Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 318: fly! Loli over the dark moon

The encounter of Skye (Wind Saka) caused Chen Rui to be wary and suspicious of the desperate Master of the Devil. The suspected Skye’s disciple, Horford, experienced the chaos in the Crystal Valley, and he did not know how life or death was, but the relationship between Horford and Crystal Valley should not be so simple as hiring or hiring, the means of contacting Niet and the huge forces behind it. Chen Rui has The reason is that Niet is also one of the members of the mysterious power.

In any case, his own strength and the power he has in his hands are far from enough to compete with that power, so he can only endure now.

The problem of this power is only a long-term concern. The problem of the Darkmoon Territory is the near-worry. It is imperative that we must start the action immediately. However, we have to wait for two days, because a few days later, it is the birthday of Athena, 20 years old. birthday.

Athena just reminded him from the side, but Chen Rui always remembers that when he saw the man’s "I understand" on his face, Rao was an agent of the Sheriff. He was generous and not ashamed. Red face.

In fact, Chen Rui always remembers this day.

I also remember Athena’s birthday and Alice’s birthday, and I’m going to celebrate it in advance, although Xiaolu’s purpose is probably for the delicious cake that Jiya brings, but I can remember the birthday of my good friend. It is quite good.

Athena was very touched by this. The last time Jiya brought back the cake, Xiaolui lì knew that Chen Rui was coming back from the outside, but unfortunately went back to the Baiji territory, did not meet him back in the first time, this time 趁Aina was in a good mood and took the opportunity to make a small request.

As early as when Athena accompanied Chen Rui to Xiqiao Mountain, Alice was very envious of her riding a two-legged dragon. Her request was to ride a two-legged dragon and taste the dragon cavalry.

Originally, Chen Rui did not want to cause unnecessary troubles. He always used the strength to help to fool Xiaolu, saying that it was temporarily not developed to completely solve the antidote of Feilong poison xìng, and must reach a high-order devil before riding, because the dragon cavalry wants Long-term dealing with toxins, so it is easy to appear disfigured phenomenon, this problem has made Xiaoluo jealous for quite a while.

However, as time went by, Chen Rui himself was about to forget the excuses of delaying. Xiaoluo lì always remembered this matter, and finally succeeded in knowing the "antidote" from Athena's mouth this time. Research success news.

In fact, Athena had heard Chen Rui say that Alice, like her, took the essence of Biyinzhu, which had been condensed for centuries on the poisonous dragon's horn, and had a strong permanent anti-virulence ability. Toxic xìng did not work for Alice at all. Besides, Chen Rui’s awake things did not conceal Alice, and Alice also kept her secrets. It’s not too much of a problem to take her “fly” once.

"I am going to the military camp today to stop the final selection of the combat team members, so I will not go." Athena said in a big way in the face of Xiaolui and Chen Rui: "Alice, Chen Rui lends you a day. ”

borrow? Chen Rui’s expression is a stagnation, and the male friend is not easy to do this!

Alice has big eyes and straight stars: Athena actually does not go? So is she and Chen Rui... living alone? Is this creating opportunities for her?

- Athena, you are so good, too good, too good friends! The good thing is to share with friends!

"Today, let Alice have a good time." Athena dropped this sentence and gave Chen Rui a "must be done" look and went to the military camp.

The happiness of this loneliness is only based on the pain of others... Someone who has been degraded as a "good thing" sees the appearance of Xiaolui’s eyes, inexplicably think of a special knock The sap in the back of the head suddenly shuddered.

If this day is all arranged by Alice, I am afraid that it will be a terrible tribulation to fly a low-altitude anti-radar in the Darkmoon City. Chen Rui excuses the two-legged dragon in the yīn rain jungle. It takes a long time to transfer it. It takes Alice to turn west in the middle of the city. In order to prevent Xiaolui’s protest, she also took the initiative to buy something small for her. . But today Alice's mood and patience seem to be particularly good, very obedient, always smiling on the face, and there is no objection.

At this moment, Chen Rui almost thought that there was an illusion. This cute, lonely, lì, really is the eccentric belly and black money. Could it be that the tempering of the Princess Square these days has restored the normal genus?

According to someone's mantra, the devil is on, finally open the omnipotent left eye!

However, the difference between ideals and reality is enormous. The fangs of the black scorpion lì soon came out, and some strange ideas made Chen Rui fall into the wild. In the simplest case, in order to "cover up" the true face of the sheriff and to match her princess's identity, Alice is very "smart" to suggest that he use "transformation" to become a female image, and then very "good" zone. He went to buy underwear...

Fully aware of the cruel reality, Chen Rui finally understands how unwise to make a wandering in the dark moon city with many people's eyes, and immediately took her all the way to escape the dark moon city, sitting with a triangle rhinoceros Going to a place in the suburbs.

Not waiting for Xiaoluo lì has a new "good idea." Chen Rui has secretly summoned a two-legged dragon - because he will soon rush to the Red Seas to plan, so this two-legged dragon is a few days ago. Ready, because I can't stand Alice's "offensive." I had to show the dragon in advance.

According to Athena, Alice's animal is very good. It is too dangerous to fly the dragon in the air alone. Despite the communication of the analytical eye, Chen Rui is still with her. On the two-legged dragon.

The two-legged dragon has no protective gear such as a saddle, and there is no binding of the cage chain. Perhaps it has been the trust of Athena’s flight to Chen Rui, facing the rumored fierce air Warcraft, Alice. Not afraid, but a look of excitement.

Chen Rui’s “Beast of the Beast” did not disappoint Alice, and the two-legged dragon slid down quite docilely, letting the two ride to the back, and Alice took the dragon with him in accordance with Chen Rui’s method. Behind the protruding spurs, the Wyvern does not need to run like a horned beast. The powerful feet and one bounce, the double-winged fans move directly to the sky.

In addition to the heavier center of gravity when taking off, the flying dragon in the air should be much smoother. It is only the initial strength of Alice's mid-level demon, which is enough control.

Alice was a little nervous when she took off, but now she is completely relaxed. This two-legged dragon is huge. It is not the two dragons that Chen Rui and Athena went to Xiqiao Mountain last time. It should be an adult dragon. It should be a high-level demon strength. When I think of this, Alice can't help but get excited.

In fact, Xiaoluo lì is still estimated to be wrong. The true strength of this two-legged dragon is the high level of the demon king. The endurance and flight ability are very outstanding. At the beginning, Chen Rui was carried between the night wetland and the dark moon territory. It’s an old mount.

Under the instigation of Chen Rui, the Wyvern Dragons began to make various directions and height changes under the awkward beasts of Alice. Xiaolu was very excited. If it is not in the air, it will be happy.

"Left full rudder, left into the second, plasma cannon, launch!" Xiaoluo lì has stood up boldly, just hooked the bones of the stable body with his feet, giving a light force in his hand, releasing a small black sè Fireball, although the strength of this small fireball is not worth mentioning, but the mysterious law contained in it is indeed Chen Rui can not be ignored now, the **** talent of the Lucifer royal family, black inflammation.

Black inflammation is not entirely fire power, nor is it completely dark power. It has only one law, that is, destruction, ignoring all destruction, and the two genuses that are opposite to the fire of Nirvana.

"Turn on photon shield protection!"

"Prepare space to jump!"

Xiaolui lì has now fully invested in the story corner of Chen Rui’s story. Fortunately, Chen Rui has been dating her with her three chapters and can’t get close to the dark moon city. Otherwise, Xiaoluo l has long been a guest over London. The eagle... the amount, the dark moon over the dark moon.

After the space fortress was tired, Xiaoluo suddenly had a pair of furry black ears on her head. It turned out to be a strange cat ear hat. I didn’t know where to get it. There was a small bell hanging on the neck, facing the wind. Make a crisp sound.

"Aim!" Xiaolu lì screamed in a naughty voice, Chen Rui as if to see an invisible tail behind the skirt is shaking, but this time is not the tail of the little devil, but ... some kind of cat?

and many more! This is a cat... cat ear lolli?

Chen Ruizhen was surprised. Could it be that Xiaolui wants to create a new "genre" of the devil world?

At this time, I saw Xiaoluo lì single-finger day, the invisible small tail behind the buttocks shook, making a arrogant sound, even through the whistling airflow, it seems domineering outside: "Humans can not stop the comet!" ”

(Chen Rui: ...)

Perhaps this should be the real happy look of Xiaoluo lì, the see-through of the Princess Square, who is looking for money, more for the sister Xia, to manage the business all day, really hard, after all, she is just not growing up Child.

As Athena said, let Alice be happy today.

Xiaoluo lì played for a while without tiredness. It seems to have lost interest in the one-man show, and his hands stretched out to make a cross.

"The thief!"

Chen Rui did not react at the moment. Is there a person named this name here? The name of the Wyvern is not this.

"Crazy! Hurry!"

"Alice, are you calling me?"

"Don't call me Alice, my name is shredded! Do you understand?" Xiaolui looked forward to it, but Chen Rui did not see it in the back.

Chen Rui l ù 疑 ò ò s s èè: "Pork?"

"The thief and the shredded pork! Don't remember, it's the story of the Tataric you said!"

Tatanik? Chen Rui suddenly understood, and the black line of the brain fell, 囧 贼 贼 和 和 and pork? Are you sure that when I was telling a story, how was it pronounced?

In desperation, Chen Rui had to help hold up the two arms of Xiaolui, but how to look at the shape of the cottage version, even if the difference between the ship and Warcraft is ignored, the difference between the heights of the two people is relatively large.

However, Alice didn't care about this. After "flying" for a while, she took the body backwards. Chen Rui was afraid that she would fall and quickly stabilize. However, Xiaolui lì actually turned too far back and seemed to want to "homeopathic" again. For a sip on his face, fortunately, the gap between heights is here, Xiaolui lì can not pick up his feet, this attempt has to fall through.

On the surface, Chen Rui pretended not to see, but the vest was a burst of sweat - the last time it was somewhat subtle, knocking out the fainting and then "below the mouth." This time it was good, actually played directly into the play by the angle sè.

Alice couldn't make a decision, and she gave birth to a plan. She called out "I didn't have the strength." Cried backwards, Chen Rui had prepared for it, and gently supported her shoulder with her hand. Xiaolui lì immediately felt the other side. It was shunned, and the small mouth immediately slammed up.

"Since I have no strength, I will return to the landing." Chen Rui said that the two-legged dragon has begun to slow down and slowly landed.

This action made Alice even more unhappy, and the appearance of grievances seemed to be crying out. Chen Rui knows that Xiaoluo's acting is very high, but today she will be about her.

Xiaoluo lì is depressed, suddenly the nose smells a yòu person's fragrance, I saw a dish holding a small cake appeared in front of me, no, this should not be a cake, it seems to be solidified, some resemble crystal, It is more delicate and compact, and the fragrance is very chic.

The eyes of Xiaoluo lì could not be moved, and I refused to take care of it. I swallowed it: "What is this?"

"This is called pudding," Chen Rui added another small tune in his hand and handed it to her. "I did it last night. You are the first one to taste. Even Athena has not tried it." ""

This sentence makes Xiaoluo lì eyes bright, holding a spoon, looking at the translucent delicate pudding, for a moment there is a kind of reluctance to start feeling, half a day carefully carefully licked a bit and put it in the mouth to taste, then one can not Clean up, in a blink of an eye a pudding is wiped out.

Alice played this for a long time, and felt hungry. The pudding evoked the locusts. After eating it, she only felt that she was still unfinished: "Take two more. I can barely forgive you for taking the time when you were flying." Ceremony."

Chen Rui listened straight to his eyes, obviously it is you who want to play the "Tatanic", be a man... even if you are a demon, you can't reverse black and white like this!

"If you don't give me, I will tell my sister and Athena, saying that you are jealous of me..."

"Stop!" (yù cry without tears)

"..." (a kind of masticated chewing sound)

"I want cakes, barbecues, hot pots... Don't look at people like this, human brothers, people know that you are the best way..."


(Love: a proud day)

(Chen: A day of suffering) (to be continued)! .

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