Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 294: Phoenix! Advent and crisis

Ah Zagao’s heart was strange, but without much thought, his goal was Chen Rui. I don't want to fight with the golden scorpion. I don't know how the golden cockroaches radiate a circle of light yellow sè. The body of Azgalo in the light range is bound by the ropes.

傀儡 !! Azgalo was taken aback, only the best gold 傀儡 has special skills, this golden 傀儡 grade is so high!

The fist of gold with a powerful attacking power has already reached the front and can't escape. Azgalo shouted, and the **** of his body suddenly shook away, reaching out with lightning and grabbing the golden fist. When the two forces meet each other, the whole ground suddenly trembles violently, centering on the two people, and recessing into a huge pit, which is still the result of the suppression of the dragon inscription.

Chen Rui didn't have a leisurely watching game. Now every second is very important to him. At the moment he throws out the golden gong, he is already running at full speed towards the dream valley.

Azgalo’s red sès in his hands, violently twisted, if it is an ordinary opponent, it is likely that the body has been twisted a few hundred degrees in the swirl, but the gold 傀儡 is not an ordinary opponent, but the arm appears Irregular twists and turns, as if there were no bones, instantly restored to the original state, but rely on the bombs to shake Azgalo's palms.

Azgalo reacted very quickly, and his arms suddenly rose and prolonged. He slammed into the boxing gold 傀儡 口 口 mouth, this punch is extremely powerful, hitting the body of the golden scorpion into the ground. Azgalo just had to chase after Chen Rui’s feet suddenly, and his ankles were firmly grasped by the golden scorpion. He couldn’t move. He exerted his strength and his body suddenly rose high, and he took the gold and soared into the air.

Azgalo saw the direction of Chen Rui’s escape in the air. It was not the outside of the valley but the "dead end" of the dream valley. He couldn’t help but suspicion, suddenly his ankle hurt, and suddenly he screamed, and the violent blow in the air was never heard. It has the ability to fly, but it is in a distinct downwind, but it is still lingering. In the blink of an eye, Chen Rui, who is running at full speed, has rushed to the nightmare valley and rushed to the position where the laboratory is located. On the hillside entrance of the laboratory, the madman Rafael saw a stranger rushing to the side, screaming and waving the giant claws to the "coming enemy."

Chen Rui quickly shouted Rafael’s name in the eyes of the analysis. Rafael’s action was a slap in the face of doubt, but the giant arm still ruthlessly attacked if it was not the state of Chen Rui’s current body. I am afraid that I have been hurt by this blow.

Chen Rui immediately applied camouflage skills, and his face and breath became the appearance of "Arthur," and Rafael's bad eyes eased.

Chen Rui immediately rushed to the laboratory on the hillside. However, the weird thing happened. During the running, I felt that the scenery on both sides flew, but stopped and looked, but still in place.

Chen Rui was taken aback, his whole body strength soared, and his foot jumped from the air toward the laboratory. However, the surrounding space suddenly burst into a strange twist. This full force jumped back as a retreat, and jumped out of the nightmare valley.

Outside the nightmare valley, the battle in the air has ended, and the golden scorpion has not been destroyed. Instead, it has “stand-alone” on the ground with a layer of transparent lens, like a crystal sculpture.

Azgalo stood there in a hurry, and next to him, there was a short man with white hair - Crystal Dragon, Jacob!

Chen Rui’s heart has completely sunk. Shouldn’t Jacob still be asleep? The dragon's inscriptions were filled along the way. Even if someone wanted to wake him up, he couldn't do it. How did he suddenly wake up?

"Master, you, still, okay." Jacob's greetings were bitten out in a word, and the tone of the day was full of hatred.

Azgalo saw the change of the appearance of "Li Cha" and was slightly surprised: "I was originally the master of the three-line mastery? There is actually the strength of the demon level!"

The three departments are proficient in the genius master, the power of the demon king, the power of the strange field and the talent of variation. It is also a genius in the devil world. At this moment, Azgalo is a little hesitant. If this "family" can be surrendered, don't The power of the Sibu people will certainly be greatly enhanced...............,

Jacob’s anger at this time was completely incomprehensible. When he woke up, he found that the Spring of Resurrection was completely dry. The most important ancient slate in the magical array was gone, almost mad, and instead of these things, he was temporarily kept. Sleeping is a temporary magical array, the entire crystal valley can silently pass the defense of the dragon inscriptions, plus the person who arranges this level of magic, only his most valued "Arthur Master"!

fury! anger! furious! These words are not enough to describe the mood of the crystal dragon at the moment, a decent peak of the demon emperor, even by a humble ant ant jerking between applause!

At this time, the distant beast Rafael saw Chen Rui dangerous, roaring and rushing over. Without waiting for him to get close, Jacob grabbed it and even surpassed the power of space to capture Rafael's body in the air in front of him, even though Rafael was nearly twice as tall as Jacob, but in Jacob. The cloth was even more fragile than the children. Under the strong pressure, the body trembled, but still roared and wanted to struggle.

"You should be very good, but, I am very bad." Jacob's fingers made a force, did not wait for Chen Rui to open, the body of the beast was suddenly broken into several pieces, and the broken body had not yet landed. A piece of crystal is solidified and smashed by explosion.

Chen Rui clenched his fists, and his heart was uncomfortable. Rafael was a very innocent test body. Although he was transformed into an ugly and ferocious monster, he has always regarded him as his most loyal friend after he recovered his mind. Even this is extremely extreme. When it is dangerous, I rushed up without hesitation.

Jacob's gaze fell on the face of Freya, and the body of Freya floated over. Chen Rui knew that the crystal dragon was moody and murderous. Now it is the head of anger, more brutal and bloodthirsty. Can't let Frya step back to Rafael's footsteps and say: "Wait!" Fleet's body stopped, and she was surprised to see that this "Richard", who had become a familiar face, was him.

Killed Saplina to unlock the shackles for her and her daughter.

"Jacob! If you want the Spring of Resurrection and the ancient slang, don't move this woman!" Chen Rui's eyes fell on Azgalo's body: "There is also a **** mask!" The spring can still be restored?, Jacob hardly suppressed the y look of the hands-on, the resurrection spring is the key to his recovery, originally thought to be completely destroyed, did not expect to recover.

Chen Rui reached out to the palm of his hand, and the water continued to flow from his palm. It seemed to be inexhaustible. Jacob was very familiar with the atmosphere of the Spring of Resurrection. Naturally, it was the resurrection spring.

"Very good." Jacob gritted his teeth and said that the whole person of Freya had surpassed Chen Rui to fly over the past. "This woman is for you!" Chen Rui was about to catch it. Frye’s body suddenly trembled, only to have his last lù With a peace of mind, the body quickly condenses into a crystal.

"Do not!"

Freya has been unable to make a sound, and he can't hear his voice. He can only see the sorrowful expression of the man in front of him through the crystal. This grief and indignation should be for her humble shì female flow. This is the first man to be truly sad and angry for her and is also a strong emperor, the master of the first genius of the devil.

Compared with him, the "men" in the true sense of those who have passed through her in the past are only the heroes who have y.

Unfortunately, if the time can be a little more, maybe she can feel the man's heart more, even if she is quietly beside him as a "nothing to ask" shì female.

By the way, if Jiya can be guarded by this man, he will be happy in the future...............,

At this moment, Freya's eyes showed unprecedented tranquility. The past misery and misfortunes were replaced by a strange tranquility. Chen Ruigang saw this tranquility and the whole crystal sculpture shattered.

In Chen Rui’s clenched fist, the nails have been deep into the flesh, leaving blood marks. These two people are dead, even if there is a resurrection agent, they can’t let them die and resurrect.

The crystal dragon yīn's cold voice sounded: "You are not qualified to speak the conditions! Since the resurrection spring can be restored, then I have a way to torture all the things! Then I will always hang your spirit hún in endless torture. in!"

Chen Rui suppresses the strong anger in his heart: calm! calm! Be sure to get cold! Be sure to live! Revenge for Fleet and for Rafael!

"The secret law of the dragons? Is it the curse of the Mohe cut taboo? Or is it the spirit of Pankaka?"

Jacob was shocked: "How do you know?"

"Tell you, I can end my life with my heart!" Chen Rui sneered: "Even if you have Blue Dragon Ranieri's secret treasure ice magic disk is useless! Moreover, the ice magic disk was destroyed by the roller in the same year. !"

The great earthquake in Jacob, the secret of that year, even the allies Azgalo and Manu did not know, this enemy is actually in front of...

"How can you know so much!" How is it impossible? Chen Rui laughed: "You forgot, who was seriously injured in the past, and then fled like a dog?" ”

"Papagliu!" Jacob's voice was a little trembling, mixed with hatred and fear. His body was not afraid of magic, even if the role of dragon magic was negligible, but Duron Paglio confused the poison. The attack of force can destroy the crystal body that is not afraid of poisonousness. This is his biggest enemy and his biggest nemesis!

This "master" turned out to be Paglieu's men! Then, the most terrible enemy already knows that he is hiding in the Crystal Valley!

Azgalo’s heart is also somewhat surprised. It seems to be getting more and more complicated. The one named Pagliu must be Jacob’s enemy. Can it be said that “Licha” sneaked into the crystal valley for this reason? Behind this tribe there is still enough power to rival the Crystal Dragon!

In fact, these two demons all want to "snap", Paglieu is a good thing to jump, but if Jacob knows the current strength of this deadly enemy, I am afraid to find a door to revenge immediately, or to kill the "master" in front of him. The enemy who has a symbiotic contract will also die.

Azgalo is even more erroneous. The "family people" in his heart are not the roots of the other kings. In the last generation, they are only a human being.

If he only wants to kill Chen Rui, then his background is no longer useful. Jacob and Azgalo can solve it by hand, but the two are scrupulous about Chen Rui’s body. The Spring of Resurrection is It is impossible to receive the space equipment, and the artifact is the same. In the case that the other party is threatened by suicide, the mouse has to be thrown.

Although Chen Rui succeeded in slamming Jacob, but he did not get rid of the method, especially the space power of the crystal dragon, he could not escape, and he was also anxious, and the two sides stagnated there.

At this time, Jacob and Azgaloziqi were inductive, looked up at the sky, and saw that there was a huge black phoenix in the air.

This phoenix's double wings, if it is a cloud of the sky, obscures the entire sky and exudes an amazing momentum.

In the wrong eye, I discovered that the phoenix's shadow disappeared. It seemed to be a kind of phantom. It turned out to be a dark-haired woman wearing a robe and a headband.

Even if it is a véng veil, you can feel the kind of unparalleled woman.

Chen Rui felt the look of the two men. When they saw the woman in the air, they suddenly got a surprise: Christina!

Queen Catherine’s reinforcements finally came, and it was Christina who could not think of sending it!

If the original plan... it would be fine to go down, but now that there has been such a change, there are two demons in the Crystal Valley, which is extremely dangerous.

"Christina, go!" Chen Rui refused to admire Jacob and Azgalo, and drank a word.

Christina looked at the three people below and didn't leave, but the body slowly fell.

"Christina?" Azgalo browed. "I have heard this name. It is the noble woman of the yīn shadow king. According to intelligence, it is probably the heir to the next queen."

The crystal dragon has quickly got rid of the yīn shadow of Paglio, sneer: "I heard that Catherine is the first wise man in the devil world, but the heir is so stupid, actually did not escape, but dare to come down."

Christina didn't open her just looked at the surrounding environment, Chen Rui was in a hurry: even if Christina's strength has reached the level of the emperor, it is probably the last time in the wet night through the nest Only after breaking through, just advanced.

In front of them, one of the two men is the master of the Besib royal family, and the other is the dragon strongman who has lived for 10,000 years. It is difficult to have a chance to win one-on-one. It is an enemy two, I am afraid that even losing is a problem!

"This woman and you are a group." Jacob looked at Chen Rui coldly and looked "I don't want her to die if I don't want her to die."

Christina spoke up, still calm and watery, not flustered, but this sentence made Chen Rui face again.

"There is one more, come out."

Yīnyīn's laughter rang, not far from behind, a sly figure gradually became clear.

Chen Rui’s heart suddenly cools down – it’s Manu! Even this old fox is coming!

Three to one! Christina has no hope! ! .

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