Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 684: Faith of faith

"I'm angry, it doesn't seem to be as powerful as expected. ("" Collina's laughter is more pleasing, in fact, she has no contempt for her heart - this enemy can be under the eyes of the Pope Under the child escaped, there are two major bishops, the Paladin and the three cardinals. Although they are premeditated, the strength can be seen, especially the ability to escape.

Unlike the Patriarchs and Cardinals, the saints are the strongest guardians of the church's full-time battle. If the light knight is like a lower-level thug, the knights and the referee are intermediate-level thugs, then the saints are senior thugs, whether they are super-class in combat or combat experience, but also have unique talents, only such as Paladin Pasha In the end, the referee, such as Xiusi, can be compared with the top figures.

There are four great saints, and Corina has absolute confidence to kill or seize this envious enemy. All she needs to do is to irritate the other person. Under anger, the judgment of the person will definitely be affected, and just some of her power regional structure is going to the last time, in order to prevent the enemy from perceiving the escape, so deliberately kill two boys. Distracting attention, the construction of the entire area has now been completed, and the closed enchantment opened by the square should not be afraid of the enemy's special "natural talent" to escape. This is a successful strategy.

As for the two little boys, as Murif said, it is only two ants, and it is a great honour to sacrifice for the glory of God.

At this time, an extremely dangerous sign suddenly came out of Corina's heart. At the same time, Muref's drink rang: "Collena! Be careful!"

Corina was prepared for it. After feeling the danger, the reaction was extremely fast, and there were countless overlapping mirrors around the body. The whole person seemed to be distorted by the multiple mirrors. Almost in the blink of an eye, a figure appeared in front of the moment, a horrible bombardment hit the mirror in front of Collena, the mirror trembled and did not move, there was nothing unusual around. Instead, a huge column in the distance burst open.

This kind of mirror seems to have the wonderful space power of “shifting flowers and wood”, which can incredibly transfer the attack to the rest of the area.

The attack of the figure still did not stop. On the contrary, it is more intense. There are signs of destruction by terrorist forces in various places near the square, if not for the protection of closed enchantments. It is likely that the entire complex of the Temple of Light has been collapsed.

"Useless, this is a space barrier, you can't destroy..." The words just fell, and the innermost layer of the mirror "咔" appeared cracked.

Corina's face changed greatly, and then, as if it were contagious, a number of mirrors appeared at the same time with a large number of cracks. When the crack spread from the inside to the outermost piece, all the mirrors together with the inner protection of Corina smashed. Open.

Collina’s screaming voice came from afar, and this space talent is indeed unpredictable. However, from the sound of the call, even the true body that was transferred by the spatial power was not damaged.

Chen Rui is about to chase Colena, and his body is fierce, and one goes backwards and flies backwards. The ground suddenly collapsed into a large piece, and the destructive power was so staggering. At this time, the sound of the whistling sound only sounded, and a giant metal arm of the bronze sè appeared in the position where Chen Rui was just located. Chen Rui’s assault on Corina was done in the lightning fire. Muref only had time to remind him, and now naturally he can’t sit still and continue to chase his companions.

Haven't waited for Muref to continue attacking. There was a sharp burst of air in the figure that was out of balance in the air. This sharpness was extremely embarrassing, and even if it was so far away, it could still feel the sharpness of the blade.

Muref's copper arm was horizontal and blocked in front of him. Suddenly Mars splashed, and the left side of the cheekbones had a faint blood mark. Muref’s pupils contracted and no longer dared to have a slight heart. His body defense is the strongest of the twelve saints. The attack of the general sanctuary is even the weapon can not cause damage, and this enemy is only a volley of the wave, let him see the blood!

Chen Rui still didn't land, and he felt that the surrounding air suddenly became hot, as if he was in a volcanic cave. A bonfire snake with a hook on his head seemed to strike the dead corner of his back. Chen Ruigang took a knife for Muref. It is the weakest period in which the old power is exhausted and the new force is not born. At this time, the other side launches an attack at this angle, and the vision is quite poisonous. ..

In an instant, the fire snake has penetrated Chen Rui’s body, but only penetrated a virtual shadow. Chen Rui’s real body instantly landed on the ground. The fire snake entangled like a skeleton, and the angle of attack and The moves are very tricky, it is April, the spear in the hand is like a real snake, and it can bend freely, making the attack even more strange, but also with a powerful flame. Despite the momentary movement to avoid the previous blow, but Chen Rui's clothes still have a black hole.

April and Collina have always had a gap, but at present, the enemy is currently the first priority to deal with the "black slain", and it is unforgiving. Chen Rui avoids a blast and has a sword in his hand. Come, draw out the water-like fluctuations, and the flame of the Emperor spear suddenly dimmed and the figure continued to recede.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Several sounds of broken air flew, stopped Chen Rui who pursued April, Chen Rui's Bei Ming sword draws a circle of mysterious water, and all the flying things stick. On the sword, it turned out to be a piece of playing cards, and it was buzzing.

Chen Rui brows slightly wrinkled, his wrists shake, and the cards are flying out. The card just burst out and burst open, but Chen Rui’s figure has appeared in the distance for a moment, and there is no attack, just looking at Clark in front of him coldly.

April and Murrefu also slowed down, did not dare to rashly attack, cautiously maintained the triangle surrounded. In the distance, Collena did not dare to come closer. The cloak was already ruined, and her eyes were full of fear and grievances. There were several blood marks on the face of the white enamel. These were caused by the mirror cracking of the space. Originally, she thought that she had paid enough attention to the enemy. She thought that she would still look down on the other side. If it is not a unique space talent, it is now a dead body.

In just a short period of time, whether it was Corina, Muref or April, they all suffered losses in the hands of Chen Rui. Until now, no one dared to despise this enemy, even if it is four pairs. One.

Chen Rui looked at Clark with no expression, and with a hand, a red light flew out, Clark flashed subconsciously, and the thing crossed an arc, and "啪" fell to the ground. This is a string of beads, the soul stone.

Clark's face was slightly pumped, bent down, and the stone of the soul was smashed. He understood what the "fat" meant to give him the stone of the soul. His face showed a bitter smile: "I'm sorry, I am a saint."

"Burning my body, igniting the sacred fire; burning my heart, illuminating the road of light; this biochemical is a sword, breaking the evil thorns, defending the glory of God, eternal life... This is the saint." Clark As said, the momentum suddenly changed, and the eyes were shook with unwavering brilliance. There was no hesitation any more. The body began to bloom with dazzling light, and it was faintly visible that a pair of nails was rapidly forming.

Not only Clark, but the rest of the three great saints began to undergo the same change, and the power of the atmosphere also skyrocketed.

The dazzling light gradually converges, and the four people have a strange armor - the sorrow of the saints!

Clarke is a half-length body of a light green sè. The armor has a simple and simple pattern, which exudes a sturdy sigh of sorrow, and there is still a half-divided look, not only the armor, but also the magic playing cards in the hand. Layers of gold, sparkling. The comprehensive strength assessment changed from S to S+, and the speed column rose to S++. The rest of the quality data did not cross the small realm.

Muref's armor is red copper, the coverage is not very large, mainly the key parts, the most conspicuous is that the metal giant arm, from the bronze sè to the bright gold sè, become more awkward, the overall strength is still S+, but both physical and strength rise to S++.

The original armor of the original dark silver sè has become a flaming sè. The whole person seems to be bathed in the flame. The shape of the spear has also changed. The spear tip is surrounded by a metal scorpion. It’s not the “fire snake” but the tail of the “scorpion”. Comprehensive strength rose to S+, strength quality S++.

Corina's cloak turned into a silver robes, inside is a tight inner armor, the shape of the gold sè magic wand is more gorgeous, the overall strength rating has not changed, jīng divine power increased to S + +.

Although the belief does not make the comprehensive strength of the four people rise to S++, the individual quality has reached the S++ level, and the combat power has made a big leap.

The voices of the four people rang in turn.

"Cancer Saint Muref ~ ~ water bottle Saint Clena."

"Capricorn Saint Clark."

"Scorpio Saint-Eplier."

At the same time, the night sky suddenly turned bright, and numerous criss-crossing lights appeared around the square. The scene began to change rapidly and became a dúlì space. Apart from the ground and the sky, there was only staggered light.

These lights are not decorative things, not only can use the power of space to transfer attacks as before, but also the ability to divide the space.

"This is a war cage with the power of the field. It excludes the power of all external space. Unless you have the power of the national level, you can't use any talent or magic to escape." Corina's voice sounded, but look Not her figure, as if it has been integrated into the war cage.

In front of Chen Rui, there are three saints wearing the sacred sacredness. Cancer King Murev’s golden giant waved and rushed toward Chen Rui and shouted: “Accept the sanctions of the light! Evil pagans!”

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