Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 293: King of Besib, Azgalo

Chen Rui’s heart sank: Didn’t Fati escape with the Freya and go to the Blood Jinghua City? How could it fall into the hands of Azgalo?

Azgalo glanced at the chaotic scene around him and threw down Fatih and Fleet in his hands. The light in his eyes was strong: "Who are you?"

Chen Rui thought about a sharp turn. Just now Azgalo has seen himself launching a signal bomb and intercepting it. It is impossible to deny certain things, not to mention that the signal has not been completely sent out and has been intercepted. I don’t know if Catherine is I can receive it, and now I can only manage to escape as soon as possible.

Azgalo’s cold eyes flashed: “Answer, or die!”

Chen Rui felt that a horrible breath was instantly oppressed. With the state of Yanlong possessed, and the equipment on his body, he could not resist it. He suddenly trembled and the atmosphere continued to strengthen, in all directions. The tremendous pressure made him feel suffocated. It is like a bow that has been rounded and may be broken at any time.

Except for those gods or semi-god-levels that are only legendary, the power of the magic level is worthy of the peak of the magic pyramid!

This is not the first time he faced the Emperor. Before, there were Earth Elemental King, Grophyn, Christina, Catherine, Paglio, Manu, and Crystal Dragon.

However, Ge Luofen and the earth element kings spent four hundred years on each other, and the state was extremely weak; when Christina Nirvana ended, he was already unconscious; Catherine’s power was only a glimpse in the final of the master. Pagliu was sealed with strength; neither Crystal Dragon nor Manu showed real power.

Only now, it is the first time to face the enemy of the emperor level, Azgalo!

"Li Cha." Chen Rui finally said two words, and now the strength is disparity, absolutely unmatchable, must fight for time to escape, it is difficult to protect itself at present, as for Freya can only be rescued later.

Before going to the Valley of the Devils to deal with Sapulina and Izola, Chen Rui had a skill in the lab of the Nightmare Valley, the door to the stars.

The gate of the starry sky (active skill) - After setting the star point, you can open the door of the starry sky and return to the star point within the effective range. It is not for personal use. The star point is valid for one month and can be reused. The star point setting consumes aura 1000, which consumes aura 500 each time it is used.

The star point is set in a hidden place outside the Crystal Valley, which was laid a few days ago when Sapulina accompanied him to "study" the inscription of the dragon language. At the time, he "researched" and immediately returned with Sapulina. So, did not cause any doubt, but unfortunately, the door of the starry sky is not for personal use, so he can only let Fleet leave with Fatih.

It’s not too far from the lab, it’s just a few runs, but now the distance is so far away, enough for Azgalo to kill him thousands of times.

Therefore, Chen Rui can't move, and can't let Azgalo discover this last retreat. The "Dark Will" is not very useful in this crystal valley full of dragon inscriptions. The position and distance that can be transmitted are extremely large. The restrictions, and even if they can be transmitted, may not work in the presence of the power of the emperor.

I remember that when the Xiqiao Mountain underground world was in the world, the "Dark Will" could not play a role in the field of Grover, even though Bailuo had the ability to limit the transmission capacity of this equipment.

"Richard? The chaos in the Crystal Valley is what you made, and the blood on your body... is the taste of Sapulina," Azgalo looked at with a cold murder, tight Locked Chen Rui, "I wonder if I feel the flames of life of Izola and Sapulina disappear, they are all in your hands?"

Chen Rui was shocked. I couldn’t think of Azgalo’s secretive technique. After this was over, I learned that both wives were dead in his hands. I was afraid that I would immediately kill the hand, and there was already a little gold in the hands behind me. Man, it is the war that Christina gave him, the gold level.

Can you block Azgalo’s attack? No way, I can only gamble!

Although Fatih and Freya on the ground could not move, but the mind remained awake, Fati stumbled, and Fleet heard Sapulina’s death, and the heart could not help but shock: no wonder the shackles of the mind that have been suppressed Suddenly disappeared, the former "Arthur" master once said that she would help her and Ji Ya to lift the shackles of the soul, I can't think of killing Sapulina! Since Azgalo said that Sapulina was killed by this stranger, is this person and the "Arthur" master between...

However, the murder gradually converged, and only listened to Azgalo and said: "I can't kill you."

Chen Rui holds the hand of the golden dragon and tightens tightly. Even the wife who killed the wife can not report it?

"You have to exchange your life with the equivalent of things, for example..." Azgalo's gaze fell on Fadi, who was on the ground: "The mask of the gods?"

Sure enough, the magical mask of the gods is nothing but Azgalo. He must know that the martial arts are irreversible. Counting Fatty, it is killing the wife and hating the woman. Chen Ruixin read the electricity and shook his head: "I don't understand. You mean."

As soon as the words fell, the horrible pressure in the body suddenly increased. Chen Rui only felt that the whole blood vessels seemed to burst open. The time limit was still appearing in the dark star field, and the pressure was suddenly reduced.

Azgalo slightly frowned, this field is a bit strange, with the power of his emperor level, can not be completely suppressed, this power can only be regarded as the guy who barely reached the beginning of the devil (in fact, estimated wrong) can have this strange field The potential is not small.

"I have studied sorcerer for two hundred years and have produced countless shackles, but most of them have ended in failure. Like this shackle, having its own dominant consciousness, able to faithfully execute all the orders of the master, there is no possibility of betrayal," Azga Luo’s eyes fell on Fatih’s body, and the strange eyes seemed to be watching a valuable donkey instead of his own daughter. “In addition to the **** mask, there is nothing in this world that can make such a perfect embarrassment!”

"If I have a **** mask, I can even use it. Can I confirm my position in the Besib family?" Chen Rui thought about it and changed it several times. Earth wall, ground stab, gravity and other magic. Alternating, all silent, confirmed to Azgalo some kind of mastery of the Besib royal family.

"Sure enough..." Azgalo's eyes were intertwined with fanaticism and coldness: "But it's useless, no matter who you are, or who your father is, even if you get the approval of the **** mask, Besib There is only one king, and that is me! You have no way to save your life except to hand over the mask."

"There is hope in life," Chen Rui said in a sinking manner. "I promise you, but the mask is not on me. Can we talk about the conditions carefully?"

"I can see that you are a person who likes to use your heart," Azgaro's tone became more yīnsen: "But I don't have this patience, I prefer to act to prove my determination."

As soon as this sentence was exported, it was seen that Fatih and Fleet’s body floated together. Then, Fatih’s body began to tremble violently, and when he slammed, he burst open and there was no bone.

Chen Rui's pupil shrinks, even if it is awkward, after all, is his own biological daughter, Azgalo did not hesitate to destroy Fatty!

"Don't say that she is the blood of Leviathan, even if it is not a sib, it is useless. Since it has become your embarrassment, there is no value... or, now, my determination is the rest of her." The only value.” Azgalo’s gaze fell on Freya’s body: “This woman is not a jealousy, but it can be taken away. It must have important value for you. Do you need me to prove it again?”

"No need." Chen Rui's heart sinks, Azgalo's cruelty and coldness are far beyond imagination. In order to smother the mask, even the hatred of his wife and wife can be abandoned, even destroying his daughter by himself, even if it is confessed. It is also difficult to escape the poisonous hand when it comes to Grophy.

In the current situation, it is unrealistic to use the gods mask as a chip to leave with Freya. Azgalo will definitely kill the mask immediately after getting the mask, not to mention the mask of the gods has been integrated into the super system. I still don't know how to get rid of the mask.

"Can you let me think about it?" Chen Ruil took out the dignified sè and looked at Fleet: "This woman is really worth a little, but compared with my life, it is simply insignificant, just... the **** mask... ...and you know what it stands for us. In this place, it is impossible to bring it around, but I can tell you where the artifact is."

"One minute." Azgalo did not give him time to eloquence.

It seems that it can no longer be delayed. Chen Rui took a deep breath and suddenly had one more thing in his back. It turned out that many crystal people had come together.

Azgalo’s brow slightly raised: “I don’t think that the heart of the company is in your hands! I think I understand your answer.”

"Don't worry, even if it hasn't arrived in a minute, I want to see the strength of the Emperor level first." Chen Rui has made up his mind, several crystal people rushed to Azgalo, ready to wait for an opportunity to escape .

Azgalo didn't look at the crystal people who had swooped around. He stretched out a finger and drew a circle. Under the influence of some kind of power, a faint smoke spread on the ground. This force field seems to It was plain and the power was not obvious. However, the movements of the crystal people in the range solidified together, almost in the blink of an eye, and the crystal people burst into disarray.

Chen Rui was secretly scared. Two of these crystal people were the heads of the class, that is, the big devil. I couldn’t think of being easily killed by a finger, and Azgalo’s eyes were always locked in him, the invisible The spirit of pressure makes him almost have the feeling of giving in.

Because the **** mask is very important, although this enemy is only the demon level, there are many secrets of self-destruction in the demon world, including the "fruits" of the Valley of the Devils. If you have the determination to die, you will lose more than you.

Judging from the situation of the other side's refusal, Azgalo's wishful thinking that he wants to get the artifact first or threaten his whereabouts has been lost, and can only be imprisoned with lightning speed.

Azgalo will have a heart and ignore the Freya who fell to the ground. His body shape flashed and instantly appeared in front of Chen Rui and grabbed him. Chen Rui only felt that the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, and the body could hardly move. Fortunately, there was no instantaneous movement in the battle with Sapulina before, and now the mind was moving and instantly appeared in the distance.

Azgalo l took out the accident, this catch contains some kind of mysterious law, even if the talent of the big devil is teleported, it can't be used. I don't think this "family" has such a mutant talent. The rule of crossing the emperor level moves instantly to a safe place.

Accidental accidents, the strength of the two sides is so disparity, Azgalo still has absolute confidence to easily take Richard Besib.

In any case, there is only one owner of the king of bulimia and the artifact, that is, he, Azgalo Besib.

The direction of Chen Rui’s teleport is exactly the nightmare valley. The transmission distance after Yanlong’s possession is far better than the normal state, but there is still a long way to go to the lab in the nightmare valley. As long as you can enter the starry sky in the laboratory, you will definitely Can escape the danger.

As for Freya, this time it is really powerless, but he has already said that Freya has considerable value. I believe that as long as he can escape smoothly, in order to plot the **** mask, Azgalo will definitely leave her life.

If Chen Rui is caught, I am afraid that Frye will not be able to protect it.

If you rely on teleportation, you will definitely not be able to reach your destination. This is a real life-and-death speed.

Azgalo only crossed the distance of Chen Rui's teleport in one step, and grabbed it again. However, the other momentary movement skill that could cross the law appeared again, and once again flashed his capture.

"Interesting!" Azgalo said faintly, the murder in the heart is more intense, this mysterious skill, this powerful potential, and the "identity" that is likely to be special - this person must not stay Otherwise, it will be his biggest threat to the dominance of the Besib royal family.

Chen Rui did not know that he was the most innocent of the king of Besib. In fact, he did not want to use the teleport twice so quickly, but there is no way to make a ~Because the opponent's movements and the pressure caused are too great, if his mind slows down for a second, he will be caught.

Now that the two teleports have been used up, Chen Rui immediately poured into the gold-level warfare given to Christina without thinking, and then threw it at Azgalo.

Azgalo only felt a golden light coming on his face, and he was about to break it. He was shocked by the heart, and his mind was moving. He had disappeared in the same place and went backwards. He saw that the golden light was a two-meter-high figure. , attacked towards Azgalo.

Chen Rui has seen the bronze wars of Christina and Casillas, who are the kings of the y, looking at the royal family. They are all very huge, and the height is at least five meters. The gold-level 傀儡 is a lot of pockets. It is similar to the form of a real person, and the eyes also emit a faint red sè, but the rest of the facial features are very blurred, and the body is engraved with a lot of totem-like singular patterns.

"Golden 傀儡!" Azgalo blurted out, he is naturally the person who knows the goods, the golden scorpion is the highest grade of the Asmodian war squad, has the fighting power against the magic level, and is extremely difficult, not endless.

Could it be that "Li Cha", who may have a mask of gods, actually abandoned the dignity of the Besib royal family and turned to the yīn shadow empire? ! .

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