Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1162: goodbye friend

Xiqiao Mountain.

When Chen Rui once again set foot on the land of the earth elements, he couldn’t help but think of the adventures of the underground world. The strong and brave female swordsman of the past has now become his wife and mother of future children; and the first elementary prince has become his best friend.

Unlike usual, on the way to the king's court, there is no earth element.

Chen Rui’s heart was suspicious, and there was no stop at his feet. He went all the way to the magnificent palace that was natural with the earth.

There is only one figure in the vast Wang Tingzhong.

Familiar figure.

One of Chen Rui’s best friends, the earth element king, Moore.

The earth element king looked at the coming: "I have been waiting for you, Chen Rui."

Chen Rui frowned. "You already know what happened?"

"Yes." Moore slightly removed his gaze. "This may come sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Chen Rui looked directly at Moore's eyes: "You already know that it will happen?"

"Yes." Moore answered the two words, although the breath is still the peak of the emperor, I don't know why, Chen Rui feels that the king's body seems to lack a lot of things.

"I want to know, what happened to Rolla?" Chen Ruizheng asked: "No matter what you have concealed before, I have to listen to the real answer, not the plausible perfunctory."

"Since I am here waiting for you, I am not going to perfuse you," Moore sighed. "The real answer is that the roller has been elemental."

“Elementalization!” Chen Rui was shocked: “What does this mean?”

"This means... she is about to become a true elemental creature, part of the elemental world. And, it is likely that she will completely lose her original consciousness."

This result is faster than what Chen Rui expected. Big heart shock: "Why is this?"

"Get the crown of the gods from Rolla... No, maybe starting with her success in mastering the six-element country. I embarked on a different path."

"Six-element country!" Chen Rui squeezed his fist. "What is going on here!"

"Although I don't like the word "destiny", I have to sigh the unpredictable fate. The six-element country makes her touch the elemental belief, which is equivalent to entering another world, and everything starts."

Six element country! Chen Ruiru was thundered and stayed in the same place. In order to satisfy Lola's wish, he tried his best to find the source of the six elements. Finally, she succeeded in letting Rolla have the most powerful six-element country of the fairy dragon family, and her strength has also increased sharply. However, this actually made Rolla come to the present no return!

It is equal to his own hands...

"The six-element country does not mean anything, just the 'touching' elemental belief, it is only a foundation, and Laura is not the first fairy dragon with six elements in history." Moore sees Chen Rui's self-blame," If the six-element country let Lola touch the elemental beliefs, then the recognition of the crown of the gods is the ability to truly have the belief of 'driving'.

“Elements make?” Chen Rui thought of what Moore and Hegel had said when they reached the Darkmoon.

Moore nodded: "The element is the leader of the element, which can limit the strength of the element and exert its maximum power. The reason is that the element enables the belief of the element. As a living creature outside the element, it can become an element. It is a special case, the reason is the crown of the gods. From the beginning of this artifact by Rolla, her 'foundation' becomes a real 'qualification'."

“Qualification?” Chen Rui captured a keyword.

Moore did not answer, and said from his own self: "So when the staff of the gods are awakened in advance. We can only resort to the Lola who also has the amount of a **** arm. In fact, we do not control the gods of the gods. Too much to grasp. If it fails, Rolla will not only be deprived of the six-element kingdom, but the crown of the gods will also be lost, and if the 'qualification' is lost."

"Perhaps that is the best ending!" Chen Rui's clenched fist trembled a little, even if Lola lost power, it doesn't matter, at least she can be safe.

"Not necessarily, in fact, in that case, there will be two endings. First, the crown of the gods and the stick of the gods absorb the stripped six-element kingdom and fall into silence again. Second, the gods and the yuan The crown of God produces resonance with the power of the six elements, bursting out more dangerous shocks, completely disintegrating the seal of the elemental world, and the most terrible disaster is about to come, not only the elemental world, but the entire main plane may be wiped out. ""

The entire main plane will be destroyed? Chen Rui's pupil shrinks. Before he asks, Moore's words have once again attracted his attention to the past: "Fortunately, Rolla made a third ending, successfully grasping the stick of the gods, and the strength entered the pseudo God level. At the same time, she also obtained further 'qualification'."

“It’s ‘qualification’! What is it!”

"The power contained in the artifact is second. The crown of the gods symbolizes 'belief', the stick of the gods symbolizes the 'soul', and the robe of the gods symbolizes 'life'." Moore's eyes became deep. "The true meaning of the combination of these three gods is the ... God!"

"God!" Chen Rui was shocked again, Moore's words are very clear, not a false god, but a godhead!

The core of true gods!

Chen Rui finally understood: "Is it true that the so-called qualification is to inherit the **** of the gods!"

"Accurately speaking, it is a broken godhead! In fact, the elemental source that the elemental king has been looking for is the fragmentation of the **** god, and only when the six major source fragments are all together, the **** god is broken. It is only possible to start cohesion again. At present, Lola has a final level from the final qualification, that is..." Moore is talking, suddenly "squeaking", a solid body has a crack.

This scene surprised Chen Rui, and refused to take into account the huge amount of information revealed by those words. He exclaimed: "What happened to you?"

"Nothing..." Moore didn't see the crack in his body. "Once she finally gets a complete inheritance, she will get unimaginable power, but in another perspective, she will lose more."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Moore's cracks were a few more, more and more shocking. Chen Rui’s head immediately showed the crown of thorns and displayed the healing technique. However, the most powerful treatment light fell on the earth element king, but it had no effect.

"It’s useless, it’s not a damage," Moore smiled. "Let's go on."

Chen Rui has faintly understood what is why Moore or other elemental kings are ignorant of some things. I will not disclose it. Originally, these will be self-destructive under the influence of certain taboos.

"You don't have to say it, Moore. You just need to tell me how you can save the Rolla."

"If you want to achieve this wish, you must listen to me." Moore shook his head: "It is the last chance."

"Last?" Chen Rui is another shock.

"The elemental king is a large element that makes the body in the main plane, has an independent consciousness, in addition to accumulating strength and knowledge. The most important existence is to find the projection of the gods of the gods, that is, the source fragments. Now the six elements The source debris has been found with your help, the mission has been completed, it is time to return. Not only me. There are other elements of the king and elemental people."

"You mean, Blue Bobst, Ogmarton, they are all..." Chen Rui thought that when he came, he would not have a land of earth elements, and his heart would tremble.

"Yes. In fact, my elemental heart and the original source fragments have returned. Now in front of you is just the consciousness that this body has not fully returned. Fortunately, before I completely returned, you came here. ""

"Return completely?" Chen Rui's heart is tight, the previous resentment of the heart has completely disappeared, leaving only the horror, the elements of the elements of the six elements of the king and the source fragments have returned to the elemental world!

"The ‘Moore’ person...”

Moore sighed: "Moore is just a shadow. Even if you have an independent consciousness, it is a shadow. It is like a bubble. There will always be a break. The meaning of existence is over and will return to the body. It’s like a drop of water that enters the ocean and looks down on any waves.”

Chen Rui’s heart trembles, when Moore’s sense of independence will disappear, but knowledge and experience are integrated into the soul of the big element, which means that “Moore” will cease to exist. Not only Moore, but also blue. Bobst, Delkus, Ogmarton, Sethtin and Hegel, and all the elements of the self-consciousness.

"My time is running out. To make a long story short, the road of Rolla is irreversible. Now if you rush to move something, you can not stop anything, but it will harm her. But everything is absolutely no, I am in the soil of Woyuan. Leaving the last soul power, when it automatically emits intense color light, it means that the roller has entered the final test; and when it emits golden light and splits, it will open the entrance of the elemental world, you can use The power of faith protects itself and enters the elemental plane. At that time, you and her choice will determine your ending, perhaps the end of everything..."

Moore said a few words, and there were horrible cracks in his body, and even his face had cracks. The whole person was already crumbling.

"Moore!" Chen Rui has a strong remorse in his heart. "Everyone blames me! If it wasn't for me, I would like to find the source debris! It will not happen!"

"You are wrong... This is a fate, it will not be yours to come sooner or later. And just because you found the source fragments, we got a real relief, not only me, but also all the creatures in the elementary world. Including the big elements. This is what the elemental people have been looking forward to. From then on, there will be no elemental war..."

"What is the meaning of the elemental war and the seal of the elemental boundary? Also, what is the catastrophe of the main plane you said..." Chen Rui’s voice stopped short and did not ask, because Moore’s body surface has begun. A little bit of disintegration.

"Blue Bobst has a word for me to tell you," Moore's voice was a little weak, "‘thank you."

Chen Ruiyi gritted his teeth and tried the forces of the Holy Grail and the crown of thorns in succession. He could not stop the collapse of Moore's body, and a strong sorrow came to his mind.

"This is amazing. In my impression, the water element people never really say these words to people. You have a strange appeal. The closer you are, the more you can feel the truth. 'If you can, please maintain that precious truth, because it is more valuable than power..."

Chen Rui eyes reddish tears rolling in his eyes.

Moore said that the body has become thinner: "Although the elements can't shed tears, I can feel the warmth of sorrow... Thank you for everything you did for Moore, thank you for your friendship and let me feel it belongs. The existence of 'self'. If Blue Bobst said "Thank you", then what I want to say is - 'I'm sorry." Goodbye, friend."

Moore's figure disappeared completely, leaving only the piece of Wo Yuan's soil lying quietly on the ground, and the last sentence before the annihilation of the earth element king was faintly heard in the air.

"Whether you are the one, try to really surpass the fate..." (To be continued.)

Ps: I would like to inform you about the current situation. During this time, everyone may complain that the speed is slow, but for me who has not recovered from the waist, the code word is simply torture... Fortunately, the stand-up computer table ordered should arrive soon next week. Now, as long as the time and state allow, you can stand and type, which is much better than you.

Overtime work these days, there is no extra time, starting from Monday for three days, the three days will continue to add more, thank you for your support.

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