Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 503: seek

Zeta did not understand what "10,000 black crystal coins" mean, facing the girl with a strong determination of the punch, instinctively felt the unprecedented danger, and quickly launched the blood of the big devil family instantly moved, risk Risk avoiding this blow

The level of power of the emperor level plus talent, this time is a long way to move, but can not escape the strong perception of the girl, immediately judged the position of Zeta teleport, in the air, a blink of an eye distance

This flight ability makes Zeta's eyelids jump, the magic wand in his hand gives a strong wind element magic fluctuations, an extremely strong blue sè lightning strikes the girl

As if the girl did not see the lightning, she did not avoid it, nor did she use any means of defense or dodge, let the lightning strike on her body.

“Helping you...”

When the arc was lingering, the girl shook her residual electric shavings if nothing had happened, as if she had just blown a light wind that was irrelevant, and flew to Zeta without any loss.

Zeta can hardly believe his eyes. This lightning seems to be ordinary, but it is his favorite work of compound magic. In addition to lightning, it also contains the power of the water system. The power is several times that of ordinary lightning magic. The strongest of the same level, it is impossible to do so without hesitation, but the girl is doing it.

At this time Zeta has been unable to use the big devil's teleportation talent, but he also has the magic of teleporting, and it is a teleport distance. At the moment of the steady shape, the magic of brewing is started again, and several poisons are launched. The clouds are mixed with the mist of the white sè, and the girl is wrapped up.

This is the combination of the two kinds of magic of "Poison Cloud" and "Cold Ice Burst". Unfortunately, it is still useless. The girl is very casually passing through the bursting poison cloud, and even the cloak on her body is not broken.

Zeta’s back is all cold sweat, and once again, there is no use of attacking magic, slowness, weakening, cursing... I’ve sent my head to the girl and want to destroy the opponent’s offensive rhythm.

The girl is as close as she was before, but she has been a little tired of the repeated uselessness of this enemy. Looking at the position, she has already come to Zeta in front of her eyes. The face is not a punch. The terrible fluctuations make the space slightly Distorted from the point of view of boxing and power, there is no negative influence from the negative magic. Zeta’s heart is stunned. The magic is too fast. The telemagic magic is too late to use the magical props of the body immediately. A round and transparent appearance appears immediately around the body. Magic shield

The girl in the boxing in the shield, the original sturdy round shield became elliptical under the pressure of terrible horror, and even the wrapped Zeta was completely blown away.

Although the shield blocked the fist, Zeta was not as good as being in the turbulent waves, and could be smashed at any time. The nose and mouth could not stand the pressure to overflow the blood.

The shield lost a lot of magic support in the pressure, and finally the "wave" disappeared without a trace. Zeta slanted to the ground and almost fell to the ground to have a feeling of escape.

Magic immunity, but also has a powerful attack power, this is simply what the magician of the magician takes and what is desperate?

Seeing that the girl is rushing again, the stunned Zeta is still worthy of Samuel, and the extraordinary potential is erupted. The flight is played to the extreme, and the whole effort is to escape.

"Escape? Let this lady's deduction of money, this sin is unforgivable." The voice of the girl hurried away with Zeta's body shape. It seemed to have turned into a huge black cloud-like body. Then, the faint screams of a certain horror screamed...

Samuel has been paying attention to so much, and even the opportunity to fight with the mysterious cloaked cavalry leader is gone, because in front of him, there is a terrible enemy wrapped in flames, and the other party has not displayed the field. Just the strength of the breath, the field of Samuel trembled, and the Toro family veteran of the Darkmoon, the Emperor Waum

It’s not only him, but the entire army.

The power of the flames of the sky has wrapped the field of Samuel tightly, and there is no hope of fleeing.

Somehow, Samuel suddenly thought of the night with the mysterious cavalry leader, although today saw the enemy cavalry general wearing a cloak and the kind of "magic charge" skills, but a subtle feeling Tell him that the opponent that night was Nesta

Now, what the truth has become unimportant because he lost

It’s as simple as losing the king.

Even if he fled back to Chi Youcheng, there would be only one result for him to defeat the army. As for whether Nesta is innocent, there is no meaning to surrender to the Dark Moon. There is also no good result. Let’s not talk about Nesta. The hatred of the enemy, with the strength of dìdū, the dark moon is also dying sooner or later.

Samuel felt that the power of his field was on the verge of collapse on the edge of the devil's flame. If he was not captured as a captive, there was only one way to go.

Samuel’s face was stern and determined, and he made the biggest and final decision in his life. The power of the whole body was suddenly oppressed, as if some kind of light returned, the vascular muscle began to show terrible expansion.


The one-sided battle soon ended, and the 30,000-year-old jīng soldiers were exhausted from the tens of thousands of people, and there was no suspense in the group.

After number rì

Outside the city of Chiyou, the military barracks

Black-faced sè iron blue to listen to the military report in front

The Serpent Army and the two territories totaled 90,000 people.

Samuel, the head of the Snake Corps, died

Two lords, Souter, Jokers, were shackled

The elders of the Kamen family, the old demon emperor Zeta, were desecrated

The sacred land heir, Kanita, died

The head of the Devil's Army Corps, Nesta, led the Devil's Regiment

This is a complete fiasco, and the 90,000-headed troops have not been spared.

Soon, the captured three were released by the Darkmoon, including the two lords and the elders of the elders. The dark moon publicly declared that the black scorpion was reversed and forced the lords and the elders to conquer the dark moon, which is the biggest enemy of the dark moon but the dark moon. And with the various territories and the veteran family, there is no hate to express goodwill. This time, the prisoners are released, but the next is not the case. If the lords and the veteran family obsessively want to help the "black", the dark moon will never be merciless, Samuel The end is the role model

Although the three captives were released, they were all banned by a strange force and could not exert their strength.

From the mouth of the three men, the sables and the lords learned about the battle, including the truth that Nesta was "framed" by Samuel’s communion and finally forced to anger.

This truth does not know how, and was quickly promoted, and there were news that Canita was killed, and the atrocities of the army in the red. The entire red-skinned territory was in the discussion - the black regent king forced the anti-loyal minister, the appointment of small Man, killing the lord's heir, Canita, dìdū the army is going against the cruelty, but it is not comparable to the "invaders" of the dark moon...

In the face of all the lords, the red lord Zhuo Chee cried to the black scorpion to the death of the heir, Kanita, and the inferior traces of the Serpent Army in the town of Modo, which made the scorpion add embarrassment, and the heart simply smashed Samuel. The smashing of the pieces and the lashing of the corpse can only help the "victim" Zhuoqi black scorpion, promised to personally host the funeral of Canita to seal the nickname of the imperial general, and appointed Zhuoqi as the coalition The chief affairs officer, the governing order and the military needs, this is a fat difference, but also a compensation for Zhuo Chee.

At the time of the funeral of the Caneta, the accident happened again, and the Kamen family veteran emperor Zeta was suddenly violently released.

This incident caused the sāo movement of the veteran family. If you want to become a veteran family, qualifications and strength are the two biggest factors. The devil is equivalent to the strongest pillar of a veteran family. Now Zeta is violent, the Karmon family, etc. If the outside is strong, it will inevitably move toward the micro

The black scorpion quickly convened a military discussion, and at the meeting angered the dark moon murdering Zeta's yīn plot, but unfortunately the monarch family's reaction to this is generally flat - the dark moon has declared that the public release of the elders and the lords of the captives, at this time is no different Lifting a rock and licking his own feet and many people in the veteran family have checked the body of Zeta. It is not a means of imprisonment, no damage to the appearance, but the smashing of the smear is broken. This kind of force, at least To reach the strength of the demon level

In the dark moon, there is a demon-level ān finely mixed into the coalition, and then kill the captive Zeta that has been released? Some representatives of the veteran family could not help but sneer

Black cockroaches are not fools. They see the suspicions of the elders, but they can only close one eye with one eye. In the current situation, too much explanation will be more and more black, only with the mud, swallowing Under this dumb loss

The focus of this military discussion is to discuss the issue of marching into the dark moon. The two defeats of the Demon Army and the Serpent Army have caused the sharpness of the Dìdū coalition forces to be frustrated. The dark moon is the time when morale is strong, but this is Can't offset the disparity in the strength of both sides

The coalition forces are in desperate need of a victory to inspire people. Deputy commander Gerant proposed that now that the army has been closed, it should be dispatched immediately to overcome the dark moon.

The black scorpion added another sentence: this 仗 is not moving, and it will sweep the enemy with a thunder.

The chief affairs officer of the company, Zhuo Chee, stood up. He first agreed with the proposal of the whole army. At the same time, he pointed out that the dark moon is scheming and must not be underestimated. There must be a psychological preparation for hard work, so the logistics must be properly prepared and arranged. Ning Duo is not lacking. At present, it takes a certain amount of time to prepare for the preparation.

Zhuo Chee’s suggestion is to send troops after the preparations for the best, and to destroy the dark moon in one fell swoop with the least loss.

This old-fashioned proposal has been echoed by most of the lords, especially the ones that the Sot and Jokers have annihilated, and the dark moon is definitely a hard bone. It is impossible to squat down without breaking a few teeth. Everyone wants to reduce their own losses

When he thought about it, he said that he agreed with the black squad and agreed to it. He immediately decided to temporarily rest, and after all the logistical materials were put in place according to the criteria proposed by Zhuoqi, the whole army attacked and smoothed the dark moon.

This information first appeared on the desktop of the Darkmoon Royal Palace Chamber of Deputies, surrounded by the main members of the territory that are participating in the conference.

The two great wins of the Dìdū Devil Shadow Corps and the Serpent Army made the Darkmoon Army and the people excited. Nesta, who was returning to the Darkmoon, was appointed as the deputy head of the Red Blood Corps and led the cavalry.

Originally, there were 30,000 cavalry in the dark moon. This time, there were 4,700 cavalry that accompanied Nesta, and there were more than 4,000 cavalrymen who were captured in the Moonlight Fortress.

Such a re-use of a descendant, showing the power of Xia's extraordinary, Nesta grateful to zero, in the name of the dark moon, the monarchy in the name of the royal family to make a **** oath of never betrayal

In addition to boosting morale, the return of the famous generals also increased the influence of Xia.

Xia is indeed a very powerful lord, but this appointment has nothing to do with Philip, because Nesta has already become the mask of Chen Rui's **** of gods.

There are two scorpions of the original gods mask, one is the singer under the white night, the peak of the devil, Loki; the other is the son of the red lord Zhuo Che, Kanita, because of the limited number of 傀儡, so when Chen Rui will Nesta Deprived of the life of Canita before becoming a beggar

As for the Kanita that appeared in front of Samuel, it was an amoeba that could only be changed into any form. The amoeba was the first to pretend to be the lord in the red secluded territory for a while, and then followed by Royce’s obscurity. Soy sauce is now very powerful in front of the owner. From the beginning, it rushes out to the end of the "sadness" and the arrow falls down. Every line and every movement is in place, and the "Canita" is completed satisfactorily. Historical mission

Those arrows are actually tickling for the loss of the undead body.

There is a shackle from which the sorrow is free and the angle that can be freely deformed. The valley of blood and fog is actually a good show that seduce the squad in the army. It is only the cavalry of the Devils.

That night, Samuel, outside the town of Modo, saw the real Nesta, but the cavalry under his majesty was a soldier of the Darkmoon. Eventually Samuel was lured into the Black Forest, and the 90,000 troops and horses that were expeded were counted. Exhausted, the indignant Shadow Cavalry also truly returned to the Darkmoon

In this game, the red lord Zhuo Chee is the most authentic angle, because of this, it is possible to make a big move in front of the black scorpion to make a plan, turn over the hand for the cloud to cover the rain, if it is sly or fake, I am afraid But the dìdū strong family

As early as the original lord battle, the seriously injured Zhuo Che was imprisoned ~ ~ by the lost to pretend to be Zhuo Che, and use the fake rebellion of Canita to eradicate the confession and support Roy Sis and others were in the upper position, and succeeded in taking full control of the situation in Chiyou without using suspicion.

In order to save his life, Zhuo Che chose to surrender, became Chen Rui's servant, and accepted a slow xìng toxin derived from Paglieu, which brought him back to the position of the lord, actually the dark moon. Cāo vertical

The four territories of the empire, Xia has occupied three

This time, Djod became the most important piece of chess, and the use of Canita’s death got an important position and concealed Zeta, which further deepened the contradiction between the veteran family and the black scorpion. The main task of cutting is still lurking. Under the most critical time, this piece will never be lightly moved.

"Chen Rui left, the rest of the people, scattered" Xia looked at the most intelligence, said a faint sentence

All the people got up and retire, and the aftermath of Isabella's veil faintly passed through Xia, staying on Chen Rui's face and staying away (to be continued)

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