Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 996: Final summoning (really handsome call to support)

"Great hostess..." At the crucial moment, the amoeba smashed: "I am afraid..."

"Come on!" Lola couldn't help but be annoyed. Even though the strength of the pelt was weakened, she took the opportunity to grasp the veins of the entire elemental protection. However, after all, there was no wind source fragment that could directly compete with the origin of the soil. "Hardware" can only use the source of the wind in the six-element country to simulate the corresponding power. It is difficult to maintain this channel, and it cannot be delayed.

"The lost legs are soft... can't move..." The onions that don't have "legs" are afraid to move.

When Thomas saw that the situation was not good, his hands began to wave quickly and ooze a **** blood. He used his own blood as a sacrifice. The passage began to narrow, and the **** circle surrounding the roller was also flamboyant. , began to shrink quickly inward.

"If you want to live, go quickly, or we will all die!" Rolla suddenly felt the pressure increased, and the crown of the head of the gods had already made a dazzling light, trying to maintain the protection of the body and the channel of the wind. This consumption is also quite Huge, and the effective time of the soul soldiers is only half an hour. Once it fails, it will not only be abandoned, but she and the lost will be in danger.

Lost and shuddered, although good and bad is a virtue, but greed is the most important basis for fear of death, if even life is gone, what to take lazy to do?

The amoeba finally plucked up its courage, and the body became a snake-like elongated shape that rushed to the passage.

The resistance in the channel is very strong, especially the terrible destructive power emitted from the vicinity, which makes the amoeba's body constantly split and disintegrate, if not super regenerative. It has already been broken.

Throwing a hard scalp for a while, constantly regenerating the combination. I feel that this channel seems to be endless, and the pressure around it is getting bigger and bigger. Can not help but cry: "No, it hurts! Hostess, master, help!"

The amoeba timid is certainly a reason. The channel is specially fortified by Thomas. It contains the atmosphere of fear and control. It will constantly enlarge the fear in the heart. The more fear, the stronger the power of killing.

"Hey!" The body of the amoeba exploded, and countless "fragments" screamed and cried at the same time: "The lost adult can't stand it!"

The voice of Lola rang from the back: "The Princess Hill has a single gold card."

The screams of countless "fragments" came to an abrupt end. The deformation has become a form of many ears, and it seems to be heard more clearly.

"Within one month, there is no limit on the card." Fairy Dragon's eyeglasses flashed a glimmer of light. "With the addition of 10 gift cards for Princess Square, each one will receive a gift of 888 black crystal coins. ""

The "ear" has fully confirmed the benefits he has heard: within a month, eat at the Princess Hill and eat it! There are also ten copies of the Princess Square worth 888 black crystal coins! The most important thing is that you don't want money!

The countless "ears" were shaken together, and this moment, the food of the mountains and the golden decorations filled the whole mind. This consciousness is so strong, and the emotions of fear are no longer in the place, and they are dissipated.

The "ears" instantly turned into countless huge mouths, and they rushed forward like never before. Everything along the way was squandered, including the passage that had become extremely narrow, and these "mouths" were hard to sneak out.

This process is actually quite dangerous. Under the desperate practice of Thomas, there was a constant "mouth" that burst into pieces. However, the characteristics of the immortal body of the amoeba played to the fullest, and soon re-emerged again.

In the eyes of a handsome handsome man. These attacks have long been hypnotic into food and treasures, and they have been rushing to the main altar, flying to the main altar, and flying into a huge mouth.

"No!" In Thomas' desperate screams, the mouth of the giant swallowed the source of the soil at the top of the column.

good chance! Lola felt that the defense of the main altar was reduced to the lowest point, and the surrounding blood circle was quickly dimmed. The colorful light in the purple enamel, the crown of the gods echoed the brilliant light, and the ghost wand of the soul lifted high. Slamming a meal!

A rainbow appeared above the main altar, and then the entire underground palace trembled, and the sturdy mountain wall showed an astonishing crack, and there was a huge rock falling from the top.

This attack condenses all the power of the fairy dragon, and combines the crown of the gods, the secret wand, the star position bonus, the star strengthening enhancement and the strongest power of the semi-god country, and loses the original source debris protection. The main altar could not be tolerated, and it was suddenly divided, and the same body was divided by Thomas.

The main altar was broken, and the bone towers that had not been destroyed by Pagliu automatically collapsed, the **** scorpions disappeared, and the passages of the passages were destroyed. The two abyssal soul variants that fought with Chen Rui exploded in an instant and turned into particles scattered in the air.

"Good job! Lola!" Chen Rui was overjoyed. He moved to Paglieu's side in an instant, and grabbed the crumbling Duron. The full-blown Paglio had already become a **** person. Chen Rui was shocked and quickly gave him a bottle of medicine.

"Is it solved? It is a female madman..." Duron used to fight in a deadly faith and determination. Now he successfully solved the main altar. When the pressure disappeared, the supporting force suddenly disappeared. Soft down. If it wasn’t for Chen Rui’s support, it would have fallen to the ground.

At this time, the lost has recovered from the state of invincible food, the amoeba is all injured in the crack, and even jumps can not jump, as if a caterpillar, squirming in the ground, finally came. In front of the hostess.

The rich expression and vivid body language successfully performed a "only" dying wounded, wanting to meet the last wish before the end of life.

Just a blow of exhausted Rolla's full strength, the fairy dragon is breathing heavily, seeing the distorted look of the amoeba, purple sputum, several golden cards appear in the hands. Throwing away the "dying" eyes, and immediately took out a dark yellow crystal from his mouth and put it on his hands. It was the source of the origin of the earth.

The source fragments that were stained with the amoeba caused the fairy dragon to frown. Chen Rui, who came over with the poison dragon, did not care, and he took a hand. The source of the origin of the soil flew over and was included in the storage system of the super system.

I lost the wish to get those cards. Counting a few sheets and changing a few palms at the same time, confirming that it is eleven, revealing an exaggerated big mouth and smiling face, holding a gold card: "Princess Hill free gold card! Princess Square worth 888 black crystal coin gift Ten cards! Get rich! Lost grandfather really - heart - handsome!"

The amoeba looks like a sultry, stunned, energetic, youthful, invincible, uncle, handsome, and so on. Where else is there a half-point of the dying edge of the dying?

Princess Hill Resort free of charge gold card? Princess Square Gift Card? Chen Ruiyi, thinking about the performance and consistent urine of the amoeba in the sea of ​​death against the holy dragon Rodriguez, the heart suddenly suddenly stunned - and so on. its not right!

The so-called "free gold card" is issued to the most senior VIPs when the Princess Hill has just opened. It can be accumulated for 30 days, but it will expire within two years and has expired.

The "Princess Square Gift Card" can be used, but the premise of obtaining a gift is that the cumulative consumption reaches 8888 black crystal coins, and one limit is used each time.

Ok, obviously, the amoeba is being pitted.

Chen Rui looked at Lola and just met the girl's gaze.

I saw Miss Fairy Dragon's beautiful purple scorpion screaming. Someone’s heart inexplicably appeared in the word “belly black”. At the moment, he looked at the amoeba with sympathy and shrugged his wife and grandmother, and did not reveal it.

Just at this time. In the center of the divided altar, a strong **** fog rose, and the amoeba, which was screaming and screaming, suddenly shuddered and the teeth began to smash; not only lost. At the same time, Chen Rui also felt a fear that was difficult to contain. It seems that there are terrible things that will appear in general.

Today, Paglio has basically lost his fighting power. Lola has almost exhausted all the power because of the previous blow. Under normal circumstances, the throw is basically negligible. The only thing that has the power of a battle is Chen Rui.

Chen Rui shouted, blocking in front of the fairy dragon and the poison dragon. Among the countless stars, hundreds of violent Yanlong roared out and rushed to the blood.

The blood fog is still faintly rising, and the huge impact brought by the dragon roar can not make the **** fog haunt.

The violent red dragon wave has already rushed into the blood, but at the moment of entering the blood fog, the terrible sound and light suddenly extinguished.

The mud cows entered the sea, and Chen Rui’s mind suddenly appeared in the mind.

In the strange red mist, it seems that a pair of eyes have been opened. At the moment of opening, a dazzling red light bursts out. The countless horrible behemoths have rolled back and rushed toward the crowd.

Chen Rui's face changed greatly - Yan Long growled and was bounced back!

Lola's reaction was the fastest, the ghost wand waved, and a ring of rainbow appeared, blocking the front of the Yanlong group, but the rainbow only resisted for a few seconds, and was crushed by the dragon.

However, this few seconds has given Chen Rui a precious reaction time, and immediately exerted the power of the fusion of the star-studded platform, and the Lola, Paglio and Throw are included in the star-studded stage.

At this time, the Yanlong Group, which had rebounded and returned, had already drowned Chen Rui. The underground palace that lost the power of the main altar defense continued to tremble and tremble, and collapsed in many places.

The violent red inflammation has finally been extinguished. The torches and magic lights in the underground palace have been extinguished by more than half of this powerful impact. The magic light of the human world is different from the magic world. It is the power of pure light, which is easily smashed by interference.

Under the dim light, you can see the ground that was extremely damaged. A figure still stands still, but the broken armor has disappeared without a trace, and the momentum has dropped drastically.

If it is not the time rule and the power of the "flying fly", Chen Rui has just disappeared under his own tricks.

In the blood mist, there are a pair of green eyes, and they have a sultry look. This eye and gaze are familiar, and it is the "acquaintance" who once saw the underground pit in the thick earth castle.

"See you dominates Sosbach." Chen Rui suddenly dissipated all the power, and it seems that only the strength of the rank (high-order demon), sitting on the ground with powerlessness, "the same It is projection, you are much weaker than Queriana, is this the main altar destroyed?"

The eyes of the green eyes flashed and Chen Rui was locked.

Chen Rui only felt that he was like a frog stared at by a snake, and countless fears poured out from his heart. However, he smiled: "In fact, I still have a lot of secrets to say, but before that, you should first It may be an old friend... it’s old.”

There is a badge in his hand, the holy ring badge, from the moment of hiding the dragon, has activated the power of the badge.

The voice just fell, and in the closed sky, a beam of light came down incredibly. The pillar of light was filled with sacred and powerful power. In the light, a figure gradually became clear, behind which were twelve white wings.

One of the three highest angels, Raphael! (To be continued.)

Ps: Lost Grandpa shouted: Like it! Subscribe now! Reward it! Support genuine! Really - heart - handsome!

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