Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1026: Prisoners

() "Have you already guessed it?"

In the face of Passari's question, Yudola answered indifferently.

Although this conversation revealed many shocking secrets, she had a special contract with Passari in her early years. With the understanding of this "every lover", Eudora did not worry that the other party would reveal the secret. .

Passari was shocked and his face was incredible. "You are crazy! You use your own biological daughter..."

"I don't have such a daughter!" Eudora said with a grin. "If it weren't for her, how could I suffer such humiliation? I will never forget that shame and hatred in this life!"

"I don't know why you pass hatred on innocent children. I only know that the child looks at your eyes, full of closeness and trust. I can imagine the hardship and determination that she came to you..." Passari I squeezed my fist and asked loudly. "You don't understand what you did. Even if you got her ability, why do you have to put her to death? The transformation ceremony will be completely exhausted." Her vitality!"

"Since she is my daughter, what qualifications do you have to manage? With the 'justice' in the mouths of those who are ignorant? Don't forget, you are the one who is least qualified to speak these words before me!" Eudora Sneeringly said: "Elisa's mission has been basically completed, and I will be back to you at the latest, tonight, I can guarantee that she is unscathed! I can promise you personally. After this time, we will completely clear up. Now, Master Passari, do you choose to stay here and I 'remember the past, or go back to your daughter?"

Eudora's ridicule made Passari's eyes show pain, his fists trembled, and the knuckles had turned white: "When you get what you think you want, you will find yourself lost." many!"

After saying this, Passari did not stop, turned and left.

Udola looked at Passari's far back and slowly turned his head to look at the direction of the platform of Shenghui.

"You shouldn't have been born in this world, you shouldn't have been around me."

"You are the biggest stain in my life. I can't stand your existence. It's the past, the future, and the present."

"You are just like me, just a tool."

"Our original value will remain for more than a hundred years after the opening of the Devil's Gate. Perhaps that is my biggest opportunity, but now the emergence of 'Arthur' has pushed me to the last road."

"So, you can only show value now, you have to blame. Just blame that ‘Arthur’, he destroyed the most beautiful bubble in your heart in advance,”

The sound of Eudora is very low. These are more like talking to myself. After a while, they turn and go.

Chen Rui (projection), who has been hiding under the sneak peek, has frowned. The amount of information he has stolen this time is not only huge. And quite amazing, combing the various pieces that I heard, the general content is as follows.

Passari and Eudora were lovers at the time, and Passari had a sister, Du Ruzhen, who was also a saint. And Eudora is a competitor.

It seems that because of Dulu's yīn plot, Yudola broke into the devil world and was just captured by Satan, forcing it to be combined with Lei Zen. Under the influence of some kind of power from Satan, Tiffany, the light and dark body, was born.

Later, Eudora did not know what method was used to escape from Lei Zen. Disguised as a man, I came across a little more than Isabella. You Dora took the opportunity to confuse Isabella, defrauded the wind and shadow boots, and cast a secret trick to engulf Isabella's strength and secret treasure "the heart of the fire and electricity", the strength of the advance, but because of the eagerness to seek, was met by "thermal power The resent of the heart has fallen into the "root of disease" that is difficult to cure.

After returning from the devil world to the human world, Eudora made great achievements with the wind-shoes he got, and successfully defeated Du Luyi and the rest of the competitors, and became one of the Big Three.

As for Passari, there is an "unexpected" entanglement with Yudora's sister Pansha (from the age of Elisa, the time of this love is certainly not short, there are repeated in the middle), probably due to Pa The relationship between Surrey and some vows, the two did not get together. Pansha married a guy named Steven. The poor "Ta Tauren" Steven should be the brother of Cardinal Rogge, helping Pasari raise her daughter Elisa, so Elisa is called Rogge. "uncle". Pan Sha told her sister, Eudora, the truth, and asked Eudora to take care of Elisa. After Eudora took Elisa as a disciple, he used this as a slogan and forced Passari to do many things that were against his heart.

After Elisa’s attempt to count Chen Rui’s attempt, after the collapse of the gods, Passari took Elisa with her side, and this time she was brought over by Eudora, using her talent to bring some power to Tiffany. After "stealing", "give" to Eudora, in order to completely eliminate the "anti-optical heart" of Eudora's body and step into nationalization.

From the whisper of Eudora, she could have heard that her original intention was to use Tiffany to play an unexpected role in the war between the devil and mankind more than a hundred years later, and now she can only "return to the next best."

Yudola can only use the words "cold and bloodless" for this daughter who is looking for her daughter. It is said that Eudora is also not very good for Elisa, and cultivated it into a yīn sinister Girl.

What Chen Rui is most worried about now is Tiffany. From the dialogue between Eudora and Passari, it can be seen that Eudora has successfully used the power of Tiffany to almost completely eliminate the heart of the fire. "The reversal will soon step into super-order. Tiffany has not only lost his strength, but he has also become the energy core of the entire magical array of Shenghui. The experiment has already consumed some of her vitality.

If you convert a hundred Knights of the Temple in the canonical ceremony, you will surely let Tiffany squander the lights and completely annihilate. Fortunately, this secret was discovered in advance.

It was just that during this time, due to the secret conversation between Yudora and Passari, the rest were disbanded, so Chen Rui began to use the eyes of analysis to explore the magical veins of the entire shining platform.

This above-mentioned ancient symbolic-based gathering of the spirits is made by Rafael himself. It is profound and profound, and it also contains the powerful power of the pseudo-god. It is impossible to crack the current level of Chen Rui, and his projection There is limited time to exist, only about half an hour left.

There is no Tiffany's information in the eyes of the analysis. If Tiffany is not being held in a very remote place, it is blocked by the power of some space.

Chen Rui calmed down and recalled the direction of Eudora's previous whispers. He tried to use the mystery of deep analysis to start searching in that position. Sure enough, he faintly explored a hidden space fluctuation.

Rafael should be extremely jīng through the ancient idioms. In terms of ability and strength, Chen Rui certainly cannot solve the blockade of this ancient character matrix. but. In the battle of the fear of the altar in the Jinhuidi Palace, he witnessed the battle between Raphael and the projection of the fear of Sosbach. The Raphael's "Scorpio" is an epic ancient accent. This essay was recorded by Chen Rui with in-depth analysis, although it could not be fully understood. However, based on some of the characteristics and skills of the period, he began to use a special means.

This means is actually a fairly high-level appendix application, the power of reverse sign. Can restore or offset the effect of some of the idioms, especially the concealment of a class of idioms, Chen Rui follows the style of Raphael, carefully exerted this power. After a period of time, he finally succeeded in stimulating the power of the reverse without disturbing the entire rune.

The space in front is recessed first, then gradually accentuates. I began to show an image. Out of a certain source of force, this image can only be seen by Chen Rui who is in this position, and most people cannot see it.

Although there is already psychological preparation, when Chen Rui sees the situation in the space. The mind is still trembled by the earthquake.

The most conspicuous of these is the delicate female body, which seems to be embedded in some kind of "tree". The hands and feet are fused by the "trees", extending a myriad of roots, like a myriad of blood transfusions, transferring the power of her life and soul to the entire site of the Holy Glory.

Sure enough, Tiffany!

The original light blue sè hair has become gray sè, even more surprising is that she clearly feels the breath of her life, but the eyes of the blue sè have been completely bleak, as if dead.

The grief is greater than the death of the heart. Compared with the trauma of the body, the trauma of the heart is the most deadly.

Chen Rui knows that Tiffany has a double xìng grid, one is innocent and tender, the other is strong and persistent, no matter which one, the biggest obsession in the heart is only one. To this end, she is willing to be the key, enter the mystery to get the silver scorpion, Chen Rui and her experience with those terrible dangers, know that the driving force to support her to live is to find the mother in the human world. After obtaining zìyóu, she refused the **** empire's throne and **** ring, and resolutely came to the strange human world, and found her mother with all her hardships, yet...

Chen Rui can imagine that when the most precious attachment in her heart is crushed by the so-called "mother", what kind of harm will be brought.

"Tiffany, can you hear it?" Ordinary speech may be shielded by space. Chen Rui can only try to communicate with her through the mind with the eyes of analysis.

"I don't know if you can hear it, but, no matter what, please don't give up hope."

"Do you remember a friend at the beginning?"

"I am here to save you."

"Can you hear it?"


No matter how Chen Rui tried The feeling of feedback from the analytical eye is just a dead silence, even the most basic jīng **** or soul fluctuations have no slight reaction, as if it is not a living person.

Whether it is strength or skill, this big battle is not something that Chen Rui can solve now. Even if he can use the tower of glory freely, he can't take Tiffuni directly from that kind of imprisonment. Therefore, he can only patiently Wait, wait for a better time.

Tiffany's image began to fade, after all, the time of the reverse force is limited, and the failure of Chen Rui's own projection is coming, and the figure is getting thinner.

"Wait for me, I will save you from going out..." With this sentence, the projection disappeared.

"Sure!" In the Temple of Light, the real body added a sentence, clenched the fist in his hand, and his eyes showed a firm and incomparable light.

PS: This chapter thanked the vice version of wts for reward, thank you for your support!

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