The first time I saw him, I was still very busy.

Since I was here, I might as well make the best of it. Su Yi walked into one of the reading rooms.

He opened his shoulder bag, took out his notebook, and wrote two more notes.

Then he turned on his phone and started to look through the student information records of River City University.

The diary said that when I first met him, he was also heading towards the library, and the teaching buildings in this direction have the Department of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, Department of Music, and Department of Computer Science.

It is unlikely that he was in the Department of Fine Arts, otherwise the chances of meeting him would be very high. It might be a probability problem that I didn't meet him these days, but I would definitely feel familiar with him before.

The diary didn't mention this, and I didn't even know if he was from this school, so I should be unfamiliar with him.

Excluding the Department of Fine Arts, start with the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Architecture.

Master advanced mathematics or master computer programming.

This is also more in line with the image of a murderer with high IQ.

Computer Science Class 1 and Class 2... Su Yi looked carefully, and there was no murderer in the photos of the five classes.

The Department of Architecture was not found after a long search.

Music Department? Su Yi concentrated on searching again.

Got it! Luo Gufei, Class 3 of the Music Department!

Luo Gufei in the photo has a ruddy complexion, messy hair, and a smile on his lips, a typical appearance of a contemporary college student.

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the cold and gloomy him just now.

"Woo! Woo..."

Suddenly, a whistle sounded in the quiet reading room.

Is this... a police car?

Su Yi stood up and looked out the window. The reading room was on the fourth floor, and he could clearly see rows of police cars queuing up and driving forward.

The reading room began to become noisy.

"Hey, what's going on!"

"It's X, the murderer X has committed another crime, the seventeenth time!"

"Hurry up and check the news!"

"It's so scary, how can they not catch him with this frequency of crimes!"

"What do you know, my uncle is a policeman, and it is said that every scene is very strange. Except for the deceased and his family, no one was found approaching!"

"Is this true? I thought it was a rumor."

"It couldn't be more true!"

"The crime scene is the River City Museum!"

River City Museum? !

Where did I go to see the exhibition today?

Su Yi stood at the window, watching the police cars and the crowd passing by, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

Luo Gufei, is he also in the River City Museum today?

So today, I vaguely felt that someone was paying attention to me, because Luo Gufei was paying attention to me?

Has he really been discovered?

Before he had time to think about it, Su Yi's phone began to vibrate, and he found that the caller was Su Yuran.

"Su Yi, have you seen the news? Someone died in the museum we went to today! It's the killer X again."

Su Yuran's voice was shaking slightly, and he was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Su Yi felt Su Yuran's weakness, and his hatred for Luo Gufei in his heart increased a little.

Here it comes again, this feeling, how much does his original body like Su Yuran.

It seems that everything he does is centered on Su Yuran, but why didn't he mention her in his diary at the beginning.

After coaxing Su Yuran, Su Yi hung up the phone.

Analyzed the current situation.

Now the killer is likely to have discovered him, and today while staring at him, he actually committed a crime on the spot.

What does the killer want to do?

Knowing him, why didn't he kill him?

"There is no murder scene with outsiders."

Su Yi recalled the topic that some students were discussing just now.

Without outsiders, it is very likely that this killer has mastered some kind of power beyond human beings, such as teleportation, killing people from a distance, etc.

After all, it is an open-level demon game, so this killer also has special abilities. There is no more reasonable answer than this.

Otherwise, it is too unbelievable.

Su Yi wrote this message and the killer's possible superpowers in his diary.

[The killer may have the ability to teleport and kill people from a distance]

While writing, Su Yi's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

"Hello, hello, this is the River City Police Station, is this Mr. Su Yi?" A pleasant female voice came.

Um, police?

"Yes, it's me."

"We may need your cooperation in the investigation here. You are at River City University now, right?"

"Yes, I am." Su Yi answered carefully.

"We will send someone to pick you up now. See you at the entrance of River City University."

"Wait a minute, I can get through by myself

Are you going? To the Hecheng Police Station? "Su Yi couldn't help but be cautious. What if it was a gang crime and someone pretended to be a policeman? If he got into her car, wouldn't it be like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?

The other party thought about it for a while and didn't reply. After a while, a middle-aged man answered the phone.

"Okay, we are now at the Hecheng Museum. We will wait for you at the door. Please hurry up."

"Okay, I'll come over now."

"Thank you for your cooperation. "

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi was confused.

Need to cooperate with the investigation? Why?

After writing a few more notes in the diary, Su Yi hurriedly took a taxi and went to the River City Museum.

The entrance of the River City Museum was very deserted, and there were not many people watching like the crime scene in the TV series.

It seems that no one wants to watch the excitement of the serial killer X.

The entire museum was blocked by three layers of police cars inside and outside, and a long series of cordons were pulled up.

Su Yi looked very abrupt after getting off the car.

Fortunately, two policemen came up quickly.

"Su Yi, right? I'm Liu Hong, and this is Zhou Yiqing, Officer Zhou." The middle-aged policeman had a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The young female police officer next to him nodded to Su Yi, but Su Yi could see from her face that Officer Zhou was a little nervous.

"Hello, Officer Liu, Officer Zhou, I'm Su Yi. "

Liu Hong suddenly took out a cigarette box, poured out a cigarette, and handed it to Su Yi. After seeing Su Yi waved his hand to refuse, he lit the cigarette himself.

"You don't seem too surprised?"

"What do you mean?" Su Yi asked.

"I mean your current state. Generally, when you are called by the police to cooperate with the investigation, you will always be a little frightened and nervous. But I can't see any emotional fluctuations in you."

"It's like... well... it's like you have made all the preparations."

"How about it, have you prepared your speech?"

"I'm sorry, Officer Liu, I don't seem to understand what you are talking about. If it's about cooperating with the investigation, we can start." Su Yi was still calm.

He never thought of performing in front of the police. There was no point. It was not a good choice to pretend in front of the police. What if he was misunderstood again.

He just did it normally.

"Well, let's go in and talk. "Liu Hong took a puff of his cigarette and went to a nearby trash can to put it out.

Following the cordons, Su Yi and the two came to the inside of the museum until they reached the rest area, where Su Yi and the others rested in the morning.

"Do you remember this?"

"You came here with your girlfriend to see the exhibition this morning and rested here, right?"

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