Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 831: Fairy dragon

After a few days of staying up all night, Chen Rui finally arrived at the outer suburbs of the Emperor.

In order to catch up with the time, he flew on the last day, and the little black horse was placed in the Red Sea.

The outer suburb of the emperor is a valley called the Rainbow Valley. Because every time a rainbow is seen, the valley of the Rolla will appear. When the rainbow disappears, the valley will disappear and some misplaced people will be sent out.

The emergence of the Rainbow Valley has no fixed time, sometimes months, sometimes years, sometimes hundreds of years.

In fact, the so-called "rainbow" is caused by the explosion of the space caused by the explosion accident of Rolla. This "accident" greatly consolidates the stability of space after Chen Rui completes the slate of the ancient rune. In theory, it will not happen again.

The valley has been controlled by the guards sent by Shia. Several magical masters, led by Stiller, are studying how to open the space entrance, but it has been ten days, and still can't find a way. Stiller is the registered disciple of Lola, and she also learned some corresponding knowledge. Unfortunately, the enchantment of the Rainbow Valley is too high for her.

Of course, Chen Rui is an exception.

At that time, Chen Rui had opened the space node of the Rainbow Valley with the knowledge of the inscriptions of the dragon language and the magic array. After becoming a lover with Lola, the two studied and studied the ancient slang, and promoted each other. The new enchantment of the Rainbow Valley is still The young couple are arranged together.

Chen Rui had already discovered the ban of the valley. He replaced a set of masks and fell down. The guards were light, and they felt the master's breath and salute. This move made Stiller and others immediately determine the identity of His Royal Highness, and now His Royal Highness has become the legend of the Angel of the Angels. Whether it is the strength or the identity of the alchemist, it is enough for everyone to look up.

"Stiler, you will return to the emperor first, and the guard will stay here for the time being."

Stiller is a disciple of Lola, and he knows the relationship between Chen Rui and Lola. I didn't dare to ask, respectfully took a ritual and left the valley with a few magical masters.

Chen Rui ordered the lights to expand the scope of the guards, taking a deep breath and calming down the anxiety. Started cracking.

Opening a space node doesn't have much suspense.

The rest of the defensive are their own people, so Chen Rui did not have any scruples. A strange rune jumped out from the fingertips and spread out. It is the ancient accent of Star Power.

Under the touch of these runes, several white spots appear in the void, and the white spots are connected by a strip of light, revealing a huge spatial outline.

Since the last Rainbow Valley was almost destroyed by Augustus. Chen Rui and Lola once again strengthened the space. Even the semi-god-level powerhouses may not be able to break open. As one of the builders of space enchantment, Chen Rui did not spend too much time to determine in the invisible void. The position of the entrance, the means of display, an enchanted passage opening slowly.

The opening of the enchantment channel was opened, and a terrible breath of the vent was vented. This is a sharp force. Under the defense of Chen Rui, the mask was instantly cut into pieces, and the cloak was also torn apart. The ground seemed to be swept by countless blades, and the criss-crossings were all cracks. Fortunately, the lights were dismissed to the distance in the morning, otherwise it would be inevitable.

Chen Rui thought about it, a translucent dome appeared in the body, blocking the sharpness. Sharpness has changed again. It turned into a thick and dignified breath, and the bruised ground seemed to be heavily stressed. Unreasonably short, the cracks turned into huge cracks and spread quickly.

"The power of wind and earth elements?" Chen Rui wiped the two blood marks on his cheeks and frowned. Although he does not despise magic, he can clearly feel that the power of these two elements is violent and disorderly and seems to be uncontrolled.

Under the interference of the strength of the element of this intensity, the entrance of the channel enchantment cannot be maintained stable, and may be closed at any time, and it is difficult to open it again.

Chen Rui rushed in without thinking about the elements of the arrogant elements. Just entering the passage, the entrance disappeared with a bang, and then the contours and nodes of the space disappeared, leaving only the amazing destruction of the ground. trace.

Rainbow Valley.

The power of the six elements that are turbulent, sometimes calm, sometimes violent, especially those elements that are naturally repulsive, once interlaced, will have terrible destructive power.

Chen Rui opened the defensive hood and carefully moved forward. Many of the original protective magic arrays have been destroyed by powerful elements, especially those key points. Once changed, the entire magic array will undergo unpredictable changes, even if It is the arranger himself and he has to be cautious.

"Boom!" The near-language inscriptions broke out uncontrollably, and the powerful destructive power made the cracks on the hood more a bit more. Although the defensive hood had the ability to heal itself, Chen Rui worried about Lola. The safety of the situation, can not wait now, simply headed for the power of the explosion and went straight ahead.

The concentration of the elements is getting stronger and stronger, and it has reached an extremely terrifying degree. It is almost essential to be realized. With the naked eye, you can see the glimmer of light.

What Chen Rui had sensed, and when he turned his head, he saw a blurry phantom in the woods on the right. Before he saw it clearly, he felt that there was an overwhelming wave of magical pressure, and this oppression was so Strong, the defensive cover instantly collapsed.

Chen Rui instinctively felt a strong crisis, his body flashed and appeared in the distance. Now his strength has reached the top of the peak of the emperor, and the rules of the sentiment of the extreme star have been faintly mastered. The shifting skills that can be applied at the national level, but still a little slower, pale, apparently suffered internal injuries.

Compared with the injury, Chen Rui was most surprised by the information displayed in the eyes of the analysis.

Race: Dragon (Fairy Dragon)

Comprehensive strength assessment: SS-(S++)

Physical S+, Strength S+, Spirit SS-(S++), Speed ​​S++.

Analysis: Magic body, elemental talent, mantra mastery.

Danger level: Extremely dangerous!

SS-! Is Rolla already a national level? Chen Rui was shocked and immediately responded, not right! From the perspective of the analysis of the eye, the real strength of Lola has not yet reached the real national level, but for some reason it has temporarily reached the national level, just as the Pope’s belief in the use of the Temple of God’s Seal can exert the national strength. .

So, what is the power of Lola?

At this point, the ghost of the group suspended in the air has become clear. This is a figure about six meters long. It looks like a dragon from the outside. It is just different from the rough feeling of the ordinary dragon. The appearance of this dragon is extra delicate, and the faint light is shining. The purple eyes are big and there is a pair behind. Huge butterfly wings, this pair of butterfly wings gives people a feeling of not being physically, and some are similar to the angel wings that Chen Rui has seen.

This is the body of the fairy dragon!

Although she has the closest relationship with Lola, Chen Rui is the first time to see her dragon body. Due to the talent relationship, the fairy dragon that does not need melee is very delicate. Among the dragons, the fairy dragon is the most intimate. The pulse of the appearance looks gracious and lovely. However, it is an ordinary fairy dragon. The name of the "Crazy Scientist" of Rolla is famous in the Devil Dragons. Even the peaks of Paglieu and Danielle see her and she will slip away.

The flames of the roller's body flashed, lingering with the power of horrible and chaotic elements. The trees in the woods were sometimes scorched and sometimes frozen into ice, as if they were uncontrolled.

"Lola!" Chen Rui shouted.

When Lola looked up, Chen Rui immediately felt a horrible spiritual power coming in, almost the next second, and the eyes became a fiery red.

A horrible spherical flame wrapped Chen Rui and screamed into a huge rock at the rear. The elements of fire are raging in a burning form, and the sturdy giant rock is quickly melted into a human-shaped hole.

Chen Rui’s “Feng Feng Sheng” immediately played a role. The fire and phoenix marks can reduce the damage of the fire system by 90%, and the chance of 10% is completely immune. Rao is weakened to 10%, still let him feel the horrible burning power, if not anti-magic physique, I am afraid that this 10% of the power will also make him suffer.

National level of damage!

Chen Rui, who has had several hands-on experience with the national powerhouse, immediately determined the intensity level of this flame. Fortunately, it is a fire attack. If you change other systems and do not display extreme stars, it is absolutely life-threatening. Obviously, Lola, who has been temporarily promoted to the national level for unknown reasons, has lost her sense of reason and must try to wake her up.

The power of the flame gradually weakened, and Chen Rui thought of a move, exerting stealth skills, and quietly moving away from this zone.

The skills of stealth are very and Rolla is in a state of chaos at this time. Even with the mental power of SS-, it is impossible to detect Chen Rui's where there is no target.

The fairy dragon who lost the target did not attack again, but continued to be in a daze in the air, and the power of the elements flying around was still chaotic.

Fighting with a roller with a polar star and letting her wake up? With the intensity of the extreme star, it is not difficult to suppress the roller, but the spiritual power of the roller at this moment has obviously surpassed the limit that the magician can bear. If forced to use force control, it is likely that her mental power will be unable to The rebellion that bears it is light and heavy, but it is life-threatening.

It is the safest way to suppress it by her own will.

Chen Ruizheng hesitated, and he felt that there was a kind of fluctuation in the distance. This kind of fluctuation was familiar. He looked in that direction. The position seemed to be the spring of the resurrection of the Rainbow Valley.

Chen Rui suddenly burst into horror, finally remembered what the fluctuation is, silver scorpion! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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