Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 412 Charm Magic


Gabriel pouted dissatisfiedly.

Appeared! The first trick that Damn it's adults used to perfuse children: ‘you will understand when you grow up’.

So when did you grow up?

What if you still don’t understand?

Return it! ?

However, before Gabriel expressed her dissatisfaction, Bell continued to say:

"Of course, even if you grow up, you might not be able to understand it. But it's not a big deal. If you don't understand it, you can't understand it.

It's not a fish. I don't know that the joy of fish is also normal. Anyway, it doesn't affect eating, so it doesn't matter. "

"What? What fish? Roe?"

The mosquito coil appeared in Gabrie's eyes, and her little head was stunned by Bell.


Bell smiled slightly, and then put some food on the little guy's dinner plate.

"Eat it quickly, or I will eat it cleanly."

Looking at the food on the plate, Gabriel... ate it obediently.

If you have any questions, you can ask later. The first task now is to fill your own belly.

Just when the two were concentrating on eating, unconsciously, the auditorium gradually quieted down. Even the collision of the knife and fork with the dinner plate became much softer than usual.


An uncomfortable smack came from Bell's left side clearly, and he couldn't help turning his head in doubt.

So he has already looked at Gabriel’s Face, leaving enough food for the other party, why should the other party smack his lips uncomfortably? Is the food unappetizing?

Noting Bell's gaze, Furong glared at the other person uncomfortably.

"Huh! Man!"


Bell looked inexplicable.

Didn't he just eat a little bit more... a lot more, but the house elves who are responsible for cooking are still okay. A foreign girl who can eat, who has such a temper?

So this is provocative, right? This is to fight him!

If it weren't for the little Gabrielle's Face, Bell would have eaten all the food right now and let the foreign girl go home hungry!


Finding that her Big sis was awkward with her brother-in-law again, Gabriel reached out and pulled Bell's arm, and secretly pointed around.

So she is still just a baby, but she is busy adjusting the relationship between Big sis and her brother-in-law. It's really difficult for her!

Looking in the direction of Gabriel’s fingers, Bell was surprised to find that everyone was staring at him! ?

Oh, no, after carefully distinguishing it, Bell found that the focus of people's eyes was not him, but Fleur beside him.

The little wizard who stared at Furong fiercely looked like Brother Pig. As for the little witch, except for a few that also showed the appearance of Brother Pig, most of the rest were unhappy and jealous.

Bell just remembered that both Furong and Gabriel had their own charm magic.

Unlike Gabri, who is younger and won't be affected without close contact, Furong, who will graduate next year, has a powerful magical power in her body. Therefore, the power of her charm magic is far beyond Gabriel's ability to compare.

Bell, on the other hand, has mastered the powerful Occlumency, so the magic of the Furong sisters cannot invade his brain.

Unaffected, he also subconsciously ignored this point.

In other words, the previous smack of Furong was not aimed at him, but at the little witches who were reluctant to blink their eyes, and the little witches who were about to ignite the auditorium with the fire of jealousy in their eyes.

‘Really, say it earlier. ’

Knowing that it was not the own problem, Bell's unhappiness disappeared instantly, and he happily looked at the food on the table again.

Which one is better to eat next... Forget it, let's eat them all.

As the so-called one pass ten, ten pass one hundred, more and more little wizards noticed Furong's beauty.

And among these people, naturally included a certain fourth-grade little witch from Gryffindor College.

Seeing a big beauty on Bell's left and a little beauty on the right, happily hugging left and right (Hermione's perspective), looking like a winner in life, Hermione almost didn't crush her white teeth.

There is obviously her place!

Since Sister Penello graduated, Bell's side has become her exclusive position (Sanna has been automatically ignored by Hermione)!

As a result, now, I don't even know where two Fox Spirits emerged from? Still talking and laughing with Bell, eating happily (still from Hermione's perspective)?


and many more!

Why does that little fox look so familiar?

Thinking carefully about the people she had met during this period of time, thanks to the narrow social circle, Hermione quickly locked her target.

‘Isn’t this the lost girl they stumbled across on the snack street before the Quidditch World Cup final! It seems to be called... Gabriel? ’

It didn't really matter what the other party called, and Hermione didn't care at all.

What she cares about is that if she remembers correctly, the other party has a Big sis. At that time, the little girl was still trying to sell her own Big sis to Bell.

Originally, she just treated it as a child's mischief, did not take it to heart, and forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

But now, she had to start worrying.

First of all, that Gabrielle and her Big sis actually met Bell again in Hogwarts! ?

Even Hermione, who was influenced by Bell and didn't believe in the so-called fate, couldn't help but sigh at this moment the blood of fate!

Secondly, that Gabrielle Big sis, which was tightly blocked at the beginning, is so beautiful?

Even if Hermione has sufficient confidence in her boyfriend and believes that Bell is definitely not a superficial person who only looks at her appearance, the problem is that she has no confidence in herself!

The one who can represent Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came to Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, without a doubt, must be the best student in Boothbatton.

In contrast, Hermione felt that she was much more ordinary.

In all fairness, if the Triwizard Tournament was held in the opponent's school, she had no confidence at all that she could become a representative of Hogwarts.

In addition, she had a big quarrel with Bell not long ago, and she hadn't spoken for more than a week. Although the two have reconciled now, the distance has recovered as before, and it always feels a little bit worse.

Finally, and the most disturbing thing for Hyuk is:

‘Oh, when did you guys get together? ’


Hermione knew that at the speed that Bell was eating, the people sitting next to him didn't want to eat.

The only exceptions are herself, Shanna, and Bell are friends! friend! ’Senior sister Penello of the relationship.

But now, even if Hermione’s eyesight is not as perverted as the Bell brothers and sisters, she can clearly see that there is a lot of food in the two Fox Spirit plates, one large and one small. of!

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