Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 298: An episode along the way

Chen Rui’s infernal Affairs of the Crystal Valley is such a success, and the harvest is also very rich.

The most important thing is the magic shield of the Levantan royal magical shield, plus the magic shield in the hands of Delia, this artifact is a part of the assembly. Similarly, the weight of the ancient slate is not light, if you can penetrate the mystery, perhaps the key to Pagliu unwrapping the seal, the most inferior can also be used as a bargaining chip for future trading with Rolla.

During this period, he “cheated” a large amount of precious materials from Manu, Crystal Dragon and Sapulina. As long as one or two pieces were missing, it was completely possible to create “Thunder” again, but the Master of the Masters was temporarily Can not go back. In addition, there are also unexplained resurrection springs and crystal dragons to recover the magical array of high-purity magic crystals, although only a small part of the spar vein, but the best gold crystal and blood crystal is a The pen is quite amazing wealth, but unfortunately, as a dragon that collects money, the treasure of the crystal dragon does not seem to be in the crystal valley, and the cautious crystal dragon is also ignorant. (Crystal Dragon sorrowful and screaming: You are too much, murder and more goods still want to copy home?)

This base of the Crystal Valley should be completely destroyed. Manu will die, Azgalo and Crystal Dragon are badly hit, especially the Crystal Dragon, lost the recovery magic array, the injury recovery will be very slow, three SS-level leaders have gone First, just don't know if there is a stronger guy behind.

The worms died without being stiff. Although this time it was a heavy blow to this organization, it has not yet reached the level of uprooting. Judging from the news of Saplica's rumors, Isabella of the Angel Empire should also be a person of this power, and it is very likely that they will encounter these old "friends" in the future.

The most sad thing for Chen Rui is Freya and Rafael, especially Freya. He thought that she could let her go safely, but unexpected changes occurred. I don’t know how to explain to Jiya. .

Chen Rui sighed, no matter what, first go back to the dark moon. If you go from the emperor to Laia Town, you will circle a big circle. The southeastern side of the Blood Jinghua territory is the Red Sealand, or take this road.

The regeneration and recovery of the heart is much slower than that of Chen Rui’s imagination. He used to succumb to Casillas in the treasure of Paglio in the wet night, and was pierced by the heart, but that was only It is pierced, not shattered.

Repairing and re-engineering are two tests. Now Chen Rui is suffering from the kind of wound pain and itchiness of the wounds every day. He secretly swears that he will never do this stupid thing in the future...except for his own woman. , amount... barely add a few bad friends.

Chen Rui disguised as a servant pharmacist, not because he thought of what the limelight, but because the identity of the pharmacist can be respected, this body, or he is ready in the dark moon territory, it is In order to cover the way to cover up.

Although the pharmacist is not as important as the maker, the use and popularity of the pharmacy is no less than equipment. What is the situation? His knowledge of pharmacy is enough to be mixed.

Since the three empires now seem to maintain peace on the surface, Chen Rui passed the border without much difficulty and entered the red secluded territory of the 堕angelic empire.

The Red Sea Territory is one of the major territories of the Angel Empire. The area is slightly smaller than the Dark Moon. The territory is half-moon-shaped, adjoining the northeast of the Dark Moon, and the North is directly accessible to the Emperor.

After several twists and turns, Chen Rui took a carriage in the town of Sam, a small town in the edge of the Red Sea, and headed for the town of Magic Bell. When he was at Xiqiao Mountain, he learned from the mouth of the 傀儡snord that the red secluded land is divided into three major blocks. The red lord lord controls the most central and most important red secluded city, and the other two are paid. Responsible for the two most powerful sons, it is like a small kingdom, divided into the emperor and the two territories.

The northwestern town of Magic Bell is the youngest son of Kenita, and the town of Modo, which is facing the street in the southeast and the dark moon, is under the responsibility of Joseph, but the military powers near the two borders are all in their hands, in order to prevent them. just in case.

On one hand, Zhuoqi lord must train two sons to make them better. On the other hand, he must also beware of the fact that the two sons are too good. No matter the human world or the devil world, it is not the case for the power and interests, the father and the son are disabled. Fresh things.

Chen Rui is going to go to the town of Magic Bell where Canita is located. Snow should be able to provide some intelligence and convenience in this town.

Because there are very few carriages in Sam Town, Chen Rui has no empty carriages when he arrives. As a pharmacist, he squeezed a relatively empty carriage. There is only one horn and one dark elf in the carriage. Three or four-year-old boy looks like.

On the road, the carriage was bumpy. Chen Rui was so painful that he licked his mouth, but his face was covered in a cloak. The pharmacist’s robes let the two of them face the fear of sè, and even dared to use whispers.

With Chen Rui’s ear force, I can naturally hear what the two teenagers said. It’s nothing more than “this terrible pharmacist will take you away as an experimental product to poison”, and he can only report it with a smile. The development trend of the medicinal pharmacist has become more and more like a "poison pharmacist". Ironically, countless pharmacy masters want to become masters, but they are all geniuses of black sè. None of them are poisons. Gain class of medicine.

The speed of the carriage is not fast, and the road conditions along the way are extremely dangerous. It takes five to six days to reach the town of Magic Bell. On the third day, the situation finally broke out.

The term thief should be the person who robs and steals property, but in this world, thieves are not technically robbed. As for theft, they are called thieves or thieves.

Chen Rui once destroyed the biggest thief gang that was sent to the Darkmoon in this red-skinned territory, but since the rebirth, it has been the first time that a thief has blocked the road.

Chen Rui’s infernal road in Crystal Valley is such a success, and the harvest is also very rich. For Chen Rui’s current strength, it’s just a dozen thieves. The highest strength is a high-level demon in the early stage, from broken equipment and interception. The charge of the car's sparse pull can be seen, the middle of the group of thieves can also add a word.

Chen Rui saw this from the curtain that the carriage was violently bumping. Although the carriage was almost out of control, the people inside were all sloppy and only had a blink of an eye, but these did not hinder Chen Rui’s observation.

"People in the carriage immediately take all the belongings out, otherwise they will kill you!"

The thieves in the devil world are generally very ferocious. If they do not pay their belongings or have no money, they will usually be killed. Sometimes, even if they hand over their belongings, they will not be spared. It is very likely that they will not be able to keep their horses.

The coachman was terrified and shivering. Although there were thieves on the road, the frequency was very low. I didn’t know what happened and I fell into blood. I met these guys.

Equally nervous, there are two teenagers in the carriage.

"Tomi, what should we do? We have no money, we will be killed by the thieves, and we will fight with them!"

"Don't be impulsive, copper, even if there is that thing, you can only kill two people at most," dark elf Tommy shook his head nervously: "They have ten individuals, we are definitely not opponents."

Said, Tommy looked at the opposite pharmacist: "Respected pharmacist adults, now only adults can help us all, I believe that the poison deterrence of adults should be able to scare those guys."

However, the "pharmacist adult" seems to be still awake and generally unaware. Tongke knows that it is a critical juncture, and refuses to persuade Tommy's dissuasion. In the past, he pushed a daunting pharmacist, who knows the pharmacist However, when I fainted, I didn’t know if I was stunned or scared.

The voice of the thief outside rang again: "I count to ten, if it hasn't come out yet, kill it!"

"This is over!" Tongke gnawed his teeth and took out a thing from his backpack. "He had to work hard."

Tommy gasped, his thin arm took a short bun from his waist, and his eyes glared at the pharmacist's mouth, suddenly his eyes lit up: "Wait!"

Tommy held down the copper gram and his hand shook slightly: "I have a way. If it doesn't work, let's fight hard!"

Copper gram l suspicion of hu sè, but he knows that Tomi has always been smarter than himself, and nodded at the moment.

The head of the big demon thief with high-level demon power has counted eight, the thieves slowly came over, the coachman's vest was soaked, just then, the carriage finally came out of a figure, is a Dark Elf Teenager.

"Who dares to do it?" The dark elf boy looked at the thieves around him coldly and looked at a condescending attitude. "There is a great pharmacist, Lord Rolls-Royce, who doesn't want to be poisoned into a bone. under!"

Chen Rui, who is faint, pulled back, Rolls-Royce? Are you sure you are not a Ferrari or Porsche?

However, the copper gram in the car obviously did not notice this detail. The hand of the horned kid is holding a thing tightly. It is actually a slap. This cockroach seems to be folded. When it is opened, it looks huge.

Chen Rui’s infernal Affairs of the Crystal Valley is such a success, and the same very rich pharmacist? The thieves looked at each other with fear and fear in their eyes. The head frowned: "Small scorpion, you want to scare us away with a word?"

Tommy said, come up with a dark silver sè badge: "Look what is this?"

Someone behind the big devil has called out: "Pharmacist badge!"

The reputation of the pharmacist "evil, vicious" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The display of this badge has made the thieves change their faces. The leader of the big devil is no exception. However, this leader has a little more insight, aiming at the badge and looking at it. Falling on the dark elf boy, his eyes turned, and he sneered: "Your hand is shaking? Is it scared? Or... this badge is stolen!"

The dark elf boy has a tight heart: "No! There is indeed a pharmacist in the car."

Found the tension of Tommy, the big devil's heart is big: "So let this adult down, we also want to call awesome pharmacists."

The cold sweat on Tommy's forehead ran down and argued: "You can ask this driver, is there a car..."

The words have not yet been lost, the big devil has moved to the front, and grabbed Tommy's neck: "Little chop, dare to lie to this adult! See I don't tear you into pieces!"

Copper Keke was in a hurry and was about to rush out to rescue. He saw the action of the big demon suddenly, his body trembled, and he couldn’t grasp Tommy again. He shouted and began to frantically scratch his body, and he was shocked. The blood marks appeared, and they still didn't stop. Soon, they rolled up in the ground, and the muscles of the body gradually withered. Finally, under the horror of the thieves, they became a white bone.

Such a powerful poison! There is a pharmacist in the car! I saw the thieves who had turned their heads into bones, and they dared to stay, and they did not want to escape. They were afraid of being poisoned by the silent and poisonous.

Tommy himself was scared by the bones. Fortunately, he finally reacted. He quickly returned to the carriage and saw that Tongke was holding a big cockroach and screaming at the terrible pharmacist who had already woken up.

"Put up your weapon, the corner magic boy," Chen Rui cooperated with the face of the servant, and said in an old-fashioned manner, "As for you, the dark elf boy, you should know if you want to deal with you, if you want to deal with you." You have become as dead as the thief outside. And... return the badge to me."

The dark elf boy quickly made a face to his companion, indicating that he would take up the big shout: "Rolls Royce..."

"Don't call me with the ugly name of Du Hui!" Chen Rui frowned. "My name is Richard Rafael."

The dark elf and the horned demon are more concentrated, a pharmacist with a surname! I can't think of the same car with such a big man!

The carriage continued to journey in the lucky expression of the driver. After this incident, the dark elf boy seemed to be a lot bolder. He continued to be close to the "Li Cha Da Ren" and spoke one or two pharmacy terms from time to time. Chen Rui can hear These nouns are purely hard-working, if the "Li Cha adults" is pharmacy half a bucket of water, then Tommy barely can only be regarded as a drop of water.

Although in front of the thieves licked the stuffing, but Tommy's urgency still let Chen Rui appreciate, the current dark elf kid so meticulously close, certainly not just to please so simple, it should be another picture.

"That can you show me?" Chen Rui ignored Tommy and said something to Tongke.

When Tongke suddenly took out the tension, he hugged the baggage in his hand. Tommy was about to speak. He only listened to Chen Rui and said: "Why can you shoot back three arrows in succession?"

The Devil World has a sly existence early in the morning. Although the rate of fire is very fast, it is too slow to fill, so it is rarely armed in the real army. The army is usually equipped with bow soldiers. There are also many stories about the magic world. But never from the konjac.

Chen Rui can clearly see that Tong Ke’s embarrassment should be three-in-one, and it should be the first time in the whole devil world, so I asked one.

Copperke hesitated for a while, and suddenly slammed down: "Adult, please help my brother Tieke, I am willing to give this one to the adults!"! .

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