Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1039: Come back home

In the evening, the purple moonlight sprinkled in the courtyard, which seemed extraordinarily quiet.

In the void, a blue light door opens, and a purple purple figure appears in the courtyard.

The light door gradually disappeared, and the purple color of the figure faded.

Looking at the familiar scenery around, I was calm and calm immediately because of the tightness of the battle.

Because this is his home.

Not only this yard, but also the entire Darkmoon Territory.

The original "Arthur" can be regarded as a wish. Whether the consciousness or the soul has been completely integrated, as the new "Arthur", the feelings and affairs in the human world are basically drawn to a successful conclusion.

Lan Bisi chose his own path.

Veronica is free from the abyss.

Rex the Great received a gift from his son.

My sister, Mayfair, has the freedom to choose her future marriage.

Samuel became a true follower.

Of course, there are still many unstoppable ties in the human world, such as the deep friendship with the elves and the dwarves, the commitment to the king of fire, and so on, which cannot be ignored.

Only now, Tiffany has brought it back, and the biggest hidden danger has been fundamentally resolved. So he can finally go home with peace of mind.

Not far from the star point, Chen Rui heard the strange sound of "咕噜咕噜". It turned out that a black shadow in the corner was being filled with wine. It was a translucent onion.


"Who? Who is calling this uncle?" The onion of the Amoeba gave birth to two long ears that were sharper than the elf, and the nose became pointed and drunk. The attitude seems to be very arrogant.

The so-called near-ink is black, because the two guys with Paglio and Lomon are in contact with each other. Amoeba has long been used to "grandfather" to live on its own. Even in the magic game, the three guys are also named after the handsome dragon, handsome knife, and handsome. Formed the infamous "Grandfather Team" in "Endless Warrior ol", it is best to win the hatred of the pk, and improve the player's fighting spirit and increase the competitiveness of the game.

If this is a free game of potholes, these three guys are a few good players to do "to".

Chen Rui walked silently without a word: "Do you need me to call you a lost grandfather?"

"Lord...Master!" The drunken amoeba, through the moonlight, finally saw the coming of the person, immediately put away the pointed ears and nose, what I wanted to say, and suddenly I felt sad. I turned out six hands and hugged Chen Rui’s legs and burst into tears.

This is not the usual onion and fake crying - garlic, but the real crying, Chen Rui's trousers are instantly soaked by tears, for a moment do not understand what happened: "What's wrong, lost?"

The amoeba raised his head and took out a few golden cards with tears and groaning and couldn't speak.

Chen Rui understands that these cards are gift cards for Princess Gold Mountain and Princess Square. At that time, in the battle of the main altar of fear of Dossbach. Facing the main altar with the defense of the original source debris, the amoeba was frightened, and Rolla threw a killer, these gift cards. As a result, the food and wealthy fans were like chicken blood. They rushed to the main altar and swallowed the source fragments of the soil. Become the biggest "contributor" to destroy the main altar of fear.

However, the amoeba did not know that he was deceived by the belly black hostess, and the old-fashioned super-level play was actually an expired prize and a paid gift card. He was eager to go to the awards and consumption, and the result was naturally squinting and climbing back. There is a saying that good insects have tears and do not flick. Just not to be sad. These days, the amoeba, which had been squandered by alcohol, saw the owner and suddenly could not restrain it, and burst into tears sadly.

Chen Rui knows that losing is originally a craving for life. Now he has been mixed with Paglio for a long time, and there is another one that depends on the wealth. This is indeed a matter of lora, but it is a disguise. Fearing almost made the whole battle fail, but after all, it was a great achievement, but it couldn’t really hit the goods too much. Now, I said, “Let’s do it. In a few days, I will take you to the Princess Square to pick up three gifts, and then Let's go to Princess Hill to have the most expensive meal."

The sound of throwing his legs and legs was abruptly stopped. He lowered his head and slowly extended a round slap and turned four fingers.

After thinking about it, I took out a few more.

Seeing more and more fingers, Chen Rui’s brains could not help but take the risk.

"Again, I will reduce it to two gifts."

"Three! Three! Master is really handsome!"


After the little episode, Chen Rui learned from the lost mouth that Paglio had a faint sign of breakthrough since the last break of the main altar. During this time, he tried to break through to the peak of the country, but he could not Success, just a few days ago, I chose to practice retreat.

Due to the relationship between Athena's pregnancy, Delia and Krobe Ruth moved into the lord's house, taking care of Athena with Red Dragon's mother Gloria, while Lomon replaced Delia in the Imperial City. With the help of two wives, Medici, he was responsible for the intelligence department of the Angel Empire. The house was temporarily lost by the lost house. I heard that Princess Alice also came to the dark moon to visit Athena from the emperor.

The amoeba, which has been rewarded and lost, is excited and inexplicable. After Chen Rui enters the house, he can still hear the exaggerated laughter of the real handsome man.

When Chen Rui entered the room of the house, he had two more people to come to Isabella and Rolla.

In the case of the battle between the two women in the sacred mountain, the "war projection" skill was applied in the case of the fusion of the star gods. Although the projection was destroyed, the body was not dangerous. Now it is safe to escape from the holy mountain and return to the demon world. It is.

“Back home?” Lola looked around and the spectacles reflected the light of the scorpion.

"It's still comfortable at home." Isabella lay down on the bed without any style, and the whole person seemed to have slackened.

"The projection of the war... How do you feel?" Chen Rui is more concerned about whether there are any corresponding sequelae after the two people use the "war projection" to fight.

"There is nothing else," Lola carefully recalled. "It is a loss of mentality. The problem is not big. If you sleep, you should be able to fully recover. The star **** is infinitely endless. If you have time, we must have a good understanding." ”

Chen Rui let go of his heart. Nod.

"Well, our Son descended back to the Devil and changed back to His Royal Highness," Isabella's lazy look reveals a sultry style. "So, Miss Tiffany should be successful." Rescued?"

Chen Rui smiled slightly, and there was a sparkling light in his hand that fell beside Isabella. The bed suddenly came out with one more person, it was Tiffany.

Tiffany closed her eyes and pale. Is falling into a drowsiness, although Chen Rui reversed the ancient accent of the Gathering of the Ghost, and regained the power of Tiffuni's seduce, but as the "energy core" of the Gathering, Tiffany was depleted. The vitality and the power of the soul are quite huge. Originally in Raphael's plan, the 100-person conversion ceremony will completely take time out of her vitality. It is sure to die, but fortunately Chen Rui shot. Pulled her back from the death line.

However, Tiffany's most important thing is not the body or strength, but the soul.

Eudora used Elisa's "stealing" and "giving" talents to pass Tiffany's power to himself. Resolved the power of the "Heart of Fire and Power" that has been plagued for many years, and broke through to the national level. Then, the daughter with the dark body was given to Raphael. Become a sacrifice of the Gathering.

Tiffany has gone through all the hardships to gain freedom to come to the human world, especially when the mysterious land acquires the source of destruction. It can be described as a life of nine deaths, in order to find a mother. Looking for maternal love, and the mother pushed her into **** for power and strength, completely smashing the biggest or only pursuit of her life, and the damage caused to Tiffany's soul can be imagined.

Although this time successfully saved Tiffany, but to let her re-energize even to promise that Lei Zen took over the **** empire, to achieve the real "unification" of the Confederacy League, I am afraid that it is not an easy thing.

It’s inevitable that my aunt’s eyes look at Tiffany’s eyes—this is her biggest “enemy” daughter, but there is no doubt that this is also an innocent victim.

"Let her take a break here for a while." Isabella sighed.

Chen Rui understood Isabella's mood and gently held her hand.

"Let's go, it's not too late. Now that we are at home, let's go to sleep well." Chen Rui took one hand and held two women.

"Samuel they..." Isabella thought of something and asked.

"They are also integrated in ... the big masters inherited the world's star-studded Taiwan. Because of the first contact with the power of faith, the longer this time, the better." Chen Rui shrugged. "Reassure, they will not come out after three days." , will not disturb our good things at critical times."

"Who has a good deed with you!" Isabella snorted. "I slept with Lola tonight, and you still went to Athena. They are not. Just stay with the Queen of the Future."

As a good sister, Rolla naturally nodded to express her attachment.

"Right, Lola, Ini, there is a very important news, I seem to forget to tell you two."

"what news?"

"Athena she..."

After Chen Rui told Axi Na that she was pregnant, the ears of Miss Fairy and Aunt were erected at the same time.

Zi Yan and Tourmaline looked at each other and could see the fighting spirit and flame burning in the other's After one minute, Mr. Chen was slammed out by the two secretaries and had not waited for another one. There was something in the room where the secretary had nothing to do with the secretary, and there was a pleasant cry from the corridor: "Brother!"


How did she come?

Before the arrival of "Alice Big Jump", a red light has already taken the lead: "Dad!"

It is blossoming!

Not only Alice and blossoming, but also Athena, Jiya and others.

When I heard the sound of a certain amoeba constantly, Chen Rui finally understood why everyone would come.

Slightly tightened the baby girl who kept licking her face, lifted the neck that was hung by a koala bear Loli, and looked at Athena’s smile and the small succubus’s resentful eyes. Chen Rui only felt the heart. A piece of warmth.

Anyway, it’s good to go home. (To be continued.)

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