Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 170: Control and change

Some time has passed.

Snod, who fell to the ground, slowly opened his eyes, and the eyes of the red sè became pale yellow, and then the light of the yellow sè gradually returned to red.

When the last glimpse of Huang Guang didn't come into the eye, Snowd slowly stood up and smashed Chen Rui: "Master."

Chen Rui nodded with satisfaction, and now he can clearly feel the sense of absolute obedience of Snowd. This is different from the master servant contract. Within the effective distance, Chen Rui can even control Snod’s words and deeds in consciousness, and even completely destroy his consciousness and cause death. The general mental control skills can not control the strength of the same level, can be successful, time is limited, but this control of the **** mask is always effective. In the case that the owner does not deliberately control, Snod can use his own memory and consciousness like ordinary people. Of course, this consciousness has been completely "brainwashed" and has no resistance to the owner.

The only fly in the ointment is that this control is irreversible. Unless you kill Snowd, even if you are Chen Rui himself, you can't restore your original consciousness.

"Where are those miners?"

"Master, they are all in the Blue Mountains, controlled by my men, and soon it is the time to pay for the dark moon. I originally intended to order the miners to deal with this routine payment and then dispose of it."

Chen Rui nodded: "Just follow your plan, temporarily maintain the status quo, don't alarm anyone, you should know how to deal with it."

"I understand" the owner please rest assured. ”

After turning Snowd into a cockroach, not only the mine, but the entire west channel of the Darkmoon is already in control. When needed, you can change the situation at any time. For now, don’t be a surprise.

Chen Rui’s heart was determined, and he thought of one thing and asked: “Snood, do you know where there is the heart of Akasaka and the fruits of Angún?”

Snowd recalled for a while, saying: "The heart of Akasaka is a rare crystallization of the power of fire. I remember that when the singer of the sacred lord was born ten years ago, Joseph once offered a piece of red scorpion to Zhuo Chee. As a gift, the heart has received great appreciation. As for the fruit of Ann Hún, I only know that it is a legendary rare fruit, and there is no relevant news. ”

Joseph? It’s really a break from the iron shoes! Chen Rui’s eyes lit up and asked: “Is Josher still in the red land?”

Snowd shook his head: "I have returned to the Darkmoon before I received the order to Mount Xiqiao."

Chen Rui suddenly remembered another thing. He had promised with Xia that after the relevant matters were completed."

Will contact her after half a month, let the dark moon send troops to destroy the thieves. Now that the situation has changed, the thieves have been completely controlled and the plan needs to be temporarily changed. It has been more than half a month now, but fortunately there was room for it at the time, saying that it was necessary to wait for the contact before sending troops.

It seems that this time it is necessary to go back to the dark moon. In addition to the agreement with Joseph in the identity of "Agulie", it is necessary to contact Xia again. The most important thing is to get the heart of Akasaka!

Snod left with a fainted Ai Wen, and the four two-legged dragons and Chen Rui had a reunion. They looked very close, from the mouth of the two-legged dragon. Chen Rui learned that a two-legged dragon was hunting. When I got to the bones, when I rushed, I found that Snod was using the magic to imprison the Wyvern of the Wyvern, and immediately launched an attack in anger, saved the bones, and launched revenge against the enemy Snowd. Until today, I met Chen Rui, who has been a long time.

Speaking of the bones, Chen Rui thought that he was still hiding in the town of Leia, and immediately assigned it. One of the most powerful devils, the high-footed dragon, followed him to the dark moon city, and the rest went to the town of Leia. After retrieving the fierce propaganda, he stayed in the original Xiqiao Mountain Range and waited for him to return from the dark moon.

Although there is no virulent living environment that is not very suitable for the Wyvern, the toxin environment is more important to nurture the next generation. In other environments, "short-term survival should not be a problem."

Chen Rui rode a two-legged dragon, day and night, and it was afternoon when he arrived near Darkmoon City. It’s really troublesome to have a mask that can’t be taken on the face. Fortunately, the function of the storage warehouse is very wonderful.”

Can directly deliver food to the mouth, otherwise he will not be starved to death, but also weak.

After leaving the two-legged flying dragon in the outer suburbs, Chen Rui did not alarm the city gate guards, and all the way to the road, he rushed to the arena as fast as possible.

In the hall room of the arena, Araux is closing his eyes and rejuvenating his eyes. He feels in his heart and opens his eyes. He sees when he has already had one more person in front of him.

Aroks was shocked. After taking the devil's fruit and tǐng the poison, he had further strength, and he was getting closer and closer to the demon king.

If he returns to the arena of the day and fights with Chen Rui, he will have a sure grasp. I can't think of this person appearing in front of me without a moment, without any warning in advance!

"Alaus! Don't do it, it's me!"

Aloux stunned, and the sudden condensed power gradually relaxed: this voice turned out to be Chen Rui!

"Chen Rui master, you "have already broken through to the devil level? "Alaus did not change his mouth for a while, more is a horror."


This answer made Aroux completely shocked. At that time, when he learned that Agurie’s true identity was actually the weak human being around the princess, Aroks was really shocked, but not yet. The degree of surprise.

Aroks heart smiled, originally thought that the strength has already stabilized this former opponent, and he was unexpectedly overtaken by him! And this man, a few months ago, was just a weak person with no strength.

"Master," the devil believes in the strong, and the title of Araux is completely out of his heart. "What is your important thing to come back from Xiqiao?"

"There are a few important things to do quietly," Chen Rui directly asked the most important question. "Aarons, is there a red heart in Joseph?"

Arrox thought a little and replied: "I remember that Joseph had offered a red heart on Zhuo Qi's birthday. Joseph had returned to the dark moon a while ago. It seems like this morning. Royce and Vasasha went out and didn't know if they came back now."

"When you try to contact Royce, you will say that I am going back from practice outside. I want to meet with Joseph tomorrow morning. Also, this letter, you let Didi of the Cloak Club hand over to the Princess. Ya, the cloak will be over there for the time being.

The content of the letter is naturally a plan for Xia to suspend the dispatch of Xiqiao Mountain, waiting for a better time. Because the **** of the gods can not be removed, Chen Rui does not intend to face-to-face with Xia, although the seven artifacts of the devil are not amazing. "The mask on the face is also good, the yīn cloak that I once saw in Christina, They all look very ordinary, but Xia is the vein of the Lucifer family. It does not rule out the possibility of recognizing the artifacts of the dead family. If there is any misunderstanding, it will be troublesome.

Arrox nodded and took the letter, Chen Rui asked: "How is the cloak going?"

"The power of the cloak will only grow bigger and bigger. Only the Gorefiend will be able to compete with it. The Gorefiend is behind the support of the Mellon family. Recently, there have been several conflicts with the cloak. The leader of the Gorefiend before the day. Wake was also injured by me, and there should be no more big action in the short term."

"Melong family?" Chen Rui coldly snorted, this stumbling block must be removed, the most important thing is the heart of Akasaka, and the rest wait until Athena wakes up.

"The last time I broke your weapon, this will be compensated for you." Chen Rui took a double-headed sickle out of thin air and threw it at Aroks.

Aroks reached out and felt that the appearance of the weapon seemed ordinary, but the weight was still above the imagination. He had a strange feeling in his hand. He looked at it for a while and exclaimed: "Is it a dark star? ”

Chen Rui nodded. "Your eyes are good. This is the same as your double-headed sickle. The middle can also be divided into two handles."

After Grover’s consciousness dissipated, the crystals filled with the underground world gradually disappeared, and all the ore returned to normal, even the ore of the waste mine. The only regret is that Chen Rui lost the source of transformational aura. And the cost of redeeming two bottles of black sè, now his aura is only one million, it can be said that there are gains and losses.

This double-headed sickle is one of the dark star iron weapons built by the Tauren. There are not many weapons of the Dark Star Iron. The most common is the ordinary iron weapon. The quality of the iron ore in Xiqiao Mountain is one of the best in the devil world, plus the Tauren. The forging technology, the quality of these weapons is first class in the devil world.

"It can be seen that you are quite close to the devil level. Because my power realm is different from the demon, I can't give you much revelation, but I heard that the dragon's partner said that the devil's strength is divided. Three levels in the middle and lower.

The lower-order demon, the middle-order demon, and the high-order demon are the lowest ones. The demon and the big devil belong to the middle, and the devil and the demon belong to the upper level. To reach the middle level, you must understand the rules of a certain power. Perhaps "this will help you break through to the Devil level."

"Thank you for your master!" Aroks was convinced to Chen Rui for the first time. Royce said yes, Chen Rui is completely different from Joseph. Perhaps, it is a master worthy of follow and allegiance. .

After Arouls left, Chen Rui was resting in a small room in the arena of the arena. He planned to go to the blue bō lake to see Pagliu at night.

Some time ago, I was busy refining the earth element king to protect the dust that Athena urgently needed. The road was hard to work hard. I have not been able to study the new functions of the super system. Now I can finally calm down and carefully comb it.

In the Star Garden, the pivot fairy has already risen to the corresponding secondary refined dust.

Level, the area of ​​the upgraded Star Garden has been further expanded, and all plant production has increased, the number of plants has doubled, and the maturity time has been shortened a lot.

Since the xué people in the underground world have become extinct, the remaining fountain of life has been owned by Chen Rui. After the earth element king got three levels of refined dust, he gave him the source of the earth.

At present, the "crops" in the Star Garden are: devil fruit trees, matured for 48 days, and expected to produce 8. The existing storage warehouse (the post-upgrade maturity time shortens the harvest).

There are 10 deviled fruit trees, mature days, and each plant is expected to produce 15. Storage warehouse existing 105


There are 10 magical trees, mature days, and each expected output is 20. Storage warehouse existing 238


There are 10 Lingguo trees, mature days, and each expected yield is 15. Storage warehouse existing 302


The Fountain of Life, capacity 200/200.

There are 10 sources of earth, and the current growth rate is 3/10. Increase 1 unit every 10 days.

The benefits of the upgrade of the pivot fairy are not limited to this. Chen Rui tried it. A spirit fruit could have increased two thousand auras. Now it can add three thousand, two hundred is 600,000, and the devil can add one thousand five hundred spirits. Gas, one hundred is 150,000.

The redemption center has also added new items, and the pharmacy finally has the highest level of black sè: Resuscitation and Life Extension, which is the key to saving Athena.

There is a new exchange species under the plant class: Polygonatum xìng: never wither. One day of maturity, after maturity, the automatic body absorbs the speed of the aura, and an additional aura is provided every day. The higher the level, the more the amount increases.

1000 aura.

A bottle of the highest level of revitalizing pharmacy requires one million reiki. For Chen Rui, who has only one million remnants left, after the disappearance of “abandoned ore crystals”, the source of aura is tense, and the output and quality of the stars garden Improvement, coupled with the emergence of Gathering, has solved this problem well.

In addition to plants, new exchange types have emerged: the Royal Spirit.

A large-scale attacking creature of gluttony vines is a genus: entanglement, spreading, and engulfing. After releasing the aura seed, it will be rapidly formed in ten seconds. It must be 100 aura, and it can be sown in any quality soil. It will automatically attack hostile creatures and the degree of hostile attack can be adjusted. Reiki expires after being consumed or destroyed. 1000 aura.

Phytophthora xìng: sprint. Under the feet, the speed of movement is greatly accelerated, and can be exchanged repeatedly, with a pair of 1000 aura.

Strictly speaking, bulimia vines should also belong to plants, but the biggest difference between Yuling and plant is They are not used in the Star Garden, but outside!

The worm is equivalent to the auxiliary bonus shoes. It can play an important role in attacking and defending or escaping. The greedy vine has already belonged to the attacking star garden and used directly in the devil's attack. The ten-second molding time is quite rapid, and the power should not be small.

Whether it is black sè pharmacy and polysexual flower or two new genius exchange items, Chen Rui is quite satisfied.

In the Star Garden, ten seeds of polyhedron flower are quickly planted, and one day later, it can mature and begin to function. As for other things, I will have the opportunity to try the power again in the future.

Chen Rui calculated the time, almost as fast as the dark, it should go to Paglieu, and now exited the super system.

Just when he quit the super system, somehow, suddenly felt a strange power, if he was calling him, this call is not heard with the ear, but the sense of the heart, as if Something resonates.

He was strange in his heart, calmed down and tried to open his mind. Sure enough, the resonance was clearer, and the resonance came from the face mask! This situation has never happened in the underground world or Xiqiao Mountain! @.

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