After the two of them had a meeting, they had to go to the bathroom.

Su Yi nodded. "Yes."

"Tell me what you did after you sat down here."

Su Yi asked in confusion, "I didn't do anything. I just sat with my girlfriend for a while and went to the bathroom before leaving. That's it."

"Can you be more detailed?" Liu Hong nodded slightly.

Su Yi recalled: "Well... after sitting down here, my girlfriend went to buy something to drink, and then I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and a little dizzy. It might be because I didn't eat breakfast and walked around for a long time, so I had low blood sugar."

"After resting for a while, I suddenly remembered that when I was watching the exhibition, I thought of a problem that needed to be solved, so I wanted to check my class notebook, so I took out the notebook and looked at it."

"Oh, by the way, because I am a student of the Department of Fine Arts of Hecheng University, I came to see the exhibition today."

"After that, my girlfriend came back, we took a short nap, I went to the bathroom, and then left the museum to eat."

Su Yi described it as detailed as possible. After all, this is a museum, there are surveillance cameras everywhere, and there is no point in lying.

But when he heard Su Yi's words, Liu Hong narrowed his eyes, and Zhou Yiqing's expression changed slightly.

Su Yi also keenly noticed that something was wrong with the two.

Zhou Yiqing's face was serious, and just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Liu Hong.

"That's all your narration." Liu Hong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Officer Liu, I didn't hide it." Su Yi affirmed.

"Okay, then what did you do in the bathroom the last time you went there?"

"What else can you do in the bathroom?" Su Yi answered naturally, but he knew very well that he went to the bathroom to write a diary.

There was no surveillance in the bathroom, and there was no one else in the bathroom at the time. No one knew that he was writing a diary in it, so it had to be hidden.

"The last time you went to the bathroom was 11:18, and the last time you came out was 11:35."

"You stayed in there for 17 minutes."

Su Yi shrugged and didn't explain anything.

"The place of death of the deceased was in the cubicle of the bathroom in Area A where you went."

Su Yi was slightly surprised, and Liu Hong and Zhou Yiqing had been observing Su Yi's expression.

"Our police found the body at 13:20 in the afternoon. The forensic doctor just inferred that the deceased died two hours ago, around 11:20." Liu Hong spoke slowly and calmly, but his eyes never left Su Yi.

"This time period includes the 10 minutes before and after. Only you and the deceased went to the bathroom."

"Speak! Describe in detail what you did in there!" Liu Hong suddenly changed his calm tone. He slapped the table in front of him and shouted loudly.

Su Yi did not waver at all and said calmly: "I think since you didn't arrest me, you must have no evidence. You can't even treat me as a suspect."

Liu Hong and policewoman Zhou Yiqing's expressions changed.

"Let's talk about the conclusion. I didn't do anything in the so-called 17 minutes in there."

"Just because I happened to go to the bathroom at the time of his death, you can't say that I did it, right?"

Both sides fell into a brief silence.

"You are right. There is no substantial evidence at hand. All we can do now is to suspect you."

"Officer Liu. Since I met you, you have been analyzing my answers and expressions through vague questions."

"It is still pressing me step by step until now. But what I can tell you is that I have done nothing."

Su Yi spread his hands, staring at Liu Hong in front of him without any dodging.

"In fact, you don't think I am the murderer, right?"

Liu Hong was silent.

"I admit that I did not think you were the murderer before, but now... I may change my mind."

"X did not leave any clues in the previous 16 murders. This time he was caught at the scene. Do you think this possibility is big?" Su Yi continued.

"First, it may not be X who committed the crime this time. Second, no one can understand the mind of the murderer. Maybe he wants to have a fight with our police? And he may indeed be doing so now. What do you think?"

Faced with Liu Hong's remarks, Su Yi smiled.

I can't continue to argue with the police in front of me. If I suddenly get sick and get caught, that won't be a good thing.

"Like you said, I didn't apply for an arrest warrant. But you still have doubts." Liu Hong tapped the table.

"No, or can't? This matter spanned 8 months, and the police didn't explain it.

, 17 people have been involved in the case. If the wrong person is arrested again in such a sensational social vicious incident, the pressure of public opinion will be too great. "

"Please pay attention to your identity." Zhou Yiqing frowned beside him.

Su Yi did not comment, but he was thinking about Luo Gufei in his mind. Since he had the opportunity to contact the police, should he share the information he got?

Su Yi did not know what the specific meaning of winning the fight against the murderer was.

But after all, the diary wrote about bringing the murderer to justice. Now the priority is to make the murderer's crimes public, let him accept the punishment of the law, or let him die at the hands of the police.

If you really can't do it, or face a life-and-death situation, you will consider killing the murderer yourself.

"You are really calm." Liu Hong was a little surprised. He didn't know why the college student in front of him could be so calm after being regarded as a suspect, and he had time to analyze it.

"You, is there anything else you want to add. "Liu Hong said.

"If you knew who the murderer was, would you alert him and call him in for questioning?"

"I think not." Liu Hong narrowed his eyes and told Su Yi the answer truthfully.

"Right, so you called me here just to get clues from me."

Su Yi asked this question for two purposes. The first was to make sure that the police did not regard him as a criminal, and the second was to test whether they would go straight if they knew the murderer.

"I didn't see anything in the bathroom, I didn't know where the deceased was, and I didn't hear any special noises."

"Hehe, you are very smart. As I said before, I didn't regard you as the murderer. Now... you are a big suspect in my eyes." Liu Hong smiled.

"What if I say that I know who X is?"

"What did you say?" Liu Hong suddenly froze, "Didn't you say you didn't find anything? "

Zhou Yiqing also frowned and stared at Su Yi nervously.

"Yes, I didn't notice anything at the time, but I have seen murderers committing crimes before."

"It was the sixteenth case of murder at River City University a month ago."


"What!?" Liu Hong stood up from his chair in an instant.

Zhou Yiqing also stood up immediately after him, staring at Su Yi in disbelief.

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