Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 683: 4 saints

Chen Rui first heard the word "saints". In the battle between the devil and Nero, Nero mistakenly regarded the star of the royal star as the armor of the saints.

The true intelligence about the saints is known from Paul. The saints are sacred believers who are directly affiliated with the Supreme Three Angels. They are recognized by the three angels. The sacred body is the most basic condition. Every saint is a god. Has special ability and combat power, and has the corresponding belief armor. Lower than the saints' level is the ambassador. Paul originally wanted to win the Knights of the Temple, causing Raphael's attention to become the sacred ambassador of the wise angel, and then smashing the position of the saints. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, the life is also Get on.

The status of the saints is very special, not subject to the patriarchal control, and can only be mobilized with the Pope in a particularly urgent situation, such as this time.

Chen Rui was slightly surprised: "You three are saints? There is a question, how do you know that I am a person who sneaked into the holy mountain? How do you know what I have changed?"

The stalwart man sneered: "Your illusion is really brilliant. Now it looks like the fat man we received in the afternoon. It’s a pity that you are no stranger, but you can’t miss Isaruul. God's eyes!"

"Isjourur?" Chen Rui was the first to hear about this name, and could not help but be vigilant.

"Hey!" The beautiful woman's hand pointed a finger at Chen Rui. The air in the whole ☆ field suddenly became hot. "It is useless to delay the time, ready to die!"

"Wait a minute!" Clark stepped forward. "Your fire spar is on hand? Archbishop Phil?"

"It seems that I have sneaked in the right time. You should have just called a good man to set up an ambush. Unfortunately, you are coming a step later... Archbishop Phil is now in the basement cell of the Meditation House, Clay De is on the sofa of the meditation house, but it is just two ugly bodies." Speaking of these two names, Chen Rui’s words have a suffocating suffocation.

"You killed them?" Clarke passed through the cold. "It seems that I overestimate you in some ways."

"You overestimate that I am not me, but the archbishop who is upright and not close to women!" Chen Ruiyi pointed to the two boys behind, said angrily: "You know that my goal is actually fire crystal." Stone, but do you know that when I saw the upright Archbishop, I knew what he was going to do for these two children?"

Clark looked at the two boys and suddenly thought of the missing person notice that he saw at the hotel door today. One of them was the child on the missing notice, and his face suddenly changed.

At this time, the bright knights who surrounded and surrounded and explored had already rushed over and reported the death of Phil and Clyde to the Clarks. In the face of the legendary saints, the light knight did not dare to lie. "Baidu ☆ Devil's Daughter-in-law" said the death of the two.

When he heard Phil's whole body red, Clark squeezed his fists, and the beautiful woman was so angry that her hands were slammed into the ground, and suddenly there was a large crack: "Damn bastard!"

"He must have died. These two children are not the first ones of his scourge." Chen Yurui’s eyes are like a knife: "If the so-called high-spirited church is such a beast with human skin, I I don't mind being full of blood."

The brazed arm of the bronze arm wrinkled and told the light knight a few words. The knight nodded and obeyed, and the rest of the bright knights withdrew from the wide ☆ field, and at the same time opened a magic enchantment.

"No more nonsense! You can't escape today anyway!" The great man made a look at the woman, the woman was slightly indulged, pulled out the spear, and slowly moved, the three saints appeared in a shape. Chen Rui is surrounded by it.

"I haven't planned to escape yet, but before the battle..." Chen Rui glanced at Clark, who was silent. "You are coming to me. It doesn't matter to these two children. Don't let them go first? If I Did not underestimate your words."

Clark nodded and was about to talk. "No, these two boys are black dead and must die."

"Murrey!" Clark looked at the big man with horror. "You are crazy! These two children are innocent! There are notices in the city to find missing children, one of which is..."

"I am not crazy, you are not clear-headed!" Muref interrupted him coldly: "Phil is the archbishop, the supreme church leader of the entire Loya Kingdom. This matter is directly related to the reputation of the Holy Mountain. Spreading out, the consequences are unimaginable! Therefore, Archbishop Phil is still a model of integrity and selflessness. The cause of death is the unfortunate death of the Black Death sneak attack! Therefore, the two children are the embers of the Black Death, can not stay!"

Clark's fist trembled: "No! They are innocent victims, and there is nothing wrong with it! Why do you want to..."

"Do you want the glory of the **** of light to be ashamed of this scum, so that the accumulation and efforts of many years are destroyed by this thing?" Murev asked one by one, and looked at the two horrified faces disdainfully. Boys, "They are wrong and they are the weak. In this world where the strong is respected, their destiny is destined to be slaughtered. Only power is everything."

"Is the Holy Glory of the Light God greater than the fist? Even the most basic mistakes have no courage to admit, and the doctrines of benevolence and faithfulness to redemption are not all the tricks of deceiving and dreaming of the world!" Chen Rui laughed, and the laughter was full of anger: "The power is overwhelming, letting the minds manipulate the life and death of the weak, slaughtering and sacrificing the innocent without resistance. Is this the faith of the saints?"

"I don't have time to play with you," Murev said without saying: "Even if it is? The weak and the strong, the weak can only succumb to the strong, I have strong power, naturally have a strong The mentality, killing a few ants, still need to explain for a long time?"

Chen Rui’s laughter gradually stopped: “Strong mentality? Free slaughter and life? Although you have gained a powerful force in appearance, you are obsessed with condescending and control of life and death, distorting your most important heart. In the end, you are just a weak person who succumbs to strength!"

Chen Rui is not a saint. It is equally decisive and decisive. It also has selfishness. It also makes mistakes, but he has his own bottom line. No matter how strong, some persistent things in his heart will never change. Now, this is still the case.

"I am the weak?" Murif screamed, a suffocating powerful pressure spread out, demonstrating the bronze-colored metal giant arm, and the whistling wind on the ground with the protection of the enchantment Leave a terrible deep ditch on it, "When your head is crushed by me, see who is weak!"

A hot and anxious atmosphere appeared, and the sight of the three seemed to be distorted by some strange force field. The power of the pressure that Murray exudes is weaker in this breath, and his eyes are paired with Chen Rui’s indifferent eyes. There was a stinging sensation and I couldn’t help but take a half step back.

Chen Rui’s deep voice is resounding to the soul: “Don't you forget that before you have the strength of the present, you are not a member of the 'ant ant'? In fact, you are still one of them, you , I, everyone, always."

"Whether the strong or the weak, one day, when our life is over, it will appear in front of God equally." - If the world really has "God", Chen Rui adds another sentence in his heart. In his subconscious mind, "God" is actually nothing more than a powerful "person."

"A very good eloquence..." A sharp female voice is far and near. "Unfortunately, how can a black Deather understand that the saints will never really die, even if life and soul are annihilated, they will be in God. In the kingdom of the rebirth, if you have eternal life, your pagan souls will only break into the abyss of darkness, and never be detached."

A glimpse of the criss-crossing light appears in the field, as if the entire wide ☆ field is divided into countless individual spaces, the light quickly gathers to form a woman wearing a cloak. Chen Rui's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he felt that the summer field he exhibited was actually weakened by the strange power, and he was secretly vigilant.

Race: Human.

Comprehensive strength assessment: S+

Constitution S-, strength S-, spirit S+, speed S.

Analysis: water properties, magic talent, space power.

The fourth saint!

"Collena, you are late." The beautiful woman holding the spear snorted.

"It's not too late, April, this good show has just begun..." The cloak woman Clarian had a golden wand in her hand. "But the black slain said it makes sense, the two The boys are innocent and should not stay in this battlefield."

The vertical and horizontal rays that had disappeared suddenly appeared in front of the two boys, wrapped them up and moved outwards. The appearance of the light was very sudden. Chen Rui did not have any warning in advance. When he found that it was already a step late, he was about to stop. When he heard Corina’s words, his heart was loose.

Just listening to Corina’s voice rang again: “But... I don’t think I can trust a black or Murev’s point makes sense, so...”

Clark suddenly woke up and shouted: "Stop! Corina!"

Chen Rui's reaction was slower than half a beat, but the action was faster, and the figure appeared in front of the vertical and horizontal light of the wrapped boy. However, it was too late, and the light was suddenly staggered. The two boys in the body had a strong light, and in a moment they turned into a piece of ash and annihilated, let him take a emptiness.

"It’s a very awkward light of life, even if it’s just two little ants...” Clarian’s laughter came out of the cloak. “Clark, don’t forget our most important mission, don’t forget For your own glory, for the glory of God, any sacrifice is worthwhile, even if it is our own life. If you want to launch a duel in front of God, wait for the black Death to return to the Holy Mountain, I can Give you the opportunity to challenge."

Clark gritted his teeth and saw the eyes of April, and finally did not say anything.

The ☆ field suddenly trembled, and large cracks appeared on the ground. The light-weight gravel floated away from gravity under the terrible power. The center of the crack is Chen Rui's figure, with red eyes in the eyes, burning ☆ burning anger and murderous.

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