Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1040: dance

Into the eye is a splendid starry sky, boundless.

Chen Rui is floating in this vast universe.

This is his universe.

Super system.

Destruction and creation are the two most basic laws of the universe. Although he has gained a complete understanding of the source of destruction and the source of creation, it is only a fur.

Chen Rui closed his eyes and quietly felt everything around him.

Every touch is so wonderful, as if the state of mind and strength are constantly being tempered in this "god tour."

Looking back on the road I had traveled before, the original "upgrade" was actually just the power of the "self-contained" system of the super system to enhance the body's strength and acquire the new activation skills of the system.

This kind of improvement is actually just a passive "pull-up". At that time, the super system is more of a magical tool of data in his heart.

From the initial "罡" situation along the way, knowing the "Zi. Extreme Star" of the "derivative" of today, he really realized the mystery of some super systems.

The previous data-based systems, including skills, were only based on accumulation. As the level increased, the concept of digitization and dataization became more and more blurred, while the other feeling became clearer and clearer, that is, life.

The initial chaos, then to the living planet, to the galaxies, the star field, the whole is a process of reproduction of the universe.

Today's super system, in his eyes, is no longer the previous game "boot screen", but the universe containing real life.

This universe has infinite mystery, no longer limited or set by hand, but full of possibilities. In other words, there is no need to rely entirely on the settings of the super system. It is on its own creation and understanding.

Even as the master of the Temple of Stars, it can only be touched slightly by the understanding of the two basic laws of creation and destruction. It is necessary to further understand and discover that this will also become the source of the continuous improvement and growth of the "Zi.

As far as skills are concerned, although this promotion only adds a “mirror body”, Chen Rui himself can create four kinds of powers that have evolved from the art of war. This is the real qualitative change.

The more you get rid of a certain kind of jealousy, the more you can touch the real power.

The battle with Rafael is a valuable experience for Chen Rui. In all fairness, he is far from Raphael's opponent. The reason why he continued to let Raphael eat in the bright mountain. Mainly prepared early, with carelessness, plus the magic of artifacts and skills. If you face the enemy again, you will be lucky if you can escape.

However, Chen Rui is just breaking through the realm. It is only a very early stage for the new strengths, including the use and understanding of the strongest “Zi. Take the trick of "Nie-Destroyed Dimensions" as an example. This big move not only has the power of "splitting" and "the true red extinction", but also the power of the space from the tower of glory, trying out a dimension space. Combining creation and destruction, using the power of the conflict between the two laws to destroy all the enemies in the Dimension. This move has always been a difference in training and practice, and cannot be fully displayed until it faces Rafi. When this powerful opponent was born, it was successfully motivated.

If there is some enlightenment, Chen Rui’s mind is moving, and he has already returned to the training ground of the Temple of Stars.

Just like the exercises in my mind. After entering the "Purple. Polar Star" state, the moment has been divided into three figures. Among the powerful forces of purple, a triangle's dimension is successfully constructed in the void.

The ghost of the triangle spreads. Everything in the center is broken.

For a long time, the space will be restored to its original state.

Chen Rui mixes and breathes, and quickly calms down some of the turbulent forces. After this period of practice, he has been able to display this new trick more freely, and his power is getting stronger and stronger.

What is to be done now is to further master and comprehend the power of the "Zi. Extreme Star Emperor". If you encounter Raphael again, as he said, the next contest will be more intense.

Various moves and powers are applied over and over until exhaustion.

Rest rest and practice again. Repeatedly.

Although the most important thing at this level is comprehension, hard work and diligence are always the foundation, and there is no complacency and slack.

After the special time rule completed a training goal in the custom stage, Chen Rui walked out of the training ground and saw a moving figure appear at the door of the Hall of the Star Temple.

"Chen Rui." Veronica came over.

"Veronica," Chen Rui nodded. "I have seen you very rarely recently. How is it?"

"You really want to see me? Not afraid of your wife's taste?" Seeing the slight color of Chen Rui's face, Veronica smiled and opened the subject. "My experience during this time... It’s so hard to describe it in words. I entered a new world as a 'God' and watched the world’s forests. I used my emotions to feel, merge, change, and my harvest was quite I feel that my previous experiences are nothing more than...the pain in the legendary phoenix nirvana, now is the real beginning of my life. Thank you."

Veronica’s eyes are gentle and clear, and Chen Rui can feel the things contained in it. The emotions that look up to the sun in the abyss have not changed until now, but sublimation has become another kind of emotion, a kind of love.

It’s not just a younger sibling, not just a companion... What is it? He himself can’t say it for a moment, just feel that love can be all-inclusive.

"Veronica, I..."

"You don't have to apologize or explain, I don't want to repeat what you said to me," Veronica shook her head. "You just need to know, I am here, I am very good, very fulfilling, just fine." ”

Chen Rui was able to say that he was self-proclaimed, but now he can't find anything to say, just nodding silently.

"Okay, the supreme king of God," Veronica showed a gentle smile. "As a god, there is one thing to tell you."

"This title is vulgar enough. Can I understand that you are evil to me?" Chen Rui shook his head, and the atmosphere was finally relaxed.

"If you are sure to accept this 'bad'," Veronica said with a smile: "But this title is also deserved, because the two gods under your seat... well. It is Lola and Ini. The star **** has been built, but according to the cognition of the function of 'God', a fusion of beliefs is needed to truly become the **** recognized by the tower of faith. This will not only give the universe, but also give They bring great benefits to themselves."

"Mixed ritual?" Chen Rui thought thoughtfully, and there was a "star enhancement" function option in his mind. The original one-star reinforcement has become an optional two-star reinforcement.

This super system upgrade, its own skills is a "mirror body." However, the original building or function has been enhanced. Due to the time, Chen Rui has not had time to study it.

The previous "one star strengthening" was based on the power of the stars and the power of faith. It was reborn and transformed, which made the roots of the intensified people more solid. It would be easier to break through the bottleneck in the future, just like the super devil fruit. . In addition, the star enhancement also has the "halo effect" of "mutual reinforcement", and the same two people who have been strengthened (including the subject of Chen Rui) are within a certain distance. The strength of each other will increase significantly, and the more people there, the stronger the increase. It has been well tested in battle. For example, next to Chen Rui, Lola can always exert beyond the general strength.

The role of "two stars strengthening" should be what Veronica said. It merges with the beliefs of the super system and becomes the **** recognized by the tower of faith. Further grasp the mystery of the "Star God" of Feng Xingtai.

The price of one star strengthening is the crystallization of 100,000 beliefs, while the strengthening of two stars is the crystallization of the ten-party belief. "Fang" is a new unit of measurement of crystallization, one side is equivalent to 100 million beliefs, then the ten is one billion, and the price of one star is ten thousand times. This price increase is terrible, but the law of super system is generally The higher the value, the stronger the function. Moreover, Chen Rui’s belief source is not only the universe of the super system itself, but also the increasingly large magic game team outside. It can be regarded as both internal and external repairs, not to mention the ten parties. The calculation is 10,000. Fang, is not in the words.

"Understood, I will complete this fusion ceremony as soon as possible."

"Okay, His Majesty the King," Veronica waved freely and walked straight toward the Tower of Faith. "I want to continue my wonderful journey, take care of myself, and Rolla."

The far-sighted figure gradually blurs in Chen Rui’s line of sight. When the vision is clear, the eye is the clear morning that passes through the window.

Today's training grounds practice, there will be no such excessive fatigue "sequel", need to sleep all day, just a little hungry, Chen Rui climbed up from the bed, gently pushed open the window, immediately came noisy sound.

In the courtyard, there is a strong rhythm of music.

A few beautiful figures are accompanied by music to make a variety of gentle and moving dance movements, becoming a beautiful landscape.

This is a special program specially provided by Catherine, who is far from the shadow empire, and carefully adapted by the small succubus.

It is said that this ancient music and dance originated from the king of Asmode, can make the fetus grow healthier, which is also the first of the "prenatal education" in the devil world.

I don’t know where Jiya got the news, saying that this ancient dance has the effect of “seeking the child”, but the women are still So, every morning and evening, there is this Dance, led by the small succubus, Lola, Isabella, Krobe Ruth are loyal followers, the rest of the busy such as Athena, Delia, actually did not insist on participating.

This reminds Chen Rui of the square aerobics of the past life. It is even more shameful to hear that the palace of the Emperor of the Angels will ring this music every morning and evening.

Wait! Ask for a child dance, a fetus dance, and what kind of fun is Alice behind?

Also brought a blossoming!

A father’s brain suddenly came out, right, what is the strange thing that wriggling, lost?

Chen Rui patted the forehead very silently, and saw a figure in the shadow of the courtyard house. Sitting on the ground, the noise and laughter on the side could not attract her attention, as if in another world.

Loneliness is like this. (To be continued.)

Ps: This chapter thank all my friends who understand and support me.

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