Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 297: Damn man

Crystal Valley was already in the hands of several demons, and there was no one. If it was not for the sake of the field, the power of the battle would be completely uttered, and the entire valley would be destroyed.

"Christina" quietly looked at Chen Rui, who had already returned to the face of "Li Cha" on the ground. Coincidentally, the last time I saw this face, it was also the appearance of this pair.

"I seem to... do extra things." The man smiled bitterly, and the weak voice indicates the end of life.

“Not exactly,” the woman is still very calm. “The three are the top-level demons, especially the dragons. The strength is quite strong. Although Manu is just a high-level emperor, the field is just restrained. The war is rampant and threatens me the most. If it weren't for you, if I couldn't use the war, I wouldn't have a chance to win, and maybe I would pay a fair price."

"Since this is the case... Manu's arrangements should be in your expectation." The man smiled a little more self-deprecating.

"Yes, his elites should have been destroyed by the whole army now, and my army will soon be here. Manu himself has just got the power of my black phoenix, and within half a month, it will die. Even if it is mine Zen can't save him. The woman's voice is full of strong self-confidence.

"It turns out that everything is in your grasp, then I... I already know your biggest secret," the man still smiled. "Even if you want to break the body, leave a head, it is the last request."

"Who is Paglio? Why do you let the crystal dragon feel fear? And, are you an arrogant royal family or a gluttony king?"

"Paglueu is just a friend of mine. I can guarantee that he has no threat to the yīn shadow empire. There is no terrible power behind me... As for my identity, no matter what, I am different from these people. ”

The woman faintly beheaded, he is indeed different.

"My time is running out..." The man seemed to be exhausting the last life force to squeeze out these words. "Forgot to tell you, I have... used a resurrection potion."

When the last sentence is said, the woman’s hand is just a bottle of black sè.

This sentence fell into the ear, the body of the originally confident woman suddenly stiffened, and the fragile glass bottle slammed and shattered, just like something in the heart.

The potions that can make the whole devil's madness fall to the ground, quickly disappeared into the soil and disappeared.

The resurrection agent can only be used once in a lifetime, and the blood of Nirvana is the same.

This man’s business is always in control, and this time too. the last time.

"Can you look at your face again... before my vision is completely blurred..."

The woman’s hand trembled and immediately sat down, gently holding his fleshy body in his arms, revealing the veil on his face, still the beautiful face, than Christina in the wet night Another more mature, more three-point charm.

Is this her arms, soft, fragrant, warm...

When it comes to beauty, whether it is Shia or Isabella, it is a bit of a sing. This is the first beauty in the devil world. It is a well-deserved name, but it is just a pair of stars-like eyes, revealing a touch of sadness.

"Do you have a hún device? As long as the hún device does not die, it will not die."

"You still remember this story... Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to write this complete story to you..." The man's breath is getting weaker. "In fact, not only this, I have a lot of things to lie on you and even lied to you, you. Will you blame me?"

The white jade fingers gently licked his **** hair: "No."

If your attachment is to guard everyone's attachment, then my current attachment is just to protect you.

Action is the best language.

In this sentence, he did not lie to her. This is enough.

Breathing in the cool wind, I twitched the woman's slightly curly hair.

"I should call you Christina, or Catherine?"

"Christina will stay with you forever. After today, she will not exist in this world again. As for Catherine, her life is not just her own, she can't make this decision."

Chen Rui understands the meaning of Catherine, Christina will be buried with him, together with this love, will be buried in Catherine's heart forever.

Christina, finally can not escape to him.

"After I die, I will be buried there." Chen Rui couldn't lift his finger, just moved his eyes. "I like that hillside, every night, looking up at the stars in the sky, I remembered your eye……"

Next, Chen Rui intermittently spoke out the huge crystal ore veins and some things under the crystal dragon nest xué, and told her that she must lift the upcoming self-explosive magic array in the nest.

After confessing these last words, Chen Rui’s eyes have become more and more embarrassing: “I have never seen it... your smile, can you...”

Catherine l pulled out a smile, and the tears in her mouth rushed out. She didn't suppress her tears, bowed her head, and gently hěn his mouth chún, hot tears flowing on Chen Rui's face.

The breath of the man in his arms completely disappeared. Catherine stayed for a long time, his face was desolate and sad, and he finally recovered his calmness when he put down the yarn. He picked up his body and walked step by step toward the hillside.

Catherine remembered Chen Rui’s instructions. After burying him, he quickly went to the crystal dragon’s nest and found a lot of excavated mines and crystals. It seems that the huge crystal ore vein below is indeed Exist, this crystal mine will bring great wealth to the empire.

In the distance, Taniguchi came to kill, and it seems that the army has eliminated Manu’s elite and rushed over.

The strange thing is that after looking for a long time, I didn't find the so-called self-destructive magical array. Catherine was originally a clever person. Now calm down and think back, I feel more and more wrong.

She was shaking and she had already arrived in front of the hillside where Chen Rui’s "corpse" was buried. Sure enough, the location of the "burial" had been excavated. No, it should have been broken from the inside out. There is faint blood on the ground, leading to a large house with a door open.

In the eyes of Catherine, the light flashed and quickly entered the big house. The house should be a laboratory, strong and wide, the blood disappeared in a room, and there were two lines on the ground.

"Dear, say you won't blame me."

"I can't write too much, I will definitely come back."

Catherine's original sorrow suddenly became angry, this bastard! Actually lied to her, swindling!

枉 She is the first wise man, actually... in the middle of this trick!

Is it because of the feelings that could not be suppressed at that time? Still infected by that **** stupidity?

Once again, this man is not in control!

The most hateful thing is that she also cheated her smile and wěn!

That's right, that wěn seems to be her own white... I think about this, Rao is Catherine, who is calm and not afraid to pay, although there is still a little peace of mind and happiness in the depths of the heart, but more shows It’s shame and anger.

"Damn man!"

As a victim of emotion, the innocent laboratory is instantly turned into a powder.

At the same time, the figure of a **** man appeared in a hidden place in the mí fog swamp.

The gate of the starry sky, the transfer point of this mí fog swamp was exactly the same as when he came out with Saplica last time. Although the escape plan changed many steps temporarily because of the change, it was finally successful.

Chen Rui is now so embarrassed, full of blood and dirt, and his heart has broken a big hole, there is a "regeneration" of this small strong genus, as long as the head is okay, it will not really die.

Fortunately, the heart is just gone, there will be no signs of beating before the recovery, plus the skills to gather, can successfully suspend in front of Catherine.

Although I occasionally thought of Christina as the possibility of Catherine, but it was quickly vetoed by himself. Now the truth has surfaced. It is like a dream, the first beauty in the devil, the first wise man. And he has a tuǐ with this little horn? It seems that he has become the first man of others.

Thinking of the pro-wěn, Chen Rui couldn’t help but feel hot. This kind of mood made the wound in the ōng cavity very painful. Although it was loaded once, it was definitely not loaded. The heart was completely crushed, and the regeneration was completed and the combat strength was restored. It’s hard to get it without ten days and a half. Fortunately, the heart has not been devastated for the first time. After drinking the cure, the wound healing has accelerated a lot.

By the way, I just fled in a hurry, as if the strange little man forgot to give her, or to talk about it next time, maybe it could be a small interface for reunion.

The secret of Catherine's identity, Chen Rui does not intend to reveal to anyone, including Athena, this is a kind of respect. As for Bailuo, Azgalo and others, they should have already guessed the identity of "Christina". With the wisdom of Catherine, it is entirely possible to use Christina to never show the characteristics of human beings and create a real noble woman and queen. At the same time, it appears to confuse the audio-visual or confusing Although Catherine has been confirmed by him, she is always the ruler of the yīn movie empire, and is also the most persistent woman with irreplaceable It can even be called a paranoia of some kind of "righteousness."

This is tempting, and can't control the most persistent choice. For a ruler, Chen Rui, who knows her most secret man, also has various secrets such as the Besib royal artifact, which may be unpredictable. The end. This fake death escape plan is a best choice after discovering her identity and thinking about it temporarily.

The discovery of this truth made Chen Rui feel that the gap with "Christina" is even bigger. The king of the yīn shadow empire, the devil world is second only to the peak of the pyramid of Lei Zen... But from the performance of her last moment, he Not without hope.

Even if she is Catherine, there is still hope.

It is still a question of strength, at least it must have the strength to be equal to her. Let's talk about other things. Before that, "I will definitely come back" is just a gray-wolf-like self-consolation that cannot be put into practice.

Work hard, man! ! .

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