Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 319: birthday

Finally, Chen Rui finally ended his day of **** work. I feel a special kind of exhaustion. Sometimes, I feel that I am facing Alice, and I have to work harder than the first wise man in the devil world.

Although it is very tired, although some of the elves' eccentric little details emerged in an endless stream, it is worthwhile to see the pure and cheerful smile on this face. Because it may take a long time to see this cute face.

The time before the departure was always very fast. On this night, the Sheriff’s residence, which still had a quiet appearance, was really lively. In the courtyard, Chen Rui, Paglio, Luo Méng, Di lì, Jiya, Alice gathered together, lost and little black horses, but tonight, the protagonist is Athena.

"Let's have a toast with Athena!" 1 Xiaolui lì raised the glass.

The crowd stood up and toasted Athena. Because of the height problem, Xiaolu had only one hand holding the cup, but the girl immediately stood on the stool and appeared to be higher than the rest. No one will blame her. Chen Rui did not stop her from drinking as usual, because today is the birthday of Athena.

The yard is filled with the scent of various foods. The scent of the oil on the barbecue is dripping on the charcoal. It is also done directly on a piece of iron. In addition to meat accidents, There are vegetables and fish, and this kind of food that Chen Rui called "teppanyaki" is the first time in the devil world that the taste of the world is full of praise. The barbecue category is just one of today's delicious ones. For this sumptuous dinner, Chen Rui has prepared for a full two days.

The environment can best train people. In fact, he is also a otaku who can take care of himself and barely cook a few hands. After coming to the devil world, after passing through a series of events, he will be warrior and mechanic. The magician or something, the chef is also a "professional" that can get the hand.

One of them.

The laughter and the lively atmosphere made Chen Rui think of the time when he was in college, and at the moment when three or five friends were celebrating at the small restaurant near the school, a few bottles of beer, a few small snacks, and a few barbecues were a hearty meal. At that time, there were a few good "friends" single buddies. Now, the hand held in his palm is so gentle and true, this is the most important woman in his life, irreplaceable, even if It is far from the first beauty of the yīn shadow empire or the charming succubus shì woman on the side can not be replaced.

Athena’s thoughts also returned to her father’s birthday celebration at Warlock Fortress. The difference was that there were only a dozen mothers and fathers in front of her, but now, although the most beloved man is not around, There are so many true friends to accompany her, and the most important thing is to have him. (Thanks to the devil, he brought him to my side.)

"Athena, you should cut the cake." Alice's voice interrupted Chen Rui and Athena's memories. Although she had been eating the sea, Xiaolui still did not give up on the three layers of the middle The big cake's coveted y ù drop, I can't remember the warning that someone "will eat fat when eating too much".

Chen Rui ignited the twenty candles inserted in the cake. At this moment, the flashing warm candlelight is not inferior to the purple moon in the sky.

Athena looked at the friends around and looked at Chen Rui again. The eyes flashed with sparkling light, and the candle was blown out gently, then closed her eyes and made a wish.

This "rules" last time in Alice's "pseudo-birthday", everyone has already learned the meaning. When Athena opened her eyes, Alice couldn't help but ask: "Athena, what do you want? Wish?"

Alice herself knows that she is a bit embarrassed. For example, the last time she was on an outing, Xu was a little secret wish. As for Athena, she didn’t want to think about it. It must be related to that guy.

"My wish is to be with everyone forever."

This is Athena.

Di lìya looked at Luo Méng, the two smiled and held their hands together. This time, the demon **** opened the left and right eyes at the same time.

Paglio's glass was a slight meal, and he drank it up again. It was also a bottle of wine, but this cup of belly was only very warm.

"Athena!" Alice hugged her best friend, tears streaming down.

Jiya 眸 ù ù 羡 羡 羡 羡 羡 羡 羡 羡 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (Mom, have you seen it?)

Chen Rui smiled at the beloved woman, and her eyes were deeply affectionate: "This wish will be realized, I promise you."

After the satiated meal, it was already late at night, and everyone did not have a night of carnival, but to explain the time to Chen Rui and Athena.

Chen Rui took Athena's hand and went upstairs. Although this kind of hand-holding is already a very common relative action for the two people, Athena seems a bit flustered, as if he was holding hands for the first time. Like.

The first time should be in the yīn rain jungle, the devil's fruit. At that time, he took her and stepped through the dangerous dragon language inscription trap. The hand is so warm and peaceful.

Athena lost her heart and came to the room. She watched Chen Rui quickly start the soundproof magic array outside, and carefully closed the door. His face suddenly turned red. This guy seems to be ready.

Waiting for this day, it’s been a long time.

Chen Rui arranged everything well before he turned around and looked at Athena, who was at a loss at the head of Chuáng. He smiled and walked over. Athena lowered her head and did not dare to look at him.

At this moment, both of them have been waiting for a long time, but when they really came, Athena still felt nervous. At the moment when he was picked up and placed on chuáng, Athena was tense.

"I said, you don't have to be so nervous, I will take off your shoes first."

"I am coming by myself." Athena panicked, and a small leather boots slammed out, squatting on the magic lamp on the opposite wall, the power of the demon-level peak plus the legendary boots. The magic lamp was shattered without suspense.

"Ah... sorry..."

Chen Rui remembered that when the power was not as good as her, a pro-wěn was shyly and subconsciously fell to the opposite wall. As a result, Jiya also made Sly to help break the wall and make Athena a big red face.

Now her face is red again, but it is so cute.

"Well, I heard that" Chen Rui lay down on chuáng and forced Athena to squat in his arms. "I think this kind of thing is not a program amount. It should be said that it is not a task. We don't have to be at somewhere. I have to do something, I just want to talk to you now."

However, it seems that there are many synonyms in this sentence, such as "Unlock the ō hood I just want to see" "I will only put it outside and will not put it in" and so on...

Chen Rui’s heart was dark, and he added another sentence: “I will leave the dark moon in a few days, and it’s hard to hear your voice.”

Athena's body gradually relaxed. Yes, he has to leave again. The stronger his strength, the fewer days he will get together. When he was a weak man with no strength, he could I stayed with her every day, and now I still remember the wonderful stories he spoke at that time. This is the greater the strength that the father said, the greater the responsibility?

"How long do you have to go this time?" With Sinai relying on his ōng mouth, he asked.

"I don't know." Chen Ruifu m glared at her hair: "This step is very important. However, the long princess wants to defeat the black dragon to board the throne. It is certainly inseparable from strong force. If this step succeeds, The impact should be able to minimize the support and power of the black scorpion.

This period of time is also very valuable for the dark moon. It is necessary to take time to recuperate and strengthen the strength. It only takes a certain amount of time to delay, and it will kill me. When the long princess and the black sergeant show up, the winning percentage should be greatly increased. The plan will never catch up with the change, and the final outcome is not guaranteed. ”

"You are already very amazing." Athena's eyes lend an admiration to the sè "The original dark moon is a precarious death. After your efforts and planning, at least let the princess have the strength to compete with the black scorpion. No wonder even my father is full of praise for your wisdom."

Chen Ruiyi smiled: "Of course, who am I? If you have no ability, you have already been unloaded by your father. How can you hold his baby daughter like this?"

"It’s just a slap in the face of huā 言 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"You are coming again. I am only a relationship between the lord and the subordinates. I want to go there." Chen Rui added another sentence, at most, holding his hand on his shoulder and jumping a few small

It’s just a dance, but if it’s passed out, the dark moon will definitely worship his dog’s daring.

"Hey! Don't treat me as a fool." Athena snorted dissatisfiedly: "But I have already said that, as long as you really have the ability to let the public take the initiative, I will never mind."

Don't you mind taking out "torture"? Chen Rui shook his head: "Don't think too much. If I plan to succeed, she will eventually be the Queen of the Empire. I dare not go to death, or keep this small.

Life and my future female generals have been intimate for a few years. ”

"Who is your future female general?" Athena grabbed the bad hand before ōng "You haven't been hot with your shì hook recently?"

"..." Chen Rui is speechless. In these days, the recovery of the demon girl sè Jiya from time to time with his eyebrows, a little love ān love, but previously it was Athena himself proposed to put Jiya Come back to live...

In fact, the relationship between Tingya and Athena is quite good, and the shì woman’s deputy is a low profile of the woman’s head. This makes the original dissident Dylia also have a lot of impressions on her.

Athena looked up at Chen Rui's appearance and suddenly smiled: "This is what Dilu Ia teaches me. I must first give you an alarm bell, lest you become like a Luo Méng."

Chen Rui is dark and shameful. Now Luo Méng has been stared to death by the devil's right eye. It seems to be very "one-size".

"Actually, I know that you are good at it. Others, I don't care.

Athena said, loosening the hand that was pressed, the result of this acquiescence was that the fullness before the ōng was grasped by someone, and right, one hand could not grasp one side.

The tip of the finger was swaying at the top of the plump bud, and the futuristic future general was gently breathing, although it was not the first time he was so cheap, but every time he was stabbed, his body was soft. A fiery heart is born from the heart, and the body becomes hot.

"For a while, how do you change into a transformed look?"

"Bastard... Is it some shameless bad taste?"

Every look of Athena is mine."

"Hey,..." (sure enough)

Chen Ruiyi turned over and pressed Athena underneath. Soon, the female swordsman who was away from the eyes was recorded as an Aries. Speaking of it, a man really endured for a long time, except for the night wetlands. The time with Christina, it’s only the second time in the true sense... Of course, some of the rest of the “solutions” from Athena and Jiya are not counted.

"Now it has passed twelve o'clock, really will not have any impact?" Chen Rui vaguely asked, of course, ambiguous, busy.

"Well" Athena bit her mouth chún, replied from the nose, tightened his head, trembling the body slightly writhing, endured a strong b刺bō.

As long as they are over twenty years old, the Wells family's "automatic promotion" variant blood will be lived, as for certain things... no need to wait until after the promotion.


"Wait... are you and Jiya finally..."

(Don't you care?)

"Jiya said, she won't be in front of you..."

This sentence made the woman who had already been distracted completely give up the last line of defense. There was only a heavy gasping in the room and a low voice of the yòu people.

At noon the next day, the men and women who went to the building after finishing their birthday last night did not appear in the courtyard.

"No, it's so fierce?" Luo Méng was a bit stunned.

"Envy, have the ability to find a great dragon to sign a symbiotic contract." Paglio said proudly.

Di lìya frowned, Athena was the first time, Chen Rui did not know how to pity people.

Night sè regret, only to see Chen Rui walked down, a look tired.

"Captain, you are too powerful, one day!" Luo Méng looked at the waters of the Yangtze River and continued to admire the sè, and came over. "This has been separated from the scope of the dragon's power. There must be some secrets." The captain should teach me!"

"My secret surgery, you have a big head, Athena automatically advanced last night! I have been helping her to stabilize the power!" Chen Rui answered with a sigh of relief, said to Dyia, who wants to go to see: "Don't bother She is sleeping, and when she wakes up, she can fully adapt to the power of the Big Devil."

It’s still the cruelty of Chen Rui’s previous two. The two have been very smooth. The water is mixed and the body and mind are happy. However, when Athena’s strong request is made, it may be too “xìngfu”. For the sake of this, there have been signs of a breakthrough in the change.

The general breakthrough is completed in the peak state, but because Athena's physical condition is "poor" at the moment, Chen Rui does not dare to neglect, 1 carefully help her to complete the transition of the promotion power, and finally complete the promotion of the big devil perfectly. .

"The captain was really pitiful. It made me think of a certain story about kangaroos and frogs going to date with beauty."

"Pagoliu in the distance has been listening to the movements in his ears, and immediately asked."

"The frog and the kangaroo each date a beautiful woman. The kangaroo is finished twice, only listening to the frog next door, one or two nights! One or two! The kangaroo is envious, and the next day, the kangaroo expresses respect for the frog. The frog’s answer is, fuck, I didn’t jump áng all night!”

"Roll!" Di lìya's voice has already taken the lead and has already rang. ! .

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