Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 190: Tim! Former predecessor mine officer

"I am not only a wound, but also a curse! Eve and Elean are poisons and spells. They are not treated by ordinary medicine. You don't ask me why or pass, just know how to lift the curse. Three things will do." Skye sighed: "These three things are rare, the fountain of life, the fountain of vitality and the flower of the fog."

Chen Rui heard the spring of life, and the heart was moving, but the other two were really unheard of. I immediately cautiously asked: "Do these three antidotes have to be used at the same time, or can they work separately?"

"The Fountain of Life can lift the poison of Eve and Elean, and the Fountain of Vitality and the Flower of the Shadows is the key to eradicate the curse of me, but my vitality has been consumed by some mystery, as long as you I can find the spring of life and get rid of my two daughters. I can help you make two pieces of equipment first."

Chen Rui thought about it and decided to confirm it. He said: "I heard the teacher talk about the spring of life. It seems that it will be invalid within half an hour after leaving the spring. I don't know if this is the case..."

When Skye was shocked, his emotions seemed very moving. He quickly said: "This is the spring of life! I have a magic bottle here, which can hold the spring of life for three months."

"The magic bottle is for me." Chen Rui has a bottom in his heart, but he can't be in the strength of Skye's face, such as the Star Garden, and said: "I immediately set out to find a teacher, just ask about the whereabouts of the Fountain of Life. I believe that I will not be driven out."

Skye did not say anything, threw the bottle to Chen Rui, and Chen Rui took out a nine-headed snake skin: "The total of two quilted skins is my mortgage. Also, these bottles of medicine, When I gave Eve and Elean, you should not quit. After all, Elean’s poison curse has once again occurred. Please don’t blame her for losing her words. She is only a child.”

Skye's feelings of jī, no artificial, nodded.

Chen Rui left the cloak and went straight to the arena.

Skye’s master of the system is an unexpected achievement, and the reason why the father and the daughter are cursed is certainly not simple, but for now, it is not the time to explore this. The Fountain of Life is always available to Skye, but the key to this deal is the process of watching the system. At present, the most important role of deep analysis is to crack the mask of the gods, at least until the mask is completely broken, in order to separate the excess mental power to "engraving" the leather production technology.

Back to the arena, I saw Athena and others waiting for him. It turned out that Royce had already returned home overnight.

This time, Royce secretly went to the Red Sealand. After several twists and turns, he finally found the place where the treasure was buried. With the power of the blood, he got the secret.

Royce took out a box and handed it over with respect. Chen Rui opened it. This is a silver sè necklace. The center is inlaid with a blue sè. The necklace is also dotted with a little blue light. It looks quaint and elegant. It is the secret treasure of the lazy royal family. .

"Evil Blue Tears" looks better than "Dark Will", but it is just a relatively simple necklace. There is no power b, and the title of "the first secret treasure below the lazy royal artifact" Seriously inconsistent.

Chen Rui wanted to try its effect, but how to see this necklace is a female model, in front of Athena and several servants, I can't pull my face and put it on, I have to find an excuse to sneak into the underground to hide. Trying to come, behind Athena's laughter.

After coming to the basement room, Chen Rui did not hesitate, put on a necklace, and when he put on the necklace, it produced a wonderful feeling. It seemed that some kind of heat flow expanded in all directions, and it flowed through the whole body and finally recovered. Central blue sè gems inside.

Chen Rui thought of a move, feeling that the mental power began to gather quickly, and the speed and quality of gathering were more than usual. Trying to combine the power of the element to open the depth analysis, it feels more convenient than usual, in the prompt of automatic analysis, It is recommended that the number of daily “two” has become “three”. After three deep analysis, there is no mental overdraft. However, when I was a child, I felt particularly tired. It seems that the increase of the tears of evil blue has certain limitations, which is inferior to the magic of the elemental heart. However, Chen Rui, who urgently needs more mental strength to analyze the number of times, is completely acceptable.

After three consecutive analysis, the resolution of the mask has increased by 2%, and the effect is good. According to this progress, in less than one month, the mask of the gods can be completely cracked.

As for the fountain of vitality and the flower of the fog, they were handed over to Royce to use the information network of Joseph, and they were not in a hurry.

A few days have passed, and after the emergence of the Besib royal family, the dark moon once again sent an amazing news.

The long princess, Shia, suddenly dispatched the Guards, and was commanded by the commander Kagulon himself. By routinely collecting the ore as a cover, he launched a surprise attack on the thieves who were entrenched in Xiqiao Mountain.

Although the thieves were caught unprepared, but under the leadership of the thieves leader, there was still no chaos, and began tough resistance. At this time, Xiqiao Mountain had another key person who surprised everyone. That is the former mining officer Tim Saif, who has been missing for two years.

Tim rescued the miners imprisoned by the thieves in Valan, and then cooperated with Kagulon to successfully poison the head of the thief group. Eventually, the thief group was broken and the thief leader lost his name.

At present, Tim has returned to the Darkmoon City, and at the same time, the current mining officer Chen Rui. Compared with the wit and heroism of the former mining officer, the human mining officer can only use the words lucky return.

The passage of the matter is like this. Originally, Chen Rui was sent to Xiqiao Mountain for a lifetime of death. After arriving, he has been avoiding thieves. If it is not the protection of Miss Ashina, the first female swordsman of the Darkmoon, she has already returned to her. Not returning. However, human luck was so good that when it was almost caught, it happened to meet Tim, who had been in the underground adventure for two years and managed to escape.

Thanks to Tim, the humans rushed back to the dark moon to report, so the long princess Chia took the initiative, and the soldiers sent the Xiqiao Mountain, and it was a success.

The good news of Xiqiao Mountain's great victory made the Darkmoon Army and the people very excited. Originally, because of the fear of the Besib royal family, the fear was greatly reduced. For the Safran family, there was no big surprise. When I learned that the only son who had been missing for two years and had already confirmed death suddenly "resurrected and died", the elders of the family, Ford, were full of tears. When the father and the son met, it was a touching scene.

After this battle, Tim sounded a great earthquake, and the city was telling his heroic deeds, even in the underground world to conquer the "legendary stories" of various World of Warcraft, all of them live vividly, as if you saw them.

On the other hand, using Royce's magical communication symbol, Chen Rui "emergency" contacted Joseph.

Joseph was originally "retreating and practicing", using the power of the devil's fruit to impact the bottleneck. Because this incident was no small matter, he had to interrupt the practice.

"My friend, is there a plan to keep up with the feeling of change? The dark moon is about to hold an emergency meeting, I believe that the princess has sent someone to inform you." Chen Rui said quietly.

"Yes, I have received a notice from the meeting that Royce conveyed," Joseph's face was a little dignified: "I don't think Tim is actually alive, I may be in trouble this time."

"I know some of your troubles, but the most troublesome thing in the red land is Kanita. Does his man, Snod, escape to the red?"

Joseph shook his head: "Not yet, but has received a message from Snowd in the town of Leia. Tim's sudden appearance is indeed unexpected, due to the hostility of Leia town to the red and the failure. It is difficult to control the west side of the dark moon again."

"With the dark moon now, even if the trade with yīn is returned to the empire, the fundamental problem can not be solved. The business road is not open for a day or two. What's more, which silly will come to this place?" Chen Rui issued Unintentional laughter: "As for how to control, let your father go to a headache, this time just push the responsibility to Canita, who makes Snowd his man?"

Joseph l smiled: "You are right, my friend, but there is still one thing at the moment. Listening to Royce’s report, the Safir family wants to take this opportunity to fight back and put Tim on. The position of the financial officer, but this is obviously impossible, and their real goal is the sheriff."

"I have heard this news too. I want to remind you that even under the same forces, the contradictions and struggles between old and new forces are still inevitable, just like... you are like Canita. I heard that Do you have an interesting bet with the current mining officer?"

Joseph’s heart was deep, and he understood the “intention” of this tip. His eyes flashed and he asked, “You mean...”

"It seems that you have already understood, for example... the cloak will be the Guards Reserve, which is also one of the emerging forces, and there is a bit of deliberate friendship between me and that human being."

"My friend, you are so embarrassed." Joseph indulged for a moment, l smirked with a smile. "With your support, I believe that the civil war on the princess side is more chaotic."

Chen Rui smiled and his tone suddenly turned: "Yes, there are still things I want to tell you first. The Gorefiend of the Mellon family seems to be quite dissatisfied with the cloak. I intend to completely remove them. Control the potential power of the slightly sinks and said: "The Mellon family is just an unreliable wall grass, and it may fall to a more powerful party at any time. father. If this is part of your plan, then I have no comments. ”

"Very good, this is indeed a part of the plan. Soon, you will see the real control effect." Chen Rui nodded. "Well, the time for communication is coming, anyway, you are going back to the dark moon anyway." If there is a chance, we will meet again. Although it is regrettable to interrupt your practice, I believe that it is only a matter of time before you break through the bottleneck."

Joseph smiled and the image of the magical communication faded away.

Chen Rui came to the hall and issued an order.

"Vasasa, immediately informed the cloak of the Jess organization, and tonight to fully dispatch, to destroy the Gorefiend! Aroks, the leader of the Gorefiend, Wake, will be handed over to you."

Arauxs was gently wiping the dark star iron double-headed trowel in his hand with a crepe cloth, and heard the words, and the red scorpion smashed the bloodthirsty light.

Tonight, it is destined to be a night of killing. @.

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