Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 997: Rafael VS Sosbach (four thousand words)

In the battle of the natural tree of the emerald forest, Chen Rui met the most terrible enemy and hated to rule Queriana.

Although it is only a projection, the strength displayed is enough for Chen Rui to vanish in an instant. If it is not Quella Anna who wants to control him instead of destroying it at the beginning, Chen Rui can't win.

That battle, now I want to come, can be considered a fortunate.

The fear that faces today dominates the projection of Sosbach, which is far less powerful than Quiniana.

As the first person to dominate the abyss, Queriana must be above Sosbach, but the real reason for the weakness of Sosbach is that the main altar was destroyed.

Despite this, the projection of fear dominated still showed the power that made Chen Rui extremely dangerous. He knew that he could not fight, but he did not use the power of the starry sky to escape, but did not hesitate to display a " The most suitable card: the holy ring badge.

The Holy Ring badge is the biggest life-saving symbol that Raphael gave to Chen Rui when he was in the Jin Yao territory. He can summon the avatar of the supreme angel.

After Rafael (the avatar) appeared, he first fell on Chen Rui's body: "You are still alive!"

Raphael has already received news of the disappearance of Arthur, and his heart is inevitably angry and depressed. However, the "sacred son" he has hand-picked has spent a lot of means to squat under his arm, but unexpectedly suffered in the Blue Yao Empire. The poisonous hand of the Black Death! The key point is that the crown of thorns that is enough to influence the future of the Church of Light is still in the hands of Arthur. If the crown of thorns falls on the hands of the Black Death, the consequences are unimaginable.

now. "Arthur" finally showed his last life-giving trick, successfully summoning the avatar. Rafael finally sighed with relief. However, the supreme slack of the supreme angel lasted only one second. Immediately I noticed the terrible gaze that seemed to penetrate everything behind me, and the familiar and terrifying power contained in that gaze.

Raphael’s pupil suddenly shrank and did not look back. He sang the name of a big enemy: “Sosbach!”

The voice just fell, and the back of a strong devastating force hit like a practice, Rafael was not able to dodge, the body was cut into two halves, it seems to be vulnerable.

It’s not that Raphael is unprepared, but because he is alert to the enemy’s first reaction after Sosbach is not turning to fight or defense. Instead, it first sent out the protection of Chen Rui.

This light is like a scorpion, wrapped in Chen Rui, floating in the air. When Rafael’s body was broken into two halves of the devastating force, when it touched the light, it was unloaded, and Chen Rui’s body flew far away because of this impulse. The light is still intact.

If any friend is so "save to save", Chen Rui has desperately went up and desperate with Sosbach. However, this Raphael is just a avatar. And obviously it was only for his protection of the value of the Church of Light, and more importantly, the face of the body that was split into two halves showed a sneer - this shot did not really hurt Raphael.

The two bodies changed and turned into two identical Raphael. Slowly turning back, the overlapping sounds began to sound up: "Your strength... is really an unexpected weakness, Sosbach."

The facial features and body are gathered around the green eyes of the blood. The outline is faintly red, faintly a body about three meters high. The red-haired mouth snorted, and Chen Rui felt that the entire palace scene had suddenly changed. It turned into a red sea.

The sea is hot blood, with a creepy and smelly smell, even within the "protective film", Chen Rui still feels the terrible burning and strong "fear" The scent of destruction.

Although it was only a projection, Chen Rui looked at it at a glance. This is not an ordinary spiritual kingdom, but a real pseudo-God country. Sosbach has such a real blood in a certain plane!

The **** sea of ​​Haotian shot a large wave of huge waves, gathered into countless double blood-red claws, and surrounded by two Raphael, and there were countless cracks in the space where the claws passed. The power is evident.

Raphael's two bodies were smashed into countless pieces, but this type of attack still couldn't really cause an effective kill. The shattered part turned into more Raphael again.

"Scorpio's seat!" Hundreds of heavy sounds, at the same time, countless Raphael shines the bright radiance of the sun, turning into a stream of light and flying, this stream of light does not rush into the blood, Instead, they are criss-crossed in the sky, and the trajectory falls into the eyes of Chen Rui, which is a mysterious ancient idiom.

The high-speed moving streamer layer is combined into a complicated and mysterious epic poem. The appearance is a magnificent throne, exudes mysterious power, and the **** wave gradually subsides under this invisible force. No more blood claws can be applied.

"The ignorant person, who is ignorant, is not awakened, such as the animal of death..."

"God is pity to the world, but he does not pity the deceitful villain..."

"Sinners must be cut off..."

Raphael’s high voices, the **** sea trembled fiercely, and the height was reduced by an inch, which seemed to have a dry sign.

Daddy, the blood sea that was suppressed to the low point once again frantically boiled up, condensing a huge face and making a roar to the throne of the air.

This roaring sound with terrible power, Chen Rui's protective light suddenly appeared innumerable fine cracks. Fortunately, it was not broken. The biggest impact was the "Scorpio seat" in the sky, and the stream of light that formed the throne suddenly broke. Almost everything collapsed.

"If your strength is a little stronger, you can completely break up my avatar at first, but unfortunately..." There are countless overlapping sounds in the scattered streamers. When it comes to the word "pity", the sense of overlap has disappeared, and it seems to be one.

The streamer re-aggregated into the seat of the Scorpio, and a huge figure of twelve wings appeared on the throne. When the figure appeared, the blood sea and the huge head seemed to solidify.

Chen Rui sees it really. This is a special kind of power that can bind the strength, the kingdom and even the power of the other side.

"The master of this world is the Supreme Three Angels. Even if we want to destroy it, it is us. Not the abyss." Rafael's sentence uses the language of the abyss, and it is likely to scruple a "utility" The child is still in the relationship. But he couldn't think of it. The unremarkable "蝼 ants" in the corner could easily understand the meaning of this sentence.

After all, Rafael’s silver stick with a scepter in his hand was a meal, and the huge head condensed under the blood and blood trembled and burst into an instant. At the same time, the whole **** country was bursting. Chen Rui only felt that the gods were shaking, and the eyes were shining, and they returned to the original dark palace scene.

The broken protective film gradually disappeared, and Chen Rui showed his unpredictable appearance. Breathing in a big mouth, after a while, finally calmly calmed down and bowed: "Raphael! Thank you for saving me!"

Raphael's eyes passed over the scene in the underground palace, and finally fell on Chen Rui's body, exuding a faint majesty: "Tell me what you experienced, and originally told me that you must not miss any details."

Chen Rui has felt the same in the eyes of the analysis, this Raphael. All the information turned out to be impossible to judge!

In other words, what stands now in front of him is not the avatar of the Holy Ring badge, but the real Raphael!

Chen Rui has seen the battle between Satan and Sali. Both of them used the mystery to turn the projection into a real step by step. Rafael obviously also used this kind of mystery. It must be that the enemy is extremely heavy and does not dare to hold a big relationship. As for the destruction of the three masters, it is definitely subject to certain restrictions. I can't turn the projection into a real body.

Although he thought quickly in his mind, he did not hesitate on the surface. I have said the long-awaited "personal experience".

At the engagement ceremony of the Lan Yao Empire, out of the embarrassment of Princess Rambis. Therefore, "Arthur" was voluntarily imprisoned in the prison, but did not expect a group of mysterious people to rush into the prison, stunned and robbed him. He didn't know what happened next. He only knew that he had been swayed and finally brought to this terrible place.

A mysterious chief wearing a red mask began to hold a special ritual ritual after determining that Arthur was the one who received the crown of thorns. He wanted to sacrifice him as a sacrifice to the evil gods he believed in. .

At the crucial moment, the two guardians who had been pursuing the special secrets left by Arthur finally arrived. The two tried their best and finally destroyed the entire altar, but they finally lost the evil spirits summoned by the mysterious leader at the cost of life. , have fallen.

At this time, Arthur, who barely recovered his ability to move, struggled to take out the holy ring badge that Raphael gave, and summoned Raphael at the last moment, finally defeating the evil spirit.

In fact, there are still some details to be considered in this story. For example, "Arthur" did not appear before the arrival of the guardian, why the holy ring badge was not searched by the enemy and so on. However, in Raphael's view, "Arthur" has no reason to be more courageous to lie in front of him. Most importantly, it is an indisputable fact that the main altar of this fear is destroyed. If it is not the main altar is destroyed, Lafite Even if it is true, it is impossible to easily defeat Sosbach in this way.

"Very good!" Rafael nodded. The main altar of the abyss is not simple. It can capture the destruction of the entire plane. It is one of the most important forces of the mysterious church, and it is unique. Every abyss dominates. There is only one main altar. Once destroyed, it takes a lot of time and effort to rebuild.

Now the "fear" main altar is destroyed, which is equivalent to breaking the trident of the mysterious church. It is a brilliant victory for the book of the bright church. As for the guardian of "Arthur", it is worth nothing compared to it. One mention.

"Arthur, you can make a great contribution this time, what reward do you want?"

Chen Rui looked at the blood left by the underground poison dragon, and his eyes showed the color of hope: "Is there any secret resurrection of Raphael?"

"Even if it is a resuscitation pharmacy, the restrictions are quite large, let alone this complete annihilation." Raphael's feeling is very sharp, and immediately discerned that the fresh blood is indeed left by the dragons, and there is no doubt in his heart. "If you can conquer the soul with the Holy Grail before their souls are completely destroyed, and then sacrifice with the pure light of Snowdala, it is hoped to restore the soul, and then try to find the body to resurrect with the secret."

Snowdale sacrifice? Chen Rui’s heart was moving and his face was frustrated: “I’ve got a short time for the Holy Grail, but I’ve got it first recognized and I can’t use it.”

"You have been recognized by the Holy Grail? It seems that your talents and physical fitness are as good as you can!" Raphael’s eyes lit up slightly, and then he shook his head: "Unfortunately, let alone the soul has completely dissipated, even if it is included in the Holy Grail, Snowdale flowers are not possible... In short, this thing is still not to be delusional. If you lack the guardian, I can send the angel of the church to protect you."

"I don't need it for the time being... I am not only the guardian, but also the partner and the lover. This incident made me realize a lot of things, and no power can match the real power." Chen Rui sighed with a sigh of relief. My eyes are gradually firming up: "My other super-order guardian should be on the way, I will leave a secret to meet him as soon as possible. For the already abandoned Ather Prince, it is now hidden in the dark. On the contrary, it is safer than going to the Ming I need to temporarily disappear for a while. After I have finished some trivial things, I will abandon those extra things and enter the bright mountain with unwilling will and determination. Please give more guidance to adults."

"You can recognize this. This time, there is still some gain. The enemy who captures relatives and friends must be killed by their own hands." Rafael nodded with approval. "You will have such a day, waiting for you to completely digest." I will give you real strength if you show up the ancient inheritance. If you show enough effort and qualifications, I can even ask God to come and transform you into an angel and have eternal life."

"Eternal life? Thank you adults!" Chen Rui eyes bright, a look of surprise color, but my heart is a eternal sister.

"Well, I will take you out of here first!" Rafael's hand waved, and a ring of light with a terrible power fell in the center of the underground palace, spreading rapidly around. In the next second, Chen Rui only felt that the space had changed and it had already appeared in the air.

"Booming ......" There was a violent tremor in the distance. It seems that another terrible earthquake occurred. I saw a large-scale collapse in the main mountain range of Hongshi Mountain.

The huge underground world Jinhuidi Palace, which was built by the cave dwarfs, has finally become history. (To be continued.)

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