Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 829: Endless Warrior OL

It has been a week since the fall of the Alchemy Contest of the Emperor of the Angels. However, the enthusiasm caused by this competition has not only showed signs of cooling, but has become more and more high.

The alchemy master who has not appeared in the Devil World. In this alchemy contest, there are actually three out, from the initial rise of Tetnes, to the "Saman" who pretends to be the arbitrator, and then to the incredible three-lined genius "Master" - "Arthur", no One is not a double master who is enough to go into the history of potions and tools.

Among them, the most dazzling one is the singular angel Wang Fu, who was once known as "Arthur," in front of the master of the instrument and the master of pharmacy, whether his teacher Tatenis or the enemy "Saman" They all seem to be eclipsed.

Especially the gambling, ups and downs, and ups and downs. In the end, Agulyli won the "Saman" in the alchemy battle, and played the powerful strength of the super-powerful, killing the powerful dragon lich who turned it, even the first stronger, Lei Zen, Solemnly placed a formal essay on Agulie.

For a time, the reputation of the super-strong and the great masters spread throughout the devil world.

The most inspiring nature is to count the angelic empire, up to the nobility, down to the civilians, and to discuss the legendary Wang Fu.

Especially in the upper level, the original voices that questioned the identity of "Agulie" have already become a tribute to the empress of the Queen Xia, "Agulie" and his teacher Tatenis are both masters, this is an empire In terms of it, it is a powerful resource, especially the two masters in the entire Devil world.

The strength of “Agulie” that makes Lei Zen move is also an important factor. Although the demigods (national, semi-god, and pseudo-god) above the level of the emperor usually do not shoot for ordinary people, there is no absolute thing in the world. Especially the emperor who represents the interests of an empire, Lei Zen that is the best example of killing Chia in the battle of the Warlock Fortress. now. The Angel Empire finally has a super-powerful who can compete with Lei Zen and Catherine.

When "Agulie" followed Xia to attend a meeting or event, even if it was always criticized, "wearing face hurts royal ceremonies." They are reasonably interpreted as "low-key mystery", and suspicion and misconduct have long become awe.

Like the Angel of the Skull, the influence of the Angel Alchemy Alliance is rapidly expanding.

The president of the Masters League, Wind Saka, is the son-in-law of the sect Tatenis; the president of the Pharmacist League, Aldas, is a disciple of the sect Tatenis, right, Tetnis is the great master "Agulie" Teacher.

Even though Aguly is still low-key, Tetnes also lived in the palace of the Angel Empire, but it did not affect the enthusiasm of pharmacists and mechanics. Especially those who have been in the bottleneck for many years, the senior masters who thought that they have been promoted for life, have not returned to China after the end of the alchemy competition, but have been stranded in the Angel Empire and want to get the opportunity to ask the master.

The free alchemists who have no nationality have joined the Alchemy Alliance of the Angels, and the strength of the Alliance has grown stronger than ever.

The best equipment, black pharmacy, these are the treasures that everyone is jealous, even if you don't get precious works. The ability to draw closer to the two masters will also benefit a lot, including the aristocrats of the Angel Empire, many people have tried every means to show "Agulie" and Tetnes, but unfortunately they all touched the wall. .

at this time. The Angel Empire released an announcement that the magic game "Endless Warrior" is about to usher in one of the most important upgrades. The new version is renamed "Endless Warrior ol".

What does ol mean to the people of the devil world do not understand. But the subsequent official confirmation of a message made the Devils boil, the most important founder of Endless Warrior. It is the great master "Agulie"! This time, the ol version upgrade was carefully designed by Agurlie, in his original words. It is a new version of "enough to change the world."

From this perspective, everyone can easily own the works that the Grand Master personally “produces”.

For a time, the magical game helmet and magic TV that cooled down once again set off a sales boom and broke the highest record.

This time the upgrade has been different from the previous adjustments and the modified automatic upgrades. It needs to be upgraded with the game helmet to the Angel Empire of the Angel Empire. Considering the situation of the other two empires, The Angel Empire presented upgraded instruments to the Shadow Empire and the Bloody Empire's Masters League, and sent professional guidance. If you are unwilling to upgrade, you can continue to use the stand-alone version of Endless Warrior.

The construction of the magic game helmet is no secret. The core structure is the secret crystal. The special energy in the crystal crystal can create a fantasy similar to the spiritual field. This is the principle of the game.

The energy in the crystal is limited, that is to say, after it is exhausted, it must be replenished. If it reaches a certain period of time, it will be damaged or permanently destroyed. This incident was explained in detail when the magic game helmet was released. The secret crystal can be repaired and replaced free of charge for life, but if it is charged, it must be paid to the local controller division.

This kind of charging behavior was once resisted by the Shadow Empire, but then the unexpected response charges of the **** empire, coupled with the urgent demands of domestic game enthusiasts, forced the Shadow Empire to compromise. However, Catherine is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After consultation, 20% of the recharge cost will be turned over to the national treasury.

Unsurprisingly, this upgrade really caused a huge sensation.

New story! New maps, new monsters! New career! New equipment props! New mission system!

The most important thing is... the big stage of opening!

Everyone can fight together in the same battlefield, or fight each other!

This is not a boring personal practice, but a common battle platform that can communicate directly with other players! To be precise, this is another world!

The maps in the game are expanded and strictly divided into equal times. The first one is the novice village. After the level and combat power reach a certain level, you can enter the new map and increase in layers. Not only that, but also the concept of “copy” was introduced for the first time. The monsters inside are much harder than ordinary maps, and the gains are naturally better, which greatly increases the challenge.

The level of everyone in the stand-alone will not be counted in the ol version, but players on the stand-alone rankings can use the corresponding game coins and item rewards.

In addition to the original magicians, warriors, and war tactics divisions, the game's career has added life careers, namely pharmacists, mechanics, and magical strategists. For the first time, the game introduced the concept of "combat power". Combat power is equivalent to the comprehensive evaluation of various factors, not only the level, but also equipment, killing monsters, task scores and so on.

The addition of life careers makes the game more full, and these life professions are no different, just like the battle system, the life department's occupation is real, that is, directly linked to reality. For example, in the game, you can learn the basic knowledge of pharmacy from the beginning, and you can advance step by step. Some of the sentiments gained can be integrated in reality after leaving the game. It is said that after reaching a certain level, the master will be taught in the game. If you are lucky and complete some kind of task, you can also get the advice of Tetnis and even the two masters of "Agulie".

As far as gameplay is concerned, most of the items or equipment made by life professions are not as cost-effective as those sold in stores, but some of them can be tailored to meet their maximum needs.

The currency in the game is quite valuable. The combat profession needs money to buy equipment items. The life profession needs currency proficiency and grade, and some maps and towns need to consume money, so "money" will be used for quite a long time. It is the most tight "goods".

The mission system is one of the new elements of the game. It allows the player to get the coins of the basic life and many necessary materials. The rewards of some tasks are quite rich.

The biggest difference between the version of "Endless Warrior ol" and "Endless Warrior" lies in the interaction between people. No matter which plane, there are people and places where there are rivers and lakes, players can team up to complete the task, Enter the copy, you can also trade, set up a small team and pk. Generally speaking, there are two ways for pk. First, the virtual arena in the city bets on the gambling with money or items, and the winning party wins the bet. Second, the wilderness, the first-handed red name, will After receiving special punishments such as self-equipment and grade drop after death, Chen Ruizhao moved his previous online games.

In addition, the most attractive is the ranking list in the game.

Rank list, battle list, equipment list, life skill division list, copy record list, arena leaderboard... The final person who is finally listed on the list will receive extra precious item rewards and get a real item. The chance of a lottery, the highest prize is a black potion or a devil fruit!

Whether it's the various elements of the game or the tempting reward of reality This is a brand new big stage for the savvy demons.

Of course, the daily game time is still strictly limited, after all, the virtual world can not replace the real world. Reality is the foundation of virtual, virtual service to reality, the combination of the two to achieve real power and benefits, is the essence of "Endless Warrior ol".

The new empire of the empire, the Bank, the Royal Academy and other new things, attracted the attention of the two empires, and timely launched the "cottage version", but also began to establish colleges and banks. However, these things have been eclipsed in the face of the fierceness of "Endless Warrior ol".

In less than a month, the number of players has skyrocketed many times. Not only the practitioners and alchemists have poured into the game, but the popularity is far more than expected.

No matter in which town or corner, you can hear about the topic of "Endless Warrior ol". More and more people have already felt its charm. As the words of "Agulie", this is a A piece of work that is "sufficient to change the world." To be continued.

Ps: Very busy in the morning, coupled with the slow speed of the handicapped party, now I have finished writing a chapter, the head is a bit painful, first go to rest, the second will be relatively late.

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