Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 449: Interrogation

The Blood Mist Valley is located in the forest in the southern part of the Red Sea Territory. The terrain is dangerous. It is a base established by Zhuo Qihu. It is hoped that this will contain and monitor the intention of Joseph to control the town. Uploaded by netizens == Later, Joseph died, the lord defeated the North, this base is a strategic buffer zone for the dark moon, which is managed by Kanita.

It was almost impossible to support the Shadow Knights who had been plagued by injuries and exhaustion. Fortunately, the new force on the side of the Red Sea played a role. Under the order of Canita, they brought together and took out some stretchers. Carrying the wounded forward, did not give up any soldiers, which made Nesta's goodwill towards Canita greatly increased.

The group finally passed through the forest and entered the base of the blood mist valley.

Here is the home of Canita, and immediately ordered to cook the pot and arrange for the treatment of the wounded and rest, and the injured cavalry and horses were properly handled.

"Lord Kanita, this time thanks to you." Because the identity of Canita is the heir to the Red Sea, the name of Nesta is very polite. "Your talent makes me very much appreciate, if this time I can Get the forgiveness of His Royal Highness, I will recommend you before the temple."

"Thank you for the general! Please call my name just fine..." Canita was overjoyed and stunned: "The general is a famous empire. I have always admired the general and hope that there will be opportunities to play under the generals."

Nesta nodded, but sighed: "I don't know if I still have the qualification to lead the Shadow Corps. This failure is a painful lesson. What I don't understand is that my attack is in the dark. The first time that His Royal Command was dispatched, except for the members of the Legion, only a few people knew it, but the Dark Moon seemed to have learned the raid in the morning. The traps led me to sneak in."

"The general said that the 'minority' includes me and my father." Canita also sighed, l screamed: "I understand the general. I am now a suspect in the dark month." First, the action just was to cover up his identity."

If there is an insider right now, I will despise Canita’s acting skills very much, too! Too floating on the surface, a good yù擒, the vertical script, actually played a bitter drama floating on the surface.

"You misunderstood, you and the lord can rule out," this timely assistance made Nesta's impression of Canita greatly increased, and immediately shook his head. "Although I have selected and trained all the members of the Legion, but after all, there are 20,000 people. It is difficult to say whether it is inside. However, it is not excluded that some close people are around the Lord."

This dìdū general has a good commander. It can be considered to be courageous. But after all, it is not a political struggle. In a sense, it is not enough. If you change to a certain intelligence head, all the people will be included in the scope of doubt, preferring to kill and not let go.

"In fact, there is no need to speculate, because the answer is around us." Kanita suddenly thought of something, "The general should remember that we brought back a prisoner this time."

Nesta’s eyes lit up: "You mean..."

"That guy is now in the magical dungeon of the Valley of the Blood. Not to mention running away, even the suicide tricks have been lifted by me. Yes, shìnv is ready for food, the general is still eating something to treat the injury. Let's take a break, then let's go and interrogate him."

"it is good!"

A few hours later, Nesta followed Canita to a prison in front of a mountain dòng transformation. Considering the confidentiality relationship, Nesta did not bring any members of the legion into it. Kanita also specifically told the guards of the mén mouth not to allow anyone to enter.

The two entered the prison and followed the ladder all the way down. In the bottom of the dungeon, they saw the captured great devil Hardy.

The dark magic lamp of the dungeon reflects the flashing cold in the eyes of Nesta. This person is one of the main reasons for his failure. The terrible trap caused him to lose three-quarters of the army’s strength. Every soldier is He trained himself and saw that they were buried in the flames of the arrow rain and the magic crystal cannon, as if the limbs were broken and the limbs were generally painful.

However, when it is not venting anger, it is necessary to dig out more important things from this prisoner's mouth.

Nesta did not say anything, but slowly opened the momentum, forming a strong pressure on the body of Hardy, and Kanita retired to the mén mouth of the water prison without disturbing.

Seeing that Hardy seems to be oppressed, Nesta slowly dissipated the pressure and said: "No matter what your real name is, I should praise you, you are doing very beautiful! Darkmoon The ambush caused my army to lose 15,000 yuan, and you have contributed to it."

"The general's ‘make a must-have’ should be a thousand dollars in me.” Hardy felt a sharp drop in pressure, and he burst into a sly smile.

“It seems to be a hard bone,” Nesta nodded appreciatively. “As long as you provide something of sufficient value, I can guarantee your life and even money and status.”

Hardy sneered: "This time your failure is equal to a loud slap in the face of the black scorpion, the sorrowful regent of the Royal Regent for the prestige of the entire coalition, for your own face, you are just a scapegoat What are the felony convictions to protect my life or my interests?"

"It turned out to be not only a hard bone, but also a clear person." Nesta’s momentum changed: "Speak what I want to know, I can give you a happy way to die. Otherwise... I think you should understand What happened?"

"You can't ask for survival?"

Hardy's calm is beyond the expectation of Nesta. This humble character, who is only a demon king, actually makes Nesta faintly feel a sense of uneasiness.

"General Nesta, before I say something that you are interested in, there are a few words I need to say first. Regent King Black 曜 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒 倒Knowing how to use people, serving as a lord for less than ten years, the dark moon has already got rid of poverty and backwardness, and has become the most powerful territory of the empire. Who is the most suitable empire ruler, who will lead the empire of angels and the Lucifer family? Going further, as an imperial empire, you should understand in the heart of the Lucifer family. You were also a member of the White Nights Emperor. Why not choose a truly worthy master?"

Nesta said without hesitation: "You said something like that, but unfortunately! I can be a captain of the cavalry from today. I am relying on the promotion of His Royal Highness, I have Blood and long sword swear allegiance to His Royal Highness, never betray, no matter what the situation! I can't be loyal to the little girl of Darkmoon, even if she is the blood of the White Night Emperor!"

Hardy frowned: "The general's loyalty is admirable, but this kind of loyalty is not necessarily for the general, for the Lucifer, for the angelic empire, or even for the black prince himself..."

"Even if the black scorpion is taking a road of no return, my Nesta Lucifer will follow it!" Nesta interrupted Hardy's persuasion coldly. The chill in the eyes is even worse. "It’s ridiculous. One of the captives actually turned down to persuade me! Your nonsense time has passed. Now there are ten seconds to think about how to make something worthwhile. Otherwise, I will make you regret it. Did not find an opportunity to commit suicide soon!"

"Understood," Hardy sighed in disapproval. "It’s a pity that it’s a black loyal loyalty. Then there is only one way to let you contribute to the dark moon. Counting it, the time when the thing started is also It’s coming... Canita, are you ready to die?”

Nesta was suddenly shocked and glanced at Canita, who was at the mouth of Mén. When this Hardy had a secret to break the magical ban and kill Canita, the power of the Emperor level suddenly worked. Ready to block at any time.

However, this capacity, Nesta's face suddenly changed. The power that was still filled just now did not exist, as if it was empty.

Kanita’s calm voice sounded as if to say a trivial little thing: “Ready, my master, my value is over.”

If Nesta is still surprised, it is shocking now: Master?

And still so calmly facing "death"?

"When you dine, I have already arranged this dungeon a little. Even if it collapses, people outside can't see it.... Forgive me, I let Canita add a little bit to the food. The extra seasoning will only make your power temporarily disappear for ten minutes, but in these ten minutes, it is enough to complete many things including the decision on life and death."

"Hadi" sounded quietly, and the water surface of the dungeon quickly spun up, forming a reverse vortex in the role of a certain force field, and slowly pulling out his whole person.

"Original..." Nesta's hand trembled, not because of fear, but because of shock, and at this moment, he had understood many things.

"From the general's expression, some things have been guessed. In fact, the bodies of the Moonlight Fortress were laid out early in the morning, and the soldiers who were killed were actually prisoners..." "Hadi" looked desperately Nesta of strength, shaking his head: "You don't have to work hard, even if the power of the middle of your demon is not lost, it is not my opponent."

Saying, "Hadi" suddenly emerged with extremely dazzling white light. In Nesta’s impression, even the most powerful double moon in white light is not as strong as this white light, and the light shines through it. The breath makes Nesta's eyes desperately stronger: this level has exceeded the realm of the devil!

This man is right! Even in his heyday, it is not an opponent.

In the white light, the "Hadi" figure seems to have undergone some change. A singular and powerful armor covers the whole body, and a strange mask on the visor gradually emerges. This mask is familiar, as if it is some kind of I have seen it in the illustrations.

At the same time, Nesta's glimpse of the light, the guardian at the mouth of Mén suddenly fell to the ground, seems to have no interest, as he said before, died.


This kind of indifference and not hesitate to die, not like a contract of the main servant, but... as if you are...

correct! That mask!

"Who are you?" Nesta’s expression suddenly became horrified, and a terrible hypothesis rose to her heart.

The figure in the starlight did not answer, and slowly reached out, Nesta felt that the body was tight, and then turned around, and lost consciousness in a blink of an eye. (To be continued)

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