Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 191: Heart

In the early morning, the dark moon city is discussing the big things happening again. The cloak will attack the Gorefiends nest in the night. The last time in the arena, the team will be defeated by Aroks, who is a member of Agurlie, and the leader of the Gorefiend will be killed by Wake. Almost all the troops were wiped out, and only some unsuccessful embarrassment was escaped. [Poke Club High Quality Update] Since then, the cloak will become the largest group power in Darkmoon City.

Of course, the cloak will also hang a title for the Guards Reserve. This title represents the longest ruler of the Darkmoon, so the supporter behind the Gorefiend, the Mellon family, is resentful but not really in the face. Revenge on the cloak.

At the same time, another news spread, which diluted the bloodyness of last night, that is, the temporary meeting after three days will determine the candidates for the new financial officer and the sheriff. Tim’s voice, which is getting hot recently, is very high, and it’s obviously a deliberately created voice.

Compared with these news, the human mining officer who has returned to the dark moon in vain has become the object of teasing after the meal. In addition to the core decision-making layers of Xia and Laos, only a few people are happy with Chen Rui’s “return”. .

Aldas had been indulging in the study of black pharmacy. No one was seen. After learning that Chen Rui came back, he interrupted the study to meet. Chen Rui gave him a whole set of true black pharmacy, saying that it was a reward for the big master's trial, but he must pay attention to confidentiality.

Judging from the faint eyes of Aldas, it is obvious that other words have not been heard. The eyes are like a perverted wolf who has not touched a woman for a hundred years. Seeing that she is seduce her own naked nude, Chen Rui’s words have not finished yet, Al Das took the baby pharmacy at the speed of Superman and planted it into the underground secret laboratory. It never came out again. It is estimated that this "dive" time will last for a long time.

Chen Rui’s current status is not suitable for the arena. He has been living in the laboratory. Asina is in the name of protection and lives in the laboratory. For the master who has reunited for a long time, Xiaoshi is very happy. In the previous period, Sly was controlled by the princess. The only time he could pass the time was to read the book. The books on the basics of pharmacy that Chen Rui gave him were all inferior. After reading it, I became interested in pharmacy, and it was a pharmacy apprentice who was more "competent" than Chen Rui.

Chen Rui did not actually go to Xiqiao Mountain. Tim was able to leave the mine. He did not take Yanshou Pharmacy, but the magic bottle effect that Chen Rui received from Skye.

Skye's magic bottle can keep the life spring water for three months. After returning to Darkmoon City, Chen Rui has enough spring water to provide it, so Tim doesn't have to worry about life.

Now Tim is raising a lot of aura materials through the power of the family, one is to extend the life of the pharmacy, and the other is to provide Chen Rui's training field consumption. [Poke Club High Quality Update]

With the secret support of the Safran family, plus the resources of Joseph, the problem of Reiki is basically solved.

From the beginning of the refining of the star to the present, counting the time in the training ground, Chen Rui has been practicing in various environments for several years. It is reasonable to say that his mind has been honed quite powerful, but I don’t know why. The situation in these days is not very good. I have been keeping myself in the room. Even Athena has been taken away.

Chen Rui sits quietly in the glacier, and most of his body is already frozen. For the well-trained, his body function has been reduced to a very weak degree by this cold, and his will is more and more determined.

At this time, his heart gave birth to a hot, this nasty feeling has appeared many times in recent days, as if a flame is burning in the chest, even the outside cold can not suppress the heat of the flame.

Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!

Chen Rui’s meditation has played its role. In consciousness, it is full of self-suggestion of “quietness”, and the heart gives birth to a trace of coolness, slowly melting the flame. At this moment, the change suddenly rose, and the "quiet" word in the sky screamed in a hurry, and it burned into an burning flame, suddenly illusory.

The fire rushed into the sky, and screams came from time to time. The broken amines in front of the eyes were broken, and **** scent came in the face. There was a shadow in the flame that was being madly killed. The roads were piled up by people. The figure was familiar. It’s Chen Rui’s own... The scene is a change. “Your body is mine! I will use your body to kill one of the closest people!” Glover, with a mask of gods, laughed and controlled. His body kicked the front of Paglio's body, step by step toward Aldas, who had lost his resistance... These are illusions! Chen Rui woke up in his heart and tried to use the meditation technique to remove the distracting thoughts brought about by these illusions. The "static" word in the flame became clear again, but the illusion still did not stop.

In the land of the earth, Chen Rui sneered and held the heart of the earth element that had been repaired in his hand. He smashed the body element of the spring of life into a crush. Chen Rui once again broke free from the nightmare-like fantasy. The big mouth is panting, and the "quietness" in the will also sends out a corresponding sound. It bursts open as if it would be contagious. The word "jing" bursts one after another. If he can see the status bar at this time, he can find out. The original clear and clear star map has become bleak and even trembled.

The illusion is still going on.

Chen Rui, the voice of the beast in the throat, pressed a naked female body in a humiliating posture under the madness, and pulled the woman’s long blond hair in her hand. The woman’s white body was scratched. Traces, raised his face in pain, turned out to be Shia. There were a lot of bruised women lying on the side, all eyes closed, I don’t know life and death, there are Athena, Christina, and even Jiya, Alice, Delia, Liaosha... the "quiet" in the fire The burst opened, and the consciousness was filled with fierce and arrogant flames. Chen Rui could no longer maintain the state of meditation, and stunned his head in pain, and the whole body actually came out with flames. The low temperature of the glacier not only fails to extinguish the flame, but the whole has signs of being melted.

At this time, Chen Rui’s burning flame suddenly turned black, and the feeling of desolateness passed down the consciousness, and the power of the crazy flame was controlled, and finally he was restored to normal.

By the power of the black flame, Chen Rui finally recovered from the loss of control, completely removed all kinds of evil thoughts from the illusion, and finally restored the meditation.

Chen Rui’s mind has produced a kind of enlightenment. In those illusions just now, there are various magnified desires such as fierceness, fear, greed and lust, which are hidden in the bottom of my heart.

As described by the Earth Elemental King and Paglio, he has now really entered the level of “entry”. After reaching this level, after entering the silence, the distracting thoughts in the bottom of the heart will be in the form of illusion. When you appear, you must persist in yourself and be able to break through the illusion.

Chen Rui thought of the original world's description of this illusion, a flash of light, a demon! Yes, this is the devil.

Refining the heart is to defeat the demons. Originally, this requires a lot of spiritual accumulation and practice. After the heart and strength reach a certain level, the demons will appear, but Chen Rui, who has swallowed the consciousness of the emperor, only A lot more, the key is to see how to keep up.

Today, he is lucky to pass the fire of Nirvana. As the heart and strength grow at the same time, the power of the demons will be greatly enhanced. To this extent, unless it is a specific period, it is not much use for the practice of the training ground. The real practice and refining is in life.

Realizing the life and truly understanding the power of the "heart" can truly realize the transformation and sublimation, but if you leave the training ground, the time will become more tense.

Chen Rui withdrew from the training ground and came to the Temple of Stars. On the schedule, the progress of the star has reached 20%, and the color of the scale has changed. It seems to have reached a small stage. My own strength really feels a lot stronger, but the demons in the back will become stronger and stronger, and the test of refining the heart has just begun.

After a nap, Chen Rui felt refreshed, and the discomfort of these days was swept away, and immediately came out of the room.

"How is it?" Athena is the only person in the Darkmoon City who knows the true state of Chen Rui. He has been closed for a few days and is worried. Now he sees him coming out and rushes to meet.

Chen Rui did not see Athena for hundreds of days in the practice. She saw her care, her heart was warm, and she shook her hand: "It’s okay for the time being, thank you for your guardianship."

Athena wanted to say that he was not polite, but his heart was very useful, just a light "hmm".

"Come, this will help me to wear it." Chen Rui took out the "Tear of Evil Blue" and pretended to help her wear it, but kissed her earlobe in a mischievous manner. This place is the most sensitive of Athena. One of the parts, the brain suddenly burst into a numbness, softly fell in his arms.

At this time, there were footsteps, which seemed to be a small servant. Athena suddenly woke up, lightning bolted away from his wolf claws, and by the way, he also knocked on the unscrupulous hand.

Sure enough, Sly came in with a pot of It seems that I want to give Athena a meal, and I found that the owner who has closed the door for many days is also complimenting, and I see that the owner is not good. The eyes swept over.

The inferior demon took a spurt and quickly glanced at Athena, keenly discovering the red tide that had not faded on the beautiful face, revealing the faint color, and admiring the owner’s five-body cast while secretly choosing to send him stupidly. The time of food actually destroyed the good things of the owner.

The master is still apologetic, Miss Athena is a high-end demon (the power of the little devil is too low, even if there is no necklace, can not detect the real power of Athena), if it is under the shame, the idea of ​​breaking the mouth..." Ah! My eyes suddenly hurt! Did the blind-eyed pharmacy just happen again?” The brainless and flexible little devil quickly put down the food plate, then screamed in exaggerated eyes and slammed back. Going, I didn’t know how to accidentally hit the wall, screaming, and I couldn’t care about the blind eye effect.

The laughter brought by this episode made Athena's shame a little lighter. Chen Rui did not sing her again. He said: "You have been working hard here for a few days. Let's have something to eat together, then go out and walk. You haven't seen Alice for a long time."

Athena's eyes lit up and nodded quickly.

〖Unfinished to be continued〗

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