Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 372: Flower blossoms thank you, life and death are impermanent

Chen Rui was shocked. Because of the analysis, Bai Luo’s comprehensive strength assessment has risen to “can’t judge”.

Judging from the previous contacts and Isabella's intelligence, Bailuo's strength is at best the peak of the Emperor, and there are still many gaps from the level of the Emperor. I can't think of reaching the Emperor?

The original Chen Rui’s killing plan, although somewhat risky, is still quite sure. Now that it is almost at the final moment, Bai Luo’s sudden real strength has made him unexpected. It seems that one part of the killing plan Must be ahead of time, even if a plan fails, kill this **** enemy!

After Chen Rui made up his mind, a walnut-sized object appeared in his hand, it was Zele.

Zele's power is terrible. At the time of breaking through the secret, he had already used one. Now there are only two left. Even though Bailuo has reached the level of the emperor, he has to go half a life without dying.

However, it takes time for Zeray to activate the above-mentioned dragon inscriptions one by one in order to exert the strongest power.

Without waiting for Chen Rui to activate Zele's inscription, Bai Luo's figure has already appeared in front of him, Chen Rui has been unable to launch an instant movement, and immediately released the protective cover. Bai Luo reached out and grabbed the hood, but he wanted to use the pure force to suppress the "Charles" star field with strong weakening power, but there was no reaction at all. The super system skills seemed to Beyond all rules.

"Isabella!" Chen Ruida # snorted, and now he urgently needs someone to hold Bailu, in order to inspire Ze Lei's inscription.

Isabella also saw that the power of Bailuo has skyrocketed, and it has reached an unmatchable level. Hearing Chen Rui’s voice, he bite his teeth, not only the left eye, but also the golden light from the right eye. The pupil can faintly see an image of an eye in the right eye.

Bai Luo’s hand was just about to catch Chen Rui, and suddenly he felt a pain in his head. He was rushed by a strong spiritual force. Isabella showed the power of evil eyes, just playing the talent of ignoring defense, Bailuo Painfully slammed his head and slammed back a few steps, Isabella's "breaking soul" turned into a streamer, and rushed away to Bailuo's heart.

Bai Luo subconsciously waved a block, while an ice shield appeared, but the sharp edge of the soul was far above the imagination, not only pierced the ice shield, but also nailed to his palm.

Bailuo screamed, but the pain caused him to quickly get rid of the interference of mental shock. He suddenly looked up and his eyes flickered. Isabella snorted and flew out, fell to the ground, just fell on the already Bai Luola opened the distance next to Chen Rui, but her right eye could not be opened, and her eyes were bloody.

In the case of considerable strength, the eyes of the nightmare and the evil king should be difficult to distinguish, but the difference between Isabella's strength and Bailuo is too big. Although there are evil eye growth and integration power, but in the nightmare Under the counterattack, the mental power has been greatly damaged.

Chen Rui grabbed Isabella and fled to the courtyard of the courtyard. Bai Luo only said that he was in a hurry, revealing the color of the haze, and was about to pursue it. He felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, even if he was present. This state has reached the first stage of the emperor, and the sense of crisis is still strong.

White light, the dazzling white light, in an instant, the sight and the hearing seem to have lost their effect at the same time.

Then, the entire southern suburbs could feel the shaking of the mountains.

Although the No. 7 Courtyard was "packed" in these days, Chen Rui had already laid down various imprisonment and magic arrays, but after all, it was not the prison of the 13th prison. The entire No. 7 courtyard was razed to the ground. The entire vast Yueyue Pavilion was trembled with violent earthquakes, as if the sky was falling, many people were injured and injured, and many unidentified guests fled the courtyard in horror.

The smoke and dust were exhausted, and Chen Rui and Isabella’s house barely retained a little wreckage, but the two did not suffer much damage. There was a lesson from the 13th prison. Chen Rui had been in the past few days. Inscriptions such as heavy absorption and reinforcement were placed in the house, and it was finally escaped.

Isabella, who had been seriously injured, was lying on the ground, looking at the completely destroyed No. 7 courtyard, and the still trembling ground showed signs that the whole mountain was collapsing at any time - this terrible power, no wonder "Charles" Can destroy the 13th prison!

At this moment, Chen Rui’s face changed and he suddenly looked up. He saw the black smoke in the air flying fast and condensing into an adult shape. The figure appeared in Bailuo - such a powerful explosion did not kill Bailuo. ?

Bai Luo’s current appearance is terrifying, not only the twisted, unrecognizable face, but also the scarred body. Many places can even see the white bones - if not the nightmare field can be transformed into an invisible state that greatly reduces the damage. In addition, all of the calls to Manu's peak of the Emperor's power protection, just now he has broken bones.

This is the case, Zele still caused almost fatal serious wounds, especially in the field of nightmares, the power of Manu, which has not been absorbed, has been shown to be protected and spread throughout the body of Bailuo. This means that he will no longer be able to absorb the flesh-and-blood power of this demon level, and he can only work **** his own, so that he may enter the realm of the devil.

"Dead!" Bai Luo gnashed his teeth and smashed a word through the hoarse throat. The surrounding air seemed to be solidified by some kind of icy power, and there was a trace of the cobwebs that made Chen Rui and Yi. Sabella couldn't move for a while. This is Manu's "original" power. Even if Bailu is not used, when time is up, it will disappear.

The white dagger’s dagger’s “Splinter Spirit” shines, and under a package of ice and cold energy, lightning flashes out, not to Isabella, but the most hated Chen Rui – this human too Hate! Even with this kind of killing, he was so terribly hit! It’s not easy to get the power from Manu to be spent, it’s a sin to die, you must kill him! As for what cooperation, what black medicine is thrown into the back!

Moreover, if the means just used is once again, then even if there is Manu’s strength to support it, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

Facing the terrible killer containing the power of the emperor, Chen Rui, who is bound by the field, has no time to make any evasion. He instinctively feels that if he is hit by this attack, even if his physical condition is special, he will not harm the knife. Will die, the body will be disintegrated by the terrible ice cold.

"Dark will" can't be used in this kind of field power. When it was cracked by Bailuo in the wet night, you can only use the "flying" skill once a day. The shield is in front, although it will reveal that "Charles" is the identity of "Arthur," and the plan will be affected, but now it is a matter of life and death.

At this time, a figure slammed from the ground and threw down Chen Rui. The dagger containing the power of the emperor was firmly nailed to the figure.


She didn't know where the strength came from, and she broke free from the shackles of the spider silk. She blocked Chen Rui from the deadly dagger and pierced through her chest. She then plunged into Chen Rui’s chest but only entered There is no threat to the meat.

Chen Rui is really shocked. From the beginning to the end, he is only false and false about Isabella. Isabella should also understand that even after a little bit of her touching her, she has never really been tempted. Otherwise, he will not kill him four times.


Isabella's right eye with blood sticking can't be opened, and the golden color of the pupil of the left eye is also fading. The pale face is not a trace of blood, but it shows a faint smile: "You said, sometimes we may not be able to choose Start, but you can choose to end. This is the end of my choice....

Chen Rui felt that the blood flowing from Isabella's body suddenly became cold and flowed into his body. This moment, he even had a feeling of faint pain, which was heartache.

Bai Luo did not expect Isabella to suddenly do this, but anyway, these two people are unable to escape, and they are about to solve the two people’s screams suddenly, and Bai Luo feels the power contained in this roar. Amazed, and the snoring approached at a very fast speed, and the moment had arrived.

This is a black robe man, with a short blond hair and a deep facial features. He has three pairs of wings behind him and floats in the air.

The supreme ruler of the Emperor's Emperor, the Regent King.

The blackbird finally came. The reason he came here was the invitation that Chen Rui sent in advance. He was originally on the way to the Yuyue Pavilion. After hearing the huge explosion from the Yuyue Pavilion, he immediately took the horse from the carriage. Fly out and come all out.

It’s just that the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Because Bailu’s strength is beyond the expectations of Chen Rui, the timing of the black don’t come to the appointment is still a little late, and people are not as good as days.

After seeing the scene in the field, the black scorpion was shocked first, and then an extremely angry expression came out. Charles and Isabella fell on the ground full of blood, life and death, and from the scene before it, it was absolutely gone. A terrible battle.

All this is done by this guy in the air!

Bai Luo recognized the black scorpion. I didn't expect it to appear here so quickly. He relied on external forces, and at most it was only the first stage of the emperor, and the black scorpion was the peak emperor, even if the strength did not reach Lei Zen or Kay. The degree of Saline is far from what she can currently match. It seems that today it has not killed the human being, so it is killing Isabella, but the loss of one's own side is too heavy.

At this time, Chen Rui, who fell to the ground, suddenly screamed, shaking the mountain for a while, bursting open, and a **** fog with Isabella, it seems to be broken, while at the same time, black and white ideas One of the equality contracts in the disappearance disappeared without a trace.

Rumble! The mountain where the entire No. 7 Courtyard is located has finally been unable to withstand the ravages and collapsed.

Black sorrow, can't believe his own eyes, this is a court senior consultant with a large number of astronomical figures raised from major families in all major territories. This is the most precious black pharmacy. What is the most crucial partner of the Angel Empire and his own future, so ruined?

What is the solution to the sword of the angel?

What about black medicine?

What are the huge benefits that are in urgent need of return?

Bai Luo was also shocked. Just now, he did not seem to have such an exaggerated effect.

If Bailuo crosses into a forum to browse the posts of netizens, then it is entirely possible to reply to the explosion effect of the landlord Chen Rui. "Although I don't understand why, but it looks very powerful," Bailu has no time to go. After crossing, even the time of consideration has disappeared, because the crazy murderousness from the black scorpion has locked him tightly.

The black scorpion was flashing, and the blink of an eye appeared in front of Bailuo. The fist with a black flame slammed into the chest of Bailuo. Bailuo hurriedly turned into a black mist form in the nightmare field, and Mano flesh that had not yet dissipated. The power is also turned into thousands of spiders, wrapped around black.

The black scorpion's body ignited a black flame with the power of terror destruction. It was the **** talent of the Lucifer family. Wherever the black inflammation went, the spider silks turned into ashes, and the nightmare of Bailuo was black and foggy. It also made a squeaky sound, which was eventually unsustainable. It had to be re-aggregated to form the human form of Bailuo, which had been turned into coke below the elbow of the left arm.

The talent of black inflammation has a natural gram effect on this kind of invisible trick. It is strange that Bailuo’s luck is too bad, otherwise the strength of Manu will not be so fast.

Bai Luo has no time to take care of the arm's injury. He bites the tip of his tongue and spurts a blood. The blood shows a blue-and-red light door in the faint air. At the same time, a huge ice shield is in front of the black scorpion, black. As soon as boxing goes, the thick ice shield is shattered like thin glass, and the fragments are instantly melted by black inflammation.

At this time, there was a horrible destruction of the flames at the back, but Bai Luo couldn’t take it anymore. He bit his teeth and tried his best to rush toward the light gate. If you can’t escape now, then today’s happy death is a kind of death. Extravagant.

Black 曜 曜 曜 凌 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The light door, suddenly disappeared with the light door, and I don’t know if it is dead or alive.

The black scorpion could not think that the murderer could still get out of his hand. He only felt that a strong depression in his chest could not be vented, and he screamed. The entire emperor echoed the angry voice of the regent.

Of course, Chen Rui did not die. He just launched a pretending prop that was prepared before, and then fled through the gate of the starry sky. If he was in peacetime, he might not be able to pass through the black and white Scenes, black and white are unable to take into account some details, the most realistic, is the "disappearance" of the equality contract.

Therefore, Bailuo backed the black pot that killed "Charles". Therefore, the black scorpion must kill Bailuo, and it will surely investigate this matter thoroughly, and violent revenge will be carried out in the territory to clear up the **** forces. The two sides are losing each other, and for the dark moon, you can get precious development time.

Even though Bai Luo’s strength is more than estimated, basically, things are going smoothly according to his previous plans.

In addition to Isabella.

In the life and death, he gave up his life to block the flower of the Emperor Mandala.

Now, this flower is about to wither.

PS: In order to thank the newly-elected lord of the "Fairy Fairy Girl", there is a chapter in the afternoon, thank you!

I would like to especially thank the book-friends for "writing myths" reminders that the main reason for that day was that there was no manuscript, and the two days were particularly time-consuming. On July 19th, there was a big push. This time is going to be desperate. At that time, it will explode as much as possible. Please support us a lot. Hey.

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