Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 659: Unexpected hatred

The devil's son-in-law 659_ The devil's son-in-law's full text is free to read _ Six hundred and fifty-nine chapters of the unexpected hatred comes from网()

The Titans slowly climbed up and screamed, and a flash of lightning came out and flew to Chen Rui. [Baidu search ~ ~ network member login ~ ~ network] Titan's long-range attack is different from the magic of the magician, they are more like the realization of the power of the elements, and then Throw it out like a javelin.

This lightning contains hot and high pressure, which is enough to melt the metal in an instant. The speed of the giant throwing is quite amazing, and it is many times more powerful than the previous attack against the light knight.

The electric mans suddenly paused. This is a "Javelin" about seven meters long. There are dozens of powerful electric snakes. There is a palm in front of the "Javelin". It is the power of this palm that makes electricity. Mang can't go any further.

Chen Rui felt the kind of arrogant power. The open five fingers suddenly made a deduction. The "Javelin" shivered slightly, and the "嘭" disappeared invisibly.

The Titan Giants' strongest lightning talent attack was actually pinched by a hand! Lawrence, who had been ruined by the aftermath of the thunderbolt, couldn’t believe his eyes. He finally understood why even the strength of Samuel would bend his knees. “Richard” is definitely a holy class. The strong, it is likely to have reached the peak of the holy level! Such a top-ranking strongman, hiding strength, will not hesitate to become an alternate bright knight, even the second son of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Longhuang Empire, Samuel, is a follower of this person, and there is absolutely a terrible plot!

Chen Rui did not give the Titan a second chance to thunder, and appeared in front of the giant, a boxing in the chest of the giant. His fist can only be described as "insignificant" relative to the huge body. However, it is this "small" punch. The power of terror erupted, and the Titan's metal breastplate showed a pit. A huge wave of tides penetrated the armor and spread inside the Titan's body, destroying the resistance of each place.

The giant made a painful snoring, and the huge body flew out again, leaving a pit shape on the ground again, and could no longer stand up.

Lawrence showed a smile. too strong! This kind of strength, I am afraid to compete with the strongest Paladin Pasari of the White Cliff! There is such a strong intervening, this time Elisa delivered the task. It is impossible to complete, we must try to escape and pass these important messages to Miss Eliza!

The strength of this Titan is close to the Emperor. Strength and physique are a+, mental strength is a, only the speed quality is relatively low, it is b+, to Chen Rui's strength, it is not difficult to kill the other party, but he does not have a killer because of the "ethnicity" in the eyes of analysis "In the column, it is: Titan (alchemy life)!

Chen Rui’s first contact with the Alchemy Life was in the Loeb Mine in the Devil’s White Belt, and he experienced an unforgettable “dream”. It has become the master of the ancient alchemy civilization and many alchemy life bodies. Those lights have now become the strongest women's guards in the Angel Palace, guarding the security of Xia. In the memory of the ancient alchemy civilization obtained by Chen Rui, there is no existence of the alchemy life of the Titan giant, and it is not known whether it is related to the ancient alchemy civilization. Or is it that the island of Stormwind has an ancient alchemy inheritor like him?

Here, Lawrence had already held his hand in his hand and secretly moved backwards. Chen Rui suddenly frowned and looked at Lawrence. Lawrence felt the sky dark. I haven't had time to make the next reaction. The whole body has been stepped into a mud by a huge foot.

Another Titan giant!

This giant is more burly than the one that was defeated by Chen Rui. There is a helmet on his head. The skin of pale silver is faintly blue, and the golden light is brighter. The strength is s, the middle of the emperor!

Judging from the tremors on the ground, more than one giant is approaching this basin.

"Samuel, take them away!" Chen Rui sighed at Samuel. "Ina, you lead the way, wait for me on the boat!"

Samuel has already reacted. He can only be a burden of His Highness when he stays here. He quickly picks up Joanna and follows Ina.

The Titan giant in the middle of the demon emperor was about to attack Samuel and others who had escaped. Chen Rui’s figure appeared in front of him, and a dazzling white light ball flew out.

The diameter of the light ball is five meters. It is an enlarged version of the aurora bomb. The Titan senses the powerful destructive power contained in it. It immediately gave up the intention of attacking Samuel and others. Defensive posture.

At the moment when the Titan giant touched the Aurora Bomb, the whole giant body trembled, his face looked awkward, and his feet involuntarily stepped back. One step further, the heavy footsteps seemed to be a giant drum, and the rhythm was getting faster and faster. It has been retreating nearly two hundred meters, and the ball of light has gradually disappeared. The armor of the giant has been deformed due to tremendous pressure, and the **** silver liquid is spilled into the nose and mouth.

The physique and strength of this giant are still above Chen Rui’s estimate. It seems that the Titans do have the power to compete with the dragons. Of course, this aurora bomb Chen Rui deliberately reduced the power and did not understand the relationship between the Titan and the ancient alchemy civilization. Before, he did not want to cause excessive hatred of the Titans.

The repulsed Titan's pale golden eyes were fierce, and Chen Rui felt that the airflow around him began to spin uncontrollably, filled with arrogant power. In the blink of an eye, he has been wrapped in a black storm, and his voice is horrible. Obviously this is a Titan giant with storm talent, also known as Storm Titan.

The storm continued to rotate at a high speed, and the inner and middle lightnings thundered. This area was almost impossible to see through the sand. It took half a day before it gradually stopped. The Titan’s golden scorpion was strange, and it was seen that the shadow was gradually calmed down. Going out, the blue dome around the body gradually disappeared, as if it had just blown through a cool breeze.

At this time, there were four more Titans in the basin. The first Titan who was knocked down also climbed up and surrounded Chen Rui. A total of three magic emperors, three magic emperors, the strongest of a pale gold skin giant, has reached the strength of s+, even if Chen Rui, do not dare to take a nap.

Chen Rui’s mind was moved, and a special spiritual force was released. This spiritual power contains the power of the spirit of the ancient alchemy civilization, to Chen Rui’s current realm. It has been able to control the scent of this branding freely.

The Titans felt the atmosphere of the spirit of the ancient alchemy civilization, and they really acted. However, the accident happened to Chen Rui. The Titans roared and the roar was full of anger.

This is what Chen Rui did not expect. He felt the unprecedented hatred and murderousness from the eyes of the giants in the eyes of the analysis. He was taken aback. Quickly send out the awareness of communication: "Please wait, I am not malicious!"

The Titans did not pay attention to his explanation. The golden skin of the Titans showed a golden electric awn. Flying throws.

The power of this group of electric awnings is far from the comparable of the Devil's Titan. Chen Rui can't easily pick it up with the help of the last time, and there is a light blue defensive hood in front of him. After the shield is upgraded into a hood. The ability to absorb and defend is greatly enhanced, and it is much easier to use than before. As long as there is no collapse, it can be repeatedly retracted, and it can automatically respond to the defense force slowly.

The storm of the previous storm Titan did not leave a crack on the defensive hood. At this moment, facing the golden thunder of the peak of the Emperor Titan, once again showed a strong defense. After the electric awning dissipated, the nearby land rock had been thundered. The high temperature melts into a crystal block, but the defensive cover does not move. Just a few more cracks.

The golden lightning was sent again. This time, Chen Rui did not have a hard connection, and his body shape suddenly appeared in another direction, followed by a teleport. I avoided the footsteps of another giant.

The instantaneous movement skills of the six-star evolution have not been limited by the number of times, but continuous exertion will consume a considerable amount of spiritual strength, and in the battle of the emperor level and even higher, due to the relationship between distance and speed, the pure momentary movement has already Not much effect. Unless it is a higher level of movement, such as the one that Shenglong used to perform in the field of the Tower of Destruction.

The Titans are very strong in physique and strength. Their melee ability is enough to rival the dragon, and they have a firm will. The only weakness is the speed of movement. Chen Rui uses this to fully exploit the speed advantage while evading lightning and storms. Fighting, while secretly calculating the time when Samuel and others left.

"Boom!" A hill was smashed through a fist by the storm Titan's fist, but Chen Rui had moved to the back of the giant before the fist arrived, and the hand broke out in the hands, and the storm Titan only had time to get to the side. Sideways, barely avoiding the key, the back of the armor suddenly a few meters long knife marks, secreting silver "blood."

The storm Titan screamed, and the high-speed rotation of the hurricane came over. Chen Rui had already sprinted a hundred meters away. He did not wait for him to launch a second attack, and immediately sensed that the golden electric mans roared from behind.

The light in Chen Rui's hand flashed, and the soft ripples were drawn. The golden electric mans encountered this "corrugation" and was pulled away. Instead, he shot into the black hurricane 100 meters away.

In the black hurricane, the golden light is shining, the lightning and thunder are abruptly stopped, only the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground is heard. After the dust is scattered, it is seen that the storm Titan has fallen to the ground, and the body is constantly squatting in the golden arc, although No death, but obviously lost combat power.

The pale gold skin Titan was furious and was about to launch an attack again. He saw Chen Rui’s body rising into the sky. Then, all the giants felt that the body was dozens of times heavier in an instant, and they stood up and fell. Ground.


Gravity is more harmful to the enemy with bigger This is the only magic that Chen Rui has, the blessing of the elements from the earth element king, plus the spiritual power of s++, making the Titan giants The move fell to the ground.

Perhaps I heard the call of my companion growl, and there was a huge body in the distance. Chen Rui is not a spirit, usually in the devil world or the human world, the demon emperor, the devil emperor is a very small number of existence, and now into the storm island of the Titan, the weakest Titan also has the level of the emperor. I don't know what is more horrible.

Calculating the time, Samuel three should also reach the Mandala, Chen Rui does not want to fight, display the flying blast skills, body light, lightning disappeared in the far air.

If he stays at this time, then you can see that there is a special human form in the Titans coming behind. These mysterious human figures are floating in motion, about two meters high, and the lower body is a whirlwind. Airflow, faintly electric flowers. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

The devil's son-in-law 659_ The devil's son-in-law's full text is free to read _ Six hundred and fifty-nine chapters of the unexpected hatred update!

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