Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 413: Got out! Go to the blue melted peacekeeping force

After the great victory in the town of Luis, the dark moon, which has been low-key in the military, finally got a big move. Tofu novel without pop-up window

That is to send troops to the south, to the blue melt territory.

If the Lord’s lord is in the battle of the Lord, there is still a reason for the “heir” Joseph to be killed, and the blue-melt territory of the joint troop is a robbery with no reason.

When the White Night Emperor was in a rage, he had to beheaded the blue-melt lord, and it was the father of the Greek father, Green Prince, who had squandered his life. As a result, Tieton on the surface showed good to the two generations of the lords of Green and Chia, but secretly smuggled. The population and resources of the dark moon, this time with the red secluded troops, is obviously a white-eyed wolf.

However, the dark moon sent troops to the blue melt is not for revenge, but because the son of the former blue melter, Teutonic, the current temporary lord, Chandler sent a letter of assistance to the dark moon Princess Chia. .

The letter claimed that the blue melted territory is now experiencing huge difficulties. The capital funded by the emperor is still not even returned by a white crystal coin. The people are facing threats of famine, and there are also rebels like Sumen who are begging for chaos. His Royal Highness gave support to the army and gave certain financial assistance.

Chandler’s letter also specifically mentions that even though the blue melt has a place where the dark moon is not satisfied, the blood of 100,000 people plus the death of the former lord of the blue melt is enough to compensate for the fault. Please ask His Royal Highness For the sake of the blue melters, help the blue melt through this difficult time, and later the blue melt is a dark moon.

This is already a hint of surrender. If the blue melt, one of the four territories, falls to the dark moon, the influence must definitely exceed the sum of the small and medium-sized territories.

The long princess, Chia, considered for a long time and finally decided to send troops to support the blue melt. Before that, the dark moon had repeatedly supported and helped the nearby small territory, and the letter of Chandler was extremely demanding, so this action did not Caused a special sway around.

This time the dark moon was dispatched by the original guard army, now renamed the elite force in the Flames and Lights Corps. The army of 10,000 people was personally led by the army leader Athena. The financial officer Chen Rui was also on the list. Temporarily leading the military staff, the main task is to help the blue melt to restructure the economy and business.

In order to be on the safe side, Xia also sent the deputy head of the current Red Blood Legion, and the head of the cloak society, Agulie, went on the army to further protect the safety of the key personnel including the financial officer Chen Rui.

The identity of this Agueli has been mysterious. It is said that no one has seen his true face. He once played a crucial role in the downfall of Joseph, showing the wisdom beyond the ordinary people, and in Reis In the battle of the town wilderness, the mysterious cloak who defeated the red lord and the singer, and killed the imperial envoy Arus, is probably the leader of the cloak.

Whether it is civil and military, the dark moon is considered to be the best, and aid blue melt is a must.

This flame-light army, which Chen Rui called "the peacekeeping force", passed through Yankou Town. Instead of ordering or detouring, Athena ordered the army to station on the ground. For the mysterious death that once buried the 100,000 blue-melted army, the elites of the legions showed considerable vigilance and even nervousness, and they were guarded against the night. Although the white fog was terrible in the evening, the beasts of the beasts screamed from time to time, but fortunately Nothing happened. The next day, the army embarked on the journey.

These elites used to annihilate thieves in the small territory nearby, and experienced this daring, experience and tacit understanding. Of course, Athena chose to stay in Yankou Town not only to train the army. Guess, more reasons are Guladam.

This time, Chen Rui brought a lot of equipment to arm the undead army of Guladam. Many of them were excellent equipment. When the corpse saw the equipment, the red light flashed a huge surprise. The undead army is in the concept of ordinary battles, that is, marine tactics and cannon fodder. It has never been such a concept of elite armed forces, which is of course related to his new undead arms, but more of this main attention, or Called respect.

In particular, the basis of this "respect" is based on the terrorist power that the dragon has recovered to the peak of the emperor. This point. Although Chen Rui did not say it clearly, the corpse witch who is the peak of the Emperor has clearly sensed the chilling breath that he had uploaded from the poison dragon. No, it seems more terrible than it was two thousand years ago!

The 100,000-strong army of the Blue Melt has been transformed into the undead. Among them, Mallorca, the first stage of the Demon Emperor, has also been made into the strongest elite terrorist knight. As for the blue-melt lord Tedun in the middle of the demon, it is in the transformation. At that time, I had a little bit of a scorpion. Fortunately, I used the vampire-making secrets provided by 琉, and after I improved it, I turned Teton into a vampire.

Guladam praised his talents and accepted his servants. Unfortunately, he had signed a master-slave contract with Chen Rui and could no longer sign a contract with a second person. He proposed to let Chen Rui accept him as a servant. After Chen Rui upgraded to the five-star evolution, the spiritual link also upgraded. The number of equal links has risen from four to five, and only Pagliu is currently alone.

The high and low contracts rose from twelve to fifteen, and the signing of the master-slave contract was Guladam and Samuel; the signing of the master-servant contract was inferior to the sorcerer, the lost, the Tim, the Royce trio. Seven people, Celine, now added a total of ten people, there are five spare lists. As for 傀儡, there are still only two places. Now it is two of Canita and Snow. In a sense, these two are a bit repetitive, but there is still no need to make changes.

Spiritual link is not only a detailed diagram of the contract, but also a link enhancement function. Chen Rui is now a five-star Yu Xingjun, which can be used to strengthen, divided into star enhancement and combat enhancement.

Star strengthening is permanent xìng. Just one star strengthening reminds you that 100,000 beliefs need to be crystallized, and combat strengthening is time-saving.

At present, in the super sister system, the population of the blue sè planet is still too small, the growth of belief crystals is slow, and the crystal of the pillar of belief grows automatically every day, only a total of more than three hundred crystals.

Chen Rui has always wanted to test the strongest Yuxing to change the combat skills, but the belief is no more than aura, can not be converted to a certain material, can only go with the flow, now he wants to first crystallization to a thousand, and then try this link Enhanced features.

The undead army is all equipped with weapons. The ordinary cannon ash is naturally used for road goods, while the elite troops are equipped with advanced equipment. Many of them are also magical equipment. For example, the newly-developed scull archers are armed. The magical bow; the sorcerer is the magic bracelet of magical increase and quick mental recovery; the hussars include the sacral warhorse using the light armor and vest to accelerate and enhance the defense; as for the equipment of the terrorist knight, it has reached the level of excellence. The elite terrorist knight Mallorca and the elite vampire Teutonic are even equipped with the armor and weapons of the legendary armor.

In the face of the powerful armed forces of the undead army, Guladham appeared to be unusually moving. The promise of the Lord is not a false statement. These equipments are no different from the regular army. Chen Rui gave the corpse a standard. The legendary cloak and a legendary wand, as well as two auxiliary superior magical accessories, the equipment is very well-known, although the magic jewelry is only superior, but it can make the sorcerer stable magic and maximize The power of the overall equipment has greatly increased the spiritual strength and dark magic power of Guladam.

The traditional necromancer controls the army with spiritual power, while Guladam is a mysterious technique that is similar to the spiritual hún chain, which can greatly increase the number of controls, but it is also inseparable from the foundation of mental power. The equipment given by Chen Rui, in addition to the enhancement of his own magical power, greatly enhanced the ability to control the undead army, and now expressed his gratitude.

The army passed through the town of Yankou and went all the way to the town of Soto, the southernmost part of the dark moon. Now it has been laid a new line of defense. Athena has a little condolence to the guards in the town of Soto, with this 10,000 The army continued to go south, and Haohao dàngdàng entered the blue melt boundary.

The northernmost barrier of the Blue Lavender is the town of Pesca, and there are scouts to report: Pessa Town has been waiting for it, and all the magic protection arrays have been opened.

Compared with the well-equipped flame-light army, the defenders of Pessa Town can only be described with chills, and many even have armor weapons, just holding simple weapons and even agricultural tools. Obviously, most of them are not regular soldiers.

After the lord's war, the blue melt was ruthless, and the temporary temporary lord Chandler was incompetent, levying levy, causing internal rebellion and broken hearts.

The army of Pessa has been in arrears for two months. The soldiers ran and dispersed. This place where the heavy soldiers are laid down today is not even one-tenth of the regular strength. Even if the magic array is still effective, but the face is still effective. The tens of thousands of people in the dark moon can be said to be stronger than a muddy wall.

As for the townspeople who took the farm tools, under the leadership of the old town of Ryan, they spontaneously came to participate in the defense. At first, the blue melt ungratefully invaded the dark moon, and now it is reasonable to retaliate against the dark moon. With the hottest means of destroying the 100,000-strong army in the dark moon, once the town is broken, I am afraid that all the townspeople will be slaughtered.

Women and children are trying to transfer, because the "enemy" comes too fast ~ ~ must first fight for time, the Mozu are mostly brave, the horizontal is a dead word, it is better to fight for the wife and the enemy.

Looking at the hostile Pessa town soldiers and civilians, Athena riding on the horse frowned. With the power of the Flames, it is not difficult to sweep the town of Pessa, but the name of this troop is not for the so-called occupation. And killing, but "helping."

If this first station is not handled well, it is likely to encounter more difficulties or even unnecessary losses.

The well-trained, well-armed Darkmoon Army has put a lot of pressure on the defenders and residents of Pessa Town. The terrible yīn霾 and fear are shrouded in everyone’s mind, and a resident’s hand with a bow trembles. Without stability, an arrow immediately came out of the string and landed in front of the Flames.

Although it was not shot, it was already the active provocation of Chi Lululu. The elite soldiers of the flames gathered a strong war, and they were ready to listen to the commander of the army, Athena, and began to launch a storm.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Rui's voice rang in time.

PS: This chapter is mainly based on transition and accountability. The recommended ticket has exceeded 100,000, and there is a third in the later. RT! .

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