Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1051: Belief Star

The radiance of the Tower of Faith was maintained for a few tens of seconds before it gradually returned to its original state, and the changes in the image of Lola’s star did not stop. The statue is no longer a sculpture, but a live-action projection full of life and faith. The whole projection is composed of subtle and meticulous stardust. There is an ethereal and vast momentum, and the inner part seems to have an independent galaxy. .

This "galaxies" faintly give Chen Rui a familiar feeling.

It seems that I have seen something similar in a mysterious place...

The belief energy that is reflected in the vast star field makes the chanting of the star **** image reach an astonishing height. In the light, the shape in the projection of the **** image seems to have undergone some change.

Chen Rui and Lola also sensed this change. Chen Rui’s face was amazed, and Lola, who had always been a natural expression, had a rare ecstasy on his face.

In the star-studded stage, the dazzling and dazzling light finally solidified, and at the same time, the power of faith was stabilized.

On the body of Lola's star, there is a beautiful and elegant body armor that reveals an indescribable power.

Lola in front of the Tower of Faith was pleasantly surprised to see the armor of the body, feeling the power of the flowing body, and was very excited. Not only that, Miss Fairy Dragon clearly felt that in the body of the Rainbow Valley, there is also such a armor, this is definitely not an illusion.

Faith armor!

After the super-order strongman enters the semi-god, in addition to the real country, there is also a remarkable feature, that is, the belief armor that is not possessed by the people of the national level can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness.

Since the break of the Master Tallinn to the demigod, Rolla is now approaching the middle of the demigod. However, it has never been able to condense the armor of faith, although there is an increase in the strength of this powerful artifact. It is almost equivalent to the power of the belief armor, but the belief that armor is always a flaw in the heart of Rolla.

now. Finally succeeded in condensing the armor of faith, the power is still above the expectations, far better than the level of the half gods that have been encountered, how to not let Miss Fairy Dragon excited.

If this time, then to the octagonal angel Carmel, Miss Fairy Dragon has enough confidence to deal with it, at least it can also retreat, instead of being beaten as before.

Chen Rui will of course be amazed, because the body of Lola is a star!

This star is different from Chen Rui’s own style. But with the same strong force of the same strong increase, you can display a lot of power in your own.

Chen Rui’s mind is moving

True. After the star: Rolla.

Star God: The God of Knowledge

Armed with:

1, the law of the soul (deprived)

2, purple star variable star (deprived)

Purple Star becomes a powerful power can add:

1, Sunder Armor (there is a chance to ignore the other side's defense).

2, condensate God (immunity all mental control).

The master of control: Deactivated state (recoverable).

The controller is convinced that the status is cancelled (recoverable).

Heart language: mind call status is on (can be turned off)

Faith fusion: 5% (adjustable, currently the largest)

Star status: distraction.

Location: Temple of the Stars.


These data have changed a bit, including some new features, and the previous belief ratio has been adjusted to the proportion of belief fusion. At present, 5 percent is already the maximum limit that Rolla can accept. The remaining 95 percent naturally enters the "waist pocket" of him and the super system.

The life of the galaxy provides the power of faith. The master of Chen Rui and the entire super system are strengthened by the power of faith. The higher the degree of strengthening, the stronger the life of the galaxy. The stronger the power, the more actually a cycle. Conversely, if Chen Rui unfortunately dies, then the universe, including everything, will be turned into nothingness.

"It turns out that." Chen Rui pondered for a long time. Finally, I have figured out some key issues.

No wonder Lola has been unable to unite the armor of the faith, to be precise, when accepting a star strengthening. Her "road" of progress has undergone some change, no longer a practitioner of the ordinary power level of the world. Instead, it accepted the system of the super system. At that time, the "spirit of the soul" obtained by Feng Xing (the state of the soul of Lola is "the secret shadow", the short stick becomes a long stick, and the power is greatly increased). It is equal to the original form of faith armed; and now the purple star is a star, is the second form of faith armed.

"What?" Lola asked curiously.

"I have to confess one thing to you, Laura."

"I know."

"Ah?" Chen Ruiyi, this knows?

Lola glanced at Veronica and bit his lip gently: "Don't you think your confession is a bit late?"

(Hey, if it’s not for Miss Ben’s entry here, it’s broken into the affliction, and it’s still in the dark!)

(But the mood of Miss is very good today...)

(Veronica is the first love of this guy, people are not bad, only the soul body...)

(No, still can't give in! When I said Tiffany's marriage last time, this lady has vowed to be the last one!)

(Right, it seems that when I was at Isabella, I also sent the same oath...)

(That guy often said, 'The squad is dead, is that the case?')


When the fairy dragon thoughts were flying all over the sky, Veronica, who was said to have been stunned by that sentence, had already reacted and covered her face and smiled.

Chen Rui also understood: "Ah?"

Laura and Chen Rui have a good connection. When they look at his eyes, they know that they have guessed wrong and their faces are slightly red. However, Miss Fairy Dragon has inherited the pseudo-natural property of Elf Wang Laojiao, but she asked with a confident sentence: "What?"

Chen Rui:...

After some explanation.

"That's the way, you have now embarked on a different path than ordinary practitioners." Chen Rui said, "I don't know if this is a curse or a blessing."

When Lola thought about it, she asked, "Is this the way you are going?"

"should be."


(It’s a fool! Since this is the case, Ben will certainly go with you.)

(No matter... is a blessing or a curse.)

Soon after, Lola’s consciousness returned to the Rainbow Valley. Continue to meditate and be skilled in the new power, in fact, her silky soul has been left in the super system forever. Usually it is integrated into the star **** to accept the meditation, enhancement, and feedback to the ontology. When the sense of independence of Lola enters. You can also enter the Tower of Faith, show miracles at the right time, and gain more faith.

Veronica also began to be busy. As the highest **** of the Temple of Stars, she has very special authority and strength. What she has to do now is to help Lola choose the "knowledge" of the believers who have reached the corresponding letter. Make a complete system with the gods, the spokesperson of the lower management. Manage the temples and statues everywhere so that the faith can spread better.

Veronica’s “Sister” can also be sealed. After Rolla left, Chen Rui was trying to ask her what she meant. However, Veronica saw his thoughts at a glance and smiled and shook his head. The radiance disappeared into the tower of faith.

Chen Rui saw the meaning of the smile.

Just stay with you, just fine.

Silent moments. Chen Rui also withdrew from the super system.

"What happened just now, is it practicing?" The voice of Xia’s concern came.

Chen Rui originally told Xia to go to Tiffany, and suddenly fell into a semi-dormant unconscious state. Xiya knew that Chen Rui sometimes entered a certain "cultivation" state. So I immediately told the lights to be on the outside to avoid disturbing.

"Almost," Chen Rui gently held the hand of Xiya. "If I tell you, because of my relationship. Your future life path may undergo some kind of unpredictable change, you may miss a lot of things... even I don't know whether it is a curse or a blessing. What would you do? ”

"In the future? There has been a change now." Chia’s eyes are shallow and gentle. "In fact, no one can be sure about the future. For us... The only thing I can confirm is that if you haven’t met you in this life, It is the biggest mistake."

It is a little different from Laura's answer, but it is the same choice.

Chen Rui held Xia’s hand tightly, and Shia gently put the other hand in his hand: “Not only me, I believe they are the same. What you need to do is not to explain or worry, but to be firm. Go down in your own direction."

Looking at the affection of the Queen, who is completely under her own, Chen Rui feels full of strength and confidence. No matter what the future road will look like, whether it is to face Satan, three angels, or the abyss... he is fearless.

"I said Xia Baby, your sweet words, how is it more and more like me?" Chen Rui's mood completely relaxed, rubbing his eyes on Xia, his fingers actually circled in the palm of the jade hand .

"Don't you say a 'near pig idiot'?" Hija gave him a sigh of relief, and her palm was one of her sensitive parts. When she was fiddled by this guy, she trembled and her hair was vertical. stand up.

"It's ‘near Zhu Zhe' is not good. It seems that we need to delve into some academic issues...” Chen Ruiyi smiled and looked around and started to work.

"Don't mess, Stiller is still waiting to report to me in the hall," Shia was shocked, trying to pull back her hand, but was tightly held. "You still have to start to guide Tiff." Ni, within seven days, you will take her back to the **** emperor."

"Compared with Tiffany, my Chia is naturally more important." Chen Rui suddenly put away the laughter and talked about the business: "This invasion of the palace also exposed the problem of insufficient defense power. Those ancient accents are me. It is also laid out at the national level, and the strength of the Light Spirit Guard can only defend the ordinary strength. It has almost no resistance to the super-order, especially the enemy above the country. This is directly related to your safety, so Before leaving the Emperor of the Angels, I have to solve two things. First of all, we must hurry to re-arrange the ancient sect defense system near the palace, and then super-level escorts... Only seven Titans and four have evolved to the super-order. The head of the crystal behemoth, the target is too large and obvious, then first adjust the two Titans and two giant beasts, with the lights and the ancient sects to guard the palace, the other two empire will also be assigned a few, just in case. As for Your most effective Guardian Light Spirit will also speed up the study of the speed of evolution, and strive to have super-level strength as soon as possible. What do you think?"



A queen can't bear it: "Shameless guy, can you stop the **** hands while you are talking?"

"Wow! The inside of the skirt is actually white Baby, will you finally wear it? What is the wet piece, oh...hey!"

"Bastard, stop! This time..." Sensitive parts Under the continuous harassment of the "damn hands", Her Majesty could no longer maintain the usual indifference, breathing began to be a little quick, and her attitude softened." Don't! The temple is also..."

"Manlace! I immediately went to the temple to tell Stiller that His Majesty had a very important matter, and it was of great importance. I can’t meet today, let her come again tomorrow!"

"Follow, master."

"Abandoned! What is the big deal..."

"What is more important than the great work of 'making' an empire's heir?" Chen Ruiyi, a princess, happily hugged the long princess in the heart and walked toward the back palace. (To be continued.)

Ps: Today is the New Year's Day of 2014. I wish all my friends a leader, a horse, a horse, a horse, a horse, a horse, and a horse.

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