The new plan is to make a decision.

[Please, knights, vote for or against the expedition team! ]

[If more than half of the votes agree, the team will go on the expedition. If the votes agree equal to or less than half, the mission will be delayed. ]


Regardless of whether No. 2 is really Percyville or his teammate Oberon, from his perspective as a good person, Su Yi has only this one option.

[The voting is over, 5 votes in favor and 5 votes against. ]

[The Holy Grail mission is delayed, and the voting results are now displayed. ]

[Agree votes: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10]

[Again, the number of people who agree is not enough. ]

Su Yi thought that this team was basically able to go on the expedition, but he didn't expect that there would still be many votes against it.

No. 5 would definitely oppose it, and as a card that No. 2 stepped on, No. 7 had no reason to vote in favor.

But what about this rough bearded man No. 3? Su Yi remembered that his previous speech sounded like No. 2 had been leading the team like this, which was not bad.

But when No. 2 spoke so well and tried to talk to him and win his vote, he didn't even react. Was he sure that No. 2 was not Percival?

Or did he really want to listen to another round of speeches?

No. 6, the capable man, and No. 8, Yun Huang, did not vote in favor either.

Su Yi couldn't see through No. 8 Yun Huang's thoughts for the time being. No. 6 basically wanted to watch another round and listen to No. 5's speech again.

[The Holy Grail mission has been delayed, and No. 3 Knight will be the new captain. ]

[Captain, please choose the expedition team. 】

“3, 5, 10.” The bearded man No. 3 pointed to a team that No. 5 had shown before.

There is a problem… He knows that he is in the evil camp, so why can No. 3 trust No. 5 so much?

Unless one is Merlin and the other is Percival.

No. 3 Merlin knows the bad identity of No. 2 Oberon, so he directly stands on the side of No. 5.

Is it so obvious?

No. 5 lifts No. 3, and No. 3 lifts No. 5.

This relationship is too intimate, too much on the same side... Where is Merlin?

Su Yi is a little confused.

It is the turn of the blond man No. 4, Morgana, to speak, and he stretched his muscles.

"I thought this team would definitely go, but I didn't expect that many people would vote against it. But it's better to listen to it again."

"I personally think 1, 2, 10 are OK, but 3, 5, 10 are risky for me."

No matter who is Percival between No. 2 and No. 5.

Morgana is pretending to be Merlin, implying that Percival No. 1 and No. 10 can be taken.

Su Yi thought.

"I won't talk about more. I originally wanted to ask why you, No. 5 Percival, have such a close relationship with No. 3. He said that No. 7 was rushing to vote, and you said that No. 7 was rushing to vote. Now you are leading the team for you? What's going on with you? Are you the evil side?"

The blond man No. 4 laughed teasingly, and pointed at the two people with interest and connected the two fingers in a line.

"I have explained before that what No. 3 said is only a possibility, and it cannot be used to kill No. 7. But No. 2 is talking again now, and she also said that No. 7 is a ticket-buster."

"So No. 7 is the evil side in your eyes, so I won't talk about it. Since both Percival said so, let's take it as a fait accompli."

"The reason why No. 5 changed the car is also because of this, and it also refutes what I said. If there is an evil side in 4, 5, and 9, then it must be from Oberon, so he doesn't take this team, for fear that the Holy Grail will be contaminated and someone will dirty him."

"Arbitrary." The blond man laughed.

"He and I have different ideas, so I tend to think that No. 2 is the real Percival."

"Listen to how No. 5 explains. If the explanation is not good, I will directly recognize No. 2 as Percival."

"Speech completed."

The blond man has been leaning comfortably on the stone chair, relaxed and comfortable.

Well, No. 4 Morgana is directly standing on the side... Anyway, whether No. 2 is Oberon's teammate or the real Percival.

They are all good choices for him.

Anyway, this statement is absolutely correct from the perspective of ordinary knights now. Su Yi quietly waited for No. 5 to speak.

Pah! Pah!

After No. 5 stone chair rose, he first sighed heavily, and then applauded.

"First of all, I am very grateful to No. 3 for trusting me, and everyone who voted against it."

"This time the team will still be 3, 5, and 10."

"To be honest, No. 2 is complaining a lot, I don't care

I want to listen, but I can't. I have to explain it to my dear knight brothers and sisters. Just listen to it for the time being. "No. 5 young man scratched his ears and smiled.

"What did she say? Actually, she didn't say anything. First, she used Yunhuang to step on my status, and then used No. 3's speech to step on me. She also said that I changed the team because I was afraid of her?" No. 5 sneered.

"Is it abnormal that I sent Xiweier to change the team? I agree with 3's inference, so there is an evil party in 4, 5, and 9. I am not one myself, so there is one in 4 and 9, what's the problem with me not taking it?"

"You have to let me repeat it, it's really ridiculous."

"You are also quite cold-blooded. In order to bring me down, you sold out your teammate No. 7." No. 5 laughed out loud.

"Both Per Xiweier said she was a bad person. Now she is crying to the sky and the earth but no one can help her. I'm giving you a shot of prevention. Don't think of a way to turn her back into a good person later! She will never be able to join the expedition team. "

Xie Keqing, who was sitting at the seventh position, looked calm on the surface, but she was furious inside. This guy was adding fuel to the fire!

No. 2! No. 5!

Which of these two was her teammate? She wanted to curse!

She was just squeezed into a corner where no one cared!

And Yun Huang was completely certain to be on the opposite side of her evil side, the Knight camp!

Although she had never seen Yun Huang, she knew that there couldn't be a weak psychic among the famous ones!

Not to mention someone like Yun Huang!

This game might be as difficult as ascending to heaven... She couldn't join the expedition team now...

It was equivalent to the evil side losing one person...

If she wanted to join again, a miracle would have to happen...

Speaking of miracles, Xie Keqing couldn't help but glance at Su Yi.

The last miracle was still vivid in her mind.

How would you perform in this game...

Xie Keqing suddenly thought of Yun Huang, She couldn't help but shake her head in her heart... She remembered that Su Yi was a new player!

And this time, the game was full of old players!

It was not a game like the last time where new players gathered.

This time, this young man, I don't know why, was queued up in the same erasure game with me again...

Is it my problem... or his problem... It always feels weird to be queued up in the same erasure game twice with the same person, who is still a new player.

Alas, now it seems... No matter how smart Su Yi is, he must lack the experience of a veteran, and can't compare with Yun Huang, a famous psychic...

This game...

Miracle... Let's forget it...

Try hard!

Xie Keqing sighed secretly in her heart again.

Su Yi didn't care about the look coming from Xie Keqing.

Instead, he was carefully analyzing the speech of No. 5!

Tsk, now it seems... It seems that No. 2 is more like his teammate!


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