Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1027: eve

() Chen Rui’s “trial” at the peak of Shengli is quite successful. Rafael is obviously very satisfied with this. Chen Rui’s request for materials has been increased tenfold.

Although this is a rather amazing resource, Chen Rui’s heart is heavy because of Tiffany.

His contact with Tiffany was not much. It was originally derived from the Tetris game in which "the mistakes made will accumulate and the success will disappear", and then she saw another one in Serco Red Mountain. It was not until the last time I went to the mysterious place to look for the silver scorpion, that it was a real intersection with the woman who should be regarded as a "fiancée". The persistence of the unwillingness left a deep impression on him.

It is a pity that the biggest attachment has now been crushed cruelly, and life is better than death.

You must rescue Tiffany, the sooner the better.

If you drag to the canonization ceremony and continue to play "Arthur," then the conversion ceremony will sacrifice Tiffany. This choice is definitely impossible; then you can only turn your face and Rafael, but even if you are lucky, you can’t Take Tiffany.

The gathering of the spirits is not only profound and mysterious, but also contains the pseudo-power of Raphael himself. The ability of Chen Rui alone is simply unable to break this big array and release Tiffany. However, one person should be able to, and that is embarrassing.

I didn't wait for Chen Rui to come up, and I opened my mouth first.

"In the gathering of the spirits just now... seems to have what you want? Or someone who wants to take it away?"

I have been in the six-star mark on Chen Rui’s arm. Although I haven’t heard what Chen Rui’s projections have stolen, I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve guessed a bit based on Chen’s performance on the stage of Shenghui. .

"Sure enough, nothing can be said to adults. Excuse me, do you have a way to do this?"

"You are too modest. I don't know how much you can go," the six-star mark shook, and the figure had already appeared in front of him. He said, "And you don't have to provoke me because I don't Determine if you can crack this big array."

"The modest is the grown-up." Chen Rui did not fight with these careful machines, and opened the door and asked: "As you have guessed, I must rescue the friend who was sacrificed in the gathering of the spirits, and also invited adults. provide help."

"Raphael is one of the three angels who is the best at the ancient slang. I just touched the sacred genius just now, and it feels unfathomable. It contains not only the mystery of the formation, but also the Raphael. My power. It is impossible to rescue the imprisoned person silently and forcefully crack it. Not only must we understand the mystery of this battle, but also have the ability to eliminate Rafael’s power. We certainly can't succeed. Even if I try to crack it, I will definitely alarm Rafael. I haven't waited to save the person. Rafael has already arrived. We don't have any chance. You also want to know the ancient runes. I am not a rumor."

"There is the meaning of an adult... First of all, I will try to understand the mystery of the gathering of the spirits as soon as possible, and then the adults can break it out?" Chen Rui tempted to ask.

"You also know what I am doing now, even if my soul power is at its peak. In this bright mountain, it is not the opponent of the three angels. Although I have not received the power of the Holy Grail to nourish the soul, you should have already discovered it. My soul is growing stronger. This is precisely because of the creation of the source, I need to further comprehend and strengthen the power of 'creation.' I know that you have more creative insights than me. Although I don't understand why this is the case, What is certain is that with your current strength, even if you fully understand the source of creation, you can't resolve the power of Raphael."

Saying, there is a lot of meaning in the voice of 贲薨: "It’s blunt, we have reservations in the understanding of the power of creation. If you really want to save your friends, you must be honest, really I exchanged my feelings about 'creation', I can swear with my soul, and when I get a complete creative sentiment, I will definitely help you to save your friends."

Chen Rui is very clear about the intention of 贲薨 - to be embarrassed.

In fact, some of the concerns of my heart have been around for a long time. Chen Rui used the trick to easily obtain the power of the book to go to the Temple of Light and Sensation. It was originally a great benefit, but unexpectedly, Chen Rui’s perception of “creation” far exceeded her. Even faintly can feel that Chen Rui’s creative origin is almost close to the big one. Once he fully understands the power of creating the source and rescues his friends, he will certainly not stay in the bright mountain. At that time, even if she doesn't turn her face or design to frame her, she just can't stay in the bright mountain and continue to realize the source of creation. Now Chen Rui is asking for her, just taking the opportunity to offer.

“Completely and frankly exchange creation senses?” Chen Rui reveals the sè.

"Our sentiment is above me, but your strength has not reached the false gods. You can't really understand and integrate this sentiment. You can't achieve qualitative change. If you combine my feelings, you will have a great chance to directly break through. Pseudo-God." The voice of the cockroach is full of temptations, but Chen Rui is very clear that this is not a slap in the face. It is a pity that his true foundational strength is still national. The next step is to be a god.

"We can exchange a little bit every day. You give me some creative power. I will give you the power according to the power of these creations. You can understand the power of the pseudo-god." Smile, "This should be a more appropriate approach. If you have a better way, you can say it, or think for a while, but your friend can't seem to wait too long..."

Chen Rui's brow wrinkled, and the last sentence was indeed the key point. He took the opportunity to say: "I can promise you, even if we don't have time to comprehend the complete source of creation during this time, before the arrival of the canon. I will do my best to help you save your friend... How? This is my last bottom line."

"Good!" Chen Rui weighed the weight and finally agreed.

"I can guarantee that you will not regret today's decision." Xiaoxiao said: "If you don't mind, we can use the last skill of soul blending, which is the quickest and safest way. In the light When the temple is comprehended, we can also use this method of blending, and it will have a multiplier effect - don't misunderstand. I have no intention of having any control over you. Don't forget, last time, my soul was annihilated in you. In the power of the kingdom of God, this time I will not be stupid enough to make the same mistake again. After all, we have common interests, aren’t we?”

Chen Rui looks at her smile, although she can't see her true face, but she can feel the special charm in that smile. This is not a temptation to be artificial. It is the attraction of the supreme power of the soul, probably related to the last soul blend.

Indeed, the soul blending is impossible to falsify, and it can prevent the other party from making fraud when exchanging sentiment. I also laughed: "Why not? The kind of wonderful taste, I still remember it today..."

In the next rì, Chen Rui, in the name of Sensing and Familiarity of the Ghosts, went to Dengyunping, the peak of the holy mountain every few days, in order to avoid Rafael and Yudola’s suspicion, he was showing After the strength of the peak of the Emperor, it was deliberately tested once. Successfully transformed twenty Knights of the Temple.

This kind of experiment Chen Rui certainly can't do more, because every time it will consume Tiffany's vitality, every time he is "familiar" at the Shenghui platform, he is also calling Tiffany through the soul with the eyes of analysis. Unfortunately, there is still no response.

Compared with the stagnation of Tiffany's progress, after Chen Rui and Yan used the form of soul to exchange their experiences, the sentiments of the two sides have grown by leaps and bounds.

It’s been more than a month, Chen Rui clearly feels. The sentiment of creating the source is almost approaching the real world of perfection, which has the depth of analysis and the tree of nature. The sinful power of the gods is also indispensable.

Although I got a part of Chen Rui’s sentiment, the power of creation has also been greatly improved, and the originally damaged soul has also recovered. However, she has never been able to grasp the full power of the source. She also feels the progress of Chen Rui. Dark and anxious.

In the evening, the moonlight fell into the city of the Light, and it looked extraordinarily chaste.

At this time, it was less than a week since the beginning of the canonization ceremony. All the preparations related to the canonization ceremony in the entire White Cliff have been basically completed. Many invited guests have already arrived in the Shengguang City in advance.

Going to see "the Son of the Son" is endless, but without exception, Chen Rui refused with the excuse of "Calm preparations."

He really needs to calm down, because the brewing and preparation of the previous time is finally coming to an end.

"The study of the big man, the gathering of the spirits is almost the same. At this time tomorrow, we should go to Dengyunping to rescue the friend."

Tiffany's shackled squadron is not a small squad. In case it is impossible to wait until the canonization ceremony, it must be done in advance.

"Of course, my promise to you will not renege on the words Then, we are now in front of the Temple of Light, and finally realize the creation of the source."

Chen Rui nodded and took out the pass badge given by Raphael, opening up the space passage.

This badge is time-limited, one hour a day, and only a few dozen days, it just expires when it comes to the book.

Through the space channel, Chen Rui once again came to the familiar Temple of Light. The pass badge has the special power to exempt the front of the Temple of Light, but only in front of the Temple of Light. If you try to enter the Temple of Light, you will not succeed, and you will be terrible. The attack, this Raphael has long been confessed. Chen Rui had entered the temple and died. He knew that the inside was terrible. Today's magical array and organs are definitely more than last time, so there has been no rash movement.

The sound of humming sounded: "I recently seemed to be groping to the edge of the complete source. As long as I can succeed, I can continue to understand even if I leave here. I have a hunch that success is today..."

“Is it?” Chen Rui smiled slightly: “It’s so good, I have this kind of hunch, then let’s get started.”

PS: Today, my mother-in-law is a rì, now I am going to my mother-in-law, and I will be there after the second one.

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