Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 373: Combat ball

Chen Rui holds Isabella in her arms, and her blood of the mouth has already formed ice, and the monks are shaking involuntarily.

"Bai Luo·········································································································· The life and death of the enemy.

"There is a black scorpion shot, he must not escape."

Isabella’s eyes sighed with relief: “I’m sorry, I’m afraid... I’ll only give you back once.”

Chen Rui knows what she meant. She wanted to kill him four times. It was offset once, but he could feel it. It was definitely not a simple repayment.


"Don't you call Eni?" Isabella barely made a smile. "However, this Isabella, I heard it from your mouth, the most true name."

Chen Rui’s heart trembled, and sure enough, the emotional thing is not to play, the more invested, the more you can feel the true and false, so to speak...

Chen Rui keeps telling himself that this is just a false and false script, a woman who plays a fake, fake and vicious, but, I don’t know why, my heart is still faint.

"Charles, what are you going to do?"

"Charles" cut off the **** cooperation, and fled by fake death, almost broke off the foothold in the devil world, Isabella did not understand what he would do.

"I am a liar, a simple liar. That's all." Chen Rui gently put her hair in front of her blood. "You have not said, if I am just a liar, maybe our ending will be different?" ?"

"It's already different..." Isabella looked at him quietly, didn't ask for extra things, Chen Rui gave her a bottle of healing potion, but it didn't help, even she could clearly feel To her vitality is passing fast.

"Promise me one thing. In the future, you will have the chance to see my nephew.... tell him that the wind and shadow boots... have been lost two hundred years ago..."

Wind and shadow boots!

Chen Rui was shocked and faintly guessed about the man that Isabella met two hundred years ago. He deliberately asked: "Wind Shadow Boots? Is it one of the seven great artifacts of the Devil?"

Isabella's gaze close to the collapse began: "In that year, the ignorant girl met a sweet man who was swearing, convinced, not afraid of the family, the sisters, the most precious artifacts. I gave him...·····

It turned out that the wind and shadow boots actually fell in the hands of the human man! The highest artifact of Bellier·····幺. Is this actually in the human world?

That is to say, Luo Méng wants to get back to the wind and boots only to go to the ground world?

"Saplina likes to fight with me since she was a child. Even men are like this, but we are all wrong," Isabella smirked. "There are only artifacts in this man's eyes, even my dedication." It was quite restrained, until he got the artifact and abandoned me mercilessly, I realized that he actually hated women very much and liked men!"

Isabella’s smirk is even worse, even the **** tears are laughing. Even the power of Bailu’s ice can’t be frozen: “It’s ridiculous! I’m so foolish, I’m so desperate to fall in love with this one. Cold-blooded swindlers, and ...··· even devotional are dismissed!"

Chen Rui listened quietly, the only thing that can be done is to carefully wipe her tears.

Although I only heard a scale and a half claw, Chen Rui can imagine that this once pure and innocent Snowdale has experienced the rough and bitterness of the past two hundred years, and it has become the poisonous mandala. Therefore, she hates men for hating feelings and even hating everything. There is only hatred and hatred in life.

However, it can be seen from the oysters of the wěn, in fact, the scent of the mandala is still faintly left with the fragrance of Xuedala.

"You are also a liar... Charles, maybe not your real name..." Isabella's life gradually disappeared with sorrow, "However, I would rather run into it that year. You, at least... at least...·····

Ibera’s voice is getting smaller and smaller, and the body’s trembling is gradually stopping.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and finally made a decision.

He had a clear glass bottle on his hand, and the bottle contained a black sè.

The Emperor of the Angels, the Royal Palace.

The black-faced face yīn looked at the few people who were squatting below. One of them was his most favorite and most trusted scorpion. It was this scorpion who sold him and drunk him after he was drunk. The most secretive information leaked out.


This power that has already been heard, is so courageous! The hand stretches so long! Even the most trusted woman around him is the person of this organization!

Although according to this scorpion, this "upper" person should be trying to win over "Charles", but no matter what, "Charles" and Isabella's death are all **** directors.

This is not the most critical issue.

The most terrible thing is that all the big money was given to "Charles". At that time, the black scorpion saw it with his own eyes. "Charles" used space magic to earn some space in the sī space. Now this partner is dead, this money is equal to Into the space turbulence, no way to find it back! This is the black money itself plus the huge summons of the major lords and the major families. It’s just that the red lord lord is one person, and there are billions!

Now not only is the huge amount gone, the black sè medicine is gone, even Charles is gone, it can be said that there is no evidence of death! What will you take back to these families, these territories?

At the thought of this, the heart of the black scorpion will drop blood.

Even if you shake the **** truth out, even use that dice to testify, no one will believe, no willing to believe, those guys only need money!

Speaking of it, I blame myself for not guaranteeing it, but at that time, who knows that this will happen?

At the moment, the Devils Pharmacist Competition is about to start, and we must first try to raise funds to successfully hold it. As for the money in those territories, we can only try to delay the time and find a solution!

The scorpion stepped forward and hugged the black tutu. He kissed his boots and cried: "His Royal Highness, please forgive me! I am forced, I will never dare any more, I must be more dedicated."地服 shìHis Royal ·······

The words have not finished, the beautiful face suddenly burned up. In the screams, the whole body was burned to ashes for a moment, and the black eyes of the beloved woman were solved by hand and the cold cold light was swallowed, and two words were spit out: "Blood!"

Darkmoon City.

Residents did not know that compared with the shocking bō澜 who was out of the dark moon in the emperor, what they are currently talking about is only a small wave.

The most talked about in the dark month is a battle ball game.

This game is completely different from those of the past. It does not mean that it is a fierce or wonderful level. It is a gambling game that can affect the entire dark moon situation.

At the recent regular meeting, the financial officer Joseph, who was pushed to the edge of the cliff by the princess, was finally openly attacked, and offered a solemn protest to the lord and protested a series of sanctions and suppression. It is only now that Joseph himself is not allowed to trust in the Red Sea Territory. It is impossible to use the policy of Chiyou as a card as in the past. What's more, the dark moon is no longer a dark moon a year or two ago.

After the protest was invalidated, Joseph finally "helplessly" made the last move, that is, using his established chamber of commerce, all the industries under his name, and the position of the financial officer to publicly gamble with Joseph’s bet. It is said that it is a slap in the face, asking the long princess to issue bets including the Union Chamber of Commerce, Night Market, Princess Square, auction house, arena, etc. It is almost all the economic power controlled by Xia.

Xia refused without thinking, saying that she could not use sloppy methods such as gambling to decide such a big event. From the current bright point of view, even if she took this risk, she could slowly squeeze Joseph.

Joseph was very embarrassed, and he displayed the law in the name of the royal family. He also used many means of brewing for a long time. So that Xia could not get down, he changed an excuse to say that Joseph’s bet was too small to be It is true that she now has the same assets in her hands.

This has to be replaced by a ratio of almost impossible one or two years ago. Now the situation is reversed, the initiative is good, and the strength is good. All of them have an absolute advantage.

At this time, the change of life, the "Agulie" who had been standing on the side of the Greek side and was also captain of the reserve of the Guards, suddenly turned down and announced that the cloak would fully support the Joseph side.

Everyone was in a state of utter disappointment. The original "Agulie" turned out to be the chess piece that Joseph placed next to Xia!

In this way, Joseph had more of the arena, the night market and the cloak industry, and the position of the financial officer, barely and the Chia side barely flat. Xia’s anger against the “Agulie”’s anti-water rush was unanimous. Under the circumstance of a family, one promised. Many of these families are wall-headed grasses, and they will look at the opportunities very much. No matter who wins or loses, it is the same. The two sides use the battle ball as a gambling game. They are scheduled to hold a high-profile competition at the end of the month. Will be witnessed by all the audience, who wins, who will really control the dark moon economy.

With the prestige of Xia in the dark moon, plus the strength of the Guards and Guards, which are obviously higher than the civil teams, people are mostly optimistic about the princess. As for Joseph, at most it is only a relatively strong team of secret training. can not be compared with the Guards and Guards who represent the highest level of the Devil's Fighting Ball.

It should be known that the rules of the battle ball have strict restrictions on both sides of the competition. It is impossible for the high-level demon to play the low-level demon. The two sides who are agreed by Joseph and the princess are the middle-order demon team.

Xia should be a stable winner. The dark moon soldiers and civilians think so. Most families think so. Only Joseph doesn’t think so. He has seen the middle-class demon fighting team under the command of "Agulie". To stabilize all the teams in the current dark moon, there are so many gestures in front, including pushing yourself to the edge of the cliff, just for this regular meeting.

"Agulie" did not let him down, and stood up in time, successfully contributed to the gambling game, with the careful planning of this ally, his Joseph is the last real winner!

It’s just that Joseph didn’t know that even Agulie himself thought that Xia would win. This is a pit at all. Now that Joseph has jumped and is burying himself in the soil step by step, it is the last shovel.

From the beginning of the cooperation with "Agulie Besib", the yīn secretly dark month financial officer, the eldest lord eldest son, has been destined to be a complete cup. ! .

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