Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 889: Rule debris


At the end of the day, the body of the most powerful king of the country has been scattered into countless pieces. Chen Rui has not slacked off. The sword of the angel in his hand smashes the layers of water, and the pieces are completely split and disintegrated.

This time, the "broken body" completely cut off the possibility of its resurrection.

After successfully killing all the souls, Chen Rui felt that the nearby chilly air seemed to be attracted by the general, and gathered at the high speed in front.

Just as he clenched the sword of the angels, the "cohesion" had become "solidified", and a piece of lightly brilliance appeared in front of him.

Chen Ruiyi waved, and the thing flew over. This is a finger-sized crystal. Although it is small in size, it exudes amazing power. What makes Chen Rui particularly surprised is that this kind of breath contains national level. The power of law is pure and incomparable.

"The rule of debris?" Chen Rui thought of the earth element king once mentioned that after the super-order power is completely annihilated, the most essential laws may survive and solidify into law fragments.

This kind of rule fragment is generally formed after the nationalization or the demigod of the semi-god is destroyed. It contains the purest rule power that was learned before life. The law fragment is actually the initial prototype of the future "divine" or "pseudo-magic".

The law of debris is an extremely rare treasure that can help practitioners who do not have the law to comprehend the law as soon as possible, which is a shortcut to the national level. However, this kind of dependency fusion rule enters the super-order cultivator. After entering the super-order, unless it can find another way or gain a real big understanding, it will be much slower than the practitioners who understand the law. And the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck will double.

In addition, the law fragment is for ordinary super-order power. It is also the best "nutrition agent" that can absorb the ultimate pure law. Enrich your own legal basis. Although this kind of "quantity change" is not comparable to "quality change", it is also an extremely precious supplement. In particular, Chen Rui has fully understood the importance of "quantitative change" and basic accumulation after breaking through to Chi.

"It’s an unexpected harvest! With the law fragments, Athena and Isabella will speed up their speed and the life will be greatly extended."

Chen Rui reveals joy, although the law fragments are precious, but he first thought of himself, but Athena.

Lola and Catherine have stepped into the national level. Xia has been promoted from the middle of the Emperor to the Emperor of the Emperor, but due to the shallow foundation and the busy state, the time spent on practice is limited, so it is quite difficult to enter the country, and Isabella is just the first stage of the Emperor. The strength of Athena and Jiya is weaker, Athena is the demon emperor, and Jiya is only the great demon king.

The difference in strength also means a huge difference in life. This difference is not the external factor of the life extension medicine. The life of the ordinary Mozu is two hundred to five hundred years. The life of the royal family is relatively longer, reaching the middle level (the devil, the big devil). Life expectancy will be extended by about one-half, and it will be doubled or more after entering the upper level (Magic Emperor, Emperor). Generally speaking, the life expectancy of a magician is at least one or two thousand years.

After entering the country. The practitioner can absorb the power of nature to replenish energy, and does not rely entirely on eating to sustain life. The power of life is greatly enhanced by the power of nature and the law, and the life span is extended tenfold. After reaching the half **** or the pseudo-god, this proportion will increase substantially.

What Chen Rui is most worried about is that the beloved woman died in his own arms because of Shouyuan’s exhaustion. For this reason, he would rather shorten his life. Now he has the law fragment, which is equivalent to seeing the hope of Asina’s life extension. .

The more the rules, the more chances of breaking through to the country, and there are five people in Athena, Isabella, Shia, and Jiya, plus friends such as Delia, Krobe Ruth, and Medivh. A piece of rule is not enough. Therefore, Chen Rui made a decision. While searching for Tiffany, he was trying to hunt the soul and get more rules!

Time is fast, blink of an eye, three days have passed, and the Medusa strongman, who has been recovering from the rest, slowly stood up and looked cold.

For three days, two of the two people who sent out to explore the road, the Emperor Anrier has returned yesterday, and the guy named "Li Cha" has never gone back. Judging from his own national imprint, "Li Cha" does not have a body, and the imprint reaction that has not come back or is close to now should be deliberately separated from the ranks.

"Hey! I want to escape? My team of Corresha, I want to come, I want to go and leave?" Corresha's eyes became a snake's erect, and his hand was on his body. A silver scale came out, and the rune in the middle of the imprint was faintly swayed, and the silver scales shattered.

Chen Rui, somewhere in the secluded land, felt the soul tremble, and the imprint in the palm of his hand was shining, and then disappeared. Chen Rui’s face showed a sneer, and the imprint was as expected, not only the function of tracking and orientation, but also a “time bomb” that could be detonated at any time.

But he has been prepared for it, even if the evil spirits of Sullivan are assimilated, let alone this little semi-God mark. Soon after receiving the imprint, he has already applied the depth of analysis and the power of the star, and the strength of the imprint has been stripped and absorbed, leaving only a "empty shell" that confuses Corresha, so the so-called "burst" and camera There is no difference in flashing the flash.

Corresha didn't know Chen Rui's means. When this time, "Li Cha" was wiped out and sneered: "The investigation was attempted to escape the team. Now his soul has been completely annihilated! Our team does not need this kind of selfishness. Lee or a timid character, who wants to leave?"

The last sentence reveals obvious threats, and everyone faces each other. No one has proposed to leave.

"Master Corresha, what do we do now?" Seusfer asked happily.

Corresha glanced at Anrily with a glance: "Although 'Licha' has attempted to defect, it has already received important information. This time, Anri has done a good job, not only to find traces of those people. I also drew a detailed map. The national imprint on your body has been lifted, and this scale is given to you. The scales contain my own national power. It is equivalent to a powerful magic bomb, which can be taken when necessary. Come to defend yourself."

Anlier took the scales with respect and respect. Thanks to Corresha.

"Let's go to the place that Allel found, and then follow the traces, and we should be able to find the whereabouts of the 'key' or 'gate'."

Corresha’s tone was firm and decisive, but she did not find the strange light that passed through the eyes of Allier.

In the other direction, Chen Rui’s hand already has four pieces of rules. This is the result of his efforts for several days. At this time, the light on the **** ring is deeper. Obviously, Tiffany’s position is close. less.

There was another shuddering cry from the front. Chen Rui is already familiar with this kind of voice, but the number of this group of souls is not small, about a thousand heads, it looks white and flies toward the island where Chen Rui is located.

Although I can't see how many super-level souls there are, but Chen Rui’s experience of hunting the souls these days, there are at least ten national level, and I don’t know if there is a more powerful semi-god spirit. .

Just two days ago, Chen Rui had encountered a half-god spirit. At that time, there were hundreds of thousands of souls seen, and there were eight half-god spirits in the eyes of the analysis, which could not be matched. If it wasn't for him to hide his body shape with "sneak surgery" in time, he was afraid that even running away would be a problem.

There are many numbers of souls in front of you. But with the sword of the angel and the wrath of the wrath, you should be able to eat it, but you can't. You can also cast a red star. There is only a period of weakness after the extreme star change, and the skills of the super system cannot be used. This environment is extremely dangerous. You must be cautious and not risky.

Chen Rui did not show stealth. It just converges on the air, hiding behind a huge rock, thinking about the strategy, and stunned the front of the wandering soul, and it seems to have discovered his existence, Qi Qi rushed toward this side.

Chen Rui was shocked, but did not panic, vacated, and was quickly equipped with the sword of the angry Wang Kai and the angel of the angel on the way of flight. The original accumulated power suddenly rose to the apex, and the cold air was filled with violent, Fierce atmosphere.

A huge flaming dragon with a devastating atmosphere screamed out. Wherever they went, the souls were torn apart, and the enormous impact caused by them also caused the surrounding souls to be repelled. This raging Yanlong flew a big circle and wandered back, colliding with Chen Rui.

Yan Long and Chen Rui, who are surrounded by the fire, are united. The red light that condenses the amazing power has not entered his body, giving off terrible pressure. There is a large crack on the ground under his feet.

"Zhenlong possession" makes Chen Rui's breath soar again, and the sword of the angel in his hand draws a circle of swords. This is another state of "Sword of Water", "overlapping sword", Changed from the fist strength of the sea of ​​enlightenment.

Different from the ripples of the strength of the force, this kind of sword is the sharpness of the waves, the turbulence, the place where the weaker spirits directly become the fly ash.

The eyes of the analysis show that there are fifteen national level souls. Fortunately, there is no semi-god spirit, and the national level of the soul ability is far superior to the magic level, especially the ability to regenerate, even if there is The sword of the angels must be killed several times to be completely extinct. Adding nearly a thousand demons to the soul, Rao is Chen Rui's "Zhenlong possession", and also feels tremendous pressure He fights and walks, combined with the power of moving, avoiding the weight, While fighting, he quickly kills the soul.

When the killings rose, Chen Rui’s sword in the hands of the angels went out of his hands. The attack was extremely fierce, and it ran through the three souls and flew back to the hands.

Yujian damage doubles, and can drive away from the body to control the sword body and launch various attacks.

Chen Rui instantly moved to a distant place, faintly glanced at the long sword, and the tip of the sword had blood.

There is no blood in the soul.

A surprised voice in front sounded: " actually saw through my hidden talent!" (To be continued...)

Ps: I have been staying up late for a long time. It’s hard to sleep well this morning. I just got up at noon. I went out for a few hours with my wife and children in the afternoon. I got a sweat and I’m going to do activities every day and exercise my body. This is also a prerequisite for the extension of writing life.

It’s already dark, I’m going to finish this chapter first. The second chapter should be more than 12 points, but there will be. Let's give a compliment, and then copy the second chapter after eating.

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