Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 192: Mangrove picnic

A little Lolita in Princess Square has a very bad mood these days, and the bright smiles of the past can't be seen. Name and the pen to see the latest chapter //

Chen Rui safely returned to the dark moon, the most happy is Alice, and rushed to the laboratory. However, Chen Rui had already explained to Xia that the test of the Grand Master must be closed, so in addition to Athena's personal protection, Xia also sent a special guard to keep the door of the laboratory.

Xiao Loli ate a closed door, and was reluctant to use the identity of the little princess to forcibly rushed. Xia had already heard the news and directly arrested her back to the palace. Xiao Loli rarely sent a big temper, and angered her sister for several days.

Just a guy who didn't have long eyes was planning to secretly eat Kiya's tofu, and I was seen by Alice, and immediately let Kaguri give the guy a foot. The unlucky guy rolled from the second floor to the first floor and flew out the door precisely.

All the guests here know that the little princess is in a bad mood. Many guys who have ulterior motives for Jiya havetened their feet on the soles of their feet to avoid the disaster. The guests on the second floor also left with interest.

Someone went to the second floor, and Alice was holding her sulking gas. She didn't care so much, but she didn't see a surprised expression on the side of Kaguri and Ji Yaqi. At this time, a strange sound sounded, it seems to be the sound of the nose:

"I want to buy this pair of fighting games."

Alice didn't bother to look back. It was just a little weird to hear Jiya's voice: "Guests are sure to buy this pair?"

"Yes, can you ask the little princess to sign my name?"

Jiya looked at Alice and seemed to hold back her smile: "The little princess is in a bad mood now, or if you take her out for a walk, maybe she will sign it for you."

Alice was about to get angry. Suddenly, her nose was pumping with a sensitive touch. The beautiful big eyes suddenly lit up the strange color. When I suddenly looked back, I saw two more people on the second floor. The depressed moment on my face turned into a moment. Extremely excited.

"Athena! Chen Rui!"

Alice shouted, and the whole person leaped high and rushed toward Chen Rui. Chen Rui wanted to scare Xiao Loli, and the result was shocked by the exaggerated action of Xiao Loli, and quickly pulled A Sina around her.

Little Loli hangs on Athena like a koala, excitedly yelling. In order to prevent others from seeing the imperial demente of the Princess, Kaguli took the initiative to stay on the stairs on the second floor. Affected by Alice's emotions, the serious "Security Minister" showed a rare smile.

Athena is also very excited, holding Alice and jumping and jumping, and there is still the usual prestige. Alice glanced at Chen Rui, who was laughing at the side, and whispered a few words to Athena. Athena jumped to Chen Rui's side. Alice twisted her body and flew toward Chen Rui with the strength of Athena. She hung from his back on his back and forced his arms around Chen Rui’s neck.

"Well, you are a Chen Rui, actually dare to avoid the Russian sitting of this princess, the main representative of the moon to destroy you!" These messy nouns are still Chen Ruijia Alice, now can be described as self-restraint. [Poke Club High Quality Update]

He didn't dare to resist with strength. He only felt that he was out of breath, and he hoped that Athena or Jiya would help pull the little Loli. I don’t know if Athena just stood by and smiled. It seemed to be “revenge”. He was thin in the lab before. As for Jiya, not to mention, the flirtatious eyes flashed with gloating.

A woman is really an unreliable creature at a critical moment... When Alice comes down from Chen Rui, the poor man can't express his opinion in normal language because of the suffocation.

"Athena, we haven't had a picnic for a long time!"

"Well, little princess, where are you going?"

"Blue Wave Lake?"

Chen Rui quickly shook his head. There was a psychological shadow in that place. Loli, who was sap, and a dead duck, called his brother's dead duck dragon... Anyway, he would not take MM to go to the Blue Wave Lake picnic.

Asina saw Chen Rui's appearance and smiled slightly: "What about the mangroves going to the south? Remember the book house we used to take?"

"Remember! Go to the mangroves!" Alice immediately agreed, so the trip was decided.

Alice is a good master, but also wants to bring Giya to go together, but Jiya and Chen Rui seem to have some wrongdoings, and they propose to stay and see the store. The final number of picnics is set at three.

After preparing for a little loli, she had already put on a large coat and covered her body. There was a beautiful little round hat on her head, which was very cute. Athena is still dressed in a short robe, wearing a "tears of evil blue" on her neck, giving people a feeling of refreshing and generous. Only Chen Rui is still an apprentice robes, and even a green leaf against the safflower is unsatisfactory.

The three men took the triangle rhinoceros and went out to the south gate. They went all the way.

Chen Rui has not been riding this "bus" for a long time. I remembered the first time I sat on the triangle rhinoceros. At that time, when I first met Athena, my heart gave me a faint warmth and looked at Athena. Just as Athena also looked at the heart, the two laughed at the same time, and they did not say anything.

This scene did not pass Alice who perceives Superman, his brow wrinkles, but his mouth does not stop, still talking and laughing.

The distance between the mangroves is nearly half that of the Blue Wave Lake. Soon, the three arrived at their destination.

The three came to a big tree with a simple hut and a crawling rope ladder that could be used up and down, which was previously built by Athena and Alice. Alice has not eaten the barbecue made by Chen Rui for a long time. A Sina immediately took over the task of hunting. Chen Rui and Alice were responsible for cleaning up the tree house.

Athena's forefoot just left, did not wait for Chen Rui to climb the tree house to clean up, Alice has two steps and came to the front, the temperament of a cloak-like coat: "Chen Rui!"

This sudden action made Chen Rui a sigh: "What?"

Little Lori is quite a chest, and he is domineering: "Do you think the Princess has any special changes?"

change? Chen Rui looked at Xiao Loli for a while and nodded.

Just when Xiao Loli showed a happy color, Chen Rui added:

"The action just took the wind."

"anything else?"

"This hat is pretty."

Nothing else? ”

The robes and hats are well matched. ”

Take a closer look, is there anything else? ”


The little Lolita, who has been working hard to keep her chest, bowed her head in a frustrated manner, and she was as good as the one she had just made. "What's wrong, little princess?" Chen Rui cried down curiously. Did this little Loli take the wrong medicine?

Alice suddenly stood up, and a head squatted with Chen Rui’s head. Chen Rui was caught off guard, only to see Venus staring and holding his forehead: “Why do you hit me?”

"To make someone Alice!" Xiao Loli stood up in anger, and her eyes were murderous.

This odious man, did not find the "change" of others? Even if it’s just a little bigger, it’s big!


Chen Rui is inexplicable. I always feel that this loli is not so easy. I saw Alice taking out a mature wooden stick from the bracelet. I vaguely remember that it was the loli sap with a stun effect. The last time I was in this sap Next, even the first kiss was stolen by Alice. Is it necessary to reinvent it today?

Don't forget, Athena is coming back!

"Alice, what are you doing?"

"Hey! Call me a little princess!"

Chen Rui saw that this little Lolita was unreasonable. As a victim of this weapon, he was willing to repeat the same mistakes and run away. Alice took the stick and chased it. With the strength of Chen Rui, even if she didn't use the real power, Alice couldn't catch up with it. In a hurry, she was smashed by the stone. "哎哟" fell to the ground and the stick came out. I can't climb for a long time.

Chen Rui was shocked and ran back. Alice’s ankles had swollen, apparently sprained, and the palms were worn out.

"Don't move, Alice!" Chen Rui took off her shoes, took out the healing agent, put it on the wound with gauze, and the effect of the master-class syrup was obvious. The redness quickly faded and wiped off with clean gauze. The wound in her palm.

Alice didn't cry when she fell. Now he is taken care of by him, his eyes are a little red, and his heart has a strange warm feeling, as if he hasn't experienced it for a long time.

"Sorry, little princess."

"Calling people Alice, I said it last time... Chen Rui secretly turned his eyes, Loli heart, the sea needle, too elusive.

Alice stood up, limping and picking up her mouth:

"People still have pain in their feet. They are all stones, they can't walk..."

Chen Rui sighed and squatted: "Come up!"

Alice smiled so slyly, a one-legged tiger jumped up and grabbed his neck. Chen Rui stood up and walked forward. It’s completely different from the lock throat in the store. Little Loli is very clever and gently glaring at him. The light fragrance that I once felt close to is floating into the nose again. Because of the close relationship between the little Loli, the undeveloped chest Close to his back, even Chen Rui, can not help but give birth to a strange feeling, but was quickly dispelled.

In front, Athena had brought back the prey and saw Chen Rui carrying Alice, and was taken aback and hurryed over.

"Alice, what happened?"

"I accidentally fell."

"It's okay, show me!" Athena was obviously nervous about her injury.

In the face of the concern of good friends, Alice feels a little guilty: "Chen Rui has helped me with the medicine, there should be no big problem."

Athena knew the magic of Chen Rui's pharmacy, and let go of her heart. Chen Rui began to roast. The long-lost scent made Alice drool, and the big eyes glowed brightly.

After a big meal, I lost the "utilization value"

The human man was thrown under the tree to clean up the Alice took Athena to the tree house to chat, the name "talk between women".

Chen Rui shook his head and began to clean up. Little Loli was sure to be interested in the things of Xiqiao Mountain. However, Chen Ruizao and Athena had a good "confession" and never leaked a little about the underground world.

Chen Rui’s mouth is still quite reassuring to Athena’s mouth. It can be seen from the incident of Paglieu’s “poisoning”. With his current ear power, even if the perception is not developed, some words of Alice yelling can be heard.

“Is it fun to ride a two-legged dragon?”

"This necklace is so beautiful, is Chen Rui given to you?"

"You have also built a wooden house in Xiqiao Mountain? Is there a room for me?"

Chen Rui leaned under the big tree and looked at the light shining through the woods. The whispers in the hues came from his ears, mixed with the birds in the forest, and he felt a rare silence in his heart.

It is completely different from the "quietness" of that practice. Perhaps this is the life in the future.

(To be continued)

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