Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 171: Color mask?

* The strange feeling of the **** mask disappeared for a while, the man has to be intermittent, sometimes not, but Chen Rui can be sure that this b is not a rush. He has been worrying about the mask that can't be taken off on his face, and his heart can't help: Although he doesn't know what the collection is in the summoning mask, it must be related to this artifact, and maybe it is the key to remove the mask.

One thought of this, Chen Rui decisively gave up the trip to the blue b ō lake, anyway, the poison dragon will not leave in the blue b ō lake, not eager at this time, or to find out the mask first.

As he opened his mind, he searched for the source of resonance and walked out of the arena.

At this time, it was already late at night, and the purple moon was hanging high. Perhaps it was because the underground world had not touched the moonlight for a long time. He always felt uncomfortable these nights.

The power of the summoning could not be felt any more, but it should be in this direction. At this moment, there was a loud noise in the front lane, and it seemed to be mixed with the exclamation of the woman.

Chen Ruiyi frowned and walked over the sound, and saw the end of a dead end. Several horns and servants were blocking a woman with a dark elf. The woman has a few sès, and she still has a baby in her arms. She has been forced into the corner of the wall. The robes on her body are broken and can only tremble against the seeming person, cover the baby in her arms, and constantly ask for mercy, but she can’t Impress those guys.

Robbery and rape, this is not a new thing in the devil world, and the female xìng in the devil world is not so irritating, and it is not impossible to rob the man. If a few guys are surrounded by a succubus, then the **** will become a hook, compared with the succubus, the dark elf is relatively conservative, especially in the case of this disparity.

The konjac smiled and tore off the skirt of the woman's back, threatening to ask her to follow suit, otherwise she would kill the baby, and another servant was about to squat at the woman's tún ditch. Suddenly her hand hurt and she broke into two pieces. , yín laughs into a scream. The other accomplices were taken aback. When I turned around, I saw a mysterious man in a cloak standing behind.

Did not wait for a few guys to open, the people fretting, have fallen to the ground, no continuous limbs, blood flowed to the ground.

Chen Rui slowly recovered some trembling hands. Although these guys were dead, he did not intend to use such cruel means, but he did not know why, there was suddenly a bloodthirsty y wish in the heart, wanting to see blood in the ground. Flowing sights.

The woman looked back at the terrible mysterious man in horror, and refused to cover the tún part and back of Luǒlù. She shivered with her baby and couldn’t say a word. It was obviously scared by his **** means.

Under the moonlight, Chen Rui's eyes in the masks have a faint glimmer of light, staring at the back of this woman's luǒlù, there is an impulse to immediately push down the possession, and the ground is awake, secretly scared: What happened to him? How can there be such an impulse to bloodthirsty and violence?

At this time, the bizarre power of the strange power appeared again, and Chen Rui’s figure flashed and disappeared. The dark elf woman holding her child was soft and slowly sat down on the ground. She looked at the **** scene in front of her eyes and almost did not move the soft doubles.

Chen Rui continued to move at a high speed with this force, and gradually approached a familiar place. This power b is mobilized from this place.

Darkmoon Palace!

When I was close to the palace, the resonance was still intermittent, but the b swaying had reached a relatively strong level. The mask on the face had begun to faintly heat. Chen Rui wanted to take the opportunity to take off the mask, but unfortunately failed again.

Judging from the guard performance of the palace gate, this resonance seems to be unseen by others.

Chen Rui hesitated for a while, still decided to enter the palace, since it has come here, naturally there is no reason to go back, and strive to solve the problem of mask as soon as possible.

With Chen Rui’s current strength and familiarity with the guards of the palace, it is not difficult to enter the gate. However, when he waits for the opportunity to sneak into it, he suddenly feels that his mind is stunned. It seems that the mask of fever on his face exerts a strange power. When I waited a little more clearly, I had already passed through the gate inexplicably and arrived at the outer court.

Directly crossing obstacles with magical protection? Is this the power of artifacts? Chen Rui’s heart was suspicious, and the feeling of embarrassment began to appear again. He walked step by step and “weared” through the outer court and went directly to the inner court. The surrounding guards were not aware of it.

Seeing that the front is the inner court, it is getting closer and closer to the source of b.

Chen Rui’s heart was nervous. The inner court was no better than the outer court. The number and power of the defensive magic array was much stronger. In the past few times, he was led by Kagulon. He repeatedly told him not to go away. Now he has to go straight in. The defense that touched the magic array was over, and it would be troublesome if it was discovered by Xia. His face is now wearing the artifacts of the dying kings of the Lucifer family,

It is easy to create unnecessary misunderstandings.

The gods of the gods did not care that Chen Rui wanted so much. He once again launched the strange power and brought him into the inner court. He did not touch the magic array along the way, nor did he alarm.

Chen Rui passed through the Royal Huā Garden, which was the first time he came to the inner court. He passed through the palace and several yards and came to a strange place. He finally stopped. In the distance, it was a pool. The magic cylinder continues to spray water.

More precisely, it is a fountain in the sky.

Very, "coincidentally" is that there is someone bathing inside.

And it is beautiful.

It is unfortunate that the person who bathes is the beauty that Chen Rui is most afraid of encountering.

Darkmoon Princess, Chia, Lucifer.

Jin Sè's long hair and white skin are covered with a layer of faint purple sè in the moonlight, perfect as a goddess, but in addition to this layer of purple moonlight, the goddess has nothing to block the body. Bathing in your own bath, naturally no need to wear clothes.

It’s too much! Chen Rui was shocked. Is this **** Besib royal artifact a **** mask or a mask?

So far away, it’s so hard to sneak in the beauty bathing?

If other women fall back, this beauty is the Lord of Darkmoon City! The strength is at least the big devil! If she finds out that even if he shows his identity, he can’t tell.

This is not the story of the myth, seeing the beauty bathing, secretly smashing the clothes and slipping away, then coming out to comfort or want to marry the beauty, and then you can accomplish good things with Chen Rui’s understanding of Xia, once he is violent, he is afraid of the first For a time, he will be killed by the angry iceberg beauty.

Chen Rui is now in a shade of trees, afraid to move, and the whole body will converge, lest he be discovered. According to the difference in strength between the two, even if Chen Rui converges, it is difficult to cover up, but I don't know why, Xia did not seem to notice his existence.

The reason is likely to be in the mask of the gods. This mask exudes a hot b-motion. Under this kind of b, Chen Rui seems to be perfectly integrated with the whole environment, just like a part of the shade, the outsider is almost Undetectable, as a result, it is just cheaper for someone's eyes.

Whether it is appearance or body, Shia and Christina are a level, Christina gives the impression that the lake is deep and quiet, while Xia is the cold of the iceberg, no matter what temperament, in the present situation Underneath, they are just bathing luǒlù beautiful.

Although Chen Rui’s distance is somewhat far away, it’s clear to see it with the level of strength at the level of the spirit. It should be seen without seeing it clearly.

The long princess's dòng body is exquisite and perfect, the round tún part and the slender tuǐ are bloody, or it is **** on weekdays, releasing the towering ō ng from the 〗 〖 more than the imagination. Pulled up and full, the top buds became firm because of the thorns of the water.

Chen Rui never thought that the iceberg-like Shia had such a yòu person. Inexplicably, she also thought of the luǒlù woman in the alley. She felt a certain inexplicable heat flow in her heart and felt that some kind of y look was burning.

However, YY is YY, Xia is not the woman in the alley, y hopes to really burn, I am afraid to set fire to burn, and become a beach ash.

Chen Rui suddenly thought of Athena, the beloved woman is still sleeping, secretly licking her own beast, and immediately curbed those y hopes.

At this time, Xia had finished bathing. Suddenly, her whole person disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the sound of the water flowing.

Chen Rui sneaked into the guilty conscience, for fear that the long princess appeared behind him with a murderous spirit, a heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, fortunately this fear did not become a reality.

Soon after, Xia appeared again, this time at the pool side, has been replaced with a set of white dresses.

The strange resonance b ō 又 又 又 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Did not stay here and went straight away.

After Shia left, Chen Rui’s figure immediately appeared on the side of the pool. Obviously, b’s movement appeared from the pool. This somewhat innocent sè **** mask is not for the **** to the palace where the beauty bathe, but "by the way" let him see a beautiful show of beauty bathing.

This pool can actually summon the gods mask, plus the soberness of the disappearance of Xia Mo, it must be another mysterious.

The **** of the gods is getting hot again, and the sense of the dog is reappearing. Chen Rui has clearly captured this feeling. It is similar to the transmission of the dark will, but it is not exactly the same. The process seems to be through two wires connected in the middle. The cockroaches that are cut off are generally.

In a blink of an eye, "transfer" has begun again.

When Chen Rui is willing to recover, he is already in another place. Judging from the wetness of his body, he just passed the bath.

Chen Rui sent out his strength and slowly evaporated the water from his body while looking at this strange place. @.

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