Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 415: Susceptibility

Full text without advertising, the 415th chapter of the temptation

The toxins in Pessa town gradually subsided, and after about two days, the poisoned soldiers and the townspeople returned to normal. (Free download of full-text e-books) During this period, Chen Rui deliberately sent manpower to cooperate with the dark magic members lurking in various places, taking Pesha Town as a "model" and preaching the secrets of the Dark Moon Army to help the blue melt.

The Dark Moon’s work in the town of Pessa quickly spread, and it turned out that the success of the “first stop” was also obvious. The place that passed through basically did not encounter too much resistance, but instead The discipline and aid of the Moon Army praised. Although there is no such thing as "eat his mother, drink his mother, open the city gate to meet the king", but good reputation combined with strong force, and under the grace of the sun, the dark moon is spread throughout the territory. In the most difficult time to come to help the blue melt, the original hatred has been diluted a lot.

The hatred of war is mostly brought about by the ruling class for the benefit, and should not be borne by ordinary soldiers or civilians.

What's more, the strong is the respected, the winner is the king, has always been the rule of the devil world, the defeated choose to serve and loyal to the winners are numerous examples, unwilling to yield can only withdraw from the stage or directly eliminated.

The Dark Moon’s itinerary is not very fast. The purpose is to “build momentum.” Now almost everyone in the territory knows that the Darkmoon is supported by the request of Lord Chandler, and it has provided a lot of help for Blue Melting. Even the latter who controlled Chandler could not "reverse".

Finally, the Dark Moon Flame Army came to the center of the Blue Melting Land, Blue Melting City.

The strange thing is that the Blue City is not as tight as the imaginary closed city gate, but the gates are wide open, making a gesture of arrogance.

The blue-melted Sheriff Warren and the financial officer Mousse led the leaders of the various forces. On behalf of the "deputy lord" Chandler expressed warm welcome and cordial condolences to the Dark Moon Flame Army.

Blue Melt and Dark Moon belong to one of the four major territories. Warrett, Mousse, Chen Rui and Athena are all level posts, so it is not rude to represent Chandler.

"Three adults, the lord of the Lord originally wanted to personally welcome, only because of recent physical discomfort, so can not come, but also please the three adults forgive me." Financial Officer Mousse is a little thin servant, said with a smile .

This time, the investigation was very clear. The heads of the Darkmoon came to three. They were the head of the Yanguang Legion Army, the Sheriff Ashina, the deputy head of the Red Blood Corps, Agulie, and the financial officer Chen Rui.

Chen Rui said: "Mouss is too polite, how can we dare to have the lord of the lord to welcome, do not know if the army has a suitable station outside the city?"

"Outside the city? Your army is a guest, please stay in the military camp in the city. Since the rebellion of the deputy head of the Azure Army, Sumen, the military camp of the Azure Army has become an empty camp. Now it is just being used. I have sent people. Finished up there, and there are a lot of heroic soldiers who have a lot of supplies to the Legion."

Chen Rui and Athena looked at each other: "Then there is more trouble. Right, I have been studying the pharmacy with the master of the Dark Aldas. It has been slightly small... Athena, you stay in The military camp settled in the army, and I and Agulie are now going to visit the Lord Lord."

Chen Rui’s use is not a tone of negotiation or request, but a direct decision.

"This one……"

Mousseau hesitated, and a cold-eyed sheriff, Warrett, snorted and was about to speak. He was blocked by Muse’s eyes. The demon financial officer lost his smile: "Master Ardas is the master of the empire of the famous earthquake. If it is not postponed by the Emperor Pharmacist Competition, it is likely to have become the strongest master in the whole devil world. Since Chen Rui’s master has received his true biography, it should also be a master level, but we have invited several pharmacists to rule the lord. Adults. It’s just that the adults are coming from afar, so enthusiastic, and it’s hard to be alive.

Anyway, I can't refuse it. I don't want to compliment it. It seems that this mousse is very good.

Chen Rui nodded and whispered a few words to Athena. He walked with the mousse and others to the house of the lord, and the incarnation of Paglio, who was incarnate, was inseparable.

On the way, Chen Rui intentionally or unintentionally asked: "What is the general of Sumen General of the Azure Army? We heard a lot of rumors along the way, but we never know the true beginning and end of the incident."

Mousse explained: "Summon violated the order of the lord of the lord, and arbitrarily fled, and has been removed from the Azure Army. Now the territory is searching for this rebel."

Chen Rui did not speak, and Warrett said coldly: "General Sumen is not a rebel!"

"Varete, you..." Mousse showed an angry color. "Whatever the reason, defying the Lord is a rebellion! This, the Lord of the Lord has officially announced."

Warret snorted and did not speak again.

The lord's house was heavily guarded. After Mousse showed his intentions, the guards went in and sue. After a while, they came out and signaled the guests of the dark moon to enter.

Mousse, Warrett and several family representatives led Chen Rui into the lord's house.

In the hall, Chen Rui saw the blue melt "generational lord" Chandler who was not officially appointed by the emperor.

Chandler is the only son of Teutonic and the undoubted heir to the lord. His appearance is about twenty years old, but the lord's face is very pale. The body sitting on the throne is somewhat soft and has no eyes. God, hanging two deep eye bags, his face is stunned, it seems that as Mousse said, the disease is not light.

Chen Rui took Puguli slightly and said: "The dark moon financial officer Chen Rui, the deputy head of the Red Blood Legion, Agulie, has seen the lord."

"Chen Rui, I seem to have heard of this name, is it... the man of the dark moon?" Chandler’s words seemed to be weak, and seemed to think of something again. He asked: "Only, the blue melt and the dark moon did not exist until recently. After an unpleasant experience, I don’t know if the two are coming to the blue melt. What are you doing?"

Chen Rui brows slightly wrinkled, and Mousse quickly stepped forward and said: "Isn't the lord of the lord writing a letter to the Hidden Highness of the Darkmoon for help? Now the murder of the Dark Moon's Flames has reached the Blue City."

"The Dark Moon Army elite has reached the blue melt?" The fascination in the eyes of Chandler turned into a horror color. "Fast! Call Sumen to meet the enemy!"

"Lord Lord, how have you forgotten, General Sumen has been personally ordered to be rebellious by the adults, and is currently being defected." Mousse looked at Chen Rui and Paglieu, "This Chen Rui adults and those The army is sent to help us settle the rebellion."

"Please ask the Darkmoon Army to calm down the rebellion?" Chandler revealed the color of doubt. "How can I not remember?"

Mousse sighed and said to Chen Rui: "Chen Rui adults, the lord was inadvertently infected a while ago, as you have seen, when the condition is serious, many things can not be remembered, we invite many pharmacists I have seen it, I am at a loss, I don’t know if there is any good way for adults?"

Chen Rui has already seen that Chandler does have problems. He immediately became addicted. If it was only a minor injury, it would be enough to use the guru-level pharmacy of the redemption center. However, Chandler’s symptoms are not ordinary remedies. Can be cured.

At this time, the security officer Warrit spoke up: "Chen Rui adults, you said that the dark moon received a letter of assistance from the lord of the lord. However, the authenticity of the lord is still debatable, I hope you Can produce corresponding evidence to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding."

The export of this sentence, including the eyes of several family representatives, fell on Chen Rui’s body. Chen Rui saw the state of Chandler, and he already had a bottom in his heart. He took a letter without hesitation. "This letter was the loyalty of Lord Chandler, Graham, who personally sent it to the Darkmoon, which also has the **** mark of the Abbas family."

Warrit took a look at the letter, revealing the color of doubt, and several family representatives also came up, carefully read the contents of the letter and the **** mark, secretly nodded.

Graham is one of Chandler's cronies. There were many people missing some time ago. Graham is one of them. In fact, this person is dead and was discovered by the dark demons before he died. Chen Rui deliberately used this name, plus the unique **** imprint, everyone really did not doubt.

In fact, the **** imprint is that Chen Rui, when passing through Yankou Town, let the vampire Teutton, who has become Guladam's control, personally display it, just in case, just now, it really came in handy.

In the current state of Chandler, this letter is enough to confuse the truth. Even after Chandler is awake, it is very likely that he will not remember whether he has handwritten this letter.

Mousse leaned closer to Chandler and said: "The lord of the Lord, it seems that you really forgot, or hurry up and ask the Flames of the Dark Moon to quickly settle the rebellion of Summon and return to the dark moon as soon as possible."

These words made Chandler's line of sight gradually faint, and some said mechanically: "Yes, Sumen was deeply victimized by my father and son, and even committed a rebellion. I also asked the army of the Dark Moon to quickly eliminate the rebels and return to the blue. Melting a peace."

"The servant is using the magical technique of dark magic, and there should be mutated magic talent, which can manipulate the other words and deeds without the restrictions of time and space. Unless the savior actively releases the spell, or is killed, Otherwise, the controlled person can't get rid of the control." Paglio's subtle voice rang in Chen Rui's ear.

Chen Rui’s eyes are bright, slightly dagger, in the eyes of analysis, the comprehensive strength of mousse is d(c+), which is the high-level demon on the surface, which is actually the demon king’s peak, which is more than the c-level strength of the sheriff Warrior. To be strong He has long been suspicious, after Pagliu reminded, suddenly understood.

Chen Rui deliberately took a few steps and suddenly said: "I know! I should have a way to get Chandler Lord to return to normal!"

Mousse's eyelids jumped slightly: "Chen Rui adults, although I don't know what you have to do, but in any case, be cautious, the Lord's identity is honorable, and there is no loss, and we have invited several pharmacists..."

"Because you are only a pharmacist, if you ask a dark magic master, you may notice something." Chen Rui made a big change in his face. "The dark magic against the magic of light, we Humans have no less research, although my own power is weak, but this kind of dark magic can still be recognized. As far as I know, this kind of magic seems very mysterious, only the division level... the amount should be the devil A magician above the level can perform. Isn't it? Master Mousse? Or should you call the Dark Master?"

As soon as this was said, the sheriff Warrett and representatives of several families changed their faces and fell their eyes on the thin mousse.


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