Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 658: Titan

The area of ​​the storm island is much larger than the foggy island of the Dead Sea. Unlike the storms in the outer seas, there is no hurricane in the vicinity of the stormy islands, as if the tornadoes were the islands surrounding the storm. a barrier.


The sound of the beasts and the sound of the water was heard in the mist, and the cockroaches soon became a whine. Ina knew that at least two giant venomous snakes were finished. This faintness was in the fog, causing the adventurous to feel the horrible brutal sea beasts. To the more "murderous" "Li Cha" is simply a tragedy.

In this case, Ina and Lucio have already had considerable immunity. Compared with the previous tornado, this is only a pediatrics.

"There seems to be a boat on the shore!" Chen Rui’s voice came from the air. "Turn to the southeast for eighteen degrees, fast, lean on!"

The mandala soon approached the past, and sure enough, he saw the ship moored on the shore, and it was two.

A ship was broken and it seemed to have been attacked by a giant venomous snake. The other was relatively intact. There were no living people on either boat, only the body.

The two ships should have arrived one after another. The bodies on the ship that arrived first were artificially caused. They were ordinary crew members from the attire and died more than one day.

The ship that was suspected to have been attacked by the serpent should be Samuel. The cause of death is obviously caused by sea animals. From the residual blood, the time of death is no more than twelve hours. The time when Samuel landed was not very long.

Chen Rui looked at the magic eye compass that could not be used because of strong interference: "You are waiting for me here first."

"I am going with you! Props like magic maps are not available here," Ina glanced at the special magic eye compass. "I have done two acquisitions here, and it is helpful to be familiar with the surrounding terrain."

Seeing the determined look of the maids, Chen Rui slightly indulged and nodded, telling Lucio and the sand people to stay on the shore, with the firepower and firmness of the mandala. Even if you encounter a raid on a sea beast, you can cope.

At this time, somewhere on the island of Stormwind. Samuel, who is looking for Chen Rui, is experiencing fierce battles.

The body lies on the ground, and some of them are guarded by the Campotel family who came with Samuel. The rest is naturally an enemy. Behind Samuel is Joanna. Being guarded by several guards. Although the enemy has many deaths and injuries, the rest are all elites, about 30 people, surrounded by an encirclement, the front is a swordsman wearing armor, followed by a magician holding a wand.

When it comes to individual strength, none of the opponents is Samuel's opponent, but these enemies are all well-trained and have a special combination of formations that can spread Samuel's brute force attack to everyone in the formation. Dramatically reducing the damage, coupled with the intentional attack on Joanna, made Samuel lose sight of one another and was stagnant.

The last guard of the Camplot family fell, and Samuel’s figure flashed in front of Joanna’s body. The long knife in his hand twisted a circle of arc, the blood was splashed, and the two stabbed swordsmen were cut off.

A large piece of blood poured into Joanna's long skirt, and the smell of the nose was straight, and the young lady was so frightened that she was not afraid. I am afraid that Seymour will be distracted and the nails will be deep into the flesh.

"The morning light is extinct!" Samuel screamed, and there was another knife in his hand. A huge ray of light appeared at his feet. With the wave of double knives, countless staggered vertical rays spread out. Compared with the past, this trick has been simplified a lot, and there is not much dazzling effect, but the power is not reduced, it is the result of Samuel's improvement after listening to Chen Rui's opinion.

After the ray was exhausted, the encircled swordsman fell into a circle, and even the magician at the back lost many lives under this trick.

Samuel had used this trick not long ago, when the magicians used a magical barrier combined with a special formation to offset most of the power, killing only four enemies. This time the lethality was several times that of the previous one. It was not the hidden power of Samuel, but it suddenly realized another magical effect of "morning extinction" in the crisis.

There were only one handle left in the two long knives in Samuel’s hand. It turned out that he had deliberately compressed the power, crushed the blade, and sprayed it out in the light of the extinction of the morning light, effectively breaking through the magic. The barriers of the divisions have achieved decisive results.

Although Samuel's continuous tricks have lost a considerable amount of power, the enemy's swordsmen have only two leaders standing barely, and the magician behind them almost exhausted the magic, as if they had lost the minions, basically There is no threat.

"It's not the strongman who stepped into the holy class." A swordsman headed by the shackles of the abdomen pierced by a short blade, and there was constant blood spilling in the fingers. "We have exhausted all the means, and you still In the case of taking hostages together, it is still impossible to win."

"You are a light knight? Say the instructor behind you! This is the only chance to survive!" Samuel's endurance has grown considerably, quickly adjusting his breathing, his hand, and a long sword in the ground. . Even if it is not a weapon for pickpockets, it is enough to deal with these remnants.

"You don't need to know." The swordsman sneered, as if he didn't put his life and death in his eyes. Samuel knew it at first glance. This is a dead man.

"His Lord Herb, is... Elisa let you do this?" Joanna’s trembling sounds, and the two swordsmen’s chiefs Herb and Lawrence are the ones sent by Elisa to **** her back to Red Dragon. The bright knight of the city - this time back to the Red Dragon City, was originally the idea that Elisa gave her, the purpose is to get rid of Paul.

What surprised Joanna was that she did not go to the town of Vegas, which leads to Chiron City, but was held to the most dangerous island of storms, if this was instructed by her friend Elisa...

"I am sorry, Miss Joanna, you are impossible to get an answer from us." Lawrence spoke. "I admit, we are not the opponent of Samuel, but the real loser is you! Will die here!"

Samuel will not give the enemy time to reply, and snorted. The result is that these people suddenly change their faces.

The ground began to tremble, and there seemed to be something huge that was approaching here.


In the woods, the sound of Ina’s exclamation sounded. This is a black-and-white variant of the wind leopard. The strength has reached C, far better than the one that Mana’s side is tamed. With Ina's D-level strength, it is impossible to resist, and it will be thrown to the ground. However, the action of the wind leopard stopped short. One hand squatted on the neck of the wind leopard, and at random, the fierce beast was thrown out like a kitten. I don't know how many branches I broke. Finally, with the instinct of the feline, I managed to restore balance in the air, rolled a few rolls on the ground, climbed up, and limped into the depths of the jungle.

“Is it okay?” Chen Rui’s voice sounded. In fact, the “family familiar” guide lady lost her way when she took her employer through the woods. Chen Rui had to go to explore the road, and when he came back, he just saved the maids who were attacked by the wind leopard.

"I'm sorry." Ina slammed her head down. Feeling that my strength is here is as fragile as a newborn baby. If it is not "Li Cha", it is difficult to do so. I originally wanted to help, but now it has become a burden.

"Now is not the time to say this." Chen Rui knows that Ina is worried about Samuel, and it is not blaming her, reaching out. "I have found a way out. Let's go from the air."

Ina nodded and grabbed his arm with both hands. Chen Rui took a shot and the whole person vacated. At this time, Chen Rui, who had a full-fledged spirit, heard a subtle voice in the wind. It seemed to be some kind of roar.

Chen Rui blinked and yelled at Ina: "Hurry up!"

In the basin, Samuel gasped and gasped, watching the huge figure in front of him. This is a "person", a man, but the height of this man is too tall, about ten meters high, a golden one. Short hair, eyes flashing light golden light, the skin is like a metallic dark silver, wearing a simple armor, exudes a sultry momentum.

Just before Samuel flew his body, he tried his best to fall on the dark silver skin, leaving only a gravure, which quickly returned to its original state.

The most powerful creature on the island of Stormwind, the Titan Giant!

The Titan Giant is a legendary top-level existence that can directly compete with the dragons with physical power, and also has powerful elemental power to cast long-range attacks and immunize all negative spiritual magic.

Samuel did not want to take the initiative to attack this dangerous and powerful creature. He originally wanted to escape with Joanna. However, Herb and Lawrence led the magicians to entangle the two people. Finally, the Titans were huge. The figure appeared in the pupil of Joanna's horror.

The Titans have no points of distinction between friends and foes, or in their eyes, all interracial people are invaders who must be killed. When they come up, they will step a magician into a mud, and Herb and several magicians are also Titan. The thunder and lightning that was exhibited were nothing, and Lawrence was also caused by the aftermath. Both feet became coke, and they fell on the ground and could not move.

If it wasn't Samuel who was holding Joanna to hide fast, he had already followed the footsteps of Herb and others.

The strength of this giant is at least two smaller than Samuel's, and the Titan's strong talent and combat power are incomparable.

With the current physical strength of Samuel, it is very difficult to escape alone, let alone take Joanna, so the silver knight chose to fight, but unfortunately the previous energy-consuming, desperate blow, even the Titans The epidermis can not be broken.

"Haha! I understand now!" Although Lawrence, who fell to the ground, had already had a distorted expression and sweat, he still laughed out: "Let's repeat it again, die together!"

Samuel bit his teeth, leaping high, waving a long sword is a dazzling sniper, but this time the effect is even worse, rushing a few tumbling, only to avoid the footsteps of the Titan giant, foot down Bomb, and quickly pull away the distance.

The exhausted silver knight gasped fiercely, and suddenly the mind felt something. Looking back at Joanna, she saw her eyes clearly despite the distance.

In the beautiful blue eyes of the deep blue, there is no fear and uneasiness before, only a kind of tranquility that has been above the fear, a life and death without regrets.

Samuel felt the blood in the chest burn again, and the whole life burned up, screaming, bursting out a strong light, and the powerful momentum rushed toward the huge figure.

At this moment, he has surpassed his own limits.

The Titan giant's pale gold eyes flashed, facing the power of the sly, the eyes flickered a little disdain, the throat whispered, and a violent temper breath greeted.

The two breaths were held in the air, and the ground spread rapidly and violently. A narrow slit appeared, and the nearby earth and stone was rolled up by the airflow, like a small hurricane.

Although Samuel has burned the greatest potential with his life, the strength of the two sides is still very different, but for a moment, the silver knights began to lose their feet, their feet involuntarily moved backwards, leaving two deep grooves on the ground. Drag marks.

In the blink of an eye, the speed of retreat is getting faster and faster, and the momentum of the whole body is suppressed to the lowest point. Finally, it can't be supported, and the whole person is thrown out by that huge force.

Squatting, the light flashed, and Samuel, who was out of balance, was supported by a soft force, slowly descending to the ground, and two more people came behind him, one man and one woman.

Lawrence looked at the familiar man in amazement and blurted out: "Richard?"

This Richard, isn't the beastmaster who Miss Alice appreciates? Also used the privilege to directly pass his alternate Guangming Knight assessment, how can it appear here?

The appearance of the two made Samuel first shocked, and immediately came to Chen Rui's body, his eyes mixed with excitement and shame, bowed his head and kneel down.

This action represents an absolute difference in honor, not only Joanna and Ina, who know Samuel's arrogant character, but even Lawrence is shocked: a strongman who stepped into the Holy Order. , even to the mediocre "beastmaster" swearing...

Chen Rui knows Samuel's and didn't say anything, just patted his shoulder and motioned him to stand up. At this time, I felt that the Titan giant, who was ignored, was murderous and strode forward.

The Titan giants took two steps, and the action suddenly stagnate. There is already one more person in front, and it is Chen Rui.

Compared with the huge body of the Titan, Chen Rui’s height can only be regarded as small, but the Titan’s eyes show great vigilance, as if this small figure needs to look up.

The giant's strength and strength suddenly flourished, and the electric awn in the palm of his hand rang.

Before the Titan launched an attack, Chen Rui suddenly snorted, and the Titan Giants acted awkwardly. The huge body was actually shaken out by an invisible giant force. "Boom!" A mound that fell into the distance. On the ground, the ground trembled fiercely, and there was a humanoid pit in the mound.

Except for Samuel, the rest of the people were completely shaken by this scene. Just by using the momentum, the Titan giants will fly!

This is a Titan giant who can easily suppress Samuel's holy strength! (To be continued.)

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