted to eat a piece of fried chicken. Try the Hogwarts food that makes my picky Little Sister full of praise. What is the taste?

But who would have thought that her fork was only halfway out, and that plate disappeared?

Then in the blink of an eye, the plate came back?

It's just that the food on the plate has disappeared completely.

"It's okay, I can digest it."

Facing Furong's ‘concern’, Bell showed a hearty smile, and then he immersed himself in a big meal.

After so many years of strengthening, his current mouth and digestive ability are not covered.

I remember once, when he was reading in the afternoon, he encountered a problem that bothered him very much.

This caused him to be a little absent-minded during dinner, thinking about the problem in his head.

But when his inspiration came to light and finally figured it out, he was surprised to find that the people around him were watching him with extremely horrified eyes without knowing why.

He was very puzzled at the time, but after thinking to no avail, he ignored the gazes of the people around him and planned to concentrate on enjoying the food.

Then he knew why people around him looked at him like that.

It turned out that he accidentally ate the knife and fork in his hand.

Seeing only a knife and fork with a handle left in his hand, Bell felt uncomfortable.

‘The silver is not delicious at all! ’

Therefore, as long as the mere bones do not affect the taste and taste of the food, he generally doesn't bother to vomit.

Eat more bones and supplement calcium.

"Who cares if you can't digest it anymore! I want to eat that fried chicken too!"

Furong said frantically.

She seriously suspected that this guy was absolutely deliberate!

Otherwise, how could someone eat like this!

"Oh~! Big sis is really bad. It will lose your temper because you can't eat the food you like. Isn't it the same as a child?

Okay, let’s share my fried chicken with you, so don’t get angry. You will leave a bad impression on brother-in-law like this. "

Gabrielle’s little devil landed on own Big sis, and from the plate in front of him, he picked the largest piece of fried chicken and placed it on the plate of Big sis.


It is said that girls are outward, and the ancients sincerely do not deceive me!

The horoscope hasn't been written yet, Gabriel, the dead kid, has started to turn to outsiders?

If it were not for the fried chicken on the plate, Furong would now teach Gabriel a good lesson!

‘Hmm... it smells so good! ’

Furong was also surprised at the entrance of fried chicken.

Why is the food at Hogwarts so good! ?

If she hadn't graduated next year, she would have wanted to transfer to Hogwarts.

"Brother-in-law, look, is my Big sis super ~ beautiful!"

Pulling Labelle's arm, Gabriel asked cheerfully.

Regardless of other aspects, at least in terms of appearance, she has absolute confidence in her own Big sis.

After all, that is her Big sis!


Hearing Gabriel's question, Bell turned to look.

Only then did he realize that Furong had already taken off the silk scarf wrapped around her face.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, there is no way to eat with it.

"It's pretty."

I have to say that of all the opposite sexes Bell has seen so far, Furong is the third most beautiful.

What? You ask who is number one?

Does that need to be said? Of course it’s my own cute Little Sister!

By the way, the second place is my mother.

Bell swears that his ranking is absolutely fair and just, without any off-court factors!

The fair skin seems to be broken by a blow, the exquisite facial features are matched together to form a perfect coordination, and with the silky smooth and flowing silver long hair, even if you put aside the bonus of charm and talent, Lotus has nothing. The question is a big beauty who is personally loved.

"Compared to Hermione Big sis? Who is more beautiful?"

Gabriel asked.

"Your Big sis is more beautiful."

Bell answered honestly.

"Then choose my Big sis, brother-in-law."

"I reject."

"Hey!? Why?"

"Finding a girlfriend is not a beauty pageant. There is no reason to choose whoever is beautiful?"

Patting Gabrielle's little head, Bell took a chicken leg from the plate that was filled again and stuffed it into the little guy's mouth.

"You are still young, and you will understand when you grow up."

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