Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 498: Ambush (I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

The cavalry took advantage of the degree to break through the blockade of the arrow rain and escaped the valley

"Troe, the number of casualties reported the number of casualties." Nesta gasped slightly, and in the same situation, he still maintained the power of the field to protect the soldiers around him.

Because of this, Nesta’s prestige and status in the Shadow Knights’ Regiment can be replaced.

Soon, Troy reported: "There are still 14 thousand rides left, of which about 3,000 are seriously injured, and about 5,000 are slightly injured. Also, Anspu has not returned yet."

"Ansip is the strong emperor. Even if you can't beat the enemy, it shouldn't be a problem to escape. It's just that we didn't even touch the enemy's side this time, and lost more than 5,000 people."

This number is more than Nesta’s imagination. I can’t help but clench my fist. If I don’t think it’s early, I don’t have a deep trap. It’s probably far more than this kind of casualty.

Troy frowned: "General, the enemy just used all the high-level magic arrows, the armor is very strong, our round shield has been penetrated."

"All are high-level armored magic arrows?" Nesta took a breath of cold, this is not an ordinary arrow, the cost is high, even if it is the most jīng sharp dìdūshè hand group can not be equipped with this The quality of the arrow, only some of the leader of the legion can only afford, the enemy is taking money and swearing...

"Some soldiers are very hurt, do you want to rest in place?"

"Can't stop" Nesta shook his head. "Move the fastest, and immediately rush back to the Moonlight Fortress. Hope the situation is not the worst of my estimate."

- That Hardy, there may be problems. Before the Moonlight Fortress was easily taken down, I felt that something was wrong. It was just that time was eager to attack Dike Town, so I didn’t have time to think about it, even if I left it in advance, I might not be able to It’s working, now you have to get to the Moonlight Fortress as soon as possible, or even return to the Red Sealand.

What Trojan wanted to say, seeing Nesta’s firm eyes, immediately gave up his plan and ordered the soldiers to march at all costs.

After a period of time, the cavalry regiment has traveled along the avenue to the winding mountain road. As long as you turn over the two mountains in front, you can successfully reach the moonlight fortress.

However, at this time, Nesta, who was at the forefront of the team, suddenly gave birth to an extremely dangerous premonition. There was no trace in advance. It was purely a high-level instinctive instinct.

A "careful" has not been exported yet, and I saw a bright light shining somewhere on the side.

At first it was still a light spot, and then it became a ball of flame flame wrapped in a faint purple sè, and the middle of the electric awning that seemed to be flashing in the middle was particularly dazzling in this late night.

Almost instantaneously, the flame was magnified in front of the cavalry, destroying the scent of the air with a screaming bang that erupted with an astonishing power.

In the landslide, hundreds of cavalrymen within a hundred meters of the horse instantly turned into a magical horse and a knight in the vicinity of the powder. They flew away in the huge waves, leaving only a terrible pit. Vague residual energy

"Magic Crystal Cannon" Nesta reveals a strange sè

He has never seen the magical crystal cannon that is so powerful.

Original Nesta still wants to rush to the Moonlight Fortress, how to brew a counterattack, wash the shame, but this horrible magic crystal cannon almost destroyed his confidence

Despite being outside the power range of the magical crystal cannon, Nesta can feel that even if he is hit by the magical crystal cannon, he will be seriously injured.

The rear is a white light spray, unlike the previous shell-like burst, this white light is a straight beam, but the diameter is a bit exaggerated, and it is a continuous energy, which is swept by the "beam" Wherever, the living body is broken down into particles and dissipated. After the beam clears a fan-shaped position, it finally weakens and disappears.

Nesta has not wanted to fight back at all, only one belief: escape

Take the soldiers out of these terrible magic crystal cannons

"Starting the Shadows and Charges as far as possible, and rushing back to the Moonlight Fortress." Nesta screamed, and two wings were on the back. There was a long sword and a huge square shield in the hand, flying in the direction of the magic crystal cannon. go with

Originally as a coach can not be light, but the current situation is urgent, Ansip is no longer, as the only flying power of the magic emperor, must go to destroy the magic crystal cannon this biggest threat

The Shadow Charge can only be used once a day. If you want to use it, the magic array will cost the Cavaliers and mount a lot of vitality. However, if the situation is urgent, if the situation is not upright, the entire Cavalry Corps will be the kind of terrible magic crystal cannon. Eliminate all

Although the two magic crystal cannons are powerful and terrifying, they all have the common problem of the magic crystal cannon. It is because the energy of the shè is too large during the cooling period, and it must rely on the magic array to cool, otherwise it will not bear the power and bomb.

Nesta’s figure has not yet reached the position of the magic crystal cannon. It feels like a strange whirl of the gods, and the brain is extremely painful. It seems to be cracking. The body is in the air and the front has appeared. A black shadow, two faint blue awns in the hand like lightning

When Nesta rushed, the body shrank, and the shield was in front of him. He only listened to the sound of "叮叮". In an instant, he did not know how many attacks the enemy blocked. The shield in his hand could hardly hold.

Nesta was secretly scared, the shield slammed a wave, a shield hit the other side, and then the right hand's long sword stabbed toward the black shadow, and the screaming black sè flame on the sword, with a strong destruction Breath, it is the strongest attacking talent of the Lucifer family.

After the shadow of the black shadow floated, the blue awn in the hand seemed to be a double-knife, and began to rotate to form a force field similar to vacuum. The black inflammation on the long sword was involuntarily smashed into the force field. The action is extremely fast, taking advantage of the strength of the other sword, the blue light is like a long snake around the tree, and the long sword rushes to the throat of Nesta.

Nesta hurriedly shunned his head and shunned the danger. The shield in his hand quickly stopped in front of him. When the shield covered his body, the ribs and the lower abdomen were as if they were electric shocked, and then the cracked drama was heard. pain

The magic crystal cannon in the distance sprayed the horror of the horror again. Although there was more than two doors, although the cooling time was a problem, the power was too horrible. Wherever, the life of the Shadow Army soldiers was quickly harvested. Many soldiers have already rushed into the mountain road and escaped the sickle's sickle by the cover of the terrain.

The death of the soldiers made Nesta look sly and cracked, but the strength of this opponent is still on his own. In addition to having terrible power and degree, he also has the kind of horrible jīng **** impact ability and then fights. Even leaving is a problem.

This raid was a complete failure, and the cavalry regiment suffered heavy losses. The front moonlight fortress may be dangerous and must lead the remaining soldiers out of danger.

One thought of this, Nesta's body broke out with amazing momentum seems to be desperately hit, but it is a sham, a double-winged flame, so forcing the fusion of black inflammation and the holy light wing two talents for Ness The current strength of the tower is quite dangerous. The dirty has been damaged by the force of the anti-phagic, but the effect is also quite obvious. The wings have already flew away.

Nesta's flight suddenly increased several times, and the black shadow of the blue-handed double-knife catching up with the pupil of the left eye turned into a golden sè, a bunch of golden light, and hit the far away of Nestanes. The tower snorted and refused to take the risk. Instead, it was added by this force and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"If you are on the ground, this guy will run away and blame." The black shadow waved his blue knife in an annoyed voice, making a snoring sound.

Then, on the topography of the mountain road, Nesta barely gathered the remnants and rushed toward the moonlight fortress. He did not ask Troy, who was seriously injured, to report the casualties, because it was only by visual inspection that he could judge that the soldiers following him were only 5,000.

The loss was far from imagination. The grievances were that the enemy had basically no casualties except for the elimination of Anspu. From the archery of the valley to the later magic crystal cannon, the dark moon’s ambush was the biggest. To the extent that the advantages of terrain and light are utilized, the cavalry have a strong maneuvering force, but they are unable to exert their own advantages. Only the passive beatings, especially the magical magical crystal cannon, must be reported to the Regent His Royal Highness

The attack of the opponent was very strange. The last blow made his jīng power and body suffer serious damage at the same time. Nesta drank a bottle of healing agent, tried to suppress the injury in the body, and finally led the soldiers over the two mountains. The road ahead is wide open, and the brightly lit moonlight fortress is seen from afar, especially in the darkest moments before dawn.

Due to the previous experience, Nesta did not dare to neglect, told the soldiers not to lay down their defenses, ready to fight

"Which general is the Devil's Legion?" The fortress guards who found the arrival of the cavalry have already shouted out, looking at the cavalry not far away.

Nesta did not relax jǐng惕 because of this question. Instead, he added doubts. He had previously led the army to Dicco Town. Now he is defeated. How can the Moonlight Fortress get news so quickly? And these people are not like the team they left behind.

"I am Nesta" Nesta screamed, and issued a code to let the soldiers prepare for the battle. This is the rear of the fortress. The defense is much weaker than the front. It can break through the enemy blockade with minimal cost. Back to the red land

"General Nesta, please wait, I will report to Canita now."

This answer gave Nesta a glimpse. Soon, the familiar figure of Canita appeared in the front: "Is it General Nesta?"

"Lord Kanita is me" Nesta really breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the soldiers to be released from the alert.

"Quickly remove the protection and let the general's team come in." Canita quickly ordered

Nesta entered the fortress with the exhausted cavalry. Under the light, the scores were clear. The cavalry had many arrows in them, mostly wounded.

Canita frowned: "The general I just received a scout report, there was a fierce battle on the mountain side ahead, and the magic crystal cannon light, guessing that the general was fighting the enemy..."

"唉" Nesta sighed with deep sighs: "I was oversighted and eager to go to Dicco town. As a result, the enemy was ambushed. The soldiers suffered heavy losses. I will plead guilty to the Royal Regent."

"There is an old saying in the devil world, winning and defeating the military, and the generals should not be too depressed. I believe this shame will be washed by the generals with blood and victory."

Nesta looked at Canita's eyes with a little more appreciation: "It's a good thing, this time thanks to you, Lord Kanita, when you came, did you see the defensive cavalry I left behind and What should be arranged by Master Zhuo Chee?"

"I am going to report this matter to the general. I received the general's signal. When the fire came to the moonlight fortress, I found out that the cavalry of Hardy and the Shadow Corps were killing. The cavalry all heroically sacrificed me to take Hardy. I found out that this person turned out to be a fake. Dìdū and my father’s inside should be seen by the enemy. This is purely a dark moon. It’s a pity that it’s a pity. I’m late to go here. The general cavalry regiment’s march is too fast, scouting to catch up. Not too..."

"Your degree is already fast enough. If it weren't for you, the Devil's Regiment might suffer a big loss." Originally, Kanita was only a lord's son in Nesta's eyes. Now, it seems that it is really capable. "The preparations and intelligence capabilities of the Dark Moon are far above my expectations, and they also have very terrible weapons. This fortress cannot be left for a long time. The enemy's pursuers are likely to arrive soon. We must evacuate as soon as possible."

"The general said yes, I just received a scout report, the enemy has gathered in this direction, but the soldiers of the Legion are not hurt. The distance of Modo Town is too far, directly If you go, I am afraid that it is difficult to support. I will go to the **** valley where I am stationed. There will be enough supplies there, and I can take a rest. The dark moon’s army will regain the moonlight fortress and never dare to enter the red land. ”

Nesta looked at the scarred, tired and exhausted Legion, and agreed: "Before this, it is best to destroy the magical array and defense facilities of the Moonlight Fortress as much as possible."

"Reassuring General, I have already arranged it." Kanita showed a confident smile: "There is also the captive Hardy. After returning to the Valley of Blood and the Valley, the general can carefully interrogate it, and there may be unexpected gains."

Referring to Hardy, Nesta passed the murderous murder and nodded: "So not so soon, we will set off immediately, evacuate the Moonlight Fortress and go to the Blood Mist Valley."

Soon, Nesta quickly left the Moonlight Fortress with the remnants and the red horses.

PS: I sincerely wish all my friends to think about it. The whole family is well-being and well-being. Thank you for your support. (To be continued)

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