Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 414: Poisons and "old friends"

Unexpectedly, Chen Rui’s first sentence is not to stop the fighting, but to incite the "strongest blade of the dark moon, the elite of the flames, answer me, you can easily destroy the immediate defense, level this Is it a small town?"

"Can!" The neat and loud voice reveals a strong determination. The high morale and invisible pressure of the show make the soldiers and civilians in the town of Pessa more tense. No one doubts that the enemy can take them as long as they have an assault. Poor guarding power is completely ruined

"If we are facing the enemy, our army leader Athena will immediately order the whole army to attack and turn the enemy into a powder! But she has not been ordered to be brave and decisive. Although this territory has not been ungratefully invaded recently. Our territory, slaughtering and plundering our loved ones and property, but it is only their rulers, not the innocent soldiers and civilians in front of you! The invaders have paid the price of blood, we are the strongest in the dark moon. The army will be the strongest army in the devil world in the future. We don’t need to prove our courage by killing and slaughtering innocents!"

The sound that humans amplify through some magical props? Powerful, it seems that people have seen the brave who first rushed to the Red Army: "Tell me, Her Royal Highness sent her strongest flame army, what is the purpose of the blue melt?"

"Help the blue melt!" Under the leadership of Athena, thousands of people came out.

Chen Rui nodded with satisfaction, and immediately took a few steps to the guards of Pessa Town. "The soldiers and civilians in Pesza Town, I am Chen Rui, the financial officer of the Darkmoon. First of all, I will defend your homeland. Courage expresses tribute, but today we are coming to the Blue Melt, not to invade your homeland, not to retaliate and kill, but to peace and friendship! Our long princess, His Royal Highness, received the blue melted lord Chandler The emergency letter of help, considering that the blue-melted people are out of the fiery suffering... so we don’t care about the suspicion, send us to support! We will help the blue melt to settle the rebellion and restore the economy and prosperity. Please remove the magic array. Put away your hostility...we will never let any soldier or resident suffer damage."

The soldiers and civilians in the town of Pessa face each other. This Chen Rui’s name has been heard. It seems to be an important task for the development of the dark moon, or a personal class.

This man has been right before, and it is really impossible to resist the contrast of the strength of the two sides. In this case, the other party can completely sweep away this poor defensive force... Why bother?

No one wants to die, and hears hope of survival. Many people’s eyes are on the head of the mayor Ryan. Old Ryan is a dark elf, has been more than three hundred years old, and has great prestige in the town.

After learning that the Darkmoon Army arrived, the defense commander in charge of the military fled early, and he was fully motivated to take part in the defense of the townspeople and fight for the escape of their daughters and children.

Although Ryan is old, it does not mean that he is not afraid of death. On the contrary, the older the person, the more afraid that the last moment will come... but the dark elf still cautiously asked: "I am the mayor, Ryan. This adult, you said that you were entrusted by the lord of the Lord to help the blue melt, why did we not receive the order from the lord?"

"Ryan Mayor, do you think that with the current blue melt chaos, can the order arrive on time?" Chen Rui shook his head. "Your lord adults have encountered troubles that are difficult to solve, otherwise they will not pull down. The son turned to the neighbor who had attacked him for help."

The dark elf mayor has been indulged for a while, and there is no response - removing the magical array is equivalent to completely giving up the resistance, in case the other person turns his face... this terrible army can kill everyone with impunity, but if you don’t remove the magic array, wait for yourself. While defying the order of the lord, the other party can still slaughter without any scruples. At most, it only adds a little resistance. The problem is that the children of the f-girls should not have escaped yet...

Chen Rui sees the other party in silence... adds another sentence: "We are coming with a sincere friendship that ignores the suspicion. We don't want to see unnecessary bloodshed and conflict. To prove this, you remove the magic array, I am now alone. come."

This kind of initiative has taken the initiative to act as a hostage. In the case of the Dark Moon Army’s steady victory, this human finance officer has actually made such an “unwise” adventure. Is it really that the lord Chandler has asked them to support it?

Now Chen Rui’s reputation has gradually spread in the empire of the Angel Empire. Although this human being has no power, it is the most trusted financial officer of the Darkmoon Princess Xia, and also the lover of the leader of the Flamelight Army, Athena!

Many of the glorymen’s eyes were cast on the head of the army’s head, Athena. Although the other side was weak, the financial officer’s actions were too risky. I must know that there were 100,000 troops in the dark moon. Who can guarantee that those guys who are strongly hostile will do something? Only the head of the army, Athena, was firm and calm, and did not stop her lover.

Old Ryan saw that Chen Rui had come to the horse alone, and immediately let the soldiers remove the magic array.

Chen Rui entered the checkpoint and looked at the soldiers and residents who were still in surprise. "Everyone, from your face, I saw fear, horror, and a hatred of hatred. Because there should be no between us. Certain wars have produced undue hatred. This kind of hatred may not be forgotten for a while, just because the dead people are already dead, so the living people should live better. We are here for the White Night Emperor. His order, the command of His Royal Highness Princess Hija, to help the blue melt with the sincerity of resolving hatred, will help the Blue Melt out of chaos and famine and restore the stability and prosperity of the past, as it does to the rest of the territory."

These words touched many people. Old Ryan finally nodded: "Adults can come here alone at risk, which is enough to prove everything."

Soldiers and townspeople in Pessa heard the words and laid down their weapons. The checkpoints opened and the Dark Moon entered the town of Pessa smoothly. What makes Old Ryan and the townspeople feel at ease is that this army did not burn and rob as expected, but the discipline has chosen a suitable location to station, without causing any harassment to the townspeople, but instead Under the leadership of the head of the army, Athena, donated a portion of food to relieve some of the most difficult townspeople.

There is no crime in the autumn, and it is also a bail-out, even if it is Blue Fusion’s own army.

Old Ryan completely let go of his heart and praised: "It is the elite of the empire's strongest territory!"

In fact, this kind of discipline is produced in the strict training and strict reward and punishment system... There was a small leader in the support of the small territory, and there was a small leader who could not hold the male xìng, in a semi-mandatory situation. Next, married a dark and fine woman in the territory xìng... As a result, the small leader was beheaded by the military judge in front of the entire army.

(According to the unreliable gossip, the corpse of the head was still buried by the dark goddess xìng)

After several incidents of killing one hundred and one hundred, coupled with the indoctrination of hard training, the discipline of the army has been significantly improved, and these elites have been able to truly prohibit the four words.

“Ryan’s mayor has won the prize,” Chen Rui thought for a moment. “In fact, our Princess Long Princess only received a letter of help from the sect of Chandler’s confidant, if it was not unique to the Abbas family. The imprint of the secret law is also thought to be forged. We just heard that there were many strange incidents in Luping Town. The deputy head of the Zhanlan deputy army, Sumen, rebelled. The specific situation was ignorant, and the mayor was asked to inform one or two."

Old Ryan thought for a moment and said: "Lu Pingzhen has passed the Luping town to the south in the southernmost part of the blue melt. It is the sea of ​​death. It is far away from us. I don't know the specific news, just listen. It is said that many townspeople have disappeared there and the lord of the lord has also ordered the closure of Luping Town, and no one is allowed to go out. As for the generals of General Summen... It seems that there is another hidden feeling. At present, the Blue Army has its name and has been almost dissolved. We have soldiers who have been recovered from there. It is said that General Sumen has an important relative in Luping Town. The so-called rebellion is likely to be related to this..."

Chen Rui also asked Lao Ryan a few questions. The answers he got were similar to those of the Dark Devils. However, from the comments of Lao Ryan and some townspeople, it was quite serious when the original Teutonic was in charge of taxation. Now Chandler’s levy is even more miserable. In order to calm the dissatisfaction in the territory, Chandler made a rather cruel punishment, intending to use **** means to stabilize the prestige and status of this temporary lord.

It’s just that this means seems to have a counter-effect to some extent. It should be clear from the reaction of the townspeople and the separation of Sumen from the Azure Legion. If Sumen chooses not only the army but the real rebellion, the respondent There will be more.

When the old Ryan and Chen Rui talked about it, suddenly there were soldiers to report that there were a large number of poisoned people in the town. The whole body was swollen and faint, and the fainting was not awake. Some soldiers in the dark moon were also like this. It is estimated to be nearby water source. Was poisoned.

There are rumors that some people in the Dark Moon Army want to poison themselves and destroy all the people in the town. At present, many townspeople who do not know the truth are already outside the military camp.

Old Ryan and Chen Ruiqi were surprised. They quickly went out and saw a large crowd of people under the pressure of black people. Under the provocation of the people, they shouted the dark moon people to roll out the blue melt.

"Everyone is quiet!" Old Ryan shouted loudly, and the prestige of the old elders of the Dark Elves made the noise of the noisy suddenly small.

"If the Dark Moon Army really wants to destroy us, there is no need to poison it! Even their own soldiers are poisoned!" Old Ryan shouted, in fact, he is more concerned with the town of Pessa, if it is dark The moon really turned its face and it was the townspeople who suffered.

Seeing the soldiers who were carried out in the same poison, the townspeople suddenly did not say anything. There was no such stupid trick, and even the most elite soldiers were buried together.

"Who knows if this is what yīn seeks? Maybe even the old mayor is bought by them! Before they came, there was no such thing in the town!" A voice screamed, this leader, many People are also shouting.

"Huai Mi!" The old man of the old town did not spend his old eyes. He saw the guy who took the lead and angered. "You **** the dross! When you brought you to the town, you are going to starve." Who relieved you and let your ungrateful white-eyed wolf live to the present? Now I am actually trapped and bought."

For a time, all the eyes fell on the dark elf called Huai Mi. The guy couldn’t speak for a moment. Chen Rui’s ear remembered the voice of Paglio: “The waist of this dark elf The smell of the poison is revealed, it should be a poison that has not been used up, and it is estimated that it will be poisoned again."

Chen Rui said a few words to the old Ryan, the old Ryan was furious, rushed forward, separated the crowd, and grabbed Huai Mi: "The original turned out to be your poison!"

Huai Mi was taken aback: "Nonsense, how are you..."

When the words were not finished, they were dragged by the old Ryan and immediately grabbed a bag of things: "What is this?"

Huai Mi’s dark face suddenly turned white, and he couldn’t speak.

The old Ryan ruled the town for many years, naturally has his own prestige and means, and said: "Do you want me to feed you now?"

Huai Mi slammed down: "The mayor is forgiving! It is a guy in black who let me do it! It is said to avenge the soldiers who died in the dark moon.................."

Athena took the initiative and immediately ordered: "The Flames of Light, immediately block the entrance and exit of the town, no one is allowed to come in and out!"

Old Ryan was anxious to wash away the innocence of Pessa Town and asked: "What does that guy look like?"

At this time, Paglio appeared in front of his eyes in a cloak, and his fingers caught a sharp arrow behind the head of Huai Mi.

Huaimi knows that he has silently turned around on the edge of life and death, and the cold sweat in his brain has emerged.

The people were taken aback, almost at the same time, Pagliu’s figure disappeared, and a black shadow was dropped to the ground.

The dark elf, Huai Mi, who was undecided, immediately screamed and pointed at the shadow: "It is him! It is he who buys... threatens me!"

Old Ryan looked at is a strange face, eyes lù fierce light, just can not move, seems to have lost the ability to resist.

"This incident is already very clear. Some people use tricks to frame the Dark Moon Army and provoke the friendly relationship between us." Chen Rui said loudly: "Please rest assured that we have the best military doctors in the army. I myself Proficient in poisoning, will definitely help those poisoned townspeople to eliminate poison!"

Chen Ruijing is a scorpion, and Paglio is here. It is definitely not a problem to solve this poison.

At this moment, the townspeople exclaimed, the original fierce eyes and ears and the silver sè at the same time, the whole person burst open, but the power of this burst has not spread, already Controlled by an invisible force field, it is impossible to pose a threat to the surrounding townspeople.

After the power was exhausted, the invisible force field disappeared, leaving only the dust that was turned into a powder, and it was the Paglieu who pretended to be "Agulie."

Chen Rui’s eyes narrowed slightly. This kind of self-destruction is quite familiar. It seems that this trip to the blue melt is likely to encounter “old friends”.

Ps: Today, three more, one in one, ask for help and beg forgive. ! .

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