Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 830: Upgrade and crisis

Chapter VIII, Upgrading and Crisis (Second 4,000 words)

In the sky, the sun emits a blood red glow, which is not very dazzling, but gives a strange feeling.

The red light shone out a wave of blood on the ground. Look carefully. This is not a wave, but a wave of tides and monsters.

These monsters are faintly ignited, not very big, and their attack power is not very strong, but the jumping ability is amazing, but the number is terrible, and the place where it passes is a scorched earth, leaving no signs of life. .

In the far hills of the monster's tide, there is a small town. There are only a dozen people in the small town. There are magicians wearing light armor, holding a staff, and soldiers who are fully reloaded. There are two about ten meters high. A huge metal doll, on the shoulder of the doll, is actually two dark goblins.

Every battle here is far better than the little monsters, but before the horrible monsters, only a small "wave" is needed, and these people can be turned into nothing, facing a number of such terrible enemies, each People's faces are written with tension and dignity.

"Captain, why is there no news on Naru?" a magician asked anxiously.

The captain is a burly big man with a shimmering brilliance in his eyes. It is obviously not a simple-minded person: "Don't worry, our mission is to hold on for three hours. Previously, because the beast was too strong, I was forced to give up the town of Kata. This small mountain town is the last line of defense. No matter whether it is successful or not, we must hold it here, otherwise the hard work in front of it will be wasted. Regus, how long does the monster arrive here?"

A short and refined warrior said: "Up to five minutes."

“Everyone is in place!” The burly Dahan ordered: “This is our last hope, we must hold it!”

About five minutes later, the ground began to show a horrible tremor, and countless red monsters had already rushed to the bottom of the mountain, swarming toward the small town.

The magic crystal turret of the small town began to emit a strong light, and the nearby monsters were turned into nothing. However, the clear blank blink is filled by the monsters behind, whether it is the magic of the magician, or the bow and arrow of the soldiers, for this group of tide-like monsters, it is only a negligible damage.

There have been monsters climbing or jumping on the wall, and casualties have begun to appear in the ranks.

Seeing the situation is in jeopardy, the two metal dolls jumped down the wall without hesitation, rushed into the oncoming monster group, and stepped on a small monster into a meat sauce. The barrel of the palm of the hand continually ejected the anger, harvesting the enemy's life, attracting the attention of the monsters, and the front "waves" began to change the line of defense.

It is a pity that these two huge dolls did not have time to go too far. It was submerged by the beast, and there was no trace left.

Not only the captain, but everyone’s eyes are red. In this battlefield, no one regards the two goblins as weak and incompetent wastes, but real comrades and partners. The two goblins also interpret this with their own actions. a little.

See more and more monsters near the wall. The players showed the color of sorrow and anger, and today is a dead day, simply fight!

At the time of the millennium, there was a white color on the side. It is a rushing river, like a roaring water dragon, engulfing a large monster, and the spirit of the mortal people suddenly rose.

"Nalu succeeded!"

"He successfully blasted the river bank!"

Under the impact of the river. The monster group was broken into two pieces, and the surviving teammates fought bravely. Finally adhered to the time specified in the mission.

Together, time, everyone suddenly turned into white light and disappeared.

At the same time, all the people in a "plane" heard the sound.

"Red squad completed the first copy of "The Prelude to Blood"! Nine surviving players, evaluation C-, all players rewarded a C-class white crystal treasure chest, can extract equipment or materials. As the first team to complete the article, each The extra reward for people is ten points, one for the C-class Amethyst treasure chest."

It turned out that just a copy of the magic game "Endless Warrior OL", the whole process can be described as thrilling, but the task is completed by will and wisdom.

The first kill of the first chapter of "The Prelude to Blood", the "trumpet" notice of the full service, caused the players to talk about it.

"Someone actually finished the first chapter of the Blood Prologue so quickly!"

"The "Spirit of Blood" our team also tried, but in less than ten minutes it was completely destroyed, the difficulty is simple and abnormal, do not know how the red team is completed? Do you want to ask them?"

"Ask them what is the use, others will not tell you, although the copy of the clearance conditions are fixed, but the map is changed immediately, even if the red team to make a copy, under different terrain, may not be able to complete again. ”

"C-class Amethyst treasure chest, I don't know what good equipment will be opened."

"You are jealous and useless, but the red team completed only the first one, the reward is limited, the last time the Duron team smashed the one-eyed SS, and also got the C-class black crystal treasure chest!"

"Still try to practice and level up, and then get the equipment up!"


These are just a microcosm of the game. Unconsciously, "Endless Warrior OL" has been completely integrated into the life of the Mozu, becoming an almost inseparable part.

Correspondingly, it is not only the entertainment or spiritual gains that the players have gained, but also the power of the great beliefs that the great master of the ancestor, Agulie, has gained.

The power of faith is certainly gratifying, but Chen Rui’s current thoughts are concentrated in one place, the capital of Xinghuang in the Blue Pool Mountains.

It has been more than two months since the end of the Alchemy Contest. During this period, Chen Rui has stayed in the capital of Xinghuang for 90% of the time. In the past week, he has been closed and is working on the upgrade of Alchemy Castle. .

After various adjustments and preparations, Xinghuang Capital finally successfully rose to the third level.

In the classification of the ancient alchemy civilization, the first and second level civilizations belong to the “fortress level”. After entering the third level civilization, they can already be called “city”, and those above four levels are “ducheng level”.

This was an upgrade to qualitative change, with two new facilities, an enhanced bio-repository and a culture tank.

Enhanced bio-repositories can strengthen the quality of urban alchemy life and increase the incidence of head-level alchemy life.

The culture pond is more powerful and is divided into three parts: energy culture, material culture and biological culture.

Energy culture can transform living organisms into the vital energy needed by the alchemy civilization, in the log of the multi-way. There have been experiences of slaughtering a city's enemies to throw their bodies into the energy culture pond to convert energy. Chen Rui has almost inexhaustible fruit, and the fruit can be transformed into the highest level of energy, so there is no need for this horrible conversion. It is worth mentioning that, also the spirit fruit, the energy block transformed by the energy culture block, the quality and quantity are much higher than the ordinary converter.

Material cultivation is the use of energy and existing materials to produce or transform the special materials required by the alchemy civilization. This is exactly what Chen Rui needs urgently. For example, the essential essence of the material of the crystal behemoth, the essence of Longli is the essence of the dragon's soul after the death of the dragon does not dissipate. With the power of Longwei and a small number of souls in life, it is very rare. Even if Chen Rui "squats" on the old man Augustus, the number of exchanges is extremely limited. Nowadays, there is a material culture tank that can make use of other materials to create the essence of the simulated dragon force. Although the effect is not as good as the real essence of dragon power, it is enough to make crystal monsters. As for the original crystal giant beast made by the essence of Longli, it can be strengthened by the enhanced biological warehouse. The strength is closer to the leader level.

The biological culture tank is capable of advanced biological research and experimentation. This object has been used not only for alchemy life, but also for the biological culture pond which is one of the facilities necessary for the manufacture of Titan giants.

After the promotion, the central life crystal "Chenghuang" has a great leap in control or calculation ability. After testing, Jinghuang can deal with some problems in "Endless Warrior OL" in a very intelligent manner. The benefits brought by the city upgrade are far more than these. Jinghuang automatically obtained the permission information of the three-level life crystal. Including some of the drawings of city-level alchemy weapons, the original fortress-level weapons can be upgraded, just as the original weapons are too late to repair due to damage, and are now being re-manufactured.

The alchemy creatures that can be controlled in the third-tier cities have tripled compared to the second-tier fortresses. For the strange servant of 60,000, the crystal beast 30,000, the light spirit of 15,000, the construction of the battle 3,000. Three hundred crystal behemoths. This lineup is fully produced once the super-order power is not considered. It is enough to build a country or let the empire angels dominate the devil world. Unless the **** empire and the shadow empires join forces, the power of a single country is not his opponent.

The shock of force is a must, but the war is only a last resort choice. Moreover, the materials are still extremely scarce, and the level of the energy culture pool is not high. It takes a lot of time to completely complete the auxiliary materials and manufacture the materials needed for the arms.

If you rise to the fourth level, the speed will be greatly improved. Of course, Chen Rui does not have this extravagant hope. Fortunately, this time, the battle for the Warlock Fortress will leave him more time, more than half of the two-year limit of the armistice agreement. One point, whether it is the construction of the capital of Xinghuang or the practice of the individual, the time is completely within reach.

After the rest of the work was arranged, Chen Rui left the central control palace. At this time, the night was coming. When he was closed, he saw an anxious Jiya.

The first sentence of the succubus little maid made Chen Rui shocked: "Lola has an accident!"

When Luo Rui went to the ground world, Lola closed the mystery of the Rainbow Valley retreat to enlighten the country. However, just two days ago, the space channel of the Rainbow Valley connected with the house suddenly trembled, and there were countless terrible elements of the atmosphere. If it wasn’t for the people in the house, Paglieu and Thousand, etc., joined hands to suppress the entire house. Has been razed to the ground.

The element gradually weakened after a while, and when everyone thought it was okay, the space channel of the Rainbow Valley suddenly collapsed and the entrance disappeared.

At that time, Paglieu and others felt that the elemental breath leaking from the Rainbow Valley was not only violent, but also abnormally disordered. Obviously, it was out of control. With the collapse of the passageway, it was almost certain that the closure of the Rolla had a problem.

The trouble is that the passage of the Rainbow Valley is now collapsed. Even the passage on the side of the Imperial Capital is the same. The people have been unable to find the entrance for a long time, so they have to wait for Chen Rui to come out from the capital of Xinghuang.

The elemental kingdom is a powerful kingdom in the memory of the fairy dragon. It can be used as a “believers” to establish a kingdom. The elements are omnipresent. The power of this country is much better than that of its peers, but the difficulty is also the biggest. The source has an extremely profound understanding, even if it is a fairy dragon family, there are only a handful of successful people.

What Rolla chooses is not a single series, but the strongest six-line country. The difficulty is naturally the biggest. With each additional element, the difficulty and danger of practice will increase by the power.

The source of the element is the most essential source of the elemental king. Lola can use the source to greatly enhance the perception and reduce the danger of the elemental kingdom. It is a pity that Chen Rui has returned from the ground world, and the retreat of Rolla is still not over. Therefore, the source of the wind and the source of light have not been handed over to her. I can’t think of an accident now!

Lola’s retreat Chen Rui knows that the purpose of this retreat is not to directly impact the national level, but to further feel and understand the artistic conception of the country, so that the probability of future breakthroughs has increased. However, the danger of the six-element country is far better than that of the general country, so Chen Rui does not know what kind of danger the roller will encounter, but from the perspective of the collapse of the space channel, it is not a minor problem.

At the thought of this, he couldn't help but scream, and he greeted Jiya, opened the door of the starry sky, and returned to the house of Darkmoon City for the first time.

Chen Rui returned to the yard and found that the entrance to the space channel originally set up in the garden completely disappeared. He could not find any traces. After asking about some of the conditions of Paglio and others at that time, he took the opportunity to ride the nightmare. , rushed to the north at full speed.

Nowadays, the space passage of the house has The only place that can enter the Rainbow Valley is the desolate valley in the outer suburbs of the Imperial Capital. When Chen Rui first visited Luola, he went in from there.

To reach the outer suburbs of the Imperial Capital, you must pass through the north to the red secret territory. This is not a day or two. In a short distance, Chen Rui’s flight skills are far better than the small black horses, but long distances will not work.

The little black horse who has taken the devil fruit and the fruit of the spirit for a long time has already reached the level of the big demon king. It is only a line away from the demon. The physique and strength even surpass the general demon level, but there is no similar field in the blood. Talent, so it is not really the devil-level Warcraft. (Unfortunately, even if the little black horse successfully advanced to the emperor, it is only the lowest strength mascot in the house)

The little black horse felt the anxiousness of the master, and he did not care for the world. He showed the strongest form and began to run at full speed. The horseshoe swayed with fire, as if he had pierced the red lightning of the night.

Ps, this chapter 4000, thank the book friend Tianran Thunder to reward, Note: This person chrysanthemum public price of 100 diamonds (see a book review area), has been ordered 50 diamonds in advance to book a year, interested in trial users, please contact me, After one year of trial, I will pay the last payment, limited to men, haha.

Plus is written now, there is no deposit, the rest of the friends will be rewarded one by one, and will not be missed. I sincerely thank you for your support.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.) Bring the cute girl @月灵之舞帅男@@往往还@玄天小A

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