Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1050: goddess

"Well." Lola looked at Chen Rui's astonished look, and nodded in a blank face, but his heart was "喔嚯嚯嚯嚯".

(Of course! This lady is a genius in genius!)

(This lady is the first of all to complete... This is called "two star star enhancement"!)

(Although I don't know what it is, it looks very powerful.)

(Learning Laleria’s laughter should be very good...)

Chen Rui, who got a positive answer, quickly asked: "What do you feel now? And, can you freely enter the temple after the success?"

"Well... I don't know how to describe it," Lola thought. "Remember the feeling of the "soul split" that I said last time. Today, the soul seems to have really separated a part and was inhaled involuntarily. In the star-studded stage, I am united with the star god. I don’t know how to leave, just try to call your name in my heart, and I want to see what it is like outside the star platform. The result suddenly appears in this hall. in."

"Soul split?"

"Yes, I feel that the body is still in the Rainbow Valley. It should be just my soul, or the ideology." The body of Lola is still in the quiet room of the Rainbow Valley. It is only her in this temple. A trace of soul can also be understood as a avatar.

The body is still in another place. Is it just a sense of separation? This is different from the fusion of Feng Xingtai. Chen Rui seems to have seized some key things.

"As for feeling..." Lola looked at the vast river of stars in front of the Temple of Stars, and the special feelings in her heart became more and more intense, as if she had become part of this innocent universe. Birth, destruction, life, joy, sorrow and joy...

This is very wonderful, the soul is merging with the universe in constant tempering. A new and powerful force began to breed and fill up.

Chen Rui immediately gave birth to induction, Star Power!

Star force is a very special kind of energy. Whether it is "quality" or "quantity", it is far better than the general power. Paglio, who was far better than Chen Rui, was once shattered by the original version of the "Aurora Bomb". As the strength improved, the star The particularity of force becomes more apparent. In many cases, Star Power can also ignore the shock of high-level enemies and avoid the situation where it is impossible to exert its strength.

At the level of the Emperor and the Emperor, the "Star Field" based on the Star Force can break the conventional direct appearance in the field of any enemy. This is not an ordinary force, but a rule and rule. The presence.

To this day, Star Power has integrated the special energy of faith and life. Both the kingdom and the power can play a far greater role than the general energy, which is fully confirmed in the battle with Rafael.

Today, Rolla unexpectedly has only the talent that only Chen Rui has, that is, the unique power of the super system! What does this mean?

Chen Rui not only noticed that Star Power is so simple, but Rolla gave him a feeling of unprecedented speciality, just like the fusion of a super system into a galaxy in this star field. No, not a single galaxy. It is equivalent to a part of the composition.

At this time, Veronica’s voice sounded.

"Chen Rui, interrupt your thoughts as a god. I clearly feel that there is a special breath in the image of Lola's star. This kind of breath gives me the feeling of being near-eternal and vast. Great, there is perfection. The rules of omnipotence - if you follow the philosophy and theology I have mastered before, you might call it. Divinity."


The words used by Veronica made Chen Rui and Lola even surprised.


Chen Rui thought about it, and the star gods except the war projection. Another important function is that it can project projections into certain places of faith in the galaxy, become the core of the pillar of faith, and accept the power of the corresponding faith, which is also the local "spirit."

This feature has been unusable, now...

"I don't think this is just an illusion," Veronica said with a smile: "Lola, I believe you also feel that there is a special power that is calling your soul. This is exactly what your soul is automatically entering this temple. The real reason."

Lola nodded, and Veronica said yes, that is the feeling.

Chen Rui felt the remarkable changes in another building. The thoughts moved and the three people appeared in front of the tower of faith.

The towering Tower of Faith shines like never before, and the corresponding light on the body of Lola seems to form a kind of resonance.

At the same time, Chen Rui’s mind also produced a special induction. In his eyes, the sources of faith in the Tower of Faith seem to be alive, and they begin to blend into new forms.

Brave, benevolent, intelligent, loyal, greedy, conspiracy,...

The original light ball that fits the law of faith appears in the mind.

Chen Ruifu looked at Lola in his heart and seemed to understand something and smiled. Veronica also laughed. As the most advanced god, her understanding of the tower of faith is much more subtle than that of a relatively large-scale master, but from the "Little Arthur" amount... Chen Rui's lovely smile Look, there is no need for her to say more.

Chen Rui does not know that he has been squandered by two bad friends, such as wretched, unscrupulous, lascivious, and so on. The smile of the big collection is actually adjective by the Veronica sister, but he does The whole thing and the reasons for these changes have been clarified.

The star of the two stars is strengthened and the belief is strengthened.

Star statue.

Then, that is...

Chen Rui looked at Lola, and a ray of light covered the fairy dragon lady: "Relax the soul, enter the tower of faith, and then fully sense the various sources of faith in the tower, choose the type that is closest or most sensitive. Convergence."

Naturally, there is no reservation about the trust of Miss Chen Rui, who is allowed to shine into the whole body and is inhaled by the tower of faith.

Shortly after entering, the light of the Tower of Faith suddenly increased by a thousand times. At the same time, the star statues in the star-studded temple also emitted strong starlight. The whole statue was "lighted" and looked like countless dazzling spots.

"Lola." Chen Rui took a deep breath and looked at Miss Fairy Dragon who reappeared in front of her. "How do you feel?"

"Unbelievable." Lola looked at her hands in surprise and looked at the Milky Way in the distance. "I feel that I really seem to be a part of this universe, with a huge power like a star."

"Now I should respect you as..." Veronica said slightly to Rolla: "The goddess who is in charge of ‘knowledge’.”

"Goddess?" Lola stayed for a while, and felt a sense of his own consciousness that instantly expanded innumerable times, and divided into countless copies, extending in all directions, into this boundless universe.

Chen Rui, the highest master of the most star temple, was naturally aware of these changes, and his eyes followed the awareness of Rolla. Seeing that the conspicuous blink of an eye has penetrated the limits of space, it falls on a living planet.

On the planet, there were a lot of light, and there was a huge shadow in the light. This illusion is a roller, surrounded by soft and crystal-clear stars. The body is faintly revealing like a galaxy. The first feeling is perfection and eternity, as Veronica said... God Sex.

In any case, in this world, Rolla is already this true god!

Seal God?

Chen Rui takes a deep breath, a special feeling rises to his heart, absolutely dominates, controls the entire star field, manipulates all creatures and even gods...

On the planet, for the miraculous signs that suddenly appeared, countless people rushed to worship, and the name of the great **** and the “knowledge” beliefs that existed in the hearts of the people, especially those who believe in them, quickly gained the corresponding power and Comprehend.

Under the efforts of the believers, the temples and statues of the goddesses were quickly built, and the original pillars of faith disappeared and merged into the temples and statues.

The completion of the temple enabled the divine power to be fully exerted. Under the blessing of divine power, the development of various knowledge and academic classes was greatly accelerated. The goddess Lola who controlled the "knowledge" also absorbed a large number of believers who studied and studied knowledge in a short period of time. .

The prayers and beliefs of the believers turned into a strange energy. Feedback came back. Lola felt that the previous "soul training" appeared again, and it became more and more intense. The power of the kind of power like the stars was constantly refined. And grow up.

It is not only Laura but also Chen Rui that feels like this. His feelings and the benefits he gets are much stronger than that of Luo This is like a pyramid scheme of interest structure, "Goddess" Rolla From the countless believers of the "downline", they gained strength, and most of this power was fed back to Chen Rui, the "highest god" at the top of the pyramid.

Of course, this is determined by the "cosmic architecture" of the super system, which cannot be changed, and only the power that Rolla has gained has already made her useless.

After Lula became the **** of control, Chen Rui clearly perceives the enhancement of his own strengths. This kind of enhancement cannot be brought about by practice. It is equal to "internal force", which is the material basis of the ontology, and practice is equal to " The tempering of external forces can make this foundation more powerful and quintessential.

The stronger the foundation, the stronger the effect of tempering.

This foundation can continue to grow!

This is the biggest mystery of "Purple. Extreme Star Emperor" - faith!

If the previous "belief" is still a vague concept, just staying in the power of belief and the power of the country, then it becomes more clear now. Faith is the source of the purple star and even the next evolution. ! (To be continued.)

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