Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1164: Future trajectory

Dark moon residence, Chen Rui sat on the ground, looking at the clouds over the sky, taking a sip of wine, silently.

On the ground, there is an empty bottle lying on the ground. In fact, Chen Rui is not addicted to alcohol. It is usually the eyes of two alcoholic partners. It is one of the most common etiquettes among the world’s friends, so his truth. The amount of alcohol (without power cheating) slowly got out, but it was the first time that I had been drinking for a few days.

After returning to the dark moon from the land of the earth, in addition to drinking, Chen Rui almost did not eat anything, did not do other things, just silent.

Moore, the best friend, left him forever, so suddenly he could barely accept it and could not accept it.

The remaining five elements of the king, including the pro-blue Bobst, Sethine and Hegel, who looks the least like a friend, are actually friends.

The feeling of "lost" can't be described in words or words.

Laura is facing the most dangerous and difficult road. When she needs help and comfort most, he can't do anything, even with her.

Although Moore said that this is a fate, if there is no elemental source and no source fragments, then everything will not become what it is today. How about being able to beat Rafael, Abaddon, or even Michael and Satan? Still can't change these and change the so-called fate.

Destiny... How to transcend?

Chen Rui took a sip of thought and found that the bottle in his hand was empty, and a bottle came out in his hand. The bottle was not unscrewed. The bottle suddenly came out and flew to the figure behind him.

"It’s boring to drink alone." Paglieu’s voice sounded.

"Just just want to drink some wine." Duron sat down to his side, the teeth were skilled, the bottle caps flew out, and Chen Rui touched the newly appeared bottle, one looked up, a few I saw the bottom.

"Hey, it’s too stingy to drink like this." Pagliu looked at Chen Rui and took a sip. "Don't the guy who drinks alcohol should not drink it in one go?"

Chen Rui shook his head: "The guy who advises people not to drink alcohol, shouldn't you persuade the bar like you?"

"I am not a mother-in-law's guy. Besides, there are so many women in your business. I just want to drink some wine. I have a few more bottles." Paglio is not a polite person, he will take Chen Rui back. A few bottles of wine have come over.

"You are slow to drink..." Chen Rui looked at the speed of Paglieu's drinking. "That is the tribute to the berry wine that Catherine gave me. The amount is limited, and there is no more after drinking."

Duron Long smiled: "Hey, the whole man is the man, what is this wine? But then, the 'special offer' is not the same, this wine is very mellow, far better than ordinary goods, but unfortunately Luo Mona's goods have to break through the retreat, otherwise they will definitely **** their noses and float, and how much inventory is available, don't be stingy!"

"Well, you won." Chen Rui smiled and took out four or five bottles. "It's gone."

The two men drank wine and talked without a ride.

"I understand your mood now." Paglio drank a swig of alcohol. "If you used to, you may not understand."

Chen Rui understands the meaning of Duron. The former Paglieu, who only saw the eggshell, is a self-centered guy. The standard dragon is not destroyed. But now it is different. He already has friends. And the lover, who has also defended their lives more than once in the battle, so Paglieu understands the sorrow of losing his best friend.

"You don't have to open or shirk anything, you said it yourself, no one is perfect, and life is smooth in the world. You may be right, maybe you did it wrong, but you did it, think back so much." It's better to think about what to do in the future."

Say, Pagliu spit out a sip of alcohol and stretched out: "However, the mood is good or not, there is always a process of adaptation or mediation, just like I just knew that I suddenly had a ground world. When the Dragon Valley’s old man was on the spot and Pargolis turned his face, it took a long time to let go of the stagnation.”

"I can't be so entangled with you." Chen Rui drank the last bit of wine in his hand, but there was no new bottle in his hand. "In fact, I didn't think about it, just thinking about some problems."

"Don't be passionate, you have to die and have nothing to do with this uncle. I just want to take the opportunity to have an alcohol addiction," Pagliu patted **** and stood up. "Little Betty made a speech these days, let me Try to ask for the secret recipe, but you must first stop drinking for a while, but this is really sad reminder, but she still looks tight. However, if I can make a daughter like a blossoming girl, it is not bad, promise... Said that blossoming, blossoming will come. I will go first, find a place to steam the steam immediately, so as not to be smelled by the little girl for a while and go to the small Betty to sneak black."

After Duron finished, he disappeared and disappeared in the same place. Chen Rui looked back and saw a small head coming out of the wall behind him. It was his own baby prostitute.


The child is actually quite sensitive. The blossoming has long been aware that his father’s mood is very low. He has been careful in these days and has not come to disturb Chen Rui. When I heard my father's call, Xiao Shantou immediately came out and stepped forward to Chen Rui's face. He grabbed his neck and gently licked Chen Rui's face with his own face.


Chen Rui hugged her daughter with affection: "What happened?"

"Ji Ya, let me call you to eat."

"Got it."

"Dad, let's go eat now. I haven't eaten with my dad for a few days..."

Looking at the flashing expectation of her daughter's bright eyes, Chen Rui's heart suddenly became soft, took a deep breath, stood up, and showed a long-lost smile on his face: "Good."

Xiao Shantou, who completed the arduous task of Ji Yazhen, happily flew up and kissed Dad and took Chen Rui’s courtyard.

Compared to the haze of this sky, another sky looks bright and dazzling.

The sun is scattered in the lush and lush forest, and the canopy reflects countless beams of light, rendering some of the cold forests warmer.

There is a small hut in the middle of the jungle. There is a tall and slender female figure at the entrance of the huts. Wearing a cool short robe, the face is beautiful, a pair of silver enamels are shining, the dark green hair is slightly curled, and the sides are faint. Exposing pointed ears.

"Qi Lanya."

There was a hoarse voice on the side, and there was a figure in the dark green cloak next to the elf woman. Compared with the eye-catching temperament of the elf, this figure is more like smoke in the dark. If you don't look carefully, you think it is a shade.

"Father..." From the name of Qi Lanya, this cloak is the most famous legendary prophet, Lucer, of the Elf.

"Your mood still seems to have not improved?"

“It’s true.” Qi Lanya sighed. “No matter which elf, after knowing that the tree of nature was taken away by a defiant guy, there would be no good mood; let me Depressed, the 'behind the scenes' of this matter is actually his father."

"Yes, I commissioned Fenoa to tell the ‘Arthur’, not to return the tree of nature to the forest.” Alu Silton took a wooden stick and walked a few steps.

"I don't know why you are doing this. The father should hear the dissatisfaction of the people. Everyone is questioning the decision of letting the person take the tree of nature. You are the highest mentor of the elves, and for many years, the elves We have always believed in you, but the tree of nature is the most important sacred tree of the elves, and the tree of life that involves life and death. It is an incredible decision for you to let the outsiders control the sacred tree. Now the person is overdue. Return, at least on the surface, has caused extremely bad effects, not only your legendary prophet, but even Liv's majesty has been affected."

"Just like this?" Ai Lucier smiled, although the half of his face looked bloated, but the other half of his face was a kindness: "Actually, what you are most angry about is that I tell you the truth now. Let's go."

Qi Lanya snorted: "Hey, there are several disciples of the father, but there is only one daughter, especially your daughter is also the disciple who gets the most true biography. Why is it so secret to me for so long? You are not saying that I also have great prophecy. Talent?"

"Prophecy is not a talent to be thankful. On the contrary, the more we can see some of the future trajectories, the more we will struggle and suffer, and the future we see is just a possible trajectory. Every time we foresee it, maybe it will It's different, maybe because you saw it, so it is changing."

"Since the future is changing, why do you still insist that the human being master the tree of nature?"

" no matter how many times you foresee it, it won't change." Eleuther sighed. "This is 'destiny'. The fate is stubborn and almost irreversible, but It doesn't mean absolute. But by foresight, it can't be changed."

"So, do you try to change it through some changes?" Qi Lanya thought deeply, suddenly shocked: "So, you let that human being keep the tree of nature..."

As the true disciple of Ai Lusier, the owner of the great prophecy talent, Qi Lanya has already thought of something, and suddenly did not say it, but the face is full of fear.

"The next time you see the human being, give this thing to him."

Qi Lanya looked at a thing that appeared in her hand, showing the color of the accident: "This is..."

Ai Lusier did not answer, just looked up at the sky, and the cloudless sky suddenly darkened. The sun was covered by a large cloud, and the thunder of the thunder rang, it seems that it will soon It is going to rain.

After the cloak, two strange eyes became deep at the same time, as if they had penetrated the dark clouds, and also penetrated the time and space. For a long while, they muttered a whisper: "The sky is going to change."

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