Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 215: Get rid of the corpse


There are three passages in front of me, and the rear seems to be more complicated. Under the faint illumination, it looks horrible.

This kind of terrain is more complicated than the main pit of Xiqiao Mountain. God knows how Pagliu found this best place! [Search for the latest updates at all. Casillas frowned. "Master, how should I go now?"

Chen Rui shook his head. "I just have a certain research on the magic trap. This maze is really not good at it."

Since it is not good at it, there is no value... Casillas looked at Akuyi on the sidelines and said: "If this is the case, then let’s go separately. Akui, your strength is the strongest, you First choice."

Akui looked at Casillas and glanced over the three Chen Rui: "The master will choose first."

Casillas wanted to take Akuyi first, and then forced Chen Rui and others to explore the road. I know that Akuyi saw his attempt and asked Chen Rui to choose.

Chen Rui knew that he was not the opponent of Akui or Casillas. He thought for a while and nodded. He greeted Lomon and Diliya and walked toward the central road.

After Chen Rui and others had a certain distance, Akui sneered and said: "Follow me, die!"

After that, Akui also walked toward the middle of the road. Several people wanted to follow the drowning fish, and when they heard Akui’s words, they suddenly dismissed their thoughts. These people are not stupid. I know that staying here is likely to be used by Casillas as a tool for asking for directions. Now I will spread out and walk towards the left and right.

Looking at the back of Akui's disappearance, Casillas showed a cold light, and finally did not keep up, with the team to choose the road on the left.

"Master, if there are traps in front, please ask." Acuyi, who followed Chen Rui’s three hands, was obviously a lighting ring, which lined up a gloomy smile on the good face.

Chen Rui understands that this woman is arguing that he is coercing himself to step on the mine in front of him. However, the strength of Akui is the middle of the big devil. Even if the three join hands, it is not an opponent. The moment is a look at Di Lì Ya and Luo Meng. Continue to walk forward.

There are three channels in front, and Chen Rui has no choice. The voice of Akui follows: "Right!"

Chen Rui did not hesitate, and walked to the right according to the words. He walked a footstep and suddenly a meal, showing a cautious color, indicating that Lomon stopped, and he crouched down and took out a dagger and made a plan on the ground.

The back Akui saw that something happened and stopped. The light of the lighting ring fell on the ground and said, "What are you?"

"There are traps here! Must be lifted." Chen Rui said without hesitation, Akuyi took a few steps forward, and surely felt that there was a trap in the abnormal energy fluctuations in front.

Akui himself has also studied the knowledge of the magical organs. He knows that there must be all kinds of related materials to set the magic trap. The "master" in front of him just depicts the dagger, and there should be no big problem.

The ground seems to be very hard, Chen Rui, for a long time, finally stood up sweaty.


"Slow!" Akui suddenly stepped forward and said, "Master Richard, you stay, let your two companions go first, then ask the master to take me over."

Akui is obviously still suspicious, and his hands have secretly brewed strength, beware of the three life changes.

Chen Rui thought for a moment and said to Di Lìya and Luo Meng: "You follow this trace and keep going forward. You should not walk too fast for ten meters."

Di lìya and Lomon looked at each other and walked forward in accordance with what Chen Rui said, and there was no obstacle along the way.

Akui was relieved to stop Chen Rui who was going to leave. He walked in front of him. When she passed the method of Di Lì Ya, she suddenly felt that the fluctuations around him were different, and an irresistible force would I wrapped myself in the center, and the whole person only had time to make an angry scream, and disappeared without a trace.

"Being a smart woman." Chen Rui shrugged and walked straight away. The strange thing is that the same method he did when he walked over with Dilua, Lomon, did not suffer any influence.

Lomon asked in surprise: "This woman was killed by you? How did you do it?"

Chen Rui shook his head: "It just took a little trick to change the launch time of this trap. She didn't die, she just returned to the starting point. We are going, the woman is sure to burst, and will catch up immediately."

"Good guy, even her suspicions are counted in you." Lomon patted Chen Rui's shoulder, and Di Lìya also showed appreciation in his eyes. No more questions, the three people who got rid of the tail quickly moved forward. Go.

In fact, this is a "return" inscription, and there is no lethality. Chen Rui is engraved in the underground with a timed auxiliary inscription. Dilua and Lomon are in a delayed state when they walk over, and Akui follows When I left, the inscription has been launched immediately in accordance with Chen Rui’s mind and returned directly to the starting point.

Unfortunately, with the strength gap between Chen Rui and Paglio, this kind of transitive gentle inscription can be used a little, and it takes a lot of time. The inscription of lethality cannot be changed, otherwise Akuyi will not eat it. City Symbol is so simple.

The three people walked along, while Chen Rui cracked the inscription trap along the way, feeling that the maze is bigger than the imagination, but the number of inscriptions is not as much as the jungle, but the terrain is complex and strange, it seems to automatically change. After walking for a few hours, I have been around the circle.

There seems to be a scream of screams in the distant passage. The three people are listening to the sensitive generation, and the footsteps suddenly slow down, forming a character shape, and beware of the accident.

The footsteps gradually approached in front, and the three men pointed the lighting equipment at the same time.

Feeling the lighting of the three people, the footsteps are getting closer and closer, and it is very fast, and a figure appears in the line of sight.

The voice of the man was shocked: "Don't do it! I am Hart!"


Chen Rui brows a wrinkle, Di lìya and Lomon at the same time thought of the guy who had a good luck and thrown a scatterer, Dyia asked: "What happened in front?"

Hart said: "We found a hall with many treasures. Casillas killed several people in order to seize the treasure. He also sent people to kill me. I was not his opponent and had to escape."

The voice of this person is very strange. It is rare to say so many words. The rhythm of speech seems to be slower than half a beat, which sounds a bit gloomy.

Di lìya was busy asking: "Where is the treasure?"

"I only grabbed one thing... Hart took out a golden spar. "I can give you the treasure, or take you to the hall. There is only one condition to take me safely away from this ghost place!" ”

Di lìya took the spar and looked carefully under the light of the lighting ring, exclaimed: "Golden Crystal!"

Jinjing is one of the rarest treasures in the devil world. In addition to blood crystals, the same crystal black crystal, amethyst, and white crystal are used to make the currency of the demon world. Chen Rui has absorbed Christina’s gold crystal lock, but now he There is no need to consume this kind of material in the fruit of the Star Garden.

Di lìya looked at Jin Jing and threw it to Chen Rui: "This is yours, say yes, I only need that thing. Also, how to decide now depends on your captain."

Di lìya has faintly guessed that Chen Rui’s strength is also the devil king’s level. Not only is the rumor in the magical array far better than her, but also the mind is extraordinary. Even the big devil king of Akui is in the way, and the heart has already recognized Chen. Rui's ability and the status of "temporary captain".

Chen Rui was also polite, closed up and said to Hart: "I promise you your conditions, you lead the way, we follow you. But just in case, we must keep a safe distance."

Hartello hesitated, turned and walked in front.

"Luomeng, do you know what the corpse is?" Chen Rui whispered.

Lomon frowned: "The corpse is a scorpion made of dark magic with a corpse. Why are you asking this?"

"Tell me what you know about the corpse. This is very important."

"For me," Di lìya said. "I am much clearer than this guy."

"It seems that you know each other very deeply." Chen Rui smiled.

Di lìya snorted, but still said it. Magic is divided into light, dark, earth, water, fire, and wind. Because the dark elements of the demon are the most intense, there are not many people who are proficient in dark magic, especially evil masters.

In the original dark magic, there was only one magic of "manipulating the dead spirit", which was able to manipulate the body to fight. One thousand and six thousand years ago, a genius evil wizard named Cypress would improve this magic. Based on dark magic, the creation of a series of magical creatures that create dead monsters is called undead magic, which is equivalent to the branch of dark magic.

Corpse is one of them. It can resurrect the body as a manipulative battle. It is not much different from ordinary people on the surface, but the time cannot last for too long. The more the back, the more obvious the symptoms of the body will be. Effective time, the corpse will quickly decay and can no longer be used again.

In addition, the undead magic also has a summoning scorpion, making zombies, corpse blasting, etc., very strange.

"It turned out to be like this!" Chen Rui nodded, looking at Hart, who had stopped in front of him, smiled slightly: "You have heard? Lord corpse?"

When the words came out, Di Lìya and Lomon Qiqi were taken aback. Lomon’s left eye began to emit a faint looked at Hart, his face was shocked: "He There is indeed a breath of undead in the body. I always thought that he was a evil mage who practiced the undead magic. Why are you sure he is a corpse?"

The eye of the evil king of Lomon is a skill that consumes more power, and cannot be opened as long as Chen Rui’s eyes of analysis.

"I am the captain, it is so simple... Chen Rui casually replied: "His strength is the middle devil, it is your turn to fill the pit. ”

Hart was sneaked into the real body, his mouth stunned and his body suddenly changed, and instantly became the battle form of the big devil. Not only that, but the body of the big demon changed further and his face was more embarrassing. The body swells, the nails become longer, and the bone spurs behind them become prominent and become a terrible monster with muscles.

"The corpse that can mutate! Be careful! This is a senior corpse!" Delia snorted and stopped in front of Chen Rui.

In the eyes of analysis, Hart’s combat power has risen to +!


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