Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 292: Unplanned danger

As soon as I read this, Saplinna secretly condensed the power. Chen Rui’s broken knives will soon be in time, and he also took the idea of ​​quickly solving Sapulina’s thoughts, and immediately became a knife, Sapina Forced to get busy, the scars on the body are also increasing.

Sapulina avoided the inevitable, holding the two defeated play, even Chen Rui's broken Yuan knife can not avoid, the ice knife in his hand stabbed his heart, Chen Rui's eyes flashed, the broken Yuan knife in his hand Still stroked, to her neck.

If this is a sturdy, it is definitely a broken knife.

Sure enough, this knife slammed Sapulina’s neck without any suspense, but Chen Rui’s brow wrinkled and saw that Sapina’s body turned into a black smoke, let him smash, empty Instead, the ice skates stabbed Chen Rui’s mouth. Fortunately, the defense of the leather armor is very strong, only five points into the meat, but a dangerous sign makes Chen Rui have no time to take care of the injury of the mouth, a little under the foot, quickly back.

The black smoke quickly changed back to Sapulina's body, and the right eye blew out the blood, but it shone with the strange light of the black sè. Under the driving of some kind of mystery, her power instantly rose to the apex, and it seemed like no injuries. At the time of the state, in a loud drink, a dark blue sè beam with a diameter of one meter shot "Starting Watermark" from the right hand, and smashed Chen Rui, who was retreating.

This attack is full of great destructive power, and has taken all her remnant power. If she can't destroy her opponent, then she can only kill anyone. However, with the strength of this peak state, even if the other side wears legendary armor, Sapulina has absolute confidence to use this attack to completely destroy his body and spirit in the armor.

Unfortunately, Sapulina didn't know that there were more than legendary armor in the hands of this enemy.

Sapulina's biggest blow hit Chen Rui, accurately speaking, hitting the layer of blue sè shield outside Chen Rui's body, although the blue sè shield immediately collapsed, but Chen Rui Struggling for precious time, there is more than one thing in his hand.

The beam hits the object, and although the foot still can't push back, it has gradually stabilized the body's center of gravity.

The light beam of the light blue sè is gradually extinguished, and Sapulina's face is full of incredible gods. Around her, the strange star field is still awkward.

The exhausted Sapulin was like a pumped-up blood, slowly falling to the ground, but his eyes were still staring at the object in the man's hand.

This is a shield, the whole body is dark gold sè, distributed with simple and elegant huā pattern, as an important member of the Leviathan royal family, how does Sapulina not know the origin of this shield: the highest artifact of the Leviathan family Magic Magic Shield!

To be precise, it is a magic shield!

The man did not know what to do, and the magic shield disappeared. You must know that the seven artifacts cannot be put into any storage equipment. What is the means? And from the previous faint light of the magic shield, this person seems to be able to really play the power of the artifact, otherwise it is impossible to face the light of the smoldering fire that is the biggest blow of her heyday!

Isn’t it only Bailu’s sister, Dilua, who is the creator of the Magic Shield? Why is this Asmode king able to...

There is also a terrible mask that swallows up the power of the field...

The most important thing is, shouldn't the magic shield be in the hands of the "Arthur" master? Since Fatih is a fake, will the news of the master being killed be...

The man has slowly come over. At this last moment of life and death, Saplinna’s mind seems to be awake much, and the previous things are all connected by a key discovery. The Valley's accident...Fatih's assassination...Izola's anger?"...The time when this person appeared..."The equipment and the magic shield...

Sapulina's heart is getting colder and colder. With her wisdom, she has already guessed it faintly. From the beginning, she fell into a terrible trap. Not only her, the entire crystal valley is in this trap! The ridiculous Manu has always been self-sufficient, and he was actually played by this guy on the palm of his hand. In fact, it is Manu? Jacob, Izola, herself...

"I can't think of it, it will be you..." Saplina's tight body slackened, seemingly completely giving up the idea of ​​resistance. In fact, she did not have the power to resist.

Chen Rui did not answer, stopped in front of her, the light light in the palm of his hand seemed to be the half-decision of death.

"Don't kill me, okay!" Sapulina l pleaded for sè, the kind of beautiful appearance that people couldn't help but pity: "I have wisdom, strength, and my value, I can be you in the future." The most important help!"

Feeling that the other party's rising power seems to have paused, Sapulina did not hesitate to tear open the ōng clothes, l smashed the rich and full of twin peaks, the two points above the buds erected because of tension and tremor, then Desperately climbed to the man: "Are you not interested in my beauty and body? I can be your woman! Now you can... you want to play with it! I..., I can still Fati said to serve you together!"

The other side seemed to hesitate for a moment, and the outstretched hand gradually moved to the peak before her ōng, Saplina sighed with relief, as long as the other party valued their own chips, they could save their lives, except for signing the spirit hún contract. Whether it is the body or the ability, all other conditions can be promised, once the power is restored...

At this time, Sapulina's pupil suddenly contracted, only to see that she stretched out to her ōng mouth suddenly five fingers together, a touch of the face, sharp and knife-like sharpness passed the woman's white neck.

The blood was shot out by the "watering watermark", and the beautiful head was slanted and slanted, and the face was still unbelievable.

I can't wait to ask a word, why is it frozen? Am I not having important value?

Chen Rui understands that she was unwilling to ask before she died. She replied faintly to the classic line in a movie: "Without you, it is very important to me."

Sapulina is dead.

This gorgeous woman, who is like a snake, may have countless unfulfilled wild visions, but life is like this, and the end means the end of everything.

From a certain point of view, in the face of life, power is good, and interests are good, just a beautiful bubble.

Chen Rui did not hesitate and strode to Izola, who was faint, and his men were equally unwilling.

At this moment, there is no beauty, only the enemy. Tolerance to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

Both women have strong power and power in their hands, and their death is equivalent to cutting off Azgalo's two arms. The strength of Manu is not very clear, but Saplina must also have a share, as well as Bailuo and even Isabella, the angelic emperor.

As for the crystal dragon, the heart of the crystal man has been mastered by him, and he has lost his heart. Even if the crystal dragon wants to continue to make crystal enamel in the future, the quantity and quality will be greatly reduced. Moreover, the crystal dragon himself is now recovering. In the magical array, as long as the Queen Catherine’s man arrives in time, the crystal dragon can still have “future”.

Due to the relationship between the explosion and the battle, the Valley of the Enchanted Devil has been destroyed, and the people inside have escaped. Chen Rui did not leave immediately, and went to several places through the topographic map of the Mimar Valley that he had acquired before. The laboratory, using the storage warehouse to collect some data and objects that can be taken away, may not be used now, but it should come in handy in the future.

Those who can't take things and the labs that haven't been completely destroyed are completely destroyed by him. Of course, some surviving researchers still have a lot of knowledge in their hearts, but now the valley of the secret magic and the destruction of experimental data and data are only It is not possible to rely on individual projects or fragments.

Chen Rui can kill Sapulina without hesitation, but there is no killing to kill all these people. Even if Toto masters die, he will consider it again and again.

The two sorrows of the Devil's Valley's Destruction and Devouring Pavilion turned the face, making the Crystal Valley a mess. Only the Crystal Nest xué appears relatively stable, because the message has not been introduced into the Jacobs who are recovering from sleep.

After a while, Chen Rui’s ghostly figure flashed from this “safe” crystal nest, he has already got the most important thing, even though there are quite a few crystal dragons in the recovery room, even the “Arthur” masters. There is no inscription on the dragon language that has not been studied, but Chen Rui, who has inscription knowledge on the crystal dragon, is not too difficult.

As for the Spring of Resurrection or the Magical Array of Ancient Essays, Chen Rui has already prepared a carefully prepared alternative. A magical array made with Shejing as the core can maintain the output of the spar power and will not interfere with the Crystal Dragon. "Good dreams."

Chen Rui had a ball-shaped magic prop in his hand, which was what Christina gave him. From the time when Saplinna accompanied the out of the valley, Chen Rui had already learned that there were many "treasure hunt" people in the nearby area. It must have been the arrangement of the Catherine the Great. It seems that she is also prepared for these days. almost.

There are dragon inscriptions around the crystal valley, which play a role in various hidden cover. Chen Rui went to the central zone of the "slowing watermark" in the weakest cover power, and crushed the magic props and threw them on the ground. Seeing the radiance of a golden sè rising from the sky, dazzling, as if ritual huā. According to Christina, the signal of this prop will explode and expand continuously, lasting about ten minutes, and can be seen in a few hundred kilometers.

However, at this time, suddenly and suddenly, a cloud of gas suddenly appeared above the golden light. "Liu huā" only had time to explode a clump, and it was wrapped up by this group of clouds, and disappeared without a trace.

This strange cloud of gas swallowed into a human form after engulfing the golden light. It was almost illusory. Chen Ruicai blinked and the figure appeared in front.

This is a tall man, short hair, wearing a golden sè body squat, behind the scarlet sè's cloak hunting and dancing, it is full of power.

The man's appearance is about 30 years old, about two meters high, his face is like a knife-cutting square, his eyebrows are very deep, and the underside of the light gold sè is glowing like a cold light.

The Eye of Analysis shows: Race: Bulimia. Comprehensive strength assessment: can not be half broken.

Besib royal family! And it is this strength, is it... Azgalo!

Why did Azgalo suddenly return to the Crystal Valley? This news, even Sapulina does not know!

Opposite the emperor, Chen Rui is currently in the state of Yanlong possession, and perhaps there is a chance to escape, but in the face of the emperor, I am afraid that there is no chance even a point. This time, he is caught in an unprecedented crisis.

Chen Rui's face change, not only because of the admiral's Azgalo, but also because of Azgalo's two hands, Fatih and Fleet! ! .

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