Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 193: dispute! Sheriff's affiliation

Three days later, the Darkmoon City held a temporary meeting with high attention. Name and the pen to see the latest chapter //

In the Chamber of Deputies, Princess Chia sat in the middle seat, and the old Gauss was standing behind her. The round tables were separated by Joseph, Allen, Chen Rui, Tim, the old Ford of the Safir family, and the patriarch of the Mellon family. Lombardo... At the meeting, Xia first routinely summed up the situation of the dark moon in recent times, including the appearance of Beishi, the royal family and the great victory of Xiqiao Mountain. Subsequently, the old Ford was the first to stand up and attack, questioning Joseph’s cronies who bought Tong Tim two years ago, and tempted Tim to assassinate the lower mines.

Joseph was prepared for this and denied it. He asked Old Ford to show strong evidence. Otherwise, this kind of inference is not convincing. If the old Ford can't hold the evidence, then ask the Princess to give a fair ruling and give it to the old Ford. The punishment of the financial officer.

After a bit of a slap in the face, under the mediation of Xia, this matter was gone, and then the topic shifted to the issue of the candidate for the financial officer.

According to the practice of three years, the financial officer and the sheriff should be re-elected at the beginning of the year. However, because Joseph and Allen were unable to shake at the time, Xia deliberately postponed the election with privileges and extended the two. term of office. On the surface, it is a compliment to the two people. In fact, it is a chance to wait for a more appropriate one. Until today, this foreshadowing is useful.

Joseph did not speak. The speaker was Lombardo, the patriarch of the Melon family. Lombardo exemplified and elaborated on the good development momentum of the economy in the dark moon territory. All of this is of course the current finance. With the merits of the official Joseph, Lombardo deliberately pointed out that thanks to the great efforts of Joseph, the Red Seas will continue to provide a large amount of food aid to the Darkmoon. This is the point that Joseph will be re-elected as a financial officer. This is the case. The small family on the Joseph side has echoed.

Joseph still keeps a smile. These words are spoken by Lombardo. It is much better than the effect of his boasting. Especially the food is the soft underbelly of the dark moon. As long as you grasp this point, the position of the financial officer will be stable.

Old Ford still refuses to accept the soft, claiming that the west channel has been opened, not necessarily relying on the support of the red, if the dark moon family work together, it will certainly ease the dark moon food crisis.

At this time, Joseph defeated the old Ford's last recalcitrance. As long as he can be re-elected, the food aid for the dark moon will increase by 30% from next month.

The food problem has been plaguing the dark moon for thousands of years. Although the old Ford seems to be reasonable, everyone understands that the business road is not established in a day or two. Moreover, the situation in the west is not stable. No one can guarantee whether it can Become an effective solution to food. At present, we must rely on the support of the Red Sea Territory. If the aid can increase by 30%, it will greatly alleviate the biggest problem of the increasingly tight grain of the dark moon. [Puquge high quality update] In this way, the dark moon is even more inseparable from the "assistance" of the red.

Xia finally made a decision and agreed to Joseph’s re-election as a financial officer. In fact, under the miraculous effect of Chen Rui’s energy dust, the secret food base was successfully established and a large amount of grain was reserved, and the dark moon was already self-sufficient. However, when it is still forbearing, it is not appropriate to expose the cards. Since Joseph is self-righteous and willing to send more than 30% of the food, why not accept it?

Joseph waited for the old Ford to open the topic directly to the other party's real target sheriff, praised Allen's contribution to the dark moon over the years, and proposed that Allen be re-elected.

However, the old Ford's words immediately turned the glamour of Allen into a complex face. The old Ford pointed out that Allen's mediocrity and incompetence, personal strength is low, despicable and cowardly, the air sports lost to the powerless humans, and then in Agulie Cheating in the competition with Reka is well known and cannot be convinced. Not only that, as a sheriff, Allen lacks the most basic ability to control, and the dark moon keeps the soldiers stunned, neglected in training, and even low in combat power, repeatedly annihilating the thieves in the west.

The Tim of the Safran family is completely different. In the danger of the World of Warcraft, he struggled for two years and escaped. His personal strength has reached the level of high-level demons. After fleeing the ground, he rescued Chen Rui, the mining officer, and offered plots to plan the success of the Guards of the Guardian thieves. He took the lead and succeeded in poisoning the thieves. He eventually became the key to destroying the thieves and clearing the west side of the dark moon. Characters, the prestige of the Darkmoon is far better than Allen, and it is the best candidate for the Sheriff.

When mentioning the rescue of Chen Rui, the mining magistrate, Tim looked at Chen Rui and saw that the master had cast a grateful look in cooperation, and his heart was speechless.

These words did not have the face of Allen and even the Karon family. They were so angry that Allen had a cigarette but could not refute it. When Joseph saw the situation wrong, he was nominated by Lombardo, the patriarch of the Melon family. Allen’s face was more gloomy.

Old Ford and Lombardo are old-fashioned, and each other’s little sister-in-law is a big one. There is no room for each other to attack. If the long princess is not in the middle of the town, I am afraid that I have already started to move.

The so-called upper aristocrats, after tearing the noble coat, turned their faces to be no different from the hawkers in the vegetable market.

Joseph's gaze fell on the face of Chia, and Hijah was expressionless, just watching Tim, the slightest intent. Based on the current situation, Allen is definitely not re-elected, and it is such a good opportunity to annihilate the bandits in the west. Hija will not wait until naturally, and will not stop, and will definitely control the position of the sheriff. Tim is the best. Candidates. Lombardo and Old Ford are mutually offsetting forces. Moreover, Lombardo is not really a force belonging to Joseph’s Majesty. Instead of letting Tim’s confession suffer from the dark moon’s military power, it’s better to take the second step and adopt “Agu. "Strong" strategy... The allies whose temporary relationship is still stable, there must be further conspiracy, eh? control? Still other? In any case, for him, Joseph is good and harmless.

"You, please listen to me." Joseph used a faint force to suppress the voices of Old Ford and Lombardo.

Everyone's eyes were concentrated, and Joseph sighed and said, "I remembered and almost forgot one of the most important things."

Say, Joseph’s gaze fell on Chen Rui, who has been silent for a long time: “When you remember the last quarterly meeting, when I recommended Chen Rui as the new mine officer, I once said that if Xiqiao The mountain problem is solved, then I will further recommend him as a sheriff."

When the words came out, everyone suddenly remembered that there was such a thing, and they all showed the strange color: such a human being without power is actually qualified to control the military power?

"Remember that I also signed an instrument with our mine officer. My Royal Highness Princess also personally acted as an arbitrator. The instrument was in triplicate and I still have it." Joseph said, from the space ring. Take out a document, under the control of power, float one by one to everyone. Sure enough, in addition to the signatures of Chen Rui and Joseph, there is also the magic signature of Xiya himself. ”

When Chen Rui heard it, his eyes suddenly brightened. This time it was Tim’s turn to show the look of haze. Joseph looked in his eyes and smiled more. He got up and gave a gift to Xia.

"Now the problem of Xiqiao Mountain has been solved. It is time for me to fulfill my promise... His Highness Xia, I now officially recommend the current mine officer Chen Rui as the Sheriff."

The old Ford of the Safran family did not expect such a change, and immediately jumped out against it, indicating that Chen Rui was weak and incompetent. The solution to the Xiqiao Mountain problem has nothing to do with it. How can it plagiarize Tim’s victory?

Tim heard this sentence and was very shameful. In fact, whether it is the crisis of Xiqiao Mountain or the underground world, Chen Rui resolves it. Counting it, his hero is the real plagiarist.

Everything is under the control of the master, including Joseph's "support". Although Tim is self-satisfied and capable, he is completely convinced of the master.

Unsurprisingly, under the direction of Joseph, the Mellon family quickly fell to Chen Rui, and the situation became weird. The sheriff's choice became the internal dispute of the princess.

Shea looked at the instruments she had personally signed and her eyes became complicated.

Joseph secretly sneered: Xia has always said that it must be practiced, and the prestige is extremely high. If you want to self-destruct your promise, then the prestige will definitely decline. As for Chen Rui, it is entirely due to his meeting. He and the Mellon family are only qualified to compete with the Safran family at the meeting, so that even the guy without strength and background will only be seated in the position of the sheriff. It’s worse.

Moreover, Aku Lie will vigorously "support" the representative of the new forces, Chen Rui, and with the mind of the Bexih royal family, it will definitely cause the inevitable division of the originally united Xia party.

Chia seemed to sigh and stood up, and the quarrel suddenly stood still, and all eyes fell on the Lord of the Darkmoon.

Xia said faintly: "Since there is a document first, then the Darkmoon City Sheriff is served by the mine officer Chen Rui. After two years of missing, Tim made a great effort and temporarily returned to Xiqiao Mountain as a mine officer and concurrently The West Road Defence Captain is responsible for the development of the mine and the defense of the dark moon west. The maximum number of defense teams is one-third of the Guards, and there is another award later."

Old Ford still wants to say something, and ultimately did not say it.

The most angry is Hijah just announced the meeting, immediately got up and left, and looked at Joseph and Chen Rui before leaving, and his eyes were full of grievances.

This time the biggest loser is undoubtedly the former magistrate.

Old Ford came with Tim and congratulated Chen Rui on his words. The words were full of cynicism and irony of the meaning of human beings.

Everyone knows that the sheriff is not so good, and Chen Rui is just a human being without strength, especially the old-fashioned forces like the Safran family.

Joseph walked over with a smile: "Congratulations, Lord Chen Rui. We can have more cooperation in the future."

"Thank you for your recommendation." The human beings who suddenly appeared on the throne of the Sheriff seemed to be at a loss. The excitement was overwhelming, and suddenly they felt the cold air behind them. They turned back to meet the chilly eyes of Xia, and suddenly they shuddered. Dare to talk to Joseph.

Xia's cold eyes fell on Joseph's face, and Joseph smiled as if he was slightly stunned and turned away.

(To be continued)

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