Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 502: "the truth"

With the lessons of the previous few times, Samuel’s march was much more cautious, step by step, and steadily stepping through the valley of blood and fog.

The effect of this adjustment is very significant. After several times of unsuccessful enemies along the way, I have to give up. Under Samuel’s step by step, the army of dìdū did not suffer too much resistance, and it was absolutely strong. Advance to the depths of the Black Forest, the front is the blood mist valley

"The dark moon has never dared to confront each other, either it is not enough, or it wants to lead us into the ambush," Samuel said in a soft voice.

"General, with our current strength, if the enemy wants to make us face-to-face, at least one of the main forces of the legion should be dispatched, which is equivalent to one-third of the total strength of the Darkmoon Terrior." Dao: "Now the King of Regency is under the pressure of a million troops. I don't think that the Dark Moon will take this risk, but the enemy is very incomparable and will definitely use tricks, such as..."

"Fire attack?" Samuel took a look, looked at the dense forest around, shook his head: "Lilles, your consideration is good, this environment is really vulnerable to fire attack, but this Montenegro forest does not The extremely flammable flame wood, but the stone birch is the main stone birch. The ignition point is very high. It is usually used to make some fireproof materials. Even if the magic system is the fire power of the magical peak, it is difficult to cause a large area of ​​burning. , so don't worry"

Zeta slightly decapitated, he himself jīng water magic and gas magic, also has a deep research on fire magic, know Samuel said non-virtual

"The generals are not obsessed with the name of the dìd. Even the observation of this point is really impressive." A lord took the opportunity to compliment the road.

Another lord also echoed: "This expedition is a dark moon. The general must be the most shining star. We can follow the generals, but it is a big deal."

In fact, the characteristics of the stone birch are still known to Samuel before the army went deep into the jungle. Of course, for the compliments such as "Sparkling Stars", Samuel’s mouth is modest, but his heart is deeply convinced. Open the way: "After uncovering the tricks that don't flow, the strength and strength of the Darkmoon is actually just that if the Dark Moon really dares to invest a third of the force, then I just eat it all and offer it to His Royal Highness. a big gift"

As Samuel had expected, the dark moon army that surrounded the **** valley of the valley had not been able to confront each other in a row after losing defeat. They drew away, and the dìd army quickly sneaked into the vicinity of the blood mist valley to see the distant valley mouth dark. Surrounded by layers of the moon

It seems that I was informed of the arrival of the reinforcements. The **** valley finally came to the scene, and the sound of shouting and killing became closer. The dark moon of the besieged by Taniguchi saw the enemy in the back of the mouth, and they burst into the air to see a team of cavalry from the fog of redness. Rushed out

Qingqi, round shield, scimitar, it is really the "encirclement" of the Shadow Corps, headed by Nesta and Canita

However, the cavalry was not far from the far side, and they saw the flying squad that came to the aid of the "friends" suddenly, and the front of the cavalry could not catch the arrow.

Nesta was taken aback and shouted: "Don't do it. I am the d's ū ū 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内?

"Nesta" Samuel showed a pause in the shè, and the horse screamed, and the sneer sounded through the forest: "Do you still recognize me?"

"Samoer" Nesta frowned and shouted: "Thanks to the rescue, it is not too late, we immediately join forces to kill the encirclement."

"Where you are in a fight?" Samuel's face sè thick: "Then you and the Dark Moon Army should be outside, then burn my army to kill me, and finally take off my head?"

"Samoelle, what do you mean by this? The situation is urgent now, and the enemy forces have not yet got together..."

Nesta’s words were interrupted by Samuel’s laughter when they were not finished: “Haha’s encirclement? Just enemies, can you surround you for so long? Are you a fool?”

Nesta angered: "Samoer is now a warlord, not when you care about personal grievances. Do you want to confess your vengeance? I don't mind this life, but there are more than 4,000 soldiers here."

"Stop the mouth" Samuel Elsen said: "The Devil's Regiment defeated the enemy, and the sin is unforgivable. I took the command of the Regent Royal Sergeant, and took the rebel leader Nesta to eliminate the rebellion of the Darkmoon and the Shadow."

As soon as this was said, the cavalry of the Devil's Regiment suddenly became stunned. There were rows of soldiers armed with long guns in front of the Serpents. Obviously, they set up a tactic against xìng. The archers in the back pulled the bowstrings and started to throw arrows. The shadows of the cavalry were forced to retreat. At this time, a ride ran out of the shadow, and shouted in the mouth: "Don’t put the arrow, I am the red land..."

An arrow flew out, and the chest was in the middle. The voice of the man suddenly stagnate, and then countless arrows brought him to the horse as a hedgehog.

The man tried his best to sigh and said: "We have been holding the **** valley for so long, and we have fallen down countless robes, almost exhausting all the supplies, letting the enemy attack or temptation are not to die, why... ..."

If you haven’t finished talking, you’ve already fallen

"Canita" Nesta screamed in grief

This was killed by the son of Zhuo Che, the heir of the Red Sealand, Kenita Alvin? Samuel was taken aback, but the horizontal and vertical has been irreparable, so I don’t want to do it all, and destroy all these people in the name of rebellion.

The Shadowman cavalry retreats in the flying arrow, and Nesta has three arrows in the middle. He screams: "We are dying for the empire, and we are holding on for so many days under the attack of the enemy." I can’t think of why I’m going to die today under my own suspicions.”

The voice was so desolate, full of unwillingness, the soldiers of the Shadows were all inexplicably inexplicable, even the soldiers of the Serpent Army were touched.

"Samoelle, you shameless villain, framed me for personal grievances"

"His Black Knight, you have abandoned the shadow of allegiance to you. Is this your "trust" and "choice"?"

Samuel angered and said: "Stop your rebellious, and then make it impossible for sè to change the facts. If you don't have a hand, you will fight against the innocent."

"If we don't resist, we will fall into your hands, and it will be a dead end." Nesta screamed in the sky: "But, even if you carry this rebellious name, why not even if you really invest in the dark moon, why not fight today?" I will also leave my soldiers alive and leave here."

The cavalry behind him raised the knife: "Swear to follow the general"

Samuel no longer nonsense, directly commanding the archer shè, Nesta was forced to return to the valley mouth

Samuel was about to chase the army, and he felt the red light flashing, and then the air was full of terrible heat. All the trees in front of him burned all the time. Samuel’s face changed greatly. Maybe stone birch, but even the magic system peaks dìdū can not...

Samuel does not know that his understanding is limited to the ordinary peak of the magician magician for a jīng pass all magic, magic array and the ancient demon of the peak of the emperor, to make the stone birch burn more than the flame Wood is fierce, not only is there nothing impossible, but there is more than one way

Zeta’s hand showed the black wand on the ground, and the force of a pure water element spread forward and formed ice along the way.

It stands to reason that even with such a strong element of water, even a powerful flame will be suppressed, but a strange thing happens. When the power of this water element meets the flame on the stone birch, it is like a fire. The oil fire suddenly became ten times fierce. It spread quickly along the ice. The fire of the fire was not even close to the shadow cavalry. It only retreated into the valley.

Zeta face sè also changed his figure and flashed. He has already left the flame range. The shock of his heart is incomprehensible: this is the flame produced by the principle of compound magic and it is actually an incompatible element of water and fire. Water is simply an incredible means. The dark moon has such a powerful magician.

The horrible flames caused the soldiers to shake up, and Samuel immediately realized the biggest crisis. He shouted: "Get out of the forest immediately."

Going forward is no longer feasible. It can only be retreated, and behind it is a dense forest. I only hope that I can escape quickly before the fire breaks out.

However, as the worst expectation, just as the dìdū army rushed back, all sides began to ignite the flames and become a sea of ​​flames.

Lian Zeta didn’t dare to use magic power. Maybe it would be like a fire on the fire just now. It can only use some auxiliary magics for the soldiers. Samuel is aware of the enemy’s poison, and his heart is remorseful. With some strong officers in the forefront to open a passage with the attack, but seeing the fire is getting more and more fierce, the stone birch seems to be burned, the terrible high temperature makes many soldiers fall down one after another.

Perhaps because of the high temperature, in the eyes of many soldiers, the road ahead is distorted, as if there is no end.

After a few hours, following the rush of Warcraft, a stumbling team finally appeared on the edge of the Black Forest.

There are many people in this team, about 10,000 people. However, compared with the number of people entering the forest, it can only be said that there are very few people who have chapped lips, and their faces and bodies are burned. Still very serious, but almost all of his face is an expression, fortunately for the rest of his life.

They finally persisted in the end and escaped the scythe of the **** of death. However, the multiple companions were buried in the sea of ​​fire. This is the result of Zeta’s full protection with magic, otherwise the number of people who came out was much less.

Samuel’s face was full of anger and sorrow. This was an uncompromising defeat. Even the other party’s main force did not touch it. Only one-tenth of the troops lost this defeat. Go back. I don't know how to explain to the Royal Regent

At this time, Zeta suddenly showed jǐng惕 sè, Samuel also felt it, and saw a large number of figures appearing in front, initially estimated to be at least 30,000

The main force of the enemy

Has it finally appeared?

If it was a few hours ago, Samuel would only be excited, but now there are only less than 10,000 troops left, and still in a state of exhaustion and injury, and a state of injury...

Samuel showed a rare bitter smile. He had been looking for the other side’s main force. I couldn’t think of it in this situation.

No, this is simply the trap that the other party has deliberately set from the beginning of the sāo harassment and the arrogance of the arrogance, to the later entrapment of the enemy, for this last fatal blow

The battlefield is not a good hall. Tolerance to the enemy is cruel to oneself. The dark moon does not give the Wings Corps a breathing time. It has already surrounded it all around, slowly compressing the encirclement.

At the forefront is a large team of dark moon cavalry, wearing a cloak, equipped with a machete and a round shield

First, a knight wearing a cloak and a mask, can't see the true face, holding a long sword and a square shield in his hand, and with a strange horn, all the cavalry's body has a blushing radiance. Speeding up, has quickly pulled closer to the Serpent Army

This scene fell in the eyes of Samuel and Zeta, and they were shocked. These cavalry were clearly the enemy who burned the rations that night and fought against the Wings in the Modo Town Wilderness.

"Rebellious" Nesta is now in the valley of the blood mist that is blocked by the flames. It is impossible to come here, and the jijng gods and equipment features of the cavalry are clearly seen in this daytime, and the shadows in front of the valley just now. The legion still has some discrepancies

Many "informed people" have met each other: it seems that the cavalry that night was really not the people of Nesta.

Is Nesta and the Shadows Corps actually being shackled? Is it really a private feud of Samuel’s communiqué, deliberately framed?

Is this the truth?

Samuel himself also jumped in his heart and felt that he seemed to be caught in a big yīn plan, but now is not the time to pursue this. In any case, he must break through the enemy’s siege as soon as possible and escape from this **** place.

Zeta shouted, floated up, and greeted the cavalry. Under normal circumstances, the Emperor of the Emperor was disdainful to take the initiative to the "ant ant", but nowadays it does not care much.

When Zeta just flew up, his heart suddenly gave birth to a terrible sense of was no need to deal with the cavalry, the whole body magical force soared, and there were four ice shields on each side, each with several layers.

In the blink of an eye, several layers of ice shields suddenly turned into powder, and the powerful aftershocks made Zeta black, his body shape was planted forward, and almost fell to the ground.

I saw a woman in the air behind me. The woman was wearing a black cloak with a mask on her face. The legs looked very long, but the chest was a little sloped.

Zeta's pupil shrinks, and it is a middle-aged emperor and the power of the atmosphere is faint on himself. Only one step can reach the peak of the emperor. Isn’t the black sergeant agreed with the yīn shadow empire? How do you have so many demons in the Darkmoon?

The woman didn't give him time to think. The blink of an eye had already flown to the front of Zeta, and the fist came straight with the power of terror.

"Give this lady into a meteor disappearing for a thousand black crystal coins." Listening to the sound, it is a girl.

Or, you should add a title of “Financial Fan” (to be continued)

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