The truth is that the two sides have been in a state of chaos.

Su Yi, as the evil party, knew that No. 7 Xie Keqing was an assassin.

This No. 5 Percival had beaten No. 7 Xie Keqing too hard, and even had to prevent her from turning over from the beginning.

Then No. 2 is more like his teammate.

To be honest, No. 5 is more like Merlin than Percival in the current situation.

Could it be that the bearded man No. 3 is Percival and No. 5 is Merlin, and they are just swapping identities.

And my previous suspicions seem to be more likely.

"I'll reiterate that No. 2 and I are in conflict and it's a bad thing. No. 7 is a bad thing for trying to get votes, so No. 4 and No. 9 have her evil companions and another bad thing. No. 3, please lead 3, 5, and 10."

"The speech is over."

The young man No. 5 said affirmatively, and then leaned back in his chair.

No. 2 and No. 5 both picked one of the possibilities and fought hard.

Give up the other possibility, the possibility of trying to get a negative vote.

Su Yi already understood.

The difference between this speech game and Werewolf is that even if the leader Percival does something illogical, the good people have to admit it, and even cover for him, so that this leader can be rationalized and cover up Merlin's existence.

Because only he-Percival can hear Merlin's meaning clearly.

If the two Percivals have the same logic.

Then no matter how absurd this logic is, the good people have to believe this logic temporarily.

Because that is the only real source of information for the good people.

The capable middle-aged man No. 6 thought for a while.

"I voted against it last round. Actually, I agree with what No. 2 Percival said. I was thinking that since the mission was delayed for the first time, it would be safer to delay it again and listen to what No. 3 and No. 5 said."

"Now that I've listened to it, I can't really tell No. 2 from No. 5. This round is similar to the previous one, and there is still no additional information."

"Then I actually agree that this team should go out first, because it's meaningless to go on like this. If it's No. 5's turn, that would be the fifth round, and there would be no way to vote against it. He would still force the team to form a team like this." The middle-aged man No. 6 shrugged his shoulders.

"There's actually nothing to say about No. 2 and No. 5 this round. After all, there's no actual fulcrum, so they can only face each other in the void."

"In that case, let's go out like this. If Knight No. 3 doesn't change, I'll agree with this team."

"The speech is over."

The middle-aged man No. 6 spoke his mind frankly.

No. 6 said that he agreed with No. 2, but since he had already waited, he wanted to wait for another round. Now, after listening to this round, he felt that there would still be no results, so he agreed that this team should go first.

There is no big problem, but the details can indeed be caught and stepped on. But... maybe he deliberately left a trivial flaw and waited for someone to come.

Anyway, it is impossible for him to provoke anyone at this stage, Su Yi continued to tap the table lightly.

No. 7 Xie Keqing - Assassin!

Attacked by two Percyvilles, there is no room for survival.

She shook her head slightly: "I'm upset. I never expected that both Percival would say I'm the evil side."

"Okay, I don't know what Percival is thinking, but I admit it! You can use whatever ideas you have."

"Because I can see my identity clearly, I'm just an ordinary knight. When no one leads you, you will eventually take me with you, so I'm not in a hurry."

Xie Keqing didn't have a torrential output, but a drizzle, retreating to advance.

"The number of people in the five rounds is 3, 4, 4, 5, 5. So that means, as long as Percival plays well, I don't have to join the team, anyway, there are 6 good people."

Su Yi noticed that Xie Keqing once again showed the innocent expression when they first met, which made people feel no disgust towards her.

"I only have one thing to say. If you need me, I will join the team. If you don't need me, I will analyze for the good people here. That's enough."

"But there is one thing. Even if No. 5 steps on me more fiercely, I can't trust No. 2 because of this. So now I can't tell who is the real Percival for the time being. I only look at the results."

"No matter which team you form in the next vote, I will vote against it. Unless the team succeeds in the expedition, I will continue to agree."

"End of speech!"

During the whole speech, Xie Keqing didn't have much emotional ups and downs, and spoke out his psychological activities in a soft voice.


Xie Keqing's speech added some positive colors to her, and she was a very good person.

It also laid the groundwork for her companions to help her later.

Overall, it was good, Su Yi concluded.

Sensing Su Yi's gaze, Xie Keqing glanced at him lightly, with no expression on her face. In her heart, she had already raised her head and put her hands on her hips. What do you think? I'm smart, aren't I? It was just an accident that I relied on you to lead the team before. I'm stronger than you. Even if there is a miracle this time, it happened because of me. Let me see how I lead you to win!

Xie Keqing saw that Su Yi's eyes were a little relieved, and she couldn't help but raise her arms again in her heart, almost inserting them into her armpits!

Humph, I told you not to add me before! Do you regret it?

Humph, just be glad to meet me!

At this time, Su Yi's understanding of Xie Keqing in his heart became clearer.


is really a woman who loves to lie!

Su Yi was somewhat relieved.

This woman is very quick to deceive people without blinking an eye. Fortunately, I didn't add her before. She is really right.

Don't add this kind of woman!

Next is No. 8 Yun Huang.

After everyone knew that she was Yun Huang, they couldn't help but stare at her.

Waiting for her speech.

"Okay, it's good to lead like this. 3, 5, 10 will go first." Yun Huang said softly while curling her hair.

"The speech is over."

Is that it?

She didn't explain why she voted against in the last round, nor why she listened to No. 5 this time.

She passed easily again.

Many people doubted whether she was Yun Huang.

Su Yi was alarmed. She voted against in the last round, and was ready to approve this round. She was just slacking off. Could it be that she had seen through the situation on the field?

Su Yi knew that she was really good at reading people's hearts.

He almost fell into her trap.

She did show her so-called ability to read people's minds in the game [Angry Dice].

It seemed that she really could hear her inner voice, but it was not in real time. She forced herself to stop thinking, reverse her mind, and used the time difference when the game was about to end to defeat her cunning tricks.

If she could really steal other people's inner thoughts, wouldn't it be...

In this kind of identity game, she had already seen through everyone's identities?

Wouldn't it be exposed that she was Mordred?

If so, the good guys would always have one vote ahead.

The best plan is that she was originally Merlin.

Otherwise... If Yun Huang could really see through people's hearts... Then this game would be equivalent to having an enhanced version of Merlin!

In the subsequent speeches, she could even speak for Merlin.

So she is pretending to be Merlin now?

Yun Huang...

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