Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 214: Rolling! Death game along the way

Casillas is a scorpion-like prop. According to the setting, one to seventeen numbers will be displayed immediately when throwing. When a number appears, which team or which one will be cracked.

For the sake of fairness, the first one is to roll the dice, the second is the second one... and so on.

This magic scorpion may repeatedly appear the same number, such as the first number to throw the third, the third must go to the front, after the trap is cracked, then the second is throwing the third, the third must start cracking again. Of course, it is also possible to throw your own number, and everything depends on luck.

Luck, but also a kind of strength, the presence of experienced veterans, naturally understand this truth.

Casillas also has a special compass, which looks a bit like Chen Rui's original ancient Sinan. It can avoid the interference of the force here and sense the strongest location, but it needs manual adjustment and positioning.

After determining a simple route based on the compass, Casillas numbered the teams in turn, a total of seventeen, and then took out a magic item and lost seventeen numbers. After everyone checked the magic, there was no problem, and the first one began to throw the scatter. On the 1st is the squad of Casillas himself. He picks up the magic scorpion and throws it to the ground. A "four" symbol appears.

On the 4th, it is Chen Rui’s three-person team.

The eyes of everyone are on the three people of Chen Rui. Many people seem to be gloating. If these three people can't crack or avoid the first trap, then they must try to find out the scope and scope of the trap. Over the years, I don't know how many people have tried to crack the traps, but the power of those traps is quite powerful, and they can't be completely destroyed. They will automatically reply and change, and they will never be able to break through.

Although the treasure is yòu, the small life is more important. If it is not every three years, the magic trap will be weakened, and no one wants to die.

The magic trap is very strange. It can't be seen with the naked eye or with the ability to perceive. If you want to try out the scope or the genus, you can solve it by throwing a stone. You have to raise the trap yourself. There is only one result. death.

Chen Rui did not think that his team's luck was so drawn, although Di Lìya ignored Luo Méng, but the tacit understanding of the two did not need to use words to express.

The three men walked far in front of the team and opened the distance with the people behind them. Although the front of the "land mine" is not their own, the people behind are still a cautious look like the enemy.

Di lìya saw Luo méng a look, Luo méng went to the front of Chen Rui, Di Lì Ya is behind, Chen Rui is in the safest middle position. Luo Méng's eyes of the evil kings have a faint radiance, examining the situation ahead. The eyes of the evil king have the ability to "see through" and have their own uniqueness in detecting danger.

Chen Rui knows clearly that these so-called traps and organs are the inscriptions of the dragon language set by Paglio. But knowing is one thing, cracking is another matter, just like the engineering soldiers sweeping mines, and they are at risk of being killed at any time.

Moreover, the inscriptions around the treasures were set by Paglieu during the peak period. According to the poisonous dragons boasting, even if a dragon-class dragon is rushing in, they must also suffer a big loss, although the power of the inscription every three years is It will weaken, but it is not the strength of his current strength.

Chen Rui “tune” the knowledge of all the dragon inscriptions in his mind and began to work quickly, carefully observing the movements around him. His footsteps suddenly stopped, at the same time, Luo Méng's left eye also felt.

Luo Méng was about to go forward, suddenly his shoulder was shot, and looking back, it was Chen Rui.

"Let me do it."

Luo méng shrugged: "I don't mean it, there are traps, I am going to step on it, there is a pit to fill me, there is Warcraft, I am going to feed?"

"The vengeful guy, this is remembered to be tǐng clear." Chen Rui looked at Di Lìya and said, "Now, when you are not throwing you out, you still have to raise your fat." From now on, I am the captain, you guys. I have to listen to me."

"Fostering fat?" Luo méngl screamed, and was about to continue to go forward, his shoulders were tightly tightened by Chen Rui, and he saw Chen Rui’s strong self-confidence in his eyes. After thinking about it, he finally stopped his body.

Chen Rui Chao di lìya nodded, went up, looked around the big tree carefully, and calculated the distance, and went straight to the most dangerous grass. In the eyes of Luo Méng and Di lìya, Chen Rui walked safely through the most dangerous area.

There is no inevitable law in the inscriptions under Paglio Ubud from the weak to the strong. This inscription on the outermost periphery is precisely one of the most terrifying powers.

"Chain burst" - can cause continuous bursts of runes that are connected in series, especially the superimposed power is extremely powerful.

Chen Rui is precisely the extremely fine gap in the runes that are connected in series. If it is not the level of intelligibility of the inscription, it can be compared with Paglieu, and it is impossible to pass it through such a simple dragon.

Chen Rui shouted to Di lìya and Luo Méng: "Step on my footprints, the body straight up, don't move around!"

Di lìya has not yet come forward, Luo méng has already taken the lead, stepping on Chen Rui's footprints, standing upright and walking through the body, and sure enough, through the back, Diliya also passed the same way.

"The person behind, hurry, within ten minutes, this trap will change again!"

The people behind have already seen Chen Rui and others safely passing. When they heard this, they rushed over. According to the method he said, one by one, these people looked at Chen Rui’s eyes and changed. I can’t think of this high-order. The demon is proficient in the magic trap, so it is easy to pass a pass.

Chen Rui ignored the eyes of everyone and said: "Now the second is thrown."

On the 2nd, a "11." was thrown. "The eleventh is the first stage of the demon king called Faco. Originally, I always wanted to hold the squad with the squad. I couldn't think of the second one and I took my own. I immediately played a jī spirit.

"There was nothing there, it was clearly this high-end demon made a mystery!" Fako thought and turned, pointing Chen Rui and shouted: "You should let them continue to explore the way!"

When this was said, some people suddenly followed suit, and the more the three people Chen Rui explored, the safer they were. Akui snorted and walked up. He waved to Fako, and the body of Fako suddenly fell backwards and fell into the rune of the "chain burst".

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The ground trembled, the continuous bursting sound, the law of the screams of the screams were too late to be sent out, under the power of the body, the people were scared.

"Fearing and falsifying, this is the end!" Akui said coldly, this woman looks beautiful, but the heart is chilling, it is chilling. Casillas also stood up and expressed support. No one who dared to follow up now dared to speak out.

The eleventh in the Casillas magical scatter has disappeared, the third is thrown, the third is thrown, and the seventh is a two-person squad, walking in the forefront.

This is like a **** of death game. The person who draws must experience the test of death. After paying a life, the team has only one person left. When he thinks he has already passed the danger and relaxed, he did not expect to be in front of him. There is a new inscription trap, and this is a few steps away from being torn into pieces.

The deaths of the two men provided the inscriptions for the latecomers. After the new throws, the new game is still cruelly continuing.

Although the treasurers who come here are not simple characters, and there is obviously a deep research on the trap magic array, but the dragon inscriptions are not comparable to the general magic traps, and they are still set at the peak of Paglio. Next, along the way, the team's personnel are constantly decreasing, and the numbers on the magic scatter are constantly being erased. Even if it is the Casillas team, it also starts to reduce the number of people, and some people can't stand the mental pressure and try to escape. Killed one by one.

A lot of bones can be seen along the way, some have become cockroaches, and some are very "fresh." It should be the treasure hunters who have died in the traps over the years, and some of the deaths may be in these days.

The strange thing is that the body called Hart was so lucky that he was not drawn once. Could it be that Casillas controlled the scatter? In fact, he is the real master of the corpse? Or is it the oriole hidden behind?

"Wait! Don't go first!" Chen Rui suddenly screamed to stop the No. 8 that had just been drawn. In the previous journey, Chen Rui’s fourth team was drawn three times, and the result was again unscathed. The high-end demon of this "worst strength" has not dared to underestimate, and faintly regards Chen Rui as a master of professional field.

In particular, Di Lì Ya, who had heard Chen Rui claiming to be proficient in the magical array, did not think it was true. She did not think that there was really no bragging, and that the rumor was so deep. On this road, she and Luo Méng did not even shoot, all of them were Chen Rui. Out of the hand.

The woman on the 8th was called Solan. When she heard the words, she suddenly showed a relief expression. After the previous adventure, Solan’s team had only one of her.

"Everyone, we seem to be moving forward. It is actually around the circle, but the surrounding scenery is constantly changing, causing our illusion. If the magic compass of Casillas is not wrong, the most reactive place should be It’s near here.”

Everyone has a surprise: the reaction is the strongest? Then it is the location of the treasure!

For a time, many people have already concealed their strength and are ready to take the lead. Chen Rui is not in a hurry, because Paglieu said that the treasure is in an underground cave, the current location is only the ground, and there must be more powerful traps in the underground cave.

Chen Rui carefully looked around and walked to the side of the woods and began to observe. If at ordinary times, these people could not have a look at a high-level demon, and they would not wait, but now they are all looking at each other. The "master" is looking forward to his judgment.

Chen Rui walked to a pond and squatted down, grabbed a handful of mud and sniffed it, and finally got a smile.

Double composite inscription!

"Fantasy." In the "hidden" crosses "transfer ten mirrors. "No wonder the old circle in this circle, if you are not familiar with the guys of Paglio, you will be covered by méng, but this double inscription is very dangerous, even if you find a hidden inscription here, I don’t notice the transmission behind. Congratulations, you are close to the treasure, but you don’t know which Java Island to send to, and you have to give up.

This is the style of the dead duck dragon! After this pass, it should be close to the underground cavern.

Is it that these people are sent away? Still bring them in with them?

Since it is the style of Paglio, these should be an appetizing side dish... Chen Rui thought about the electric turn and finally made a decision.

He walked toward the pond, and strangely, the figure did not enter the pool. Everyone who witnessed all of this was different, and they rushed over here.

Just when these people thought that Chen Rui had to go to the hiding place of the treasure alone, Chen Rui’s figure appeared again. He retreated from the pond and there was no drop of water on his body.

"Everyone is holding hands, followed by the following, follow the previous method, the steps are light!"

Di lìya did not hesitate, the first to hold Chen Rui's arm, followed by Luo méng, and then everyone stringed up. Di lìya's skin is very lubricated, and the body still carries a few aromas, but Chen Rui has no extra mourning, although Di Lìya is extremely cold and even hate to Luo Méng, but he can see that the more it is, the more proof Di lìya's heart has Luo méng.

The man who walked through the pond created a wonderful feeling, as if he was crossing the river with a stone pier, and seemed to be washed by the water. If he did not follow this trajectory, once it was empty, it would definitely be washed away.

In fact, it really wants to touch the transmission, it is not a "river", it is definitely the power of the "sea".

After passing through the pond, everyone felt a bright spot and changed a new scene.

In front of it is a huge cave of black sè, the land around the cave is black, completely without the green of the surrounding jungle.

Some people have been unable to hold back and rushed to the cave. This sentiment has driven more Only Casillas, Akui and others have not moved, and the strange Hart has not moved. .

There seemed to be no traps along the way, and these people successfully rushed into the cave. Casillas fell on Chen Rui’s body and asked, “Master, let’s go in and see?”

Chen Rui heard this noon title and smiled slightly: "Since the adults are so sincerely invited, I naturally can't refuse."

There is no trap on the way to the cave, but there is nothing in the huge cave, only a ramp leading to the ground.

This ramp is more than 20 meters high and nearly ten meters wide. It is obviously convenient for the dragons to pass. It is faint to see the faint magic lights on both sides, but it is completely incomparable with the layout of the main pit of Xiqiao Mine. After all, this is just a treasure trove. Paglio is not the dark goblin who likes to play with the craft. It is also beautiful to build a passage, and it can be illuminated. The key is, how many terrible traps are there under that faint light?

Those in front should have entered the martyrdom, but there was no sound coming, until Chen Rui and others carefully passed the long martyrdom and entered the "a little big" hole that Pagliu said. This only understands where the hole is, and it is clearly a huge underground palace! @.

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