Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 888: UFO land

After dazzling and shaking, several figures appeared in a void, and they were swept out by an invisible force. Everyone was an extraordinary person, and quickly stabilized his figure.

There is a new environment in front of you. Everyone is on a cliff. To be precise, it should be the edge of an island. There are also several such islands in the distance, suspended in the air, with white mist floating in between.

It is also a vast space with almost no gravity. On the contrary, the buoyancy in the air is still very large, but the surrounding light is faint, the sky is gloomy, and there is a feeling that the "sun" is completely covered by dark clouds.

Obviously, everyone has succeeded in getting out of the lost land through the blazing path.

The previous thirteen people have only eight people left, but no one has mentioned the two demons who were finally killed by Correza. At this time, "survival" is the biggest keyword, not to mention, this team was originally a temporary combination of interests.

Nowadays, everyone knows that the reason why Corresa is composed of this team is that in addition to the possibility of gathering strength to increase the task, it is also one of the purposes to regard teammates as "food".

Of course, the team that joins the team is also a shrewd person. For example, if the last scene is lost, let's not say that if you don't join, you will get the poisonous hand of Corresha. Take the blazing road. If there is no Corresha, those demons can hardly pass, even if they live in space. It will become a big problem, relying on the strong is the best way out. The country's strongest is more of a wait-and-see state of the situation, with the help of the Emperor and Corresha, as long as the opportunity is appropriate. I will definitely leave this "team" that may be smashed by the knife at any time.

This place should be the "land of sorrow" recorded in the "materials" of Sali, and there is one of the most important places here. That is the door to the chaos of silver scorpion. As long as you find the door here, you can enter the final place to find the silver scorpion to complete the task.

The location of the gate is not fixed. And in order to enter the gate, you must find the "key" or the entrance to the gate. The "key" is naturally Tiffany, and Sally has already clearly printed her image into the evil spirit.

Unlike the lost land, there is a kind of wandering soul in the secluded land. It is a powerful soul that loses its sense of autonomy and will attack any living thing.

Sullivan’s “information” ends here, and there is no more detailed record, including the final destination of chaos.

The secluded land is not the same as the constant erosion of the body and soul, and the power loss has returned to normal. The only thing that feels special is "cold". It is not the ordinary temperature drop, but a deep cold of mental power, even the soul can not help but tremble.

This kind of cold does not change with the level of strength. Everyone feels it, and the higher the strength, the stronger the chill is.

Curesa looked at Chen Rui and seemed to want to ask him if he had any idea. Chen Rui had not answered yet. Sesfer first jumped out and spoke.

Sesfer is one of the only two demons in the ranks. As soon as he thought of the two demons who had been drained by Correza, he could not help but be shocked. He did not want to be the next victim.

"This... I should be able to solve it, although it is not the Samuel. But I have a special flame talent that can provoke a mutated spirit of fire, which happens to be such a cold nemesis." Sesfer said very cautiously. . It’s the evil spirits that comes out of the eyebrows. The evil spirits flashed a faint red. His body began to reveal red light, and everyone suddenly felt the band warmed up. The red light spread to everyone's body, and the chill of the soul was also dispelled a lot.

Seeing Corresha's slight decapitation, Sesfer appears to be very respectful on the surface, but his heart is secretly proud: his value is recognized by Corresa, so the chance of living will be greatly increased, at least to win valuable time. Let the sequence of becoming a "sacrificial" move backwards and wait for an opportunity to move.

Chen Rui does not care about this chill. The super system can freely turn that kind of cold power into aura, but since some people are willing to contribute, why not enjoy it?

"We have arrived at the secluded land. When we passed the blazing road, everyone's power was consumed a lot," Corresha said. "This space is very large, and I don't know what the woman who is the key is." The place, I don’t know if there are other enemies, but the environment here is bad. If you look forward to it, the power will be exhausted, and you must hurry to find the door. If you finally get nothing, even if you can leave, we will not bear it. The anger of the Sullivan adults. I suggest that two people be sent to investigate the situation nearby, and the rest will resume their strength in the same place. What do you think?"

"This method of Master Corresha is very good." Sesfil first expressed his approval. The rest of the people thought about it and did not raise an objection.

Corresa nodded: "So, who is going to investigate?"

Sesfil’s reaction was very quick, and he immediately “subconsciously” looked at the female magician Allier and Chen Rui. This expression is very learned. Throughout the ranks, Sesfer and Anil are the weakest, generally the best candidates for cannon ash and landmines, but now Sesfil reflects his value, which is equal to disguise Anri and Chen Rui pushed out.

Anriel is back, the "Licha" is good at magic, and Sesfil feels his biggest potential competitor. Although the strength is weaker than the other, it is clear that Corresha is the hardest one. As long as you hold the thigh of Corresha, you don't have to worry about offending "Li Cha".

Corresha understood the intention of Sesfil, but it did not break. The rest of the people saw someone take their heads, and they were happy to see them. They all fell on Anri and Chen Rui.

"Richard, you and Allel, you split up." Correza said in an unquestionable tone, with a finger stroke, two blue rays flew to Anrier and Chen Rui, suspended in the body. Before, there are two strange symbols.

"This space is very powerful and can't use props like magic maps. The two imprints condense the power of my country, in case you lose your way. It can guide you back here. Three days, you return Time. I want to see the most useful information.” The last sentence of Corresha is faintly threatening, and this symbol must have the function of tracking.

Chen Rui slightly thought about it. Grabbing the symbol, the symbol suddenly turned into a curved mark and fell into the palm of his hand. In the helplessness of Allier, he accepted the mark.

Looking at the shadows of Chen Rui and An Lier, who were flying far away, Sesfil’s eyes passed by.

Although the strength of Corresha is still above Laleria, Chen Rui’s current strength is also far better than that of the Wudou Conference, especially after accepting the addition of Feng Xing, to the Chi. The understanding has deepened a layer, and the power of the red and the extreme stars has also increased greatly. I am not afraid of the words of Corresha.

The reason why Chen Rui accepted the investigation task was that he had his own plan. After flying all the way, he determined that he had left the eyes of the crowd, and took out a thing from the clothes, a necklace and a ring.

Mamen's Artifact: Bloody Ring.

Unlike the angry king, Chen Rui did not provide a deep analysis of the **** ring. After all, this is to teach Tiffany's token, so he can't play the **** ring of the artifact, but you can use the **** ring to complete one thing. That is to find the whereabouts of the "key" Tiffany.

Fortunately, unlike other seven artifacts, the **** ring is small in size and can be easily carried without analysis. To this end, Chen Rui deliberately made a necklace with a solid ring.

After the **** ring was activated by the method taught by Lei Zen, there was a thin layer of pale red light on the ring. Chen Rui tried to turn several directions. The ring really came with a very weak flash, almost inaudible. If Chen Rui’s sense of inspiration is amazing, he will not be able to detect it.

Tiffany really has come to this secluded land!

Chen Rui’s spirit was invigorated, and while he was opening his mind to sense the change of the ring, he flew forward according to the hint of the ring. The so-called team and the investigation task were not placed on his heart. As for the semi-god level. The imprint, although it is a little troublesome to erase, it is not impossible.

The **** ring can only indicate the general direction, flying for a long time, the flashing intensity of the ring is only slightly changed for a day, which shows that Tiffany's distance is very far.

Unlike the danger of eruption everywhere, this secluded land does not seem to be too dangerous except for the chilly coldness of the bones. It just gives people a feeling of lifelessness.

Chen Ruizheng marched, on the edge of the floating island in front, a group of white fog quickly flew over to him, the speed is very fast. At first glance, this "white fog" is actually a ghost-like thing. The eyes are flashing with luster, the hands are claw-shaped, the lower body is nothingness, making a creepy low-pitched sound, sounds like It seems to be crying.

This must be the soul of the sari "data"! There are hundreds of items!

The speed of the soul is very fast, and the eyes have come to the front. The eyes of the analysis show that the race is the soul body (the soul of the soul), and five of the strengths have reached the national level, and the strongest has reached the peak of the country. The rest are all Devil level!

This kind of strength, if placed outside, both human and demonic, will be a trembling force.

The analysis of the data shows that the soul has three characteristics, the body of immortality, spiritual erosion, and the engulfment of life.

Chen Rui came to think too much, and a broken Yuan knife smashed out. Recently, the soul of the middle of the country was divided into two. However, the soul of the smashed soul quickly returned to its original state, almost at the same time, Chen Rui felt To a strange force invaded his own spirit, he could not help but shudder and was quickly solved by the super system.

Just the knives of the volley are in contact with the soul, and it has been contaminated by that kind of spiritual erosion. It seems that the talent characteristics of the soul are really terrible.

According to Sali's data, the soul is a powerful soul that loses its sense of autonomy. Once the enemy is locked, it will continue to attack without giving up until the enemy is destroyed.

There is no concept of fear in the soul, and it is not stopped because of the frustration of the companion. Instead, it is more fiercely rushing from all directions. Chen Rui does not think about it and sends out a "true. destroying the scorpion". All the nearby souls are broken down into Innumerable fragments, the five state-level souls are relatively better, but they are also fragmented.

However, the result of this group attack skill is that Chen Rui’s mental power has suffered numerous spiritual rebounds. Even if the super system resolves in time, he feels dizzy and distressed. The more trouble is that the souls have begun to recondense. Even the spirit of the demons is like this.

The strength of the nationality, can not actually kill the creatures of the demons?

This made Chen Rui think of the undead body that he lost, and he could not help but feel a headache.

In fact, he has already worn the "Thunder" that can double kill the undead creatures, but the soul does not seem to be equal to the ordinary undead creatures, and the role played is not obvious.

Soul body, spiritual erosion... Chen Rui’s heart has moved, and his body has already had a full body armor. The black and black armor reveals a simple atmosphere, and the helmet, boots and wristbands are all available.

Angry King.

The wrath of the wrath is the result of Catherine’s use of the “indefinite loan” to the Samuel royal family. This is a child’s mother’s heart, and Chen Rui will naturally refuse. As one of the seven artifacts, the angered king is only recognized by the Samuel royal family, but in the face of the deep analysis of the super system, the wrath of the wrath is still helplessly sang and conquered, now the anger is already Chen Rui The fourth (accurately said three and a half) "seven artifacts".

The wrath of the wrath can greatly reduce physical damage and magical damage, protect the soul, immune spirit erosion, automatically recover from damage, and also give the specific object a powerful defense within a limited time, with half of the attributes of the angered king .

Although it is only a "quasi-artifact" that exerts part of the power, the protection ability of the wrath of the wrath of the wrath is quite amazing, far surpassing the tyrants or Xuan jade who are the same artifacts.

As for the "borrowing" time, it is like a magic shield. Although it can't be separated for a while, Chen Rui believes that there will be a way in the future, and will not let Catherine lose the letter. Of course, Her Majesty's "loan" shadow cloak is good. Chen Rui refused, he did not want to pit the child her mother.

When the wrath of the wrath of the king was put on the body, the annoying mental erosion suddenly disappeared, but at this moment, Chen Rui has been surrounded by the resurrected sorcerers, looking far away, as if a layer of tangled ball is constantly squirming. .

Daddy, the peristaltic movement of the ball was immediately divided.

A sword appeared in the line of sight, and the body of the sword was white and white, engraved with two strange signs.

The sword of the angel.

One of the seven artifacts, the Sword of the Angel has one of the most powerful features of "Splendid Soul", which is the power to directly kill and split the soul of the enemy.

The attribute of "Split Soul" is extremely targeted, and the ability to reproduce the sorcerer by the cracks is greatly reduced. After a few swords, it turns into a mist.

After killing the soul of a country in the early stage, Chen Rui felt that his soul power seemed to increase one point. Understand that this is another advantage of "Splinter Spirit", engulfing the enemy's flesh and blood for their own use.

Although there is no flesh and blood, the soul of the wandering is a more powerful soul body above the undead creature. It is equivalent to a large tonic. Although it can only swallow the power of killing a part of the soul, it is quite impressive.

Chen Rui suddenly had a strong spirit, and the sword of the angel swayed out of layers of Jianguang, and the spirits of the original eternal life were turned into light smoke and completely annihilated. (To be continued...)

Ps: Some things happened in the morning, very depressed, and I couldn’t calm down. Then I went out with my wife and children in the afternoon, playing badminton with my children, playing basketball with my children, and coming back to make a meal. It has stabilized.

I almost want to make a notice to stop, but think about those friends who are waiting, and stick to it.

Every family has this difficult experience, sometimes it is true... Both physical and mental fatigue, feeling that persistence is not an easy thing, simply persisted and persisted with everyone.

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